The Cosmos

Carl sagen, who this satanic series was based on, was a psychopath who believed in aliens and founded "seti".
Nothing he ever said can be believed since he thinks he was anal probed by little green men
The cosmos is a lie

Talk about being brainwashed. Religion(s) have been proven to be a lie or wrong over and over and over and yet you dare say the Cosmos is/was a lie? Watch Episode 7 The Backbone of Night and tell me what lies you hear.

Our ancestors thought the stars were gods. The aboriginies in Australia thought the stars held up the sky. Some thought they were other campers in the night. This is where/when we made up "gods". Then came the Kingdom of Sumer where they came up with the trinity. Christians, Jews and Muslims stole from the Iraqi's and I'm sure they stole the idea from somewhere else. Bottom line is if you know the history of man and religion you have to understand your religion is all made up. But that doesn't seem to stop a lot of theists. I know many christians who admit it's all made up but still believe "something" must have made us. One buddy said, "we need to believe in god" and that is not true. Believing in god is ignorant and holding us back as a society. At least believing any organized religion is. If you want to believe a "generic" god or creator must have created us, just make sure you are admitting what you really are is an agnostic theists. Not sure but you want to believe basically. To say you believe in Jesus and virgin birth literally puts you on the verge of stupid. Especially when you realize the stories aren't even original.

The root of these three religions is the religion practiced in the Kingdom of Sumer, in southern Iraq, 6,000 years ago. This ancient religion believed in a trinity and its mythology stated that out of space creatures, arriving from the tenth dying planet, landed on earth to exploit gold and oil because the environment of their planet required abundant quantities of gold to be pulverized and injected in their outer atmosphere to rejuvenate the deteriorating environment of their planet.

PS. 2500 years ago some Greeks figured out the Cosmos and religions squashed this society. Why?
The cosmos is a lie

Talk about being brainwashed. Religion(s) have been proven to be a lie or wrong over and over and over and yet you dare say the Cosmos is/was a lie? Watch Episode 7 The Backbone of Night and tell me what lies you hear.

Our ancestors thought the stars were gods. The aboriginies in Australia thought the stars held up the sky. Some thought they were other campers in the night. This is where/when we made up "gods". Then came the Kingdom of Sumer where they came up with the trinity. Christians, Jews and Muslims stole from the Iraqi's and I'm sure they stole the idea from somewhere else. Bottom line is if you know the history of man and religion you have to understand your religion is all made up. But that doesn't seem to stop a lot of theists. I know many christians who admit it's all made up but still believe "something" must have made us. One buddy said, "we need to believe in god" and that is not true. Believing in god is ignorant and holding us back as a society. At least believing any organized religion is. If you want to believe a "generic" god or creator must have created us, just make sure you are admitting what you really are is an agnostic theists. Not sure but you want to believe basically. To say you believe in Jesus and virgin birth literally puts you on the verge of stupid. Especially when you realize the stories aren't even original.

The root of these three religions is the religion practiced in the Kingdom of Sumer, in southern Iraq, 6,000 years ago. This ancient religion believed in a trinity and its mythology stated that out of space creatures, arriving from the tenth dying planet, landed on earth to exploit gold and oil because the environment of their planet required abundant quantities of gold to be pulverized and injected in their outer atmosphere to rejuvenate the deteriorating environment of their planet.

PS. 2500 years ago some Greeks figured out the Cosmos and religions squashed this society. Why?
You believe in ancient aliens garbage on tv??
Who's the fool now!!!
Sad world when belief in aliens is a given, but belief in God is ridiculed

But it isn't sad. What is sad about it? The idea of science is to question everything. For one thing, why is it sad to believe there is other life out there? Also notice how much weight your argument holds here. For one, most rational thinking humans understand the earth revolves around the sun and the sun is but one sun among millions of stars in our very little galaxy. Just because we are too small to find it, doesn't mean there isn't life somewhere on one of the planets surrounding every one of those suns. Do they all hold intelligent life? Probably not. Because it takes billions of years and a little bit of luck for even life to form. Everything has to work out perfect. But that's just for our life. There are possibly millions of other life forms in the cosmos. It is sad and pathetic to theorize that we are the only ones and a god created everything we can and can not see all for little old you. Pathetic. Are you a frightened little child?

Belief in god should be a sin. It means you are dumb. At least you are dumb if you believe in any of the major religions or in heaven and hell. Rulers/Leaders have used this stupid concept to enslave us all. Control us. About 10,000 years ago priests started popping up in the new world. Christianity, the Old Testament and Islam are just the newest lies. Notice how Christianity has to resort to telling allegories instead of trying to sell us on a talking snake? Religion has to evolve with our brains or suppress us. It has suppressed us for thousands of years. But at least today we see more and more in the West are losing our religion but still believe "something must have created all this". The fact is that is not true. And it isn't sad. The more I learn the better I feel.

You are just afraid to challenge your belief systems. You have been brainwashed plus you are probably a real weak minded person. I know a lot of you are. This is why they've been able to control history.

Lies? They squashed useful information men came up with 2500 years ago because it didn't jive with their facts. Took us 1100 years to gain that knowledge back. We need to stop being stupid/religious.

In ancient Greece, some philosophers (Aristarchus of Samos, Thales of Miletus, Anaximander, Theodorus of Samos,Empedocles, Democritus) freely pursued scientific knowledge, while others (Plato, Aristotle, and the Pythagoreans) advocate slavery, religion and epistemic secrecy.

Guess who won? Guess who lost? All of us. Now instead of having a colony on mars we have millions of nuclear warheads on this planet and global warming. Thanks to the stupid believing in god. God is the Devil or root of all evil. It is sad to believe something that can't be proven and all you've ever been told in order to believe are lies. They scared you into believing. Wishful thinking. You believe in an imaginary place and invisible man because you want it to be. I don't care how much good it makes you feel, a lie is a lie and never good for you.
The cosmos is a lie

Talk about being brainwashed. Religion(s) have been proven to be a lie or wrong over and over and over and yet you dare say the Cosmos is/was a lie? Watch Episode 7 The Backbone of Night and tell me what lies you hear.

Our ancestors thought the stars were gods. The aboriginies in Australia thought the stars held up the sky. Some thought they were other campers in the night. This is where/when we made up "gods". Then came the Kingdom of Sumer where they came up with the trinity. Christians, Jews and Muslims stole from the Iraqi's and I'm sure they stole the idea from somewhere else. Bottom line is if you know the history of man and religion you have to understand your religion is all made up. But that doesn't seem to stop a lot of theists. I know many christians who admit it's all made up but still believe "something" must have made us. One buddy said, "we need to believe in god" and that is not true. Believing in god is ignorant and holding us back as a society. At least believing any organized religion is. If you want to believe a "generic" god or creator must have created us, just make sure you are admitting what you really are is an agnostic theists. Not sure but you want to believe basically. To say you believe in Jesus and virgin birth literally puts you on the verge of stupid. Especially when you realize the stories aren't even original.

The root of these three religions is the religion practiced in the Kingdom of Sumer, in southern Iraq, 6,000 years ago. This ancient religion believed in a trinity and its mythology stated that out of space creatures, arriving from the tenth dying planet, landed on earth to exploit gold and oil because the environment of their planet required abundant quantities of gold to be pulverized and injected in their outer atmosphere to rejuvenate the deteriorating environment of their planet.

PS. 2500 years ago some Greeks figured out the Cosmos and religions squashed this society. Why?
You believe in ancient aliens garbage on tv??
Who's the fool now!!!

I believe I showed you what the Iraqi's believed 6000 years ago. The point I was trying to make was look where your religion swiped the idea of the holy trinity from?
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:

Space cadet, nobody is going to mars and no one wants to go to that dead rock.
The space program is the second biggest waste, evolution being the first
Space cadet, nobody is going to mars and no one wants to go to that dead rock.
The space program is the second biggest waste, evolution being the first

All taxes and charity should go directly to the church. For anything else is blasphemous. If you want food grow it yourself for when you spend money on food instead of tithe then you buy yourself a spot in HELL!!!
Carl sagen, who this satanic series was based on, was a psychopath who believed in aliens and founded "seti".
Nothing he ever said can be believed since he thinks he was anal probed by little green men

I did the same thing when I was young and naive. I associated atheist with Satan. Are you young or just dumb or both?

Carl Sagan is one of the great minds of our time. Of course you make him out to be a villain because he challenges the concept of god. Not just Christians but all religions. Zero god needed.

Back when Christianity was spreading it's new cult, they couldn't possibly realize historians and scientists today would be able to so completely debunk so much of their myths/stories. Don't attack the messenger, attack the message.

So now I'm not a stupid little child with no access to the information that would debunk your god story. I'm assuming your Christian. But you could be any religion. So you tell me of a time when god came to earth and performed miracles. My advanced brain, knowledge and thinking plus the information I get from the other side tells me that your religion is nothing new, no different from other religions, I know where religion came from, I know why there is no need for a "creator" and that is just man's wishful thinking.

What could you possibly say to me to get me to convert? Please try if you can. And don't tell me I"m going to go to hell. I'm not stupid or a little child. In fact I swallowed that when I was a child but then I grew up. Sorry your church is lying to you just like the Greek churches that spoke of Zeus.
Carl sagen, who this satanic series was based on, was a psychopath who believed in aliens and founded "seti".
Nothing he ever said can be believed since he thinks he was anal probed by little green men

I did the same thing when I was young and naive. I associated atheist with Satan. Are you young or just dumb or both?

Carl Sagan is one of the great minds of our time. Of course you make him out to be a villain because he challenges the concept of god. Not just Christians but all religions. Zero god needed.

Back when Christianity was spreading it's new cult, they couldn't possibly realize historians and scientists today would be able to so completely debunk so much of their myths/stories. Don't attack the messenger, attack the message.

So now I'm not a stupid little child with no access to the information that would debunk your god story. I'm assuming your Christian. But you could be any religion. So you tell me of a time when god came to earth and performed miracles. My advanced brain, knowledge and thinking plus the information I get from the other side tells me that your religion is nothing new, no different from other religions, I know where religion came from, I know why there is no need for a "creator" and that is just man's wishful thinking.

What could you possibly say to me to get me to convert? Please try if you can. And don't tell me I"m going to go to hell. I'm not stupid or a little child. In fact I swallowed that when I was a child but then I grew up. Sorry your church is lying to you just like the Greek churches that spoke of Zeus.
I once was blind too.
You will see his holy rays of light.... From hell
Stay ignorant, my friend.

But it is you who's staying ignorant. Did you watch both the old and new Cosmos? How do you reconcile fact and myth?

At best I can accept a theist who says, "you can't prove there isn't a god and I just can't believe there is no god". That is the only argument that is acceptable from a theist.

And we know your belief in god goes much deeper than that, because you claim I'm "ignorant". What am I or Carl Sagan ignorant of? Because if there is a "creator", he certainly isn't the one talked about in Islam, correct? It can't be the god that talked to Joseph Smith and said your religion sucks, is it? Or the Jewish god, who they say Jesus was not the Messiah. Or Zeus, Aphrodite, etc.

In fact you claim all these other gods are not real. So, why then can't your god be made up?

There were two great civilizations that first started this one god crap. Both told great stories of how their god was the real god. Then they went to war. We swallowed the winners story. And today you swallow King James bullshit. He controlled the sheep back then. He was the church. Wake up humans. Your stupidity is destroying the planet.
Space cadet, nobody is going to mars and no one wants to go to that dead rock.
The space program is the second biggest waste, evolution being the first

All taxes and charity should go directly to the church. For anything else is blasphemous. If you want food grow it yourself for when you spend money on food instead of tithe then you buy yourself a spot in HELL!!!

Mary had a little lamb.

Rock a bye baby in the tree top.

Santa Claus

Easter Bunny
Carl sagen, who this satanic series was based on, was a psychopath who believed in aliens and founded "seti".
Nothing he ever said can be believed since he thinks he was anal probed by little green men

I did the same thing when I was young and naive. I associated atheist with Satan. Are you young or just dumb or both?

Carl Sagan is one of the great minds of our time. Of course you make him out to be a villain because he challenges the concept of god. Not just Christians but all religions. Zero god needed.

Back when Christianity was spreading it's new cult, they couldn't possibly realize historians and scientists today would be able to so completely debunk so much of their myths/stories. Don't attack the messenger, attack the message.

So now I'm not a stupid little child with no access to the information that would debunk your god story. I'm assuming your Christian. But you could be any religion. So you tell me of a time when god came to earth and performed miracles. My advanced brain, knowledge and thinking plus the information I get from the other side tells me that your religion is nothing new, no different from other religions, I know where religion came from, I know why there is no need for a "creator" and that is just man's wishful thinking.

What could you possibly say to me to get me to convert? Please try if you can. And don't tell me I"m going to go to hell. I'm not stupid or a little child. In fact I swallowed that when I was a child but then I grew up. Sorry your church is lying to you just like the Greek churches that spoke of Zeus.
I once was blind too.
You will see his holy rays of light.... From hell

Why would I believe your churches story? Why shouldn't I believe what the Jews say, Muslims say, or MORMONS who say you traditional christians have lost your way?

I agree with the Mormons other than I don't believe their new spin either. Joseph Smith should have said all religions are bad and stopped right there. Instead he said god told him all the religions were bad and to start a new cult.
Space cadet, nobody is going to mars and no one wants to go to that dead rock.
The space program is the second biggest waste, evolution being the first

All taxes and charity should go directly to the church. For anything else is blasphemous. If you want food grow it yourself for when you spend money on food instead of tithe then you buy yourself a spot in HELL!!!

Mary had a little lamb.

Rock a bye baby in the tree top.

Santa Claus

Easter Bunny

Mary, her lamb, the baby, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny are all BURNING IN ETERNAL HELL!!! :mad::mad::mad:

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