The Constitutional Myths of the right

So, you do not believe in the implied Right to Life pursuant to the Fifth Amendment?

why do you say that????????????

A poster claims there is no Right to Life in the Constitution. Is that an implied Right in the Fifth Amendment?

if it is implied then anything can be implied and the Constitution serves no purpose and can even be communist

You cannot imply what is not there. Under the Fifth Amendment you cannot denied Life, Liberty, or Property without Due Process of Law. So, whether you want to play semantics or not, it appears to me that babies are denied Due Process, but what the Hell, right? Democrats and Republicans alike are offended by Due Process.
" Technical Aspects About Logical Deduction *

* Political Science Drivel Orchestrated By The Mindless To Control Fools *
birth is a requirement for everything so Constitution can govern everything according to your liberal logic??????????????????????????????
Perhaps research " Liberal Versus Conservative Paradigm Is Intellectual Buffoonery " and get back with me , so that it is not required to explain it here .

* When Hypocrite Anti-Federalists Panders Statists To Individualists *
how can it not be required when the Constitution does not mention it?????????? Can the Feds govern everything that is not mentioned in Constitution?????????
Birth is a requirement for equal protection and until birth a feet us does not have constitutional protections and remains the private property of the mother ; as such , any offense resulting in damage to a fetus is an offense against the mother for which appropriate penalties may be levied .

In the case of abortion , the federal and state governments are being controlled by the 9th amendment , where individualism supersedes the authority of either .

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[3]

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.[5]
The Constitution is an inert piece of paper, written with an altruistic bent- to protect Liberty from the force of a gov't tyranny- when interpreted for a cause de jour it becomes an endeavor to exercise altruism (and enslave the enemy with the applause of the tools)- altruism is filtered through the prism of man's eyes- we become the rule of man, not the rule of law- that is what a "living" constitution brings about- oh, and maybe some stinky tourist interrupting the afternoon drunk sociopaths have going on- that upsets the corrupt behind closed doors transactions taking place wishing to inflict a will on the many to reduce competition (Liberty)- the "myth" is that elected sociopathic criminals care about it.
]Birth is a requirement for equal protection and until birth a feet us does not have constitutional protections and remains the private property of the mother ;

not according to conservatives who mostly feel life begins at conception. 1+1=2
" Validity Of Jurisprudence For Legal Statute Over Half Baked Feelings "

* Insufficient Clarity *
not at all but rather basic issue laid our by Plato an Aristotle that has shaped all of human history- freedom versus govt. Now do you understand??
Whatever you believe to have intended to communicate is insufficient in references , explanation , or example for my understanding to make sense of it at this time .

* Rhetorical Authoritarian Expectations *
not according to conservatives who mostly feel life begins at conception. 1+1=2
Do you understand that conservative is a political science term meaning adherents aspiring for conservation of government authority ?

Reiterating over and again , as to when life begins does not have a bearing upon when a state interest begins and a state interest begins with the existence of a citizen which requires birth even for equal protection .
The Democratic Party have proven that they cannot operate within the constitution.
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(Liberty)- the "myth" is that elected sociopathic criminals care about it.

you mean Demcorats-right???
Can you tell us what Republicans have done to protect Liberty?
Homeland Security Act
Funding never ending wars at home and abroad
Confiscatory property theft
Asset Forfeiture
Dept of Education
The Saudi agreement of the 70s'

Without going into specifics the above are just for starters-
The lunacy of the right starts with their errant understanding of the constitution.

Constitutional Myth #1: The Right Is 'Originalist,' Everyone Else Is 'Idiotic'
Garrett Epps


Politifact Georgia reports that pizza magnate Herman Cain told the audience at an Atlanta rally to read the Constitution, explaining that "for the benefit for those that are not going to read it because they don't want us to go by the Constitution, there's a little section in there that talks about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ... When you get to the part about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, don't stop right there, keep reading. 'Cause that's when it says that when any form of government becomes destructive of those ideals, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it. We've got some altering and some abolishing to do."

This quote neatly illustrates two pathologies of 21st-century "constitutionalism."

First, many of these patriots love the Constitution too much to actually read it (in case you were wondering, the language Cain is quoting is from the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution). Second, they love the Constitution so much they want to "alter or abolish" it to make sure it matches the myth in their heads. Those myths are a problem. They get in the way of honest debate. Last week I proposed a parlor game in which we look at some of the more corrosive myths circulating about the Constitution, and I offered by own list. Readers have responded with some suggestions of their own, and I will answer some of their nominations as the summer wears on. For now, though, I want to start working my way through my own list of the Top 10 Myths about the Constitution. I look forward to thoughtful responses, as the game begins.

Myth #1: The Right Believes in a "Written Constitution," Everyone Else Believes in a "Living Constitution"

In a 2006 speech in Puerto Rico, Justice Antonin Scalia explained why conservatives are the only ones who actually believe in the Constitution. Progressives, he said, believe in "the argument of flexibility," which "goes something like this: The Constitution is over 200 years old and societies change. It has to change with society, like a living organism, or it will become brittle and break. But you would have to be an idiot to believe that. The Constitution is not a living organism, it is a legal document. It says something, and doesn't say other things."

A year later, George W. Bush told the Federalist Society, "Advocates of a more active role for judges sometimes talk of a 'living constitution.' In practice, a living Constitution means whatever these activists want it to mean."

The idea of a "living constitution" is useful because it lets right-wingers like Scalia pose as principled advocates and ridicule anyone who disagrees with his narrow ideas as an idiot. But if one side of a debate gets to define what the other side supposedly believes, it's no big trick to win the argument.

The argument is a classic bait-and-switch. It begins with the claim that the Constitution has a definite, fixed meaning. We must apply that meaning and only that meaning, or we are "changing" the Constitution. But then it turns out that the words themselves aren't clear. Then we learn that their meaning isn't what's written in the Constitution's text; it is actually somewhere else. The words on the page have to be interpreted, and they are to be interpreted in a secret way that conservatives "know" because they have looked it up in the Big History Book. If we do not accept their claims about what the words "really" mean, we are "changing" what is written on the page, trying to "amend" it on the sly.

Constitutional Myth #1: The Right Is 'Originalist,' Everyone Else Is 'Idiotic' - The Atlantic
In your own words:

Tell me what you think the role of the Federal Government is in our society.

Tell Me what restrictions and boundaries the Federal Government has.

Tell me what role the States play in our society.

Finally, explain to me the three separate -- but equal -- branches of government at the federal level and what responsibilities they have to the people.
" Infrastructure Procedure Fixation "

* Statutes Include Processes *
no, it means that Obama illegally used the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ and the IRS as political weapons
Okay , are any surprised that such occurs within most governments ?

Is evidence available that investigations and pending charges are actively occurring to establish those claims of illegal use ?

Which are examples for claims representing valid criminal charges or civil torts for egregious degrees of wrong committed by agents of those organizations or the executive administration ?

A productive measure is to shore up governance policies through legal processes in favor for individual liberty .
Democrats and Republicans alike are offended by Due Process.

how so?????????

If the left perceives any action to be racist, then they don't give the benefit of a doubt to anyone... Did you see the way one of the pallbearers refused to shake Sen. McConnell's hand at Elijah Cummings funeral? Actions speak louder than words.

Watch the left; they do not believe in Due Process.

Donald Trump said: "Take their guns, Due Process later."
Plato and Aristotle served tyrants. And both were content for the people to remain subjects of tyrants.

we were saying that political philosophy of Plato and Aristotle defined all of human history after them, not saying who they served or what they were content with. 1+1=2

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