The Coming Biden Impeachment and Removal

You can't point out one thing I got wrong, can you?

Okay, let's get real. You and I aren't going to ever travel in the social circles Trump does. (Or did before he defaced the country). The rich are different, they have money. The biggest problem with Trump is that he's probably never had a friendship that wasn't predicated on his wealth and people's desire to be near that wealth. This no doubt contributes to his extreme narcissism.

The ironic thing is that Trump's followers are all people who he would call security on if they ever showed up at Mar-a-Lago or Trump Tower.

So the relationship between the right and Trump is symbiotic. The right wing unwashed feed his narcissism, and he feeds their racism and homophobia. How much of what Trump does is sincere and how much of it is an act is open for debate... but it's kind of besides the point.

The place Trump could have been stopped is when Romney kissed his ring in 2012.
So his racism was cool because he had money. Interesting. Glad to know it only matters if your both poor AND racist.
It is the JOB of the MSM to dig up dirt (as long as it’s real) on candidates. If the individual doesn’t have skeletons in their closet it shouldn’t be an issue.

You mean like Trump and Tulsi are actually Russia agents? Trump is FOS saying the DumBama administration was spying on him? The Hunter laptop was nothing but Russia disinformation?

The job of the media is no longer about informing people, it's to promote their favored party thus making an arm of them. Now let's go back to the great economy we had just a few years ago and what the media was saying:

So tell me again how the MSM's job is to cover "real" dirt.
You've got this all wrong.

The prince doing this within 30 days before an election WAS ELECTION INTERFERENCE by a foreign power. The Saudis have NEVER done this before, right prior to an election.

Trump, his best buddy and golf venture partner, likely asked the Prince to do this before the election to interfere with our election.

Do NOT put it past Trump, it is his character to not care about all of us, being hurt by this....he ONLY cares about himself.
But Joe Biden really cares about all of us. That is why he sells his influence all over the world using Hunter as his bagman.

Perhaps the reason the Mexican border is so wide open is Hunter made a deal with the cartels. That wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

You mean like Trump and Tulsi are actually Russia agents? Trump is FOS saying the DumBama administration was spying on him? The Hunter laptop was nothing but Russia disinformation?

The job of the media is no longer about informing people, it's to promote their favored party thus making an arm of them. Now let's go back to the great economy we had just a few years ago and what the media was saying:

Trump and Tulsi are Russian Agents.
The Laptop IS Russian Disinformation.

The media was mostly negative about Trump because he was a never ending stream of crazy idea, bigotry, and whacky things. Hey, remember when he wanted to buy Greenland?
So his racism was cool because he had money. Interesting. Glad to know it only matters if your both poor AND racist.

No, his racism was never cool, but it was tolerated, because he had money.

And because he knew how to play the press to feed his needless need for attention.

The problem was, of course, that the media didn't do it's job. They thought the American people are smarter than they actually are.

So they let Trump rant about Mexican Rapists while poor Jeb Bush couldn't get arrested trying to talk about serious issues. Because the Media thought the American people would recognize a clown when they saw one.

Which they did, of course, Trump lost by 3 million votes. But it never should have been that close, and not close enough where the Electoral Anachronism could hand him a win.
She sure would be if Bozo and Whoris were out. As much as I dislike her too, she'd be the best one out of the three of them.
Under what condition would piglosi be tolerable? As opposed to Hitler or Stalin? Mao? I'd probably feel safer with Hitler actually. It would still suck but the chances of surviving and expecting some prosperity are higher.
I’ve dealt with bullies my entire life. I have a full facial birthmark. Bullies are best dealt with by not giving them the attention they do desperately seek. If you walk away and be the bigger person they generally give up once they aren’t getting the attention. Republicans would have been better off simply refusing to engage with the Democrats in/on these investigations and not trying to respond with dirt digging of their own.

If only one person shows up to a fight they end up looking stupid.
Bullies also leave you alone after you gouge out their eyes and destroy their nutsack.

But Joe Biden really cares about all of us. That is why he sells his influence all over the world using Hunter as his bagman.

Perhaps the reason the Mexican border is so wide open is Hunter made a deal with the cartels. That wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

It's sad that anyone believes any political whore gives a fruit fly's fuck about anyone beyond themselves.
Trump and Tulsi are Russian Agents.
The Laptop IS Russian Disinformation.

The media was mostly negative about Trump because he was a never ending stream of crazy idea, bigotry, and whacky things. Hey, remember when he wanted to buy Greenland?
Buying Greenland would be smart and prudent.
Trump and Tulsi are Russian Agents.
The Laptop IS Russian Disinformation.

The media was mostly negative about Trump because he was a never ending stream of crazy idea, bigotry, and whacky things. Hey, remember when he wanted to buy Greenland?
Anyone spouting this shit is simply a total and complete dumbass.
Except after Nov, the Rs are likely to have the house. Put up a good speaker, impeach and worry about kamala next.
With McConnell the turtle still in the Senate? It's a waste of time. He would never let one of his old partners in crime be held to account. Plus his own crimes would get exposed if he didn't work to undermine such an endeavor. Mitch has plenty of Chinese cash in the same bank as the potato 🥔
With McConnell the turtle still in the Senate? It's a waste of time. He would never let one of his old partners in crime be held to account. Plus his own crimes would get exposed if he didn't work to undermine such an endeavor. Mitch has plenty of Chinese cash in the same bank as the potato 🥔
Not giving up that easily.
Under what condition would piglosi be tolerable? As opposed to Hitler or Stalin? Mao? I'd probably feel safer with Hitler actually. It would still suck but the chances of surviving and expecting some prosperity are higher.

At least she has a lot of political experience and can somewhat think on her own. They really hit the bottom of the barrel when she's the best they could do.
It is the JOB of the MSM to dig up dirt (as long as it’s real) on candidates. If the individual doesn’t have skeletons in their closet it shouldn’t be an issue.
Oh please....The "JOB" of the press should be to report on the facts regardless of party affiliation. We don't have that anymore...We have a press that has thrown in with one particular party, and works to undermine any opposing candidate...

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