The continuing mystery of John Fetterman

A common Scare Tactic of Conservatives
“If you raise taxes on Corporations, they will just pass it on to consumers”

The reality is that the marketplace will determine the price of your goods or services. If you could just charge a higher price for your product……You would already be doing it.

When Trump cut corporate taxes by 40 percent, did corporations pass along the savings through lower prices and higher wages for their employees?

Hell No!
They just kept the extra profit because the marketplace and employees had already accepted the current price.
1. When ALL the companies get hit with the same cost increase, they will ALL raise prices.
2. When corporations get a cut in costs, they take a gamble, either drop prices and start a price war or keep prices high and hope no one is the first to cut them.


Why do people ever expect corporations, that are run by people, to not act like people?
1. When ALL the companies get hit with the same cost increase, they will ALL raise prices.
2. When corporations get a cut in costs, they take a gamble, either drop prices and start a price war or keep prices high and hope no one is the first to cut them.


Why do people ever expect corporations, that are run by people, to not act like people?
ALL companies got a massive tax cut……none passed it on to consumers or employees.

If Domino’s charges $10 for a Pizza and their taxes go up, they do not just get to charge $15 a Pizza.
The marketplace will decide if a pizza is worth $15. Consumers will either buy from a competitor, eat Hamburgers or eat at home.
ALL companies got a massive tax cut……none passed it on to consumers or employees.

If Domino’s charges $10 for a Pizza and their taxes go up, they do not just get to charge $15 a Pizza.
The marketplace will decide if a pizza is worth $15. Consumers will either buy from a competitor, eat Hamburgers or eat at home.
Of course, but if all companies get a big tax increase, several things will happen:

1. Those on the low end of the price spectrum that were surviving on a low profit margin will either raise prices, lay off workers, cut hours or go out of business, sending everyone home without a job.
2. Those with a larger profit margin will let the others go out of business, then raise prices after the low-end competition is gone. Meanwhile, they too will institute cost-cutting measures, costing their workers money and sometimes jobs.
3. Consumers will lament the loss of the low-cost options and will eat out less and stay home more, increasing the pressure on the surviving businesses (because hamburger joints face the same increases).
4. The high-tax gluttons will dance around their campfires, hooting and waving sticks, convinced that they finally stuck it to the man.
5. Meanwhile, more jobs are lost, prices go up, and the poor suffer, as was expected.
Meanwhile, more jobs are lost, prices go up, and the poor suffer, as was expected.

More fear mongering and scare tactics.

“If you raise taxes on corporations……people will be fired and consumers will pay more!”

Again ignoring the marketplace.
You gain your profit off of those employees. If there is a market for your goods or services, you will continue to produce them.

Stop protecting your stockholders by threatening the poor.
More fear mongering and scare tactics.

“If you raise taxes on corporations……people will be fired and consumers will pay more!”

Again ignoring the marketplace.
You gain your profit off of those employees. If there is a market for your goods or services, you will continue to produce them.

Stop protecting your stockholders by threatening the poor.
Why do you pump your own gas? Because costs went up and self-service is cheaper.
Why do you find your own seat in a movie theater? Because costs went up and self-service is cheaper.
Why does no one start on the assembly line bolting cars together out of high school and retire after 40 years with a gold watch and pension? Because costs went up and it's cheaper to have robots doing it.

IOW, keep on pretending the increasing costs don't cost jobs.
IOW, keep on pretending the increasing costs don't cost jobs.

Once again, you ignore the marketplace.

We went to self serve in gas stations, supermarket check outs and McDonalds not because minimum wage is too high.
Minimum wage is $7.25 and hasn’t increased in 14 years

Those businesses went to self serve because the technology became available. They would still have self serve if wages dropped to $4 an hour.
Once again, you ignore the marketplace.

We went to self serve in gas stations, supermarket check outs and McDonalds not because minimum wage is too high.
Minimum wage is $7.25 and hasn’t increased in 14 years

Those businesses went to self serve because the technology became available. They would still have self serve if wages dropped to $4 an hour.
Not if the cost of self-serve was higher than paying X number of employees at $4/hour, plus all the taxes and overhead associated with having human employees.
Not if the cost of self-serve was higher than paying X number of employees at $4/hour, plus all the taxes and overhead associated with having human employees.

Self serve gas started appearing in the 1970s when minimum wage was $2.50 an hour.
Gas stations started saying……I can save $2.50 an hour by making the customer pump his own gas.

They jumped at it.
Self serve gas started appearing in the 1970s when minimum wage was $2.50 an hour.
Gas stations started saying……I can save $2.50 an hour by making the customer pump his own gas.

They jumped at it.
Of course. Like I said, self-serve was cheaper than paying a teenager to do the job. When it's cheaper to do without the employees, the employees get cut. Why do you think American auto manufacturers no longer have tens of thousands of American workers on the lines? It's cheaper to have robots do the work. The bottom line is, when you increase a company's cost higher than what they can absorb, they cut costs somewhere else or jack up prices. They're not in business to make liberals feel good about themselves so will react to protect the bottom line.
Self serve gas started appearing in the 1970s when minimum wage was $2.50 an hour.
Gas stations started saying……I can save $2.50 an hour by making the customer pump his own gas.

They jumped at it.

Not actually. At first they offered customers a choice between self-serve and full serve, self-serve being cheaper. The stations passed that savings on to their customers. As time went on more and more people wanted self-serve for the cheaper price so they converted more islands to self-serve. After a couple of years nobody wanted full-serve anymore.

Gas stations never made money on gasoline and still don't today. Their money is made in their convenience store. Gasoline pumps just draw the customers in.
No, a lot of voters didn't see how screwed up the guy was before voting. That's why he refused any debate against Oz until long after mail-in started.

Everyone knew Fetterman had a stroke. Republicans wouldn’t let them forget.
But they still prefer a Fetterman recovering from a stroke to “Dr Oz”

I don’t blame them
Everyone knew Fetterman had a stroke. Republicans wouldn’t let them forget.
But they still prefer a Fetterman recovering from a stroke to “Dr Oz”

I don’t blame them

Knowing somebody had a stroke and seeing how disabled it made them are two different things.

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