The coming American Oct. 7 attack....we are not ready, and it will be worse than 9/11.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
After Oct. 7, you would think we would wake up....we have not. Here is a dark prediction for 2024......and it is more likely, not less likely that it will happen..........

Are you going to be ready?

I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
But what would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.

The scenario for the kind of attack I believe is coming is deceptively simple – infiltrate a large number of minimally-trained killers who have no regard for their own lives into the USA and shed as much blood as possible, preferably on camera.
We are not prepared for such a mass attack. Our law enforcement can barely contain a single freak with a gun. Do you remember those idiots in Boston who blew up the marathon with a pressure cooker bomb? There were two of them with a couple of handguns, and they completely locked down a major metropolis for a couple of days. Two untrained idiots with a pair of pistols shut down the whole city of Boston. So what happens if you have 10,000 suicidal jihadists with smuggled-in automatic weapons simply waiting for an order? Those of you who have been in the military understand command and control, but what happens if you don’t need it?

Understand where we are. Prepare yourself. And get serious about the election. Our nominee has got to win. Put aside mean tweets, put aside hurt feelings. When we pick a nominee, that nominee has got to win the White House or we lose more than just an election. It’s a matter of life and death. Literally, and remember that life and death may be yours.

One of the things that might delay an attack like this would be the fact that joe biden is President......and that isn't because he is feared or competent.......our enemies get more mileage from him sitting in that office and waiting for the continued destruction to our economy, military, and society.

But, that won't last....
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After Oct. 7, you would think we would wake up....we have not. Here is a dark prediction for 2024......and it is more likely, not less likely that it will happen..........

Are you going to be ready?

I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
But what would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.

The scenario for the kind of attack I believe is coming is deceptively simple – infiltrate a large number of minimally-trained killers who have no regard for their own lives into the USA and shed as much blood as possible, preferably on camera.
We are not prepared for such a mass attack. Our law enforcement can barely contain a single freak with a gun. Do you remember those idiots in Boston who blew up the marathon with a pressure cooker bomb? There were two of them with a couple of handguns, and they completely locked down a major metropolis for a couple of days. Two untrained idiots with a pair of pistols shut down the whole city of Boston. So what happens if you have 10,000 suicidal jihadists with smuggled-in automatic weapons simply waiting for an order? Those of you who have been in the military understand command and control, but what happens if you don’t need it?

Understand where we are. Prepare yourself. And get serious about the election. Our nominee has got to win. Put aside mean tweets, put aside hurt feelings. When we pick a nominee, that nominee has got to win the White House or we lose more than just an election. It’s a matter of life and death. Literally, and remember that life and death may be yours.

One of the things that might delay an attack like this would be the fact that joe biden is President......and that isn't because he is feared or competent.......our enemies get more mileage from him sitting in that office and waiting for the continued destruction to our economy, military, and society.

But, that won't last....
This is the biggest load of fear mongering shit I've seen a member of Alt-Right Nation posit to date.
Honestly, if this fanciful scenario were to happen, do you believe that a certain orange, spray tanned fraud would be able to be any better at preventing it?
Cause if that's your argument, I'm just gonna laugh. Because it means at the end of the day, your ideology, your belief system is so bankrupt of literally has nothing left but sowing abject fear.
I believe a cyber false flag will take everyone's freedoms and require an ID to access the internet first. This will be the more probable scenario IMO.

This will be the start of global techno tyranny, social credit and global governance with teeth.

Jihadists have not a whole lot to gain, and too much to risk by launching such an assault. This guy is too distracted by the folks behind the scenes, running the show. He doesn't really understand how global politics is really run.
After Oct. 7, you would think we would wake up....we have not. Here is a dark prediction for 2024......and it is more likely, not less likely that it will happen..........

Are you going to be ready?

I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
But what would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.

The scenario for the kind of attack I believe is coming is deceptively simple – infiltrate a large number of minimally-trained killers who have no regard for their own lives into the USA and shed as much blood as possible, preferably on camera.
We are not prepared for such a mass attack. Our law enforcement can barely contain a single freak with a gun. Do you remember those idiots in Boston who blew up the marathon with a pressure cooker bomb? There were two of them with a couple of handguns, and they completely locked down a major metropolis for a couple of days. Two untrained idiots with a pair of pistols shut down the whole city of Boston. So what happens if you have 10,000 suicidal jihadists with smuggled-in automatic weapons simply waiting for an order? Those of you who have been in the military understand command and control, but what happens if you don’t need it?

Understand where we are. Prepare yourself. And get serious about the election. Our nominee has got to win. Put aside mean tweets, put aside hurt feelings. When we pick a nominee, that nominee has got to win the White House or we lose more than just an election. It’s a matter of life and death. Literally, and remember that life and death may be yours.

One of the things that might delay an attack like this would be the fact that joe biden is President......and that isn't because he is feared or competent.......our enemies get more mileage from him sitting in that office and waiting for the continued destruction to our economy, military, and society.

But, that won't last....
You may be vulnerable, but i have been prepping for such a disaster since the brown turd Obammy started saying "Workplace Violence". Bring it on camel jockeys or slanted eye chinks, it isnt going to end well for you if you approach my neighborhood....
White supremacists are America's, and at this point, the world's, biggest threat to national and international safety.

We get those terrorists under control and we'd have dodged the problem you're pointing out OP.
Bring it on camel jockeys or slanted eye chinks,
I did, OTH, see a twitter vid. or was it a tik tok? Of lots and lots of Chinese infiltrating the border.

They were all military aged men.

. . . but? Unless they were special forces? I don't know what would make them stay loyal to China once they got here?


I mean, think about it. China isn't free, there isn't as much opportunity there, and those young men have absolutely no chance of ever finding a bride in China.

If they were to conquer and oppress America, they would have no chance of that here either. OTH? If they defect? They have a chance at all of that. . .

I believe a cyber false flag will take everyone's freedoms and require an ID to access the internet first. This will be the more probable scenario IMO.

This will be the start of global techno tyranny, social credit and global governance with teeth.

Jihadists have not a whole lot to gain, and too much to risk by launching such an assault. This guy is too distracted by the folks behind the scenes, running the show. He doesn't really understand how global politics is really run.
The function of the Jihadists is much like that of BLM or ANTIFA. They are a means to an end, a weapon that will no longer be useful once the end is achieved.
After Oct. 7, you would think we would wake up....we have not. Here is a dark prediction for 2024......and it is more likely, not less likely that it will happen..........

Are you going to be ready?

I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
But what would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.

The scenario for the kind of attack I believe is coming is deceptively simple – infiltrate a large number of minimally-trained killers who have no regard for their own lives into the USA and shed as much blood as possible, preferably on camera.
We are not prepared for such a mass attack. Our law enforcement can barely contain a single freak with a gun. Do you remember those idiots in Boston who blew up the marathon with a pressure cooker bomb? There were two of them with a couple of handguns, and they completely locked down a major metropolis for a couple of days. Two untrained idiots with a pair of pistols shut down the whole city of Boston. So what happens if you have 10,000 suicidal jihadists with smuggled-in automatic weapons simply waiting for an order? Those of you who have been in the military understand command and control, but what happens if you don’t need it?

Understand where we are. Prepare yourself. And get serious about the election. Our nominee has got to win. Put aside mean tweets, put aside hurt feelings. When we pick a nominee, that nominee has got to win the White House or we lose more than just an election. It’s a matter of life and death. Literally, and remember that life and death may be yours.

One of the things that might delay an attack like this would be the fact that joe biden is President......and that isn't because he is feared or competent.......our enemies get more mileage from him sitting in that office and waiting for the continued destruction to our economy, military, and society.

But, that won't last....
Why do you suppose TownHall pulled this article from their site? Or did they?


This link?

Does not resolve for me. I can only make the assumption that it is my ISP or Townhall disabled it.


This? Does resolve, so it was bookmarked in the archives;
Why do you suppose TownHall pulled this article from their site? Or did they?


This link?

Does not resolve for me. I can only make the assumption that it is my ISP or Townhall disabled it.


This? Does resolve, so it was bookmarked in the archives;

He normally puts out his column on Monday, maybe they accidentally published it today
The function of the Jihadists is much like that of BLM or ANTIFA. They are a means to an end, a weapon that will no longer be useful once the end is achieved.
Yeah, I get that.

But I have heard this same speel before.

The muslim radicals have stocked up weapons in their mosques. They even have training camps out in the dessert and in some private compounds in New York.

I have even seen film of them, and seen it covered on sixty minutes.

. . . and yet? Nothing ever comes of that fear agit-prop.

I don't buy that narrative. Sorry. Those Muslims are living life way too good in this nation, to get off their couches and do a damn thing. It is the same reason other folks in other political realities, don't do a damn thing. . .

"bread & circuses"

That always keeps them mollified. Folks, no matter who they are, have too much to lose, and too little to gain. There just aren't enough devout suicide extremist in the US. Once they get to the land of freedom, milk and honey, they change their mind real quick about what the hell is important to them.

If you can get more than a couple dozen of them? You best just plan something like 9/11, because that is the best you are going to get pal.
Yeah, I get that.

But I have heard this same speel before.

The muslim radicals have stocked up weapons in their mosques. They even have training camps out in the dessert and in some private compounds in New York.

I have even seen film of them, and seen it covered on sixty minutes.

. . . and yet? Nothing ever comes of that fear agit-prop.

I don't buy that narrative. Sorry. Those Muslims are living life way too good in this nation, to get off their couches and do a damn thing. It is the same reason other folks in other political realities, don't do a damn thing. . .

"bread & circuses"

That always keeps them mollified. Folks, no matter who they are, have too much to lose, and too little to gain. There just aren't enough devout suicide extremist in the US. Once they get to the land of freedom, milk and honey, they change their mind real quick about what the hell is important to them.

If you can get more than a couple dozen of them? You best just plan something like 9/11, because that is the best you are going to get pal.

It isnt muslims already here....he is talking about the military aged men coming across the border....amd getting them small arms wont be a problem with our lax security at the ports
It isnt muslims already here....he is talking about the military aged men coming across the border....amd getting them small arms wont be a problem with our lax security at the ports
Now is this a, "conspiracy?" Are the elites that run the nation and world in on this plan, or are they just too inept to stop it?
But what would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America?

Long endless PSAs about how we're really to blame and how the terrorists are really just peace-loving people, driven to desperation by American Capitalism.

No doubt to be followed by a world-wide apology tour.
I did, OTH, see a twitter vid. or was it a tik tok? Of lots and lots of Chinese infiltrating the border.

They were all military aged men.

. . . but? Unless they were special forces? I don't know what would make them stay loyal to China once they got here?


I mean, think about it. China isn't free, there isn't as much opportunity there, and those young men have absolutely no chance of ever finding a bride in China.

If they were to conquer and oppress America, they would have no chance of that here either. OTH? If they defect? They have a chance at all of that. . .

Maybe those men have families that are collateral for the Xi ruling class and if the men defect, those family members will end up like anyone who the Clinton's knew...
I dont fear the muslim world as much as i fear our gub'mit's manipulation and subsequent propaganda of them......~S~
Agreed. There are so many other players and pieces to consider. And? Who is funding these jihadists, and what or would there be a better use for those resources for the objectives that they want to achieve?

I want numbers. I want facts, not fear and hyperbole.

How many of these Muslim extremists are coming across the border? Do we have proof? Are our own rulers aware of this? Is China and Russia in on it? I for one doubt that very much.

Which means, it is entirely a plan of Iran.

I am open minded, but. . . I still need FACTS.

This operation seems like it would take too much money away from Hezbollah, with too little results. . unless it IS a Hezbollah operation?


The only goal the Muslim extremists have by attacking the US, is to end our support of Israel. They don't give two shits about us directly.

How the US & Iran Are Preparing to Fight Over Israel​

Now, since neither Russia, nor China would get involved in such a fool hardy plan? I can't see it happening.

OTH, It seems a lot more probable, that both Russia and China would aid Venezuela's insane Guyana claim. This would pull men, material, artillery, and attention away from the other two theaters. . . and a possible Taiwan gambit? :eusa_think:

So if their combined assistance to Venezuela might be in the offing? It seems a lot more reasonable that Iran would coordinate with its allies to make a bigger impact.

Why Venezuela is Preparing to Conquer Guyana​


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