The Coming Biden Impeachment and Removal

No they won’t. They will put their own best interests first and understand that another set of investigations and allegations is not going to help them win in 2024 or beyond.
thus putting country first
It wouldn't. But it's like the schoolyard bully. If you just let him punch you all the time without doing anything, it will never stop until you finally hit back. These Communists are drunk on power and we need to put them in their place
I’ve dealt with bullies my entire life. I have a full facial birthmark. Bullies are best dealt with by not giving them the attention they do desperately seek. If you walk away and be the bigger person they generally give up once they aren’t getting the attention. Republicans would have been better off simply refusing to engage with the Democrats in/on these investigations and not trying to respond with dirt digging of their own.

If only one person shows up to a fight they end up looking stupid.
No they won’t. They will put their own best interests first and understand that another set of investigations and allegations is not going to help them win in 2024 or beyond.

It sure seemed to help the Democrats. Trump had the country right on track and they took leadership of the House in midterms. It's unfortunate that our elections have become a popularity contest instead of people voting what's best for the country.
No American politician has put America First since at least 1861.

Donald Trump was a household name before running for office. He slept with the most beautiful women in the world, flew around on his own personal jetliner, was invited to parties by all the high rollers including Chelsea Clinton's wedding, just a man loved in his social circle.

When Trump announced he'd be running for President as a Republican, everybody turned on him. NBC reported shortly afterwards, he lost a billion dollars of net worth. Even after being elected he took no presidential pay. He donated it all to charities and various causes. He left the White House hated by half the country. He has to have SS agents follow him and his wife around wherever he goes. Nearly two years later, the Communists are still hounding him.

I would call that a man that put the country before himself.
1. How were things better under Trump? They weren't, in any realm of the imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. That's why he was voted out. 3. That's why 84 million Americans voted NOT to give him a second term. And he confirmed their vote against him, in his seditious actions after the election by falsely promoting that he won by a landslide, the election was stolen from him, and pulling together and executing the 1/6 attack on congress.

4. I'm afraid you've been conned by Don the Con, the greatest Con artist, ever!!!
1. Gas was $2.39
Groceries didn’t cost me $1,000 per month
My 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendment rights weren‘t under attack
And crime wasn’t at the rates we see today….

To name just a few.

2. Not so sure about that. More comes out as time goes forward.

3. That’s crazy, and so are you if you really believe this.

4. Just can’t stand opposing views can you?
If Republicans take The House, I have no doubt Biden will impeached ... but doubt he will be removed.

I predict that for many election cycles to come, the annual impeachment of the sitting President will become a ritual.

I applaud this as a way to keep Congress distracted from causing any real damage.
If dems in the Senate vote the impeachment down, they will have to own every Biden disaster that follows. We win either way.
It sure seemed to help the Democrats. Trump had the country right on track and they took leadership of the House in midterms
Like most things, it’s the side that retaliates that generally ends up holding the short end of the stick. The Dems attacked a very vulnerable opponent right where it hurt… in his biography and resume. Trump was always a flawed candidate. The Democrats just took advantage of it.
I would call that a man that put the country before himself
Trump never expected to get the nomination. He never really expected to win the Presidency. He talked a good game but was only marginally effective in office, for a number of reasons. In the end he made himself, his followers, and the Republican Party look stupid.
it’s true he was caught red handed begging SA thor help in our elections. That’s a high crime
The fuckin potato BRAGGED about strong arming the Ukrainians, yet Trump was fucking impeached for suggesting the Ukrainians renew the investigation the potato shut down.

Go figure.
If she’s speaker Biden doesn’t get impeached. The only way Biden gets impeached let alone convicted is if the Reps hold the house and senate. Do you think the Reps will elect Aunt Nance to be speaker? Yeah me either

I've heard of an interesting scenario, in which Republicans, controlling both houses, select Donald Trump as Speaker of the House. Apparently, the Speaker is not actually required to be a member of Congress.

Then with Biden and The Whore impeached and removed, Trump becomes President again. If this happens after Biden's term is halfway over, Trump would be eligible to be elected for yet another term.
Donald Trump was a household name before running for office. He slept with the most beautiful women in the world, flew around on his own personal jetliner, was invited to parties by all the high rollers including Chelsea Clinton's wedding, just a man loved in his social circle.

When Trump announced he'd be running for President as a Republican, everybody turned on him. NBC reported shortly afterwards, he lost a billion dollars of net worth. Even after being elected he took no presidential pay. He donated it all to charities and various causes. He left the White House hated by half the country. He has to have SS agents follow him and his wife around wherever he goes. Nearly two years later, the Communists are still hounding him.

I would call that a man that put the country before himself.

Um, yeah, he ran for president being a racist douchenoodle...that's why everyone who previously treated him as kind of a joke turned on him.
I've heard of an interesting scenario, in which Republicans, controlling both houses, select Donald Trump as Speaker of the House. Apparently, the Speaker is not actually required to be a member of Congress.

Then with Biden and The Whore impeached and removed, Trump becomes President again. If this happens after Biden's term is halfway over, Trump would be eligible to be elected for yet another term.

Yeah, that would be about as plausible as finding golden plates that said Joseph Smith could bang 14 year old girls.
After the next elections, we'll get to select a new Speaker of the House. Then we can impeach both Biden and The Whore, and put the new Speaker in as President.

Okay, going to play along with you for a few minutes.

First, you'd have to get something serious to charge Biden and Harris with. Sorry, stuff on a fake laptop won't do it.

Then you'd have to get ALL the Republicans to go along with it. Not all the Republicans went along with impeaching Clinton at the end of the day. You aren't going to have a large Newt level majority, so you'd need every vote.

Then you have the Senate... you are not going to have 67 votes for impeachment. Again, best case scenario, the senate will be 54-46 Republican, and that's if they win every contested seat without losing any of their own. (As it stands now, it looks like they are going to swap NV for PA, so mostly a wash.)

But do you think Mitt Romney is going to vote for impeachment? Or Susan Collins?

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