The continuing mystery of John Fetterman

If it takes that long to "recover", he needs to be replaced until he can resume his full duties, then go through a special election to demonstrate that he's still attractive to the voters. They might like his replacement better, after all, and democracy and reasons and stuff.
Hasn’t worked that way for over 200 years

Why are you making up new rules for Fetterman?
He dresses like a regular guy because that`s what he is. A regular guy with an Ivy League degree who grew up in a struggling old steel town. He ran against a TV doctor who owns 8 homes, 2 of which are in Turkey. Do you still want to know why a Pennsylvanian is a Pa. Senator and a guy who lives in New Jersey isn`t?

I could just imagine your reply if Trump ever dressed like that.
Then why does he only bring his D game?
This is what he ACTUALLY said:
"“Is it a staggering response, responsibility that the head of a bank could literally could literally crash our economy? It’s astonishing. That’s like, if you have, I mean, like and they also realize is that now they have it’s in the guaranteed, a guaranteed way to be saved by, again, by no matter, by how, you know, so it’s, you know, isn’t it appropriate that the those kinds of those kinds of controls should be more stricter to prevent this kind of thing from going, or should we just go on and start bailing and sailing whoever bank regardless of how there’s their conduct is?”

Nice try. I do admire your consistency.
I agree with Fetterman 100 percent

Fetterman is representing his constituents who believe we should not balance the budget on the backs of the poor.
If we are going to demand sacrifice to reduce our debt, it should be the wealthy who step to the plate.
Then why does he only bring his D game?
This is what he ACTUALLY said:
"“Is it a staggering response, responsibility that the head of a bank could literally could literally crash our economy? It’s astonishing. That’s like, if you have, I mean, like and they also realize is that now they have it’s in the guaranteed, a guaranteed way to be saved by, again, by no matter, by how, you know, so it’s, you know, isn’t it appropriate that the those kinds of those kinds of controls should be more stricter to prevent this kind of thing from going, or should we just go on and start bailing and sailing whoever bank regardless of how there’s their conduct is?”

Nice try. I do admire your consistency.
And he remains in office solely because of robotic, slavish democrats (you know who you are) who are completely willing to overlook his disability and inability to perform the duties of the office effectively. And why do they do that? To maintain a vote because the power of the party must reign supreme at all costs.
Fetterman is in the news again for having the audacity to suggest work requirements for bank bailouts. The bankers in the room went silent. We don`t care if he wears shorts and hoodies.

Then apparently you have no class either.
I agree with Fetterman 100 percent

Fetterman is representing his constituents who believe we should not balance the budget on the backs of the poor.
If we are going to demand sacrifice to reduce our debt, it should be the wealthy who step to the plate.
Totally willing to overlook Fetterman's inability to do the job effectively.
I agree with Fetterman 100 percent

Fetterman is representing his constituents who believe we should not balance the budget on the backs of the poor.
If we are going to demand sacrifice to reduce our debt, it should be the wealthy who step to the plate.

Good for you.

Keep confirming it.

Time is coming.

He dresses like a regular guy because that`s what he is. A regular guy with an Ivy League degree who grew up in a struggling old steel town. He ran against a TV doctor who owns 8 homes, 2 of which are in Turkey. Do you still want to know why a Pennsylvanian is a Pa. Senator and a guy who lives in New Jersey isn`t?
It's just that the regular guys are taxing the shit out of the real regular guys. And the inflation enacted from regular guy agendas is making many suffer.
Totally willing to overlook Fetterman's inability to do the job effectively.

Based on his statement, it looks like he is.
Why should the poor be the only ones who need to make sacrifices?
I agree with Fetterman 100 percent

Fetterman is representing his constituents who believe we should not balance the budget on the backs of the poor.
If we are going to demand sacrifice to reduce our debt, it should be the wealthy who step to the plate.
So you're just going to ignore his inability to speak coherently over a year after his stroke?
Look who I'm asking.
So you're just going to ignore his inability to speak coherently over a year after his stroke?
Look who I'm asking.

Why do you mock those who have had a stroke?
Are you that petty and shallow? or just mean?

I have dealt with many stroke victims and sometimes they struggle to put words together. They are not stupid, they fully understand, their vocal functions have just not fully recovered.
Hasn’t worked that way for over 200 years

Why are you making up new rules for Fetterman?
I'm saying that's what should happen, and no, they are not new rules. We don't like legislators who are disabled like this to remain in office. Tell me, should Strom Thurman have been pressured to leave office when it became obvious that he wasn't up to it anymore? How about Feinstein?

When a legislator has to have a team around them to remind them where they are, why they are there, and what they are supposed to do, it's time to get out of office. When they need a team of handlers to tell them what people are saying and translate what they are saying to the group, it's time. Heck, when the Easter Bunny has to lead them around and they get lost between Marine One and the White House, it's time. Leaving them there amounts to elder abuse if the cause of their impairment is age, or simply taking advantage if otherwise.
Why do you mock those who have had a stroke?
Are you that petty and shallow?

I have dealt with many stroke victims and sometimes they struggle to put words together. They are not stupid, they fully understand, their vocal functions have just not fully recovered.
When speaking effectively is a significant part of a job, they don't have any business trying to hold that job. This is not a comedian who can make fun of his disability, like a stutter or mental impairment. It's as useful as a firefighter stuck in a wheelchair. It's not their fault, they could have a lot of knowledge on how to fight a fire and rescue everyone, but they can't effectively carry out the job. There's no need to make fun of them, but there's also no need to pretend they're fully capable of carrying a heavy hose up a ladder and an unconscious adult down 5 flights of stairs.
Based on his statement, it looks like he is.
Why should the poor be the only ones who need to make sacrifices?
Again, why are the top tier democrats remaining silent on this? Maybe they disagree with him and hope no one notices.
So you're just going to ignore his inability to speak coherently over a year after his stroke?
Look who I'm asking.
I`m just asking do you believe in work requirements for bankers that are getting bailed out? Yes or No.
I didn`t know that you`ve had conversations with Senator Fetterman.

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