The Cosmos

Carl sagen, who this satanic series was based on, was a psychopath who believed in aliens and founded "seti".
Nothing he ever said can be believed since he thinks he was anal probed by little green men

I did the same thing when I was young and naive. I associated atheist with Satan. Are you young or just dumb or both?

Carl Sagan is one of the great minds of our time. Of course you make him out to be a villain because he challenges the concept of god. Not just Christians but all religions. Zero god needed.

Back when Christianity was spreading it's new cult, they couldn't possibly realize historians and scientists today would be able to so completely debunk so much of their myths/stories. Don't attack the messenger, attack the message.

So now I'm not a stupid little child with no access to the information that would debunk your god story. I'm assuming your Christian. But you could be any religion. So you tell me of a time when god came to earth and performed miracles. My advanced brain, knowledge and thinking plus the information I get from the other side tells me that your religion is nothing new, no different from other religions, I know where religion came from, I know why there is no need for a "creator" and that is just man's wishful thinking.

What could you possibly say to me to get me to convert? Please try if you can. And don't tell me I"m going to go to hell. I'm not stupid or a little child. In fact I swallowed that when I was a child but then I grew up. Sorry your church is lying to you just like the Greek churches that spoke of Zeus.
I once was blind too.
You will see his holy rays of light.... From hell

We were all once blind. Then Aristarchus of Samos made us see. He explained that the earth is not the center of the universe. Religion had it all wrong. But he lost to religion and for thousands of years religion insisted we were the center of the universe.

In astronomy, the geocentric model is a description of the cosmos where Earth is at the orbital center of all celestial bodies. This model served as the predominant cosmological system in many ancient civilizations such as ancient Greece including the noteworthy systems of Aristotle.

Notice today we know Aristotle but not Aristarchus?

Thales of Miletus,
Theodorus of Samos
Theodorus invented the level, the ruler, the key, the square, the lathe, and bronze casting.

So from 500 BC to 1400 AD religion held us back. Tried men for heresy for challenging them. And you want me to swallow a 2015 years old story that they came up with 1915 years ago? Or the Jewish one before them? Or the Muslim/Mormon stories after?

Religion is mans only hope, atheist science is mans downfall

Yea because atheist America in 1940 bombed Hiroshima and had an arms race with the Soviets for 50 years and now our capitalism is creating global warming.

Every great society on this planet has destroyed themselves. You think this one is different? Maybe if we drop the god we'll do better.

Atheists and science want to land on Mars, not bomb Iran. We want battery cars so we don't destroy the planet. Theists want to drill baby drill and bomb iran.
Burning in hell you will regret your foolish belief in astrology and alien abductions

Busted you right there. You theists are the astrologers. We are astronomers. Know the difference you ignorant theist.

You come from astrologers because like them, you are superstitious. They believed it mattered what day of the year you were born on. Today they read horoscopes because they were born in Feb or Jan and they are Lebras and Scorpios. You are the superstitious ancestors of those post monkey men. You are superstitious too. Think about your religions story. Its clear a primitive less educated society wrote those things. As beautiful as you think those books are, they are lies and designed to control you. George Carlin called religion the greatest bullshit story ever told.
Religion is mans only hope, atheist science is mans downfall

How so?

Please also try to explain your religions story to me/us again. Knowing that I won't believe in any virgin births or miracles or stories your church tells because basically your religion like others started out a very small cult. I don't care that it grew in popularity. So did Islam. Islam started out with one man and look at how many joined? Don't be dumb like them.

Seems to me religion is losing its grip. If it is so good and so obvious, why has it been so wrong for so many years? Why did it try and kill thinkers for thousands of years? Seems to me religion had its chance and has failed. Soon we'll be at war with your retarded neighbors the Muslims.
Space cadet, nobody is going to mars and no one wants to go to that dead rock.
The space program is the second biggest waste, evolution being the first

Not the arms race with Russia? Not the cold war? That wasn't a waste? You are a waste.
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.
I "believe in God" (whatever that's supposed to mean), I watched Carl Sagan -- and I still "Believe in God"
Of course the whole space program is a hoax created by the evolutionists

This is why we say in western civilization, religion is seeing its last days. It'll take a few thousand more years for the Muslims to wake up and we'll probably end up having to fight a holy war with them. No surprise there.
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.
I "believe in God" (whatever that's supposed to mean), I watched Carl Sagan -- and I still "Believe in God"

I know. I explained everything to my father and I showed my friend the Cosmos Backbone of Night episode and both of them said the same thing. They both agreed with me that all the organized religions are made up but they still just can't believe this was all by accident or that something didn't create us. They also believe in hell and/or heaven. So they cherry pick what they choose to believe. No facts needed.

I watched the Cosmos and I don't believe in god. Do you think that means I'm going to hell or I'm a bad person?

And just realize how stubborn you are. You basically believe the same thing man believed 10,000 years ago and they didn't have access to all the facts you have. What makes you "believe". Convince me with your facts and logic. If you can't then admit you WANT to believe only because you can't imagine there not being. Admit that it takes no facts or logic to science to come to your conclusion. Wishful thinking. And since you only admit to believing in a generic god or creator I bet you are a cherry picker. Do you believe in hell? How about 100 virgins if you blow yourself up? Do you believe Jesus was god sending himself on a suicide mission? How about angels and demons? You little humans on planet earth are such a stupid creature. No wonder they probe our asses instead of our brains.

If you were born back during Zeus, maybe you would believe in multiple gods. So it is possible you believing in one god is offending a lot of other gods. Maybe they'll send you to hell? So to be safe you should say you believe in gods. Or would that offend your church? Tell me why you only believe in one god? What convinced you there was only one? So basically you are a product of your environment. All Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in 1 god, just like you. Correct?
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?

Lol of course. That's like THE defining image of the Dinotopia book series.
I "believe in God" (whatever that's supposed to mean), I watched Carl Sagan -- and I still "Believe in God"

Just realize that we are only 1 planet surrounding 1 star in the Milky Way galaxy. There are millions of other stars in the Milky Way and there are millions of other galaxies outside the Milky Way Galaxy. So there are probably millions of other living things in the cosmos. Just because we are too small to even get to the closest star to our star does not mean we are the only ones in the universe. That's what religion told us. Another one of their lies or another way they clearly got it wrong. But they ruled us for thousands of years. They squashed the facts because it didn't jive with their story. That's fucked up. That means they knew they were liars and wrong but continued to tell us those lies. The Greeks figured out shit 2500 years ago and religion squashed it for 1100 years. And you're still believing religion(s)?

I actually think there being lots of life in the universe would make more sense if there was a god. When you have a fish tank do you just put one fish in it or many fish to look at? The only problem with this is it goes against what YOUR religion told us for thousands of years. That we were special. We are not. Sorry to break it to you.

We don't know. But what we do know is NOTHING tells us any of the organized religions are true and what we know is they have held back science for thousands of years. Seems like religion is just another way they control the masses.
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?

Lol of course. That's like THE defining image of the Dinotopia book series.

What is your point?

Dinotopia is a fictional utopia created by author and illustrator James Gurney.

1958. So that picture was drawn in the 1900's. I thought you said Jesus drew that picture. I thought all we had from Jesus was a wash cloth he wiped his bleeding face with? Or the Dead Sea scrolls which were written 408 BCE to 318 CE

Pretty vague wouldn't you say? I say they were written after Jesus by a new upstart cult.

Any logical thinker would need proof to believe in Christianity and Christianity can't provide any. You have to have blind faith just like with all the other made up religions.

When you realize why you reject all other religions, you'll understand why I reject yours.
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?

Lol of course. That's like THE defining image of the Dinotopia book series.

What is your point?

Dinotopia is a fictional utopia created by author and illustrator James Gurney.

1958. So that picture was drawn in the 1900's. I thought you said Jesus drew that picture. I thought all we had from Jesus was a wash cloth he wiped his bleeding face with? Or the Dead Sea scrolls which were written 408 BCE to 318 CE

Pretty vague wouldn't you say? I say they were written after Jesus by a new upstart cult.

Any logical thinker would need proof to believe in Christianity and Christianity can't provide any. You have to have blind faith just like with all the other made up religions.

When you realize why you reject all other religions, you'll understand why I reject yours.

Stay ignorant, my friend.

All documents about Jesus came well after the life of the alleged Jesus from either: unknown authors, people who had never met an earthly Jesus, or from fraudulent, mythical or allegorical writings. Although one can argue that many of these writings come from fraud or interpolations, I will use the information and dates to show that even if these sources did not come from interpolations, they could still not serve as reliable evidence for a historical Jesus, simply because all sources about Jesus derive from hearsay accounts.

Note that these Gospels did not come into the Bible as original and authoritative from the authors themselves, but rather from the influence of early church fathers, especially the most influential of them all: Irenaeus of Lyon who lived in the middle of the second century.

Although the gospels of the New Testament are attributed to Jesus' followers, no one knows who actually wrote any of them.

Not only do we not know who wrote them, consider that none of the Gospels existed during the alleged life of Jesus, nor do the unknown authors make the claim to have met an earthly Jesus. Add to this that none of the original gospel manuscripts exist; we only have copies of copies.

The consensus of many biblical historians put the dating of the earliest Gospel, that of Mark, at sometime after 70 C.E., and the last Gospel, John after 90 C.E. Many non christian scholars believe it was written much later and heavily edited by the church.

The traditional Church has portrayed the authors as the apostles Mark, Luke, Matthew, & John, but scholars know from critical textural research that there simply occurs no evidence that the gospel authors could have served as the apostles described in the Gospel stories. Yet even today, we hear priests and ministers describing these authors as the actual disciples of Christ. Many Bibles still continue to label the stories as "The Gospel according to St. Matthew, Luke, John.

The author of Matthew had obviously gotten his information from Mark's gospel and used them for his own needs. He fashioned his narrative to appeal to Jewish tradition and Scripture. He improved the grammar of Mark's Gospel, corrected what he felt theologically important, and heightened the miracles and magic.

The author of Luke admits himself as an interpreter of earlier material and not an eyewitness (Luke 1:1-4). Many scholars think the author of Luke lived as a gentile, or at the very least, a Hellenized Jew.

In the Cosmos they showed how Paul went to Greece in 45AD and spread Christianity to the Greeks. 545 years before that a few smart Greeks figured out the Cosmos and science and religion squashed that information for 1400 years. You want to keep believing a lie go ahead but I feel it is my mission to stop this evil. Your religion is ignorant, not me.
Religion is mans only hope, atheist science is mans downfall

Next time you get sick do not go seek out a scientist in a hospital. Go to your church.

Pray that god cures alzheimers and cancer. But realize you are wasting your time. Better to pray to the scientists. And send your money to them so they can do research to cure you of the cancer. God won't.
So St. Paul went to Greece 1900 years ago and told them all the stories about Jesus performing miracles and they believed it why? I want to know what was so convincing?

I watched a documentary on early Christianity and I know the early "Christians" were basically poor non Jews who liked going to synagogs but didn't want to get circumsized. Basically they were a spin off of Jewdaoism.

The first Christians were Jews, but they didn't try to convert Jews. Jews weren't buying it. So what the new/early Christians did was go to the dumbest poorest parts of the Pagan world and spread their new cult stories.

How does anyone who knows the history of man still believe in God and/or the Devil?
It may be the reason mankind has always believed in God's is because it is in our nature to sense there is more than the merely physical universe. I have had personal experience of spiritualism and the occult and I think the universe could have been started by a divine mind that worked the whole thing out in minute detail, then set it into motion. Religions fail when they become doctrines that are assumed to be written in stone. When really we should keep our minds open to a greater and greater vision of Gods nature. The more we learn about the vastness of the universe the greater the God that could have started the whole thing off becomes.

You sense there is more than the physical universe?

We can not take your personal antidotes as proof and neither should you. Honestly. It's like a crazy person telling me that their invisible friend is real or that they really were abducted by aliens and I have to believe them. You need to realize that might have all been in your head. We are convinced it was so what happened to you when an angel visited you is not allowed.

You are superstitious just like most modern humans are. Being this way served a purpose for thousands of years but now we need to realize that this irrational belief is being used on us to hold us back. Just look at how the religions of the Middle East are holding those people back. The people who build bombs and go to war and the churches are evil. Their all in it together. The people who ruled Europe and the people who rule America use religion as one of the ways they control us, keep us stupid, just like the Pharohs used it on their slaves and the white Americans used it on their slaves. If you don't think they used religion to lie us into Iraq, you are wrong. So the Crusades continue.

Science and I sees nothing more than the physical universe. NONE. Does a moquito or bug or fish go to heaven? But you do? What proof do you have of this? NONE? Then why do you believe this. Are you cherry picking from made up religions? Religions that were invented from men who like you just couldn't believe there is no god? Just because it is in our nature or was in our nature 100,000 years ago to think the universe revolved around us, doens't mean you should hold on to that belief if you find out it isn't true. ESPECIALLY if you realize that lie has been forced on you for thousands of years. Convert or die. Oh it isn't that way anymore? Sure, now that they won. All I can say is thank god you guys don't burn atheists anymore. It is amazing that the atheist gene hasn't died out being that the theist gene has been forced on us for thousands of years. Religion may actually be part of our DNA now that it has been forced on us for so long.

Oh, and realize this. The beginning of our universe is so old. Put the start of our universe to today on a 12 month calendar. The big bang happened Jan 1. LIfe started on earth in November. Humans only showed up in the last minute of the last day of the year. If you can grasp that you should realize you are just one animal on one planet.

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