The comedy writes itself

/——/ Believe what you want, but you live under the protection of a Judeo-Christian nation with the mightiest military in the history of the world. You sound like a petulant child pissing on those who make it possible to live in a free country.

Kinda seems you're making my point that you need a government for rights because the only rights that actually exist are legal rights. Sky Daddy doesn't hold a candle to the mightiest military the world has ever seen. :lmao:Some kills you outside of the US and outside anywhere the US has diplomatic relations and all Sky Daddy can do is wave an angry finger at them in the afterlife. The American government can hold your killer responsible, criminally and financially, for your family.
She’s right.

She doesn’t believe that our rights come from God. She’s APPALLED at that idea.

She’s saying that Christian Nationalists believe that and she’s correct

That means they believe in (their interpretation of) the Bible as opposed to the Constitution

So of course they attack her. Ya can’t pull back the curtain (or more accurately the SHEET) and not be attacked
Our rights are whatever we agree they are. Putting a deity in charge begs the question, which deity?
Your response actually begs the question, yet again.

If rights are granted by the people or a majority or by a government, then when that entity decides to remove your right, you powerless to defend it.

Is it your position, therefore, that rights can be taken away from us by a fiat?
Your response actually begs the question, yet again.

If rights are granted by the people or a majority or by a government, then when that entity decides to remove your right, you powerless to defend it.

Is it your position, therefore, that rights can be taken away from us by a fiat?
Does reality frighten you little boy?
It’s MAGA that keeps talking about the Constitution. :dunno:
Konny. You hack. Is discussing the Constitution obsessiveness?

And it’s just MAGA supporters who discuss the Constitution? That’s funny. I’m quite certain the Constitution was and is discussed very frequently by libs.
Your response actually begs the question, yet again.

If rights are granted by the people or a majority or by a government, then when that entity decides to remove your right, you powerless to defend it.

Is it your position, therefore, that rights can be taken away from us by a fiat?
The entity you mention is US! I don’t subscribe to the MAGA us/them dichotomy.
Does reality frighten you little boy?
I’m probably old than you are, Jerk Chicken.

And reality is the thing that causes you to constantly deflect. So, clearly, it has to be you who is terrified of it.

Nice try. But you fail completely yet again, little twat.
I’m probably old than you are, Jerk Chicken.
Then why do you still believe in magical fairy rights? :dunno:
And reality is the thing that causes you to constantly deflect. So, clearly, it has to be you who is terrified of it.

Nice try. But you fail completely yet again, little twat.
I'm not deflecting. I'm more than happy to discuss your scenario.

Let's say the American government decides to take your life and the constitution allows it, what the fuck is God going to do about it?
A. republicans, tRumplings in particular, have demonstrated a complete lack of "stability" over the last few years.
False claim. No surprise considering the source.
B. YOur rights come from your society, which in this case is humans and the government.
So, Crappy, your ao-called logic would yield the undeniable conclusion that a right has to be able to be taken away from you.

What a pussy philosophy you have.
Then why do you still believe in magical fairy rights?
I don’t. Stupid ass question from a stupid ass pussy.
I'm not deflecting. I'm more than happy to discuss your scenario.
Not so far, you’re not.
Let's say the American government decides to take your life and the constitution allows it, what the fuck is God going to do about it?
Another absolutely facile faux question.

If you’re one of the many libturd pussies who would stand by all file and cowering if our government ever dared to try to assert any authority to take your life (which, by the way, our Constitution does not permit), then you would deserve your fate.

Let’s not pretend to speak on behalf of God. There was a a famous of saying (from JFK) which addresses that concern, anyway:

“[H]ere on Earth, God’s work must truly be our own.”
I don’t. Stupid ass question from a stupid ass pussy.

Not so far, you’re not.

Another absolutely facile faux question.

If you’re one of the many libturd pussies who would stand by all file and cowering if our government ever dared to try to assert any authority to take your life (which, by the way, our Constitution does not permit), then you would deserve your fate.
But how could the government even take my rights? We have magical fairy rights don't we? Surely God's force field would stop them!
Let’s not pretend to speak on behalf of God. There was a a famous of saying (from JFK) which addresses that concern, anyway:

“[H]ere on Earth, God’s work must truly be our own.”
So these magical rights from God aren't worth shit in this world? Can I at least exchange them in in the afterlife for a slinky or an eraser?
Sure, Mr. McGoo. Sure.

Simple minded.

I answer legitimate questions. You run in terror from almost all questions.
You insist that rights exist outside of legal rights and the government and its illegitimate to ask you what they are and where they come from and what earthly impact they have on your life?
Yes. Rights can be taken from you. How is this news to you?
Wrong. How you can say such idiotic shit is the real mystery.

Rights exist. My rights can be violated. But it is then a violation of a right that still exists.

Your very stubborn ignorance doesn’t change a thing. 👍
Through the ballot box, not a J6 rerun.
That was meaningless even by your usual utter inability to cobble anything meaningful together.

Our right to vote is but one right. We exercise it through the ballot unless somebody is engaged in some massive cheating.

J6 has nothing to do with anything.

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