The comedy writes itself

Wrong. How you can say such idiotic shit is the real mystery.

Rights exist. My rights can be violated. But it is then a violation of a right that still exists.

Your very stubborn ignorance doesn’t change a thing. 👍
What right outside of legal rights? I understand that the constitution grants you some legal rights that give you legal recourse if someone violates them but let's say for the moment there is no government and I violate one of these so called rights, what happens then?
But how could the government even take my rights?
If the government suddenly decided to deny black people the “right” to vote, they could literally take away that right according to your idiotic philosophy.
We have magical fairy rights don't we?
No. That’s a retarded claim made by you alone. Well, you and other pathetic libtards like you.
Surely God's force field would stop them!
Your pathetic misuse of attempted mockery is unpersuasive for a number of reasons. But it does highlight the shallow nature of your so called “thinking.”
So these magical rights from God aren't worth shit in this world?
Yiur question presupposes a premise which you make but which intelligent people don’t ascribe to.
Can I at least exchange them in in the afterlife for a slinky or an eraser?
Zzz. You probably aren’t intelligent enough to grasp that your disbelief in God is unimportant to me or to any point you hoped to have been making.
You insist that rights exist outside of legal rights
I claim that many of our rights pre-existed the laws we use to articulate them.
and the government and its illegitimate to ask you what they are and where they come from
No. I never said you cannot ask. Why resort to lying, Jerk Chicken?
and what earthly impact they have on your life?
Another ^ stupid question. I couldn’t really give a crap if you recognize that some of your rights have absolutely zero foundational basis in man-made laws. But it’s because of your petty ignorant premise that morons like you cannot fathom the impact those rights have on Earth.

If the government suddenly decided to deny black people the “right” to vote, they could literally take away that right according to your idiotic philosophy.
They have before. They didn't teach you that Black people were treated legally like property and not allowed to vote and that we needed to pass laws before we could?
No. That’s a retarded claim made by you alone. Well, you and other pathetic libtards like you.

Your pathetic misuse of attempted mockery is unpersuasive for a number of reasons. But it does highlight the shallow nature of your so called “thinking.”

Yiur question presupposes a premise which you make but which intelligent people don’t ascribe to.
God damn you cry a lot.
Zzz. You probably aren’t intelligent enough to grasp that your disbelief in God is unimportant to me or to any point you hoped to have been making.
If not magical sky daddy rights then what?
I claim that many of our rights pre-existed the laws we use to articulate them.

No. I never said you cannot ask. Why resort to lying, Jerk Chicken?
Great, now that you recognize it as a claim what's the rational foundation for their existence?
Another ^ stupid question. I couldn’t really give a crap if you recognize that some of your rights have absolutely zero foundational basis in man-made laws. But it’s because of your petty ignorant premise that morons like you cannot fathom the impact those rights have on Earth.

Then describe the basis of these laws that exist outside of legality and government and describe the impact.

Let's imagine we live in a land devoid of government and I take your fish you've spent all day trying to catch, I suppose you'd say you have a right to that fish but is saying that likely to compel me to give it back to you? If I refuse what impact has this so called right had on this incident?
She’s right.

She doesn’t believe that our rights come from God. She’s APPALLED at that idea.

She’s saying that Christian Nationalists believe that and she’s correct

That means they believe in (their interpretation of) the Bible as opposed to the Constitution

So of course they attack her. Ya can’t pull back the curtain (or more accurately the SHEET) and not be attacked

Call it God or whatever you want, the point is your rights don't come from the Government or men. Not sure why anyone would even want to believe that. To do so means that you don't have any rights all you have are privileges strong violent men are willing to grant you until they change their minds.
Call it God or whatever you want, the point is your rights don't come from the Government or men. Not sure why anyone would even want to believe that. To do so means that you don't have any rights all you have are privileges strong violent men are willing to grant you until they change their minds.
Call it whatever we want? :lmao: :dunno: It's your argument you clown, what are you calling it? It's your job to make the case they actually exist.
That was meaningless even by your usual utter inability to cobble anything meaningful together.

Our right to vote is but one right. We exercise it through the ballot unless somebody is engaged in some massive cheating.

J6 has nothing to do with anything.
J6 was cheating writ large.

Heidi Przybyla from Politico says that Christian Nationalists believe that their rights are given to them by God and it does not come from men.

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Get a load of these insane people who think our rights come from God.
But they also wanted separation of church and state. They realized you couldn’t have one group claim to have all the answers and still have a free society. They’d seen what religious wars did to Europe.
Let's be clear, there is only one organization that has all the answers, and that is the DNC

That is why we can't allow people to think our rights come from God, they only come from the DNC
Let's be clear, there is only one organization that has all the answers, and that is the DNC

That is why we can't allow people to think our rights come from God, they only come from the DNC
You can think it, but none of you seem to be able to describe the impact they have outside government enforcement.
But they also wanted separation of church and state. They realized you couldn’t have one group claim to have all the answers and still have a free society. They’d seen what religious wars did to Europe.
They also came from a government that put you in prison for not going to the official church every Sunday
You can think it, but none of you seem to be able to describe the impact they have outside government enforcement.
When we see government ignore the 8 million illegals coming across the border, 200 people dying a day from drugs coming across the border, criminals not being held to account for their crimes, and the economy inflating away, you have to ask yourself, does government have any more legitimacy as they ignore the laws of God?

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