The Coming Biden Impeachment and Removal

Yeah, Clinton was over 'sex', that was how they (Carville, MSM, etc.) spun it for him.

There is no way to spin this and the border and other matters for Biden.

Not sure how what is happening at the border is Biden's fault. It's mostly Trump's, for kicking the can down the road and leaving all those people in Mexico for years instead of processing them.
This action regarding the Saudis and the plea by Biden to wait until after the midterms to announce OPEC oil production cuts is just the latest reason to impeach Joe Biden and for the Senate to remove him. For this one, they don't even need the 'Pelosi Rules'.

Impeachment. Maybe. If validly based, I’m down with that. But removal? I see zero chance of that.
If the Bidens have any self-respect, they will all commit mass suicide together before the impeachment trial and save the country a whole lot of money.

The only question is, can Nancy actually RUN this country successfully after Kammy is impeached too?

Just how far down the chain will we have to go to find a single self-respecting, capable democrat to finish out one failed Biddum disaster?
If the Dems lose control of the House Pelosi will not be in the line of succession anymore.
People have pushed Trump to be Speaker, I'm for the idea but so far, Trump is resisting the suggestion.

If I could, I'd tell The Donald to DO IT, just to see the faces of the democrats all melt!!! :eusa_dance:

I say give the democrats a taste of their own medicine!

Really give them a kick in the ass and have Jim Jordan as speaker.
Not sure how what is happening at the border is Biden's fault. It's mostly Trump's, for kicking the can down the road and leaving all those people in Mexico for years instead of processing them.

LOL Trump had it under control.
BTW in your scenario all these people knew Trump was a racist asshole, but overlooked it and invited him to all the parties, went to his parties, invited him to their children's weddings, etc, because he wasnt really serious. He's a racist but that's ok so long as he's not running for President. Really? That's what you think? Maybe Im weird but if I knew someone was a racist asshole I wouldnt invite them to my house, or go to theirs and I certainly wouldnt invite them to my daughter's wedding. Honestly, Im not entirely sure they turned on him just because he ran as a Republican. I think the bigger issue is he ran against Hillary and obviously had a shot to beat her.

It's funny in a way when people talk about Trump being racist, they can't dig up one racist thing he ever said, and they're the same people that voted for a guy who said the most racist things about black of any other presidential candidate of our time.
BTW in your scenario all these people knew Trump was a racist asshole, but overlooked it and invited him to all the parties, went to his parties, invited him to their children's weddings, etc, because he wasnt really serious. He's a racist but that's ok so long as he's not running for President. Really? That's what you think? Maybe Im weird but if I knew someone was a racist asshole I wouldnt invite them to my house, or go to theirs and I certainly wouldnt invite them to my daughter's wedding. Honestly, Im not entirely sure they turned on him just because he ran as a Republican. I think the bigger issue is he ran against Hillary and obviously had a shot to beat her.
They have no proof that Trump is a racist anyway.
Like most things, it’s the side that retaliates that generally ends up holding the short end of the stick. The Dems attacked a very vulnerable opponent right where it hurt… in his biography and resume. Trump was always a flawed candidate. The Democrats just took advantage of it.

Trump never expected to get the nomination. He never really expected to win the Presidency. He talked a good game but was only marginally effective in office, for a number of reasons. In the end he made himself, his followers, and the Republican Party look stupid.

That's only your opinion. No, Trump was not a professional politician, but he was the best President we had since Reagan and his accomplishments too long to list. But back to point: Trump gave up a great life to run this country for four years, it's not something most people would do.
You've got this all wrong.

The prince doing this within 30 days before an election WAS ELECTION INTERFERENCE by a foreign power. The Saudis have NEVER done this before, right prior to an election.

Trump, his best buddy and golf venture partner, likely asked the Prince to do this before the election to interfere with our election.

Do NOT put it past Trump, it is his character to not care about all of us, being hurt by this....he ONLY cares about himself.

Yet everyone did much better with The man that only cares about himself and and struggling with the man who cares only about the people.
Yet everyone did much better with The man that only cares about himself and and struggling with the man who cares only about the people.

Careforall considers the Saudi's not obeying Dementia's commands as interfering in our elections. Of course if he got them to not announcing the oil cuts, that wouldn't be interfering in our elections at all as far as she's concerned.
Thsts because most of us are sane enough to avoid getting involved in politics on any sort of personal level.

And who's fault is that? The MSM. Nobody in their right mind would want them and their family dragged through the mud like most all presidential candidates are. Then we complain about the quality of candidates we are stuck to vote on.
And who's fault is that? The MSM. Nobody in their right mind would want them and their family dragged through the mud like most all presidential candidates are. Then we complain about the quality of candidates we are stuck to vote on
It is the JOB of the MSM to dig up dirt (as long as it’s real) on candidates. If the individual doesn’t have skeletons in their closet it shouldn’t be an issue.
It is the JOB of the MSM to dig up dirt (as long as it’s real) on candidates. If the individual doesn’t have skeletons in their closet it shouldn’t be an issue.

It’s the medias job to dig up dirt on all candidates. Not just the ones with an R in front of their name. When they choose a side they become an enemy of the people.

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