The continuing mystery of John Fetterman

A million Americans dead because of Trump? You mean the guy who had less covid deaths under his watch than Dementia who had three vaccines to work with?

If Festerman was a state rep, a Governor, a councilman, it's not anybody's business. But this is a guy who's vote may change the direction of this country in certain matters. Let me ask: If Festerman was an air traffic controller, should he be removed from his position?

The job he ran for and took affects hundreds of millions of lives, so yes, if he has no ability to do that job, he should go back home and worry about getting his mental and physical health back.
That would be the honorable thing to do. Unfortunately, we're dealing with democrats and I believe there are very powerful interests telling him that he is fine and not to resign until they tell him he can. Just as they pushed a frail, elderly man with memory problems into running for president instead of enjoying his retiring years, I think this borders on abuse.
But you have no right to his medical information.

Sure we do if his medical condition precludes him from doing the job we are paying him to do. But I'll ask you the same question I asked the cowboy: if he had a job as an air traffic controller, should we expect him to keep that job in his condition?
Trump's lack of cognitive skills was evident without testing.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

The definition of hypocrisy.

And because it doesn't even understand its own hypocrisy, the definition of blind ignorance.

Jackpot, for so early in the morning. Ka-CHING!

That would be the honorable thing to do. Unfortunately, we're dealing with democrats and I believe there are very powerful interests telling him that he is fine and not to resign until they tell him he can. Just as they pushed a frail, elderly man with memory problems into running for president instead of enjoying his retiring years, I think this borders on abuse.

It shouldn't surprise anybody. Look at what they did with Ginsburg. I often wonder if she died days earlier but they kept if from people so her name still had some power. Remember the Welstone funeral? They used his corpse to have a political rally. Then there is Greta Thunburg. They threw that kid on stage like a circus monkey even though she was a child with deep emotional problems instead of getting that kid proper help.

So no, this doesn't surprise me the least bit from the party of no morals.
Sure we do if his medical condition precludes him from doing the job we are paying him to do. But I'll ask you the same question I asked the cowboy: if he had a job as an air traffic controller, should we expect him to keep that job in his condition?
That's really what this comes down to. The job of a legislator or president in Washington is expected to be a grueling, largely thankless job requiring mental acuity and wisdom that is to be endured for a time, after which the politician is expected to return home after serving his/her country. They were expected to be honorable people, taking seriously their roles in representing their constituents and doing the hard work to craft legislation that the country needs, not always want it wants at the moment.

Instead, today it has become something akin to the NFL, wherein two teams put on a game for which the viewers applaud and boo on command. There are star players who pretend to be above the fray and villains whose job is to come out and cause as much damage as possible, the teams trade players back and forth, and there are coaches on the sidelines that people know are there but largely ignore who are calling the plays. The politicians, instead of acknowledging that their time has come to leave the game, stay around as long as possible, often playing long past their expiration date just because they've established a following that won't send them home.

It's degenerated into a soap opera. It's no wonder Congress has such abysmal approval ratings.
Medical issues are traditionally private, so if you're not a constituent, there's absolutely no reason he needs to say.
And I was going to say the same.... But I still don't think that he is fit for office.
I wonder how many people who voted for him are wishing they voted for Dr oz instead.

And I was going to say the same.... But I still don't think that he is fit for office.

He wasn't fit office before he won. He had felons on his campaign team, wanted to get rid of cash bail, make things easier on criminals, wanted tax payer funded shoot up sites for addicts and all the usual shit that has ruined many other cities and states. Always showing up to rallies in his carhart hoodie blasting his prison tats. Always trailing along his jersey shore tv show wannabe star that did a lot of talking for him because she was a trashy attention whore.

He was a piece of shit from the moment he started to campaign.
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How is it that no one knows anything about the condition of John Fetterman, a man put in power by the elites and Oprah?

He could not even complete a sentence during his campaign, and then he was later whisked off to a mental hospital shortly after winning the election and disappeared.

Yet Fetterman is able to pen a letter with his democrat buddies while in a mental hospital to Norfolk Southern?


If so, why can't he tell voters what the his health state is currently?

Very odd.
People talk about Biden being manipulated by his handlers but here we have a clear case of an elusive and invisible mystery man contributing to keep Democrats in the Senate majority. What is the process in Pennslyvania of replacing a US Senator who is unable to serve anymore? If it is a special election then Democrats would have a very strong incentive to keep this under wraps for as long as they can milk it out.
A million Americans dead because of Trump? You mean the guy who had less covid deaths under his watch than Dementia who had three vaccines to work with?

If Festerman was a state rep, a Governor, a councilman, it's not anybody's business. But this is a guy who's vote may change the direction of this country in certain matters. Let me ask: If Festerman was an air traffic controller, should he be removed from his position?

The job he ran for and took affects hundreds of millions of lives, so yes, if he has no ability to do that job, he should go back home and worry about getting his mental and physical health back.
Trump had the country unprepared and failed to prepare the country when in charge...

Then Trump let misinformation on vaccines flourish... Red states died at a lot higher rate than needed too..

Fetterman isn't a air traffic controller or a Rodeo rider... It doesn't matter... Unlike the the incompetent lot in that last government who thought micromanagement is there only way to manage... These are people that understand delegation and escalation... Fetterman can write a bill in hospital, what the fuck has MTG written lately? What has Boebert or Gaatz really done...
Fetterman will do more than this GOP congress by the looks of it...

How is it that no one knows anything about the condition of John Fetterman, a man put in power by the elites and Oprah?

He could not even complete a sentence during his campaign, and then he was later whisked off to a mental hospital shortly after winning the election and disappeared.

Yet Fetterman is able to pen a letter with his democrat buddies while in a mental hospital to Norfolk Southern?


If so, why can't he tell voters what the his health state is currently?

Very odd.
Dated March 1

Trump had the country unprepared and failed to prepare the country when in charge...

Then Trump let misinformation on vaccines flourish... Red states died at a lot higher rate than needed too..

Fetterman isn't a air traffic controller or a Rodeo rider... It doesn't matter... Unlike the the incompetent lot in that last government who thought micromanagement is there only way to manage... These are people that understand delegation and escalation... Fetterman can write a bill in hospital, what the fuck has MTG written lately? What has Boebert or Gaatz really done...
Fetterman will do more than this GOP congress by the looks of it...

HTF can he do more in Congress when he doesn't even understand WTF is going on? If Trump didn't have the country prepared for covid than Dementia was even less prepared. DumBama emptied out all our PPE and Trump had to start from scratch when the entire world was looking for PPE. The only test kits available that was approved by the FDA were defective.

Festerman has a more important job than an air traffic controller which is voting on decisions about our country. Now that Dementia's actions are responsible for a threat by another nuclear country for the first time since the 60s, and China coming to their aid, those decisions could be major factors in the very near future.

Festerman is more confused than a baby at a topless bar, and all anybody has to do is watch the debate between him and OZ to understand that.
The folks that voted for Fetterman knew he was unfit for office but like the fact he is a rubber stamp for Democrats.

Actually the Democrats have no clue as to what they're voting on. As long as the person has a D next to their name that's all the knowledge they need about the candidate.

That's really what this comes down to. The job of a legislator or president in Washington is expected to be a grueling, largely thankless job requiring mental acuity and wisdom that is to be endured for a time, after which the politician is expected to return home after serving his/her country. They were expected to be honorable people, taking seriously their roles in representing their constituents and doing the hard work to craft legislation that the country needs, not always want it wants at the moment.

Instead, today it has become something akin to the NFL, wherein two teams put on a game for which the viewers applaud and boo on command. There are star players who pretend to be above the fray and villains whose job is to come out and cause as much damage as possible, the teams trade players back and forth, and there are coaches on the sidelines that people know are there but largely ignore who are calling the plays. The politicians, instead of acknowledging that their time has come to leave the game, stay around as long as possible, often playing long past their expiration date just because they've established a following that won't send them home.

It's degenerated into a soap opera. It's no wonder Congress has such abysmal approval ratings.

While I've always considered our founders as visionaries, there are things they really never considered. For one is they assumed the people would vote for what's best for our country instead of what's best for their favored party and screw the country. The other is that the reps should not have ever been allowed to vote on their own pay raises. That decision should have been left up to the voters.

As time progressed being a rep went from sacrificing to serve your country to establishing a lucrative career. How many professional politicians have left Congress without being a millionaire and a very handsome benefits package? They've been allowed to use inside trading, something you and I would end up in prison for. Just ask Martha Stewart.
While I've always considered our founders as visionaries, there are things they really never considered. For one is they assumed the people would vote for what's best for our country instead of what's best for their favored party and screw the country. The other is that the reps should not have ever been allowed to vote on their own pay raises. That decision should have been left up to the voters.

As time progressed being a rep went from sacrificing to serve your country to establishing a lucrative career. How many professional politicians have left Congress without being a millionaire and a very handsome benefits package? They've been allowed to use inside trading, something you and I would end up in prison for. Just ask Martha Stewart.
That and influence peddling.
You never heard of a hogfish?

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