The Common Denominator: Islam

PC needs to believer her Sky Fairy is superior to their Sky Fairy

"The rising tide of Muslim converts to Christianity
He believes between 2 and 7 million former Muslims have converted to Christianity in the past two decades, and he has impressive research to back up his claim. He documents his findings in his book A Wind in the House of Islam."
WORLD The rising tide of Muslim converts to Christianity Warren Cole Smith July 28 2014

So? Frankly, trading in one sky fairy for another doesn't impress me.

Of course any religion can take on evil and offensive aspects. It depends on which attitudes of the founding documents are emphasized. The Q’ran has all sorts of postures, and the same syncretism is reflected in the Old and New Testaments, as well.
The difference is the thesis of "abrogation," that enforces the homicidal instructions in the Q'ran...and obviates the peaceful ones.

You didn't know that, did you.

How foolish is it to make the argument that followers of the Bible are as likely to emphasized the violent, inhuman aspects as are the adherents of the Q’ran. To make that argument is akin to “who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes.”

1. At this moment in time, there is only one major religion in which it is not uncommon for religious services to be followed by murder and mayhem.

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

3. Huge numbers of Muslims support terrorism and violence.

Um, okay.

YOu know what, the people who instigated the Holocaust weren't Muslims, they were Christians who wore belt buckles like this.


Notice it says 'God with Us" (Gott Mit Uns) not "Alluha Akbar".

And then you have this stupidity....

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

Uh, no. Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolf, Ted Kaczinski were not "Muslims" but they were 'Terrorists".

I try to avoid the word "Terrorist" because Ronald Reagan insisted up and down that Osama bin Laden and his lot were "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians in Afghanistan. They only became "Terrorists" when they started killing Americans.

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays
PC needs to believer her Sky Fairy is superior to their Sky Fairy

"The rising tide of Muslim converts to Christianity
He believes between 2 and 7 million former Muslims have converted to Christianity in the past two decades, and he has impressive research to back up his claim. He documents his findings in his book A Wind in the House of Islam."
WORLD The rising tide of Muslim converts to Christianity Warren Cole Smith July 28 2014

So? Frankly, trading in one sky fairy for another doesn't impress me.

One can only hope.

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

I think the problem with you is that you are mistaking Muslims for The Borg.


They are not monolithic, they are not a hivemind.

As I said, I have a Mosque a few miles from where I live. they've never swarmed out looking to kill unbelievers.

they HAVE had to put up iron gates around their Mosque to keep Christians from vandalizing their stuff.

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

I think the problem with you is that you are mistaking Muslims for The Borg.


They are not monolithic, they are not a hivemind.

As I said, I have a Mosque a few miles from where I live. they've never swarmed out looking to kill unbelievers.

they HAVE had to put up iron gates around their Mosque to keep Christians from vandalizing their stuff.

"They are not monolithic, they are not a hivemind."

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims CNS News(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

*much more here:

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Of course any religion can take on evil and offensive aspects. It depends on which attitudes of the founding documents are emphasized. The Q’ran has all sorts of postures, and the same syncretism is reflected in the Old and New Testaments, as well.
The difference is the thesis of "abrogation," that enforces the homicidal instructions in the Q'ran...and obviates the peaceful ones.

You didn't know that, did you.

How foolish is it to make the argument that followers of the Bible are as likely to emphasized the violent, inhuman aspects as are the adherents of the Q’ran. To make that argument is akin to “who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes.”

1. At this moment in time, there is only one major religion in which it is not uncommon for religious services to be followed by murder and mayhem.

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

3. Huge numbers of Muslims support terrorism and violence.

Um, okay.

YOu know what, the people who instigated the Holocaust weren't Muslims, they were Christians who wore belt buckles like this.


Notice it says 'God with Us" (Gott Mit Uns) not "Alluha Akbar".

And then you have this stupidity....

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

Uh, no. Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolf, Ted Kaczinski were not "Muslims" but they were 'Terrorists".

I try to avoid the word "Terrorist" because Ronald Reagan insisted up and down that Osama bin Laden and his lot were "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians in Afghanistan. They only became "Terrorists" when they started killing Americans.

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

What percentage of the Muslims in the world have killed an apostate?
"Kill them all, and let God sort them out," was originally spoken by a Catholic abbot.
A Christian cleric acting in direct opposition to the teachings of the founder of his faith.

Not really. The person who said that said it in the course of a CHURCH SANCTIONED campaign against people the Church had designated as "Heretics". The person who said that was the Papal Legate- the church's representative on site.

While whether he actually said it or not is in dispute, the fact was, the church sanctioned crusade resulted in thousands of "heretics" being slaughtered, to the point where no one believes in that religion anymore.

By comparison, Christian, Jewish, Mandean, Yazidi, Baha'i and Zoroastrian enclaves existed across the Middle East for centuries, usually in peace.

That is, unless some other country comes in and fucks everything up looking for oil or weapons that don't exist.

A Muslim cleric encouraging violence or war oftentimes acts in direct compliance with the teachings of the founder of his faith.

Big difference.

You know what, in times of War, Christian Clerics went out there and told people to go out and kill for the Greater Glory of Jesus, even when Killing their fellow Christians. World War one was the Lutherans and Catholics against the Anglicans and Orthodox. And the Churches had no problem with it.

Another way of distilling the core or root problem here...

1. show me where in the New Testament that Jesus of Nazareth said that it was OK to wage war and to kill and commit violence in the name of God or in support of his church

2. show me where in the Q'uran that Muhammed said that it was OK to wage war and to kill and commit violence in the name of God or in support of his religion

Believers, and even clerics, can say that it's OK to do so.

But, when the Founder says that it's not OK, Believers can always point to that as a sign that the church is overreaching and not being true to core beliefs.

By contrast, when the Founder himself says that it is OK, well... no such braking mechanism or reset button exists, by which to stop the madness, and, to add to the problem, those permissions can (and frequently are) used, to build a case for proposed wars.

We are talking two different houses of faith.

Each of those houses has a different foundation.

The nature of the foundation dictates the direction in which the house will lean be default - towards peace or war.

How did Christians manage to conquer virtually the entire North and South American continents, in many cases by aggressive force of arms,

if the Bible commands them not to do so?

It was not done in the name of religion. Are you claiming that the settlement of europeans in the USA was done in the name of Christianity? really?

Of course any religion can take on evil and offensive aspects. It depends on which attitudes of the founding documents are emphasized. The Q’ran has all sorts of postures, and the same syncretism is reflected in the Old and New Testaments, as well.
The difference is the thesis of "abrogation," that enforces the homicidal instructions in the Q'ran...and obviates the peaceful ones.

You didn't know that, did you.

How foolish is it to make the argument that followers of the Bible are as likely to emphasized the violent, inhuman aspects as are the adherents of the Q’ran. To make that argument is akin to “who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes.”

1. At this moment in time, there is only one major religion in which it is not uncommon for religious services to be followed by murder and mayhem.

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

3. Huge numbers of Muslims support terrorism and violence.

Um, okay.

YOu know what, the people who instigated the Holocaust weren't Muslims, they were Christians who wore belt buckles like this.


Notice it says 'God with Us" (Gott Mit Uns) not "Alluha Akbar".

And then you have this stupidity....

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

Uh, no. Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolf, Ted Kaczinski were not "Muslims" but they were 'Terrorists".

I try to avoid the word "Terrorist" because Ronald Reagan insisted up and down that Osama bin Laden and his lot were "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians in Afghanistan. They only became "Terrorists" when they started killing Americans.

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

What percentage of the Muslims in the world have killed an apostate?

the question is: what percentage of muslims support the killing of non-muslims?
PC needs to believer her Sky Fairy is superior to their Sky Fairy

"The rising tide of Muslim converts to Christianity
He believes between 2 and 7 million former Muslims have converted to Christianity in the past two decades, and he has impressive research to back up his claim. He documents his findings in his book A Wind in the House of Islam."
WORLD The rising tide of Muslim converts to Christianity Warren Cole Smith July 28 2014

So? Frankly, trading in one sky fairy for another doesn't impress me.

yes, we know. the only fairies you like are the ones you pick up at the bath house. A queer atheist---maybe you can apply for some free stuff as an oppressed minority.

Of course any religion can take on evil and offensive aspects. It depends on which attitudes of the founding documents are emphasized. The Q’ran has all sorts of postures, and the same syncretism is reflected in the Old and New Testaments, as well.
The difference is the thesis of "abrogation," that enforces the homicidal instructions in the Q'ran...and obviates the peaceful ones.

You didn't know that, did you.

How foolish is it to make the argument that followers of the Bible are as likely to emphasized the violent, inhuman aspects as are the adherents of the Q’ran. To make that argument is akin to “who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes.”

1. At this moment in time, there is only one major religion in which it is not uncommon for religious services to be followed by murder and mayhem.

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

3. Huge numbers of Muslims support terrorism and violence.

Um, okay.

YOu know what, the people who instigated the Holocaust weren't Muslims, they were Christians who wore belt buckles like this.


Notice it says 'God with Us" (Gott Mit Uns) not "Alluha Akbar".

And then you have this stupidity....

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

Uh, no. Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolf, Ted Kaczinski were not "Muslims" but they were 'Terrorists".

I try to avoid the word "Terrorist" because Ronald Reagan insisted up and down that Osama bin Laden and his lot were "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians in Afghanistan. They only became "Terrorists" when they started killing Americans.

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

What percentage of the Muslims in the world have killed an apostate?

the question is: what percentage of muslims support the killing of non-muslims?

You tell us. What percentage of Muslims support the beheading of the two journalists?

Of course any religion can take on evil and offensive aspects. It depends on which attitudes of the founding documents are emphasized. The Q’ran has all sorts of postures, and the same syncretism is reflected in the Old and New Testaments, as well.
The difference is the thesis of "abrogation," that enforces the homicidal instructions in the Q'ran...and obviates the peaceful ones.

You didn't know that, did you.

How foolish is it to make the argument that followers of the Bible are as likely to emphasized the violent, inhuman aspects as are the adherents of the Q’ran. To make that argument is akin to “who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes.”

1. At this moment in time, there is only one major religion in which it is not uncommon for religious services to be followed by murder and mayhem.

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

3. Huge numbers of Muslims support terrorism and violence.

Um, okay.

YOu know what, the people who instigated the Holocaust weren't Muslims, they were Christians who wore belt buckles like this.


Notice it says 'God with Us" (Gott Mit Uns) not "Alluha Akbar".

And then you have this stupidity....

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

Uh, no. Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolf, Ted Kaczinski were not "Muslims" but they were 'Terrorists".

I try to avoid the word "Terrorist" because Ronald Reagan insisted up and down that Osama bin Laden and his lot were "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians in Afghanistan. They only became "Terrorists" when they started killing Americans.

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

What percentage of the Muslims in the world have killed an apostate?

the question is: what percentage of muslims support the killing of non-muslims?

You tell us. What percentage of Muslims support the beheading of the two journalists?

already been answered, post #525
I posted #303 with you in mind.

....and yet there are what...a billion and a half Muslims living perfectly normal peaceful lives, horrified by beheadings and concerned about of extremist groups like ISIS...:dunno:

You can always find examples of atrocities because that is what the media focus' on (you know, the media that you hate as bias unless it confirms your own bias).

Yet nobody pays attention when they aren't committed by Muslims...or perhaps you simply approve of them.

Ugandan woman recalls harrowing tale of captivity -
One summer night in 2001, Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) guerrillas snatched Apoko from a community center near her home in Gulu district, Uganda. Notorious for their cold-blooded cruelty, the LRA beat her, tortured her.

She chooses not to discuss all the details but says this: if she didn't do what the LRA told her, she knew she would die.

Apoko's tale, sadly, is not uncommon. She is among thousands of children abducted by the LRA.

Yet her pleas, and the pleas of all others who have tried to put an end to the abuse and killings committed by the LRA, have fallen largely on deaf years, she says......

She rejoiced in President Barack Obama's decision last week to send 100 U.S. military advisers to the Central African Republic to help hunt down LRA leaders. And she rebuked conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who lambasted Obama and defended the LRA as Christians aiming to remove dictatorship.

"Lord's Resistance Army are Christians," Limbaugh said. "They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States troops, to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them."

"They are not monolithic, they are not a hivemind."

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.
Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.

So I think what you are proving here is that the more a Muslim is subjected to violence, the more he's likely to see violence as an answer to problems. Wow, Humans are funny that way....

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

I think the problem with you is that you are mistaking Muslims for The Borg.


They are not monolithic, they are not a hivemind.

As I said, I have a Mosque a few miles from where I live. they've never swarmed out looking to kill unbelievers.

they HAVE had to put up iron gates around their Mosque to keep Christians from vandalizing their stuff.

"They are not monolithic, they are not a hivemind."

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims CNS News(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

*much more here:

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Don't you approve of violence in defense of Christianity?
What King Abdullah of Jordan said - on 60 minutes - about the leader of ISIS:

"...the king was nearly at a loss for words today when we asked him about the head of ISIS, who claims to lead all Muslims.

King Abdullah II: I hate to use the word "heretics," whatever the words of those types are, but to even call himself a Muslim is to me is just words that I don't want to use on this program.

Scott Pelley: You just used the word "heretic," is he an Islamic heretic?

King Abdullah II: I think to use the word "Islam" and him in the same sentence is not acceptable. That he even speaks in the name of Islam for me is just so horrendous and so shocking...."

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

I think the problem with you is that you are mistaking Muslims for The Borg.


They are not monolithic, they are not a hivemind.

As I said, I have a Mosque a few miles from where I live. they've never swarmed out looking to kill unbelievers.

they HAVE had to put up iron gates around their Mosque to keep Christians from vandalizing their stuff.

"They are not monolithic, they are not a hivemind."

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims CNS News(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

*much more here:

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Don't you approve of violence in defense of Christianity?

Well, no answer.

Any takers? Anyone of you who think it's outrageous that Muslims might approve of violence to defend Islam want to show your consistency by agreeing that you would never support violence to defend Christianity?
200 million Muslims in Indonesia. That is more Muslims than in all of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and the Gulf states put together.

165 million Muslims in India.

Fundamentalist terrorism has failed to get a good foothold in either place, and not for lack of trying, either. They tried, and failed.

Arab problem. Not a Muslim problem.

Political problem. Not a religious problem.


You can tell that by the fact that there are no bombings in Bali and no genocide of Christians in East Timor. No such thing as Moro or Boco Harum.

You Communists are so smart - and so honest...

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