The cops should just all quit at once and that would teach us a lesson

That'd be great....Then grubby violent criminal shitbags could be shot on sight, and there'd be no cops around to give the law abiding any hassles.

Bring it on, dumbfucks.

Precisely. The time for chit-chat has come and gone. We're all out of bubblegum.
You won't know how badly you need it until you lose it.

Police are a great example. Continue vilifying them and inciting the public against them, they will simply abandon you.
My vote is for an all female undercover police force.
"The cops should just all quit at once and that would teach us a lesson"

I hope you fear God.
The Left and Democrats have demonized the entire law enforcement community for political expediency. It seems there is an agenda to drive a wedge between Blacks and police. The danger here is that police are human and they may just ignore enforcing the law altogether if the incident involves Blacks. Then what? Are they going to be racist for not helping?

Police are being put into the “ they are fucked if they do, fucked if they don’t” category. At that that point, why should they give a fuck?
We'd be like all: "Come back, cops! We didn't mean it!"
Without cops, if a burglar breaks into my house, I can shoot him with impunity and bury his sorry ass on my property, eliminating the need for all that pesky investigating and the burglar's decomposition would be good for my lawn. I see a win in this case.
Los Angeles just announced that LAPD is totally out of money and cannot pay the police any more. Los Angeles is so broke that it cannot even fund the 150 million dollar defunding they were going to give to black lies matters. The city is asking officers to take the back salary when they retire.
We'd be like all: "Come back, cops! We didn't mean it!"

Well, there was a time in the American West that it was every man for himself. We could go there again, and maybe we will. Then maybe after enough liberals die or get robbed in their homes after calling 911 and no one shows up... maybe over time they will begin to ask for police again.
I think were just going to see a whole lot of cops just quit and walk away over the next few years. I dont see the trend going away anytime soon.
If I were one of the LAPD officers, I'd toss my badge on the desk of the mayor, inform the mayor that as far I was concerned, his city could burn to the ground and the criminals could run rampant, causing chaos and death and that I would be seeking employment in a Red state. Also, what is needed for Los Angeles is the big one that seismologists have been predicting for years. A good 9.8 on the Richter Scale. Oh hell, go really big and make it a 10.0. After it would be over, I'd like to see their faces when screaming for the police and rescue, only to be told....Sorry. We don't have any.
We'd be like all: "Come back, cops! We didn't mean it!"
Without cops, if a burglar breaks into my house, I can shoot him with impunity and bury his sorry ass on my property, eliminating the need for all that pesky investigating and the burglar's decomposition would be good for my lawn. I see a win in this case.
See if anyone has a hog farm in your area; you might be able to trade the corpse for bacon.

Mmmmm...... bacon. :)

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