The continuing mystery of John Fetterman

Where did I "mock him"?
Please be specific.
I'll wait.

You posted his words and used them as proof to claim he is unfit for office.
Do you mock people who stutter and claim it is proof of a lack of intelligence?
You posted his words and used them as proof to claim he is unfit for office.
Do you mock people who stutter and claim it is proof of a lack of intelligence?
It's not mocking to state that someone who has difficulty communicating verbally is not well suited for a career as a legislator in Washington, just like it is not mocking to state that a firefighter in a wheelchair is not well suited to be at the scene of a fire, attempting to put it out.
You posted his words and used them as proof to claim he is unfit for office.
Do you mock people who stutter and claim it is proof of a lack of intelligence?
Where did I "claim it is proof of lack of intelligence"
Please be specific.
I'll wait.
PS Stating a fact is not mocking', you dumb fuck.
We've reached the point where the democrats will simply manufacture the necessary votes to put their guy over the top. In 2020 it was ten million votes to get Biden in and in 22, probably 300,000 to 400,000 to get Fetterman in
I agree and think the Democrat filth stole the Penn Senatorial election. However, there were still some low IQ idiots that voted for Fetterman.
Where did I "claim it is proof of lack of intelligence"
Please be specific.
I'll wait.
PS Stating a fact is not mocking', you dumb fuck.

Your quote…

Then why does he only bring his D game?
This is what he ACTUALLY said:

Why do you assume that someone who struggles to put words together is a D Game?

Do you agree that the wealthy should have to sacrifice to reduce debt also?
I agree and think the Democrat filth stole the Penn Senatorial election. However, there were still some low IQ idiots that voted for Fetterman.
Voters preferred Fetterman to an unqualified TV talk show host from another state.

How is it that no one knows anything about the condition of John Fetterman, a man put in power by the elites and Oprah?

He could not even complete a sentence during his campaign, and then he was later whisked off to a mental hospital shortly after winning the election and disappeared.

Yet Fetterman is able to pen a letter with his democrat buddies while in a mental hospital to Norfolk Southern?


If so, why can't he tell voters what the his health state is currently?

Very odd.

Just when you thought Democrats could not do anything more pathetic than get a dementia-ravaged old man elected, Fetterman handlers said, 'Hold my beer...'
I`m just asking do you believe in work requirements for bankers that are getting bailed out? Yes or No.
I didn`t know that you`ve had conversations with Senator Fetterman.
You mean the Wall Street companies that The Worthless Negro bailed out?
The corporations and their stockholders
Are you being deliberately stupid? Who seriously thinks corporations are just going to go, "Oh, well, we just got hit by a 5% increase in costs that cuts our profit margin to -1%, I guess we'll just accept it and the magic money fairy will make up the difference", and do nothing about it? That's ludicrous, even from a leftwinger that we expect to say some dumb things.
Are you being deliberately stupid? Who seriously thinks corporations are just going to go, "Oh, well, we just got hit by a 5% increase in costs that cuts our profit margin to -1%, I guess we'll just accept it and the magic money fairy will make up the difference", and do nothing about it? That's ludicrous, even from a leftwinger that we expect to say some dumb things.

A common Scare Tactic of Conservatives
“If you raise taxes on Corporations, they will just pass it on to consumers”

The reality is that the marketplace will determine the price of your goods or services. If you could just charge a higher price for your product……You would already be doing it.

When Trump cut corporate taxes by 40 percent, did corporations pass along the savings through lower prices and higher wages for their employees?

Hell No!
They just kept the extra profit because the marketplace and employees had already accepted the current price scale
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