The continued emergence of a no-toxic GOP platform

Anything, and I mean anything, that is NOT Liberal or Socialist is... toxic.
We entered a no-win political environment when Obama was first elected.
This nation has gone to shit and there's no stopping it.
I think "legit rape" and "47%" is pretty toxic. Welfare reform and making the tax code less complex and lowering various rates while being pretty rev neutral is .... fresh air

The only actual proposed item in the whole article is a tax reform plan from Dave Camp.

The gist of the plan is to "close loopholes" and to simplify tax brackets down to two.

The plan does not eliminate all deductions, credits, or exemptions, so it does not go anywhere near far enough for my liking. But it is definitely a move in the right direction.

And the fact that this is a solution being placed on the table for consideration makes it a sad exception to the modern day "conservative" policy of whining and bitching and pessimism. Kudos to Camp and Ryan.
I think "legit rape" and "47%" is pretty toxic. Welfare reform and making the tax code less complex and lowering various rates while being pretty rev neutral is .... fresh air

Legitimate rape was a stupid comment made once by an idiot. the 47% speech by Romney was leaked to the press. Those are hardly example of the GOP platform. Try again.
I think "legit rape" and "47%" is pretty toxic. Welfare reform and making the tax code less complex and lowering various rates while being pretty rev neutral is .... fresh air

Legitimate rape was a stupid comment made once by an idiot. the 47% speech by Romney was leaked to the press. Those are hardly example of the GOP platform. Try again.

Hello? He said it in a SPEECH. To voters. Because it resonated with them. Duh.

You still hear faux right wingers today claiming Romney lost to Obama "because gifts".
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I think "legit rape" and "47%" is pretty toxic. Welfare reform and making the tax code less complex and lowering various rates while being pretty rev neutral is .... fresh air

Legitimate rape was a stupid comment made once by an idiot. the 47% speech by Romney was leaked to the press. Those are hardly example of the GOP platform. Try again.

Hello? He said it in a SPEECH. To voters. Because it resonated with them. Duh.

Fair enough, but there weren't supposed to be cameras there, and I do believe he speaking to a specifically wealthy constituency of his.
Legitimate rape was a stupid comment made once by an idiot. the 47% speech by Romney was leaked to the press. Those are hardly example of the GOP platform. Try again.

Hello? He said it in a SPEECH. To voters. Because it resonated with them. Duh.

Fair enough, but there weren't supposed to be cameras there, and I do believe he speaking to a specifically wealthy constituency of his.

When his remarks were made public, the faux right wingers around here endorsed it, not rejected it. They also still go with Romney's excuse for losing to Obama "because gifts".
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The republicans may try to build a "non-toxic agenda" and pray that Americans forget what they have been doing but it will not work. THANK GOD for cell phone cameras. Anything a candidate says will live forever. In the past candidates could say whatever they wanted to say and people would forget. Today the video removes that possibility. It is pretty hard to deny something when there are pictures and and their own voice showing that person to be a liar.
Conservatives used to be the smartest people in the room. Now the right wing leadership panders to the lowest common denominator. Retards and bigots. This is not a long term winning strategy.

Conservatives also used to be the most optimistic people in the room. Think Reagan. Now they are whiny little pessimistic bitches. Reagan used to mock the Left for being whiny little pessimistic bitches. How depressed Reagan must be now, watching from wherever he is today.

People like Ryan and Camp used to be the rule, now they are the exception. The conservative movement needs to start demonstrating leadership and reject this bogus demagoguery that has been dragging the Right into oblivion.

Quit your bitching about the other guy and get to work. LEAD!!!
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The only actual proposed item in the whole article is a tax reform plan from Dave Camp.

The gist of the plan is to "close loopholes" and to simplify tax brackets down to two.

The plan does not eliminate all deductions, credits, or exemptions, so it does not go anywhere near far enough for my liking. But it is definitely a move in the right direction.

And the fact that this is a solution being placed on the table for consideration makes it a sad exception to the modern day "conservative" policy of whining and bitching and pessimism. Kudos to Camp and Ryan.

The article could have linked to Ryan's welfare plan. And it did short shrift to camp's proposal, which is just that, because he's leaving and the gop ran away from this. But that doesn't mean its dead

What Dave Camp's Tax Reform Plan Would Really Mean - Forbes

I can't fault the American Conservative for not doing more. They've no money and arose from guys like Frum who were kicked out of the party for the heresy of saying Bushii wasn't a conservative. The article was what wiki would call "a stub".

And because the tax proposal is not going to be voted on .. now, we can't really delve too far into details. For example, Camp himself won't say why his proposal increased burdens on parents of older children compared to younger. It may have been an accident, who knows? But overall, yeah, we have too many rates and too many deductions only available to a few. And the corp tax rate is driving away jobs.

I'm just grateful for serious conservative attempts. this "self deportation" and "gays really want to end all age of consent laws" is self defeating and not worthy of political debate in America.
Legitimate rape was a stupid comment made once by an idiot. the 47% speech by Romney was leaked to the press. Those are hardly example of the GOP platform. Try again.

Hello? He said it in a SPEECH. To voters. Because it resonated with them. Duh.

Fair enough, but there weren't supposed to be cameras there, and I do believe he speaking to a specifically wealthy constituency of his.

Actually, he gave the same speech here and addressed his comment to the waiter staff at the rubber chicken dinner. He said he was doing it for them because they worked two or three jobs ... But of course it was to his audience. The caring plutocrat. And what a candidate says in a speech in public, even in an event you have to pay to get into, it's not off the record.
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