The comedy writes itself

The right to pursue happiness isn't mystical.
It is to democrats.

For democrats, there can never be happiness, just the never ending push for their rights as they fight against their oppressors.

And they certainly won't let their perceived oppressors be happy either,
So the American Founders didn't have slaves they kept as property? And didn't King George claim his authority was bestowed by God? Don't Islamic theocracies do so as well?
You can't take a savage out of the jungle and allow them the freedom to live in European culture. If the Founders did that then America would have perished sooner than it is now.
It is to democrats.

For democrats, there can never be happiness, just the never ending push for their rights as they fight against their oppressors.
Yes. There's always some "right" that is being denied. The "struggle" is what's mysterious.
So the American Founders didn't have slaves they kept as property? And didn't King George claim his authority was bestowed by God? Don't Islamic theocracies do so as well?
God given rights means no man can take those away.
Newsflash: King George was a man.
They have before.

Which is of course why I made a reference a myopic dope like you fail black racists might be able to recognize.
They didn't teach you that Black people were treated legally like property and not allowed to vote and that we needed to pass laws before we could?
No such implication inherent in. My example. Have you always been retarded or did it occur after you were born?
God damn you cry a lot.
You lie a lot. Haven’t cried over anything in this Board ever. 👍
If not magical sky daddy rights then what?
If you could somehow manage to capture what passes for your “thoughts” and put them into a coherent sentence, I wonder what you’d be trying to grunt out? :dunno:
Great, now that you recognize it as a claim what's the rational foundation for their existence?
I recognize rights as rights which often pre-exist law. Too bad you can’t grasp that correct notion.
Then describe the basis of these laws that exist outside of legality and government and describe the impact.
I don’t say anything about laws which exist outside of legality. See? Knew you were too pathetically stupid to follow along.
Let's imagine we live in a land devoid of government and I take your fish you've spent all day trying to catch, I suppose you'd say you have a right to that fish but is saying that likely to compel me to give it back to you? If I refuse what impact has this so called right had on this incident?

Gee. You apparently failed kindergarten.

The phrase “fuck around and find out” comes to mind. In reality, you’d have no valid claim to the fish. The right isn’t dependent upon any notion of compellling your compliance. But, again, you’ll never catch up. 😂
You can't take a savage out of the jungle and allow them the freedom to live in European culture. If the Founders did that then America would have perished sooner than it is now.
The savages were the people who took them out of the jungle to treat them as property, rape them, and then sell their own children as slaves. Like Jefferson's family.
And you support murdering babies. Your finger pointing is futile.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything? I don't believe in mystical rights to life or a legal right for fetuses to gestate inside an unwilling woman. You're the one who argued about governments who claim their rights coming from God being some sort of benevolent heroes so I simply asked about their slaves. Do you have a response to that or are you going to bitch out again?
God given rights means no man can take those away.
Newsflash: King George was a man.
So the Founders didn't take away the rights of their slaves?
The savages were the people who took them out of the jungle to treat them as property, rape them, and then sell their own children as slaves. Like Jefferson's family.
Their Black brothers from other tribes sold them to White and Black slave traders.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything? I don't believe in mystical rights to life or a legal right for fetuses to gestate inside an unwilling woman. You're the one who argued about governments who claim their rights coming from God being some sort of benevolent heroes so I simply asked about their slaves. Do you have a response to that or are you going to bitch out again?

So the Founders didn't take away the rights of their slaves?
Would Booker T Washington have become the great American he was if his family hadn't been brought to America? How about Frederick Douglas?
Which is of course why I made a reference a myopic dope like you fail black racists might be able to recognize.

Then why is your argument so stupid as to ignore the reality of what happened to black slaves? What happened to their mystical rights?
No such implication inherent in. My example. Have you always been retarded or did it occur after you were born?

You lie a lot. Haven’t cried over anything in this Board ever. 👍

If you could somehow manage to capture what passes for your “thoughts” and put them into a coherent sentence, I wonder what you’d be trying to grunt out? :dunno:
So much crying bullshit and no making of your stupid point. :itsok:
I recognize rights as rights which often pre-exist law. Too bad you can’t grasp that correct notion.
I grasp what circular logic is. Do you mister rights are rights?

What a fucking helpful explanation that is. It's a wonder I couldn't figure it out before with you making it so clear now. :lmao:
I don’t say anything about laws which exist outside of legality. See? Knew you were too pathetically stupid to follow along.
Who could follow this convulted nonsense?
Gee. You apparently failed kindergarten.

The phrase “fuck around and find out” comes to mind. In reality, you’d have no valid claim to the fish. The right isn’t dependent upon any notion of compellling your compliance. But, again, you’ll never catch up. 😂
So to sum up, in nature you have no mystical rights. You may have the ability to defend yourself and your shit or you may not. That's it. That's all you got.
Their Black brothers from other tribes sold them to White and Black slave traders.
Now you're just projecting like Simp. Black slavers aren't my brothers but white Founder slavers did in fact enslave their very own children. Cry about facts you little bitch. :funnyface:

Then why is your argument so stupid as to ignore the reality of what happened to black slaves? What happened to their mystical rights?

So much crying bullshit and no making of your stupid point. :itsok:

I grasp what circular logic is. Do you mister rights are rights?

What a fucking helpful explanation that is. It's a wonder I couldn't figure it out before with you making it so clear now. :lmao:

Who could follow this convulted nonsense?

So to sum up, in nature you have no mystical rights. You may have the ability to defend yourself and your shit or you may not. That's it. That's all you got.
Nature has the right to self defense.
Now you're just projecting like Simp. Black slavers aren't my brothers but white Founder slavers did in fact enslave their very own children. Cry about facts you little bitch. :funnyface:
Why get so nasty simply because I brought up the truth. Did I destroy your Hollywood narrative with simple facts?

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