The Common Denominator: Islam

Well, no answer.

Any takers? Anyone of you who think it's outrageous that Muslims might approve of violence to defend Islam want to show your consistency by agreeing that you would never support violence to defend Christianity?

Comrade, do you define "Christianity" as the United States Constitution - like DailyKOS and ThinkProgress do?
Well, no answer.

Any takers? Anyone of you who think it's outrageous that Muslims might approve of violence to defend Islam want to show your consistency by agreeing that you would never support violence to defend Christianity?

Comrade, do you define "Christianity" as the United States Constitution - like DailyKOS and ThinkProgress do?

I define it in this case as conservatives do, i.e., that the United States is a Christian Nation.

Now answer the question.
I define it in this case as conservatives do, i.e., that the United States is a Christian Nation.

Now answer the question.

So, your war to eradicate the United States Constitution is a war against Christianity? Is this why you join with the Muzzie Beasts?

Oh and yes, I would use violence to defend the U.S. Constitution.

Ponder on that.

Let's cut to the chase:

How many religions can you name where the adherents attend religious services and then rush out and kill people?

Only one.....

There's a Mosque a couple miles from where I live. No one has ever rushed out after services and killed anyone that I know of.

It does have to keep a big iron fence around it to keep people from vandalizing it, though.

Good thing you don't live in Oklahoma, huh.

"Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

While questioning the suspect’s co-workers, investigators learned he had recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam,...."
Police Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

ErroneousJoe....get out there quick and remind him that Islam is a religion of peace!!!!

"Lewis said he does not yet know what charges will be filed, adding that police are waiting until the man is conscious to arrest him."

Well....he better not file ANY charges.....or Obama will be furious.

Rumor has it, the beheader was in line to replace Eric Holder......

Let's cut to the chase:

How many religions can you name where the adherents attend religious services and then rush out and kill people?

Only one.....

There's a Mosque a couple miles from where I live. No one has ever rushed out after services and killed anyone that I know of.

It does have to keep a big iron fence around it to keep people from vandalizing it, though.

Good thing you don't live in Oklahoma, huh.

"Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

While questioning the suspect’s co-workers, investigators learned he had recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam,...."

Police Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

ErroneousJoe....get out there quick and remind him that Islam is a religion of peace!!!!

"Lewis said he does not yet know what charges will be filed, adding that police are waiting until the man is conscious to arrest him."

Well....he better not file ANY charges.....or Obama will be furious.

Rumor has it, the beheader was in line to replace Eric Holder..

Alex Jones? Seriously?

Okay, my guess is, when all is said and done, we are going to find out this guy was mentally ill and got fired from his job at a slaughterhouse.

Oh, guess what, he "converted" to Islam in prison and had just been fired from the job. Yeah, but let's blame Islam, not that he was a violent ex-con who just got fired.

Let's cut to the chase:

How many religions can you name where the adherents attend religious services and then rush out and kill people?

Only one.....

There's a Mosque a couple miles from where I live. No one has ever rushed out after services and killed anyone that I know of.

It does have to keep a big iron fence around it to keep people from vandalizing it, though.

Good thing you don't live in Oklahoma, huh.

"Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

While questioning the suspect’s co-workers, investigators learned he had recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam,...."

Police Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

ErroneousJoe....get out there quick and remind him that Islam is a religion of peace!!!!

"Lewis said he does not yet know what charges will be filed, adding that police are waiting until the man is conscious to arrest him."

Well....he better not file ANY charges.....or Obama will be furious.

Rumor has it, the beheader was in line to replace Eric Holder..

Alex Jones? Seriously?

Okay, my guess is, when all is said and done, we are going to find out this guy was mentally ill and got fired from his job at a slaughterhouse.

Oh, guess what, he "converted" to Islam in prison and had just been fired from the job. Yeah, but let's blame Islam, not that he was a violent ex-con who just got fired.

Time to take your head out of the sand.

At least you still have yours.....

Time to take your head out of the sand.

At least you still have yours.....

we have 16,000 murders a year in this country. Most of them because someone who shouldn't have had a gun was able to get one.

Very few of them are committed by Jihadists.

You can cower under your bed and shit, I need a much better reason to send young men and women off to war.

Time to take your head out of the sand.

At least you still have yours.....

we have 16,000 murders a year in this country. Most of them because someone who shouldn't have had a gun was able to get one.

Very few of them are committed by Jihadists.

You can cower under your bed and shit, I need a much better reason to send young men and women off to war.

Lets get back on topic here.

In Syria.............ISIS and the Civil War have killed about 120k people.
Roughly half the population has been forced to flee their homes.
Over 3 million of these refugees are now in neighboring countries in Refugee Camps. Over a Million of them in Lebanon alone. In Jordan about the same.
6 million Syrians are internally displaced.
The Kurds have formed a defensive line to stop ISIS with refugees fleeing behind them.

In Iraq........ISIL now controls Northern Iraq and threatens Bagdad.
Not sure on the numbers,but it appears to be at least a million refugees fleeing the fighting.
Again, as in Syria running to the Kurds for protection.
ISIL is performing Genocide in Northern Iraq which includes mass graves of Iraqi's mowed down into shallow pits......Beheadings..........Crucifictions............Rape.........torture.........and etc.........................

And your point is about the murder rate in America.......You need a Reality check on current events............

I want you to imagine a country that half the country is displaced...............It's not imaginary. It's real.

The building blocks of War cartoon.................Yeah, lets make fun of the current slaughter going on in the middle east.............

Lets make fun of the 9 million refugees fleeing from ISIS and the War.

Lets make fun of those being tortured, Raped, and Murdered by FANATICAL ISLAMISTS...........

Yeah............It's real funny..........

To a bunch of apologist who refuse to see the forest for the trees.

Time to take your head out of the sand.

At least you still have yours.....

we have 16,000 murders a year in this country. Most of them because someone who shouldn't have had a gun was able to get one.

Very few of them are committed by Jihadists.

You can cower under your bed and shit, I need a much better reason to send young men and women off to war.

Got a stat on how many murders are committed in the name of a major religion?

Lets get back on topic here.

In Syria.............ISIS and the Civil War have killed about 120k people.
Roughly half the population has been forced to flee their homes.
Over 3 million of these refugees are now in neighboring countries in Refugee Camps. Over a Million of them in Lebanon alone. In Jordan about the same.
6 million Syrians are internally displaced.
The Kurds have formed a defensive line to stop ISIS with refugees fleeing behind them.

In Iraq........ISIL now controls Northern Iraq and threatens Bagdad.
Not sure on the numbers,but it appears to be at least a million refugees fleeing the fighting.
Again, as in Syria running to the Kurds for protection.
ISIL is performing Genocide in Northern Iraq which includes mass graves of Iraqi's mowed down into shallow pits......Beheadings..........Crucifictions............Rape.........torture.........and etc.........................

And your point is about the murder rate in America.......You need a Reality check on current events............

I want you to imagine a country that half the country is displaced...............It's not imaginary. It's real.

Okay, this is all sad. And we do bear a certain amount of the responsibility because we were sooooo keen to get get rid of Saddam, who was also very brutal.

But this has nothing to do with us. The Iraqis were brutalizing each other before we got there and they will be brutalizing each other after we are gone. And frankly, Anyone we throw in with now is going to be our problem in ten years.

Shit, let's not forget, people on both side of the political fray wanted us to help the Syrian Resistance including ISIL just last year, because we all thought Assad was a bad man. Now we are covertly working with the guy. Or do you think it's a coincidence none of his very fancy Russian-made air defenses didn't take any potshots at our planes.

But PC was here telling us that we need to fear Islam as an institution, not just this particular group of thugs. Because Muslims are going to kill us all. I'm saying these are a lot of conflict that have nothing to do with us.
Um, okay.

YOu know what, the people who instigated the Holocaust weren't Muslims, they were Christians who wore belt buckles like this.


Notice it says 'God with Us" (Gott Mit Uns) not "Alluha Akbar".

And then you have this stupidity....

2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a useful generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.

Uh, no. Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolf, Ted Kaczinski were not "Muslims" but they were 'Terrorists".

I try to avoid the word "Terrorist" because Ronald Reagan insisted up and down that Osama bin Laden and his lot were "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians in Afghanistan. They only became "Terrorists" when they started killing Americans.

There are well over a billion Muslims.
First we must define the enemy. A simple test, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if the subject of questioning supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

What percentage of the Muslims in the world have killed an apostate?

the question is: what percentage of muslims support the killing of non-muslims?

You tell us. What percentage of Muslims support the beheading of the two journalists?

already been answered, post #525

There's nothing in that post about beheading journalists.

Do support violence to defend Christianity?
The building blocks of War cartoon.................Yeah, lets make fun of the current slaughter going on in the middle east.............

Lets make fun of the 9 million refugees fleeing from ISIS and the War.

Lets make fun of those being tortured, Raped, and Murdered by FANATICAL ISLAMISTS...........

Yeah............It's real funny..........

To a bunch of apologist who refuse to see the forest for the trees.

I guess the problem is, we kind of do need to look at those trees.

The reason why ISIL has gotten as far as it has because Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan etc. funded it or turned a blind eye to what they are doing, because they don't want to see a crescent of Shi'ite Islam bisecting the middle east from Lebanon to Iran.

Again, last year, a bunch of people wanted us to go to war with Syria and help ISIL because Assad was a bad man. Now we are cooperating with him, just not to openly.

Lets get back on topic here.

In Syria.............ISIS and the Civil War have killed about 120k people.
Roughly half the population has been forced to flee their homes.
Over 3 million of these refugees are now in neighboring countries in Refugee Camps. Over a Million of them in Lebanon alone. In Jordan about the same.
6 million Syrians are internally displaced.
The Kurds have formed a defensive line to stop ISIS with refugees fleeing behind them.

In Iraq........ISIL now controls Northern Iraq and threatens Bagdad.
Not sure on the numbers,but it appears to be at least a million refugees fleeing the fighting.
Again, as in Syria running to the Kurds for protection.
ISIL is performing Genocide in Northern Iraq which includes mass graves of Iraqi's mowed down into shallow pits......Beheadings..........Crucifictions............Rape.........torture.........and etc.........................

And your point is about the murder rate in America.......You need a Reality check on current events............

I want you to imagine a country that half the country is displaced...............It's not imaginary. It's real.

Okay, this is all sad. And we do bear a certain amount of the responsibility because we were sooooo keen to get get rid of Saddam, who was also very brutal.

But this has nothing to do with us. The Iraqis were brutalizing each other before we got there and they will be brutalizing each other after we are gone. And frankly, Anyone we throw in with now is going to be our problem in ten years.

Shit, let's not forget, people on both side of the political fray wanted us to help the Syrian Resistance including ISIL just last year, because we all thought Assad was a bad man. Now we are covertly working with the guy. Or do you think it's a coincidence none of his very fancy Russian-made air defenses didn't take any potshots at our planes.

But PC was here telling us that we need to fear Islam as an institution, not just this particular group of thugs. Because Muslims are going to kill us all. I'm saying these are a lot of conflict that have nothing to do with us.

It becomes a world problem when half the population of Syria have become Refugees either inside of Syria 6 million and over 3 million outside of Syria............

The spark that lit it.........was the beheading of our people and other countries people.......which is causing the strikes........
PC, there's a Muslim hiding under your bed right now.

A big, sweaty, hair muscular Muslim.

Saudi Arabia is the icon of Muslim Nations, it is the keeper of Mecca.

If Islam is 'the religion of peace,' .....

.....why is there a sword on their flag?

Why do we spend more on the military than almost all other nations combined? What is that a symbol of?

Lets get back on topic here.

In Syria.............ISIS and the Civil War have killed about 120k people.
Roughly half the population has been forced to flee their homes.
Over 3 million of these refugees are now in neighboring countries in Refugee Camps. Over a Million of them in Lebanon alone. In Jordan about the same.
6 million Syrians are internally displaced.
The Kurds have formed a defensive line to stop ISIS with refugees fleeing behind them.

In Iraq........ISIL now controls Northern Iraq and threatens Bagdad.
Not sure on the numbers,but it appears to be at least a million refugees fleeing the fighting.
Again, as in Syria running to the Kurds for protection.
ISIL is performing Genocide in Northern Iraq which includes mass graves of Iraqi's mowed down into shallow pits......Beheadings..........Crucifictions............Rape.........torture.........and etc.........................

And your point is about the murder rate in America.......You need a Reality check on current events............

I want you to imagine a country that half the country is displaced...............It's not imaginary. It's real.

Okay, this is all sad. And we do bear a certain amount of the responsibility because we were sooooo keen to get get rid of Saddam, who was also very brutal.

But this has nothing to do with us. The Iraqis were brutalizing each other before we got there and they will be brutalizing each other after we are gone. And frankly, Anyone we throw in with now is going to be our problem in ten years.

Shit, let's not forget, people on both side of the political fray wanted us to help the Syrian Resistance including ISIL just last year, because we all thought Assad was a bad man. Now we are covertly working with the guy. Or do you think it's a coincidence none of his very fancy Russian-made air defenses didn't take any potshots at our planes.

But PC was here telling us that we need to fear Islam as an institution, not just this particular group of thugs. Because Muslims are going to kill us all. I'm saying these are a lot of conflict that have nothing to do with us.

"But PC was here telling us that we need to fear Islam as an institution."

Let's try to be more accurate.

1. The only major religion actually endorsing the slaughter of innocents today is Islam.

2. The Q'ran is a book of war, promising rewards to adherents for either slaying non-believers, or dying in the effort.

3.There are no moderating verses in the Q'ran that are not overruled by more violent ones.

Only a fool would deny the above.
The building blocks of War cartoon.................Yeah, lets make fun of the current slaughter going on in the middle east.............

Lets make fun of the 9 million refugees fleeing from ISIS and the War.

Lets make fun of those being tortured, Raped, and Murdered by FANATICAL ISLAMISTS...........

Yeah............It's real funny..........

To a bunch of apologist who refuse to see the forest for the trees.

I guess the problem is, we kind of do need to look at those trees.

The reason why ISIL has gotten as far as it has because Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan etc. funded it or turned a blind eye to what they are doing, because they don't want to see a crescent of Shi'ite Islam bisecting the middle east from Lebanon to Iran.

Again, last year, a bunch of people wanted us to go to war with Syria and help ISIL because Assad was a bad man. Now we are cooperating with him, just not to openly.

The region is better off with Assad even though he's a dictator.......but the stated policy of Obama is his we hit ISIS who are his enemies while arming the FSA who are his enemies...........

I don't agree with arming any of the groups.............but I do agree with a pound of flesh for beheading our people.

On the other side of the spectrum the world has an obligation to attempt to stop Genocide which is clearly going on inside of Syria and has been going on for many years.............While it is a by product of War......we cannot turn a blind eye to it when we are literally talking about the fate of nearly 10 million people.

Got a stat on how many murders are committed in the name of a major religion?

Only if you want to be selective? Do you want to blame Andrea Yates drowning her five kids on Christianity? Of course not. She did that because she was crazy.

Could you remind me of the passage in the Bible that offered her a reward in the afterlife for doing so?

So much for your absurd post.
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