The Constitution in a Multicultural Society

A muliticultural society don't work for long...Different cultures want to rip it apart and form their own little nations.

Is that why enclaves like the many 'Chinatowns' all across America never last, but eventually become sovereign nations?

American Capitalism is a wonderful thing too bad you libs want to destroy it

Your post has nothing to do with my post. If that was your intent,

well done.
of course it does, establishing all those Chinese businesses, where people shop and eat.... Capitalism. :thup:

Do they assimilate? How can there even be 'Chinatowns' all over America if they aren't distinguishable from the rest of America?

And more importantly, what harm do they do?

Yep... pretty much... Most of those owners of Chinese businesses tend to love America. They're not out protesting the American government and most actually come here legally.

You people don't know if you're for multiculturalism or against it.


That's a shot of Chinatown in Chicago. What are all those strange markings?

Capitalism..It's a beautiful thing :cool-45:
A muliticultural society don't work for long...Different cultures want to rip it apart and form their own little nations.

Is that why enclaves like the many 'Chinatowns' all across America never last, but eventually become sovereign nations?

American Capitalism is a wonderful thing too bad you libs want to destroy it

Your post has nothing to do with my post. If that was your intent,

well done.
of course it does, establishing all those Chinese businesses, where people shop and eat.... Capitalism. :thup:

Do they assimilate? How can there even be 'Chinatowns' all over America if they aren't distinguishable from the rest of America?

And more importantly, what harm do they do?

Yep... pretty much... Most of those owners of Chinese businesses tend to love America. They're not out protesting the American government and most actually come here legally.

You people don't know if you're for multiculturalism or against it.


That's a shot of Chinatown in Chicago. What are all those strange markings?

Capitalism..It's a beautiful thing :cool-45:

When properly regulated.
Liberals gain power by balkanizing the American people and pitting us against one another. Without that, they have nothing.

bal·kan·iz·ing to break up (as a region or group) into smaller and often hostile units


Who won an election by showing us pictures of scary Willie Horton and talking about "young bucks" and "Welfare queens"?

Who won an election trying to ban gay marriage (please don't talk about my running-mate's gay daughter)?

Seems like you guys were happy to use divisive politics, until you realized there weren't enough angry white straight people to sustain you anymore.

What are you babbling about? Marriage is not the business of the federal government. States are supposed to regulate marriage and that is defining marriage in most cases, not banning anything. Willie Horton was not about race... Mike Dukakis is white

So different rules on marriage across the various states is good multiculturalism, that's what you're saying.

The Balkanization of the country with each little sovereign state being able to make the rules for its own separate culture is fine with you,

as long as you like the rules.

Stupid analogy... I know you libs want the federal government to control everything down to what we feed our kids and the kind of toilette we haft to use "culture" state and federal govener have difned poers
A muliticultural society don't work for long...Different cultures want to rip it apart and form their own little nations.

Is that why enclaves like the many 'Chinatowns' all across America never last, but eventually become sovereign nations?

American Capitalism is a wonderful thing too bad you libs want to destroy it

Your post has nothing to do with my post. If that was your intent,

well done.
of course it does, establishing all those Chinese businesses, where people shop and eat.... Capitalism. :thup:

Do they assimilate? How can there even be 'Chinatowns' all over America if they aren't distinguishable from the rest of America?

And more importantly, what harm do they do?

Yep... pretty much... Most of those owners of Chinese businesses tend to love America. They're not out protesting the American government and most actually come here legally.

You people don't know if you're for multiculturalism or against it.


That's a shot of Chinatown in Chicago. What are all those strange markings?

Capitalism..It's a beautiful thing :cool-45:

When properly regulated.
of course not overly regulated like you liberals prefer
...the public accommodation codes based on ideology/behavior imposed by leftists in violation of inalienable rights, you know, the inherent concerns of the First Amendment regarding the prerogatives of free-association and private property.

Oh, right, I forgot the Fourteenth Amendment :rolleyes:
Uncensored and PoliticalChic, I would like to help you make your transition to White Natonalism a little easier. You have adopted many of their phrases and outlooks on life, so let me give you another term they use for people like me who are right wing conservatives who hate bigoted WN assholes like yourselves.

They call us "cultural marxists".

Go ahead. Use it. See how well it feels as it rolls off your tongue, little fuhrers! Doesn't it just perfectly encapsulate what has been boiling in your alleged brains?

Just as gays felt a lot of relief when they came out of the closet, you and PoliticalChic, too, can enjoy that same freeing sensation as you both come out as White Nationalists.

"A court decision issued last month about same-sex marriage received almost no news coverage in the United States, yet the decision could have significant implications when the U.S. Supreme Court decides whether the Constitution requires it.

The case, Hamalainen v. Finland, was decided by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled in an overwhelming majority opinion that no right to same-sex marriage exists under the European Convention on Human Rights.

The European Court of Human Rights is no ordinary court. It is the supreme human rights court in Europe and has jurisdiction over 47 European nations."
KISKA La RUE Europe stands strong for traditional definition of marriage - Washington Times

Significant implications how?

You have a tapeworm?

Don't be afraid to stand up by yourself....."me," not "us."

I can help you put a little iron in your spine:

"Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm, Dare to make it known!"

From From the hymn “Hold the Fort!” First Congregational Church of Chicago, Illinois.

That's quite the statement coming from you, given that you are virtually incapable of making a post that doesn't include someone else's words in it.
The Constitution also offers protection for the employee who feels he has been unjustly dismissed...

...a worker's right that conservatives grudgingly concede, if they concede it at all, given their contempt for labor.

Can you point to that article or amendment, Comrade?

Yes. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution that assures that federal laws protecting workers' rights are the supreme law of the land.

The Constitution takes precedence over religious loyalties.
That is true for two of the three major religions

Hmmmmm... must be Mainline Protestantism and.... Buddhism?

I know you can do better.

How about a real post, addition to the thread.

Well, I know it can't be evangelicals, because they aren't even okay with the First Amendment or the Ninth Amendment.

Really? How's that?

In the meantime, while you dream up more lies/slogans along that line, let's talk about the balkanizing collectivism of Lefty's state church, i.e., the public education system, the speech codes imposed by leftists on college campuses, and the public accommodation codes based on ideology/behavior imposed by leftists in violation of inalienable rights, you know, the inherent concerns of the First Amendment regarding the prerogatives of free-association and private property.
This doesn't make any sense and is comprehensively ignorant.

Private colleges and universities are at liberty to establish codes of conduct with regard to speech considered unacceptable, having nothing to do with 'liberals,' and in accordance with the First Amendment right to free association.

Public colleges and universities are subject to First Amendment restrictions, where 'speech codes' have been routinely invalidated by the Federal courts. In Doe v. University of Michigan,721 F. Supp. 852 (E.D. Mich. 1989), for example, a Federal district court determined that a University of Michigan policy prohibiting speech deemed offensive was overbroad and therefore un-Constitutional.

Consequently your claim that 'speech codes' are being 'imposed' on public colleges and universities is a lie.

With regard to public accommodations laws, such measures are predicated on Commerce Clause jurisprudence, where the Supreme Court has held that public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy, in no way 'violating' inalienable rights, nor 'violating' the First Amendment right to free association (see: Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States (1964)).
The Constitution also offers protection for the employee who feels he has been unjustly dismissed...

...a worker's right that conservatives grudgingly concede, if they concede it at all, given their contempt for labor.

Can you point to that article or amendment, Comrade?

Yes. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution that assures that federal laws protecting workers' rights are the supreme law of the land.

And laws that indeed seek to protect workers' rights, their well-being, workplace safety, minimum wages, and hours of employment are also necessary, proper, and Constitutional, as authorized by the Commerce Clause (see: Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), US v. Darby (1941)).
M. D. and his buds don't get to pick and choose through the Constitution at the expense of its other parts. The document is organic and integrated. The weakness of their point is the inconsistency of positions. For instance, they want federal protection for gun rights and not leave them at the state level to regulate but want state rights to deny marriage equality.
M. D. and his buds don't get to pick and choose through the Constitution at the expense of its other parts. The document is organic and integrated. The weakness of their point is the inconsistency of positions. For instance, they want federal protection for gun rights and not leave them at the state level to regulate but want state rights to deny marriage equality.

Your posts are so puerile that most of them do no more than provide comic relief.

But, on the off chance that you might peek at the glee many have in reading what you attempt......and, if you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be glad to do so for you....
...whenever you get around to reading the Constitution.....

"...they want federal protection for gun rights and not leave them at the state level to regulate but want state rights to deny marriage equality."

....someone more astute than you might point out that only one of the issues you mention is in the Constitution.

Pop quiz: can you figure out which one?
M. D. and his buds don't get to pick and choose through the Constitution at the expense of its other parts. The document is organic and integrated. The weakness of their point is the inconsistency of positions. For instance, they want federal protection for gun rights and not leave them at the state level to regulate but want state rights to deny marriage equality.

Your posts are so puerile that most of them do no more than provide comic relief.

But, on the off chance that you might peek at the glee many have in reading what you attempt......and, if you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be glad to do so for you....
...whenever you get around to reading the Constitution.....

"...they want federal protection for gun rights and not leave them at the state level to regulate but want state rights to deny marriage equality."

....someone more astute than you might point out that only one of the issues you mention is in the Constitution.

Pop quiz: can you figure out which one?

As you should know, and as you have even pointed out when it suited you, there are unenumerated rights protected by the Constitution.

An example would be the right of parents to send their children to a private school.
Try though you may, as is true of your entire existence, your ploy is doomed to failure.

I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall. If you only had an acquaintance with history…you’d understand that.

I completely agree, PC - talking to you is like talking to a stone wall.

10. And now for a trip down the multicultural rabbit hole......

a. ".... owners of Sneakers Bistro in Winooski Circle, Vermont, did a little gardening on some city flower beds. The city has a program in place ("Operation Bloom") which allows business owners to do a little landscaping and earn the right to advertise/post signs on the plot of land they landscape....
So Sneakers gardened, and chose to display a sign which read, "Yield for Sneakers Bacon."

b. No big deal, right? I mean, bacon exists (thankfully). A lot of people eat it. I'm guessing it's a popular item at Sneakers Bistro.

c. .... some Muslim chick on an internet forum wrote that the sign was "insensitive" to people who don't consume pork, and that AS a Muslim, she's offended by the sign, ...

d. Sneakers took it down. They completely caved..... Their goal is obviously to be cowardly idiots who don't even realize their own first amendment rights.... realize that they are contributing to the destruction of their own country.

e. ...we are talking about the WORD "bacon" here. This Muslim woman was offended because she saw the word bacon on a sign.
Does she protest every grocery store? Does she protest every farm? And if she took the time to whine about the HORROR of seeing the word "bacon" on a small yard sign, I'm just curious - did she express any outrage about the video of James Foley being beheaded in the name of HER FREAKING RELIGION?"
Sneakers Bistro In Vermont Caves To One Muslim Woman Who Is Offended By The WORD Bacon. FOR REAL. - Chicks on the Right

What does any of that have to do with the Constitution?

You're here in a PC thread inquiring about its relevance?

That's like asking why pot heads like junk food.
Try though you may, as is true of your entire existence, your ploy is doomed to failure.

I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall. If you only had an acquaintance with history…you’d understand that.

I completely agree, PC - talking to you is like talking to a stone wall.


She's immovable, like a stonewall, and her posts are a riot...

She's the personification of the Stonewall Riots! Lady Gay Liberty!
PC is like a stone statue, nothing but cement for a head.

And Jroc understands that I am moderate whereas the America he and PC want will not exist.
PC is like a stone statue, nothing but cement for a head.

And Jroc understands that I am moderate whereas the America he and PC want will not exist.

Either you're for liberty or you're not. Neo-statist is a better description of you, as opposed to the full fledged Marxist we have in the White House. You agree with him much more than you do not

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