The comedy writes itself

When we see government ignore the 8 million illegals coming across the border, 200 people dying a day from drugs coming across the border, criminals not being held to account for their crimes, and the economy inflating away, you have to ask yourself, does government have any more legitimacy?
That's a different question than whether your rights come from government.
What right outside of legal rights? I understand that the constitution grants you some legal rights that give you legal recourse if someone violates them but let's say for the moment there is no government and I violate one of these so called rights, what happens then?
Someone shoots you.
Crazy graphics do not enhance a political argument. In fact they make the poster look like a fool. Aren't there more important political issues to address than left wing Politico's spin on a statement made by some unknown Christian? It beats talking about Biden and the illegal aliens who are murdering and raping American citizens.

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