The Cosmos

How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?

Lol of course. That's like THE defining image of the Dinotopia book series.

What is your point?

Dinotopia is a fictional utopia created by author and illustrator James Gurney.

1958. So that picture was drawn in the 1900's. I thought you said Jesus drew that picture. I thought all we had from Jesus was a wash cloth he wiped his bleeding face with? Or the Dead Sea scrolls which were written 408 BCE to 318 CE

Pretty vague wouldn't you say? I say they were written after Jesus by a new upstart cult.

Any logical thinker would need proof to believe in Christianity and Christianity can't provide any. You have to have blind faith just like with all the other made up religions.

When you realize why you reject all other religions, you'll understand why I reject yours.


Please don't tell me a god watches you and built a heaven for you and a hell for people who disagree with you and then tell me something went over my head. If it did its because your argument or point is just too stupid for me to accept. And if you are so sharp, why don't you go into detail explaining what your fucking point is/was.

Because it all boils down to "you gotta have faith", and I refuse to have faith in a lie.

Evolution and the Big Bang are scientific theories. Basically, they are the best answers we have right now. I'll have faith in those things until better theories prove them wrong.

As far as religion. I think I've seen enough facts to conclude they are all just made up. And I'll remain open to someone changing my mind. Just present the evidence and I'll let you know if it is sound and logical or not proof at all.
It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?

Lol of course. That's like THE defining image of the Dinotopia book series.

What is your point?

Dinotopia is a fictional utopia created by author and illustrator James Gurney.

1958. So that picture was drawn in the 1900's. I thought you said Jesus drew that picture. I thought all we had from Jesus was a wash cloth he wiped his bleeding face with? Or the Dead Sea scrolls which were written 408 BCE to 318 CE

Pretty vague wouldn't you say? I say they were written after Jesus by a new upstart cult.

Any logical thinker would need proof to believe in Christianity and Christianity can't provide any. You have to have blind faith just like with all the other made up religions.

When you realize why you reject all other religions, you'll understand why I reject yours.


Please don't tell me a god watches you and built a heaven for you and a hell for people who disagree with you and then tell me something went over my head. If it did its because your argument or point is just too stupid for me to accept. And if you are so sharp, why don't you go into detail explaining what your fucking point is/was.

Because it all boils down to "you gotta have faith", and I refuse to have faith in a lie.

Evolution and the Big Bang are scientific theories. Basically, they are the best answers we have right now. I'll have faith in those things until better theories prove them wrong.

As far as religion. I think I've seen enough facts to conclude they are all just made up. And I'll remain open to someone changing my mind. Just present the evidence and I'll let you know if it is sound and logical or not proof at all.

There's a velociraptor with a saddle on its back waiting for me in heaven!
Hollywood gave comedy to the masses. God gave Sealybobo to the Ch
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

Hollywood gave comedy to the masses. God gave Sealybobo to the Christians for amusement.
Read for yourself unless u r too lazy
I Already found it, just challenging others to.

Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because it answers a lot of your questions. No the beasts in the bible were not dinosaurs. LOL. This is the problem with theists. They don't like science because science isn't perfect but what science has done is debunk every bogus religious claim. For example, NO the bibles written less than 10,000 years ago were not referring to dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.

But you can go to the Himilaya Mountains and find the Takin is the "beast" behind the Golden Fleece story. We also now know because of science that not only are we related to monkeys and fish, we are also related to the Takin and TREES. How did life get started on this planet? Science thinks a comet brought life to earth. Before that we thought something else. Whatever the truth, it isn't found in the bible. The people who wrote the bible were very ancient and primitive. A small percentage of humans invented the technology we all appreciate today and we would be 10,000 years ahead of where we are now if not for religion.
I'm actually relaying on the Hebrew Bible (OT in Hebrew supposed to be original source and later been translated to different versions) in the Hebrew Bible it states clearly 'big crocodiles' the birds and the sea creatures and later the beasts, but I'm definitely going to watch 'The Cosmos' thank you for the recommendation! By the way the Jewish world calendar state the world is 5775 years old - there are however many different theories but the plain answer is 5,775 - here is another challenge, can anyone tell me why is Adam and Eve creation came last?
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.
Evolution is a LIE, designed by atheist scum to tear hearts and would away from the Lord.
Nobody came from monkeys, natural selection is bull
Read for yourself unless u r too lazy
I Already found it, just challenging others to.

Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because it answers a lot of your questions. No the beasts in the bible were not dinosaurs. LOL. This is the problem with theists. They don't like science because science isn't perfect but what science has done is debunk every bogus religious claim. For example, NO the bibles written less than 10,000 years ago were not referring to dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.

But you can go to the Himilaya Mountains and find the Takin is the "beast" behind the Golden Fleece story. We also now know because of science that not only are we related to monkeys and fish, we are also related to the Takin and TREES. How did life get started on this planet? Science thinks a comet brought life to earth. Before that we thought something else. Whatever the truth, it isn't found in the bible. The people who wrote the bible were very ancient and primitive. A small percentage of humans invented the technology we all appreciate today and we would be 10,000 years ahead of where we are now if not for religion.
I'm actually relaying on the Hebrew Bible (OT in Hebrew supposed to be original source and later been translated to different versions) in the Hebrew Bible it states clearly 'big crocodiles' the birds and the sea creatures and later the beasts, but I'm definitely going to watch 'The Cosmos' thank you for the recommendation! By the way the Jewish world calendar state the world is 5775 years old - there are however many different theories but the plain answer is 5,775 - here is another challenge, can anyone tell me why is Adam and Eve creation came last?
As a Jew you're going to hell, but thanks for the TRUTH about a 6000 year old earth
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?
Dinosaurs never technically existed.
The earth was created old, but only made 6000 years ago by the Almighty.
He made the fossils
There was a BBC series called the "Accent of man" by Jacob Bronowski, before the Carl Sagan Series Cosmos. When Dr. Bronowski reached down and grabbed a hand full of ashes of those incinerated at Dachau. It broke my heart...
Religion is mans only hope, atheist science is mans downfall

Next time you get sick do not go seek out a scientist in a hospital. Go to your church.

Pray that god cures alzheimers and cancer. But realize you are wasting your time. Better to pray to the scientists. And send your money to them so they can do research to cure you of the cancer. God won't.
I have never been to a hospital.
I do pray for healing and The Lord provides it to the faithful.
That's enough "proof" for faith for me.
Ps stop trying to disprove God exists with science. Falseness can not prove truth
Read for yourself unless u r too lazy
I Already found it, just challenging others to.

Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because it answers a lot of your questions. No the beasts in the bible were not dinosaurs. LOL. This is the problem with theists. They don't like science because science isn't perfect but what science has done is debunk every bogus religious claim. For example, NO the bibles written less than 10,000 years ago were not referring to dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.

But you can go to the Himilaya Mountains and find the Takin is the "beast" behind the Golden Fleece story. We also now know because of science that not only are we related to monkeys and fish, we are also related to the Takin and TREES. How did life get started on this planet? Science thinks a comet brought life to earth. Before that we thought something else. Whatever the truth, it isn't found in the bible. The people who wrote the bible were very ancient and primitive. A small percentage of humans invented the technology we all appreciate today and we would be 10,000 years ahead of where we are now if not for religion.
I'm actually relaying on the Hebrew Bible (OT in Hebrew supposed to be original source and later been translated to different versions) in the Hebrew Bible it states clearly 'big crocodiles' the birds and the sea creatures and later the beasts, but I'm definitely going to watch 'The Cosmos' thank you for the recommendation! By the way the Jewish world calendar state the world is 5775 years old - there are however many different theories but the plain answer is 5,775 - here is another challenge, can anyone tell me why is Adam and Eve creation came last?
As a Jew you're going to hell, but thanks for the TRUTH about a 6000 year old earth
You are welcome to tag me in the CDZ where we can debate on Judaism and Christianity.
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.
I think the belief in a higher power is not incompatible with science. Now religion is something else entirely.
Religion and the Holy Father are linked directly. One can not exist without the others existence, like sin and satan
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?
Dinosaurs never technically existed.
The earth was created old, but only made 6000 years ago by the Almighty.
He made the fossils

False. Satan planted the fossils to test our faith!
From the Children's Illustrated Bible:


How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?
Dinosaurs never technically existed.
The earth was created old, but only made 6000 years ago by the Almighty.
He made the fossils

False. Satan planted the fossils to test our faith!
Yeah, and he must have invented radio active isotopes, a basis for measuring the age of the earth, radio telescopes and spectrometry that helped us determine the age of universe, DNA which helps us understand evolution. He's been a pretty busy guy.

Religious beliefs are typically based on faith. Most religious folks believe that, through revelation, God has taught them absolute truth. Any compromise with the beliefs of scientists would require them to reject their own religious beliefs. Very few are willing to do that. Thus there will always be a conflict between science and religion. In religion, we are taught to accept based on faith. In science, we are taught to accept nothing based on faith.

Debating what someone accepts on faith is pretty much a waste of time.
Last edited:
How old is that book with that illustration? Was it printed before lets say 1700 the year of our lord? Then big fucking deal. At that point religions stopped denying the existence of dinosaurs. At least some of them did. Today some theists still deny facts like dinosaurs and evolution.

It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?
Dinosaurs never technically existed.
The earth was created old, but only made 6000 years ago by the Almighty.
He made the fossils

False. Satan planted the fossils to test our faith!
Yeah, and he must have invented radio active isotopes, a basis for measuring the age of the earth, radio telescopes and spectrometry that helped us determine the age of universe, DNA which helps us understand evolution. He's been a pretty busy guy.

Religious beliefs are typically based on faith. Most religious folks believe that, through revelation, God has taught them absolute truth. Any compromise with the beliefs of scientists would require them to reject their own religious beliefs. Very few are willing to do that. Thus there will always be a conflict between science and religion. In religion, we are taught to accept based on faith. In science, we are taught to accept nothing based on faith.
I TOLD you, the earth was CEREATED OLD!!
It's rumored that Jesus himself drew that image. Though the colors may have been added in subsequent centuries. It is somewhat of a controversy.

Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?
Dinosaurs never technically existed.
The earth was created old, but only made 6000 years ago by the Almighty.
He made the fossils

False. Satan planted the fossils to test our faith!
Yeah, and he must have invented radio active isotopes, a basis for measuring the age of the earth, radio telescopes and spectrometry that helped us determine the age of universe, DNA which helps us understand evolution. He's been a pretty busy guy.

Religious beliefs are typically based on faith. Most religious folks believe that, through revelation, God has taught them absolute truth. Any compromise with the beliefs of scientists would require them to reject their own religious beliefs. Very few are willing to do that. Thus there will always be a conflict between science and religion. In religion, we are taught to accept based on faith. In science, we are taught to accept nothing based on faith.
I TOLD you, the earth was CEREATED OLD!!

Repent Flopper repent!!!!
Not only do we have no writings from Jesus, we have no writings about Jesus from anyone from his day.

Don't say Josephus. He wasn't born until 37AD. That means he didn't write about Jesus until at least 57AD. In other words he just wrote what a small but growing cult told him. Just like everyone else who was told about Jesus and who decided to join the new cult/church.

Funny the Jews who saw Jesus crucified didn't write about him. He was supposedly famous near and far. Thousands worshipped him but not one writing.

And today you show me that Jesus supposedly wrote of Dinosaurs? Talk about being gullible. Are you kidding?
Dinosaurs never technically existed.
The earth was created old, but only made 6000 years ago by the Almighty.
He made the fossils

False. Satan planted the fossils to test our faith!
Yeah, and he must have invented radio active isotopes, a basis for measuring the age of the earth, radio telescopes and spectrometry that helped us determine the age of universe, DNA which helps us understand evolution. He's been a pretty busy guy.

Religious beliefs are typically based on faith. Most religious folks believe that, through revelation, God has taught them absolute truth. Any compromise with the beliefs of scientists would require them to reject their own religious beliefs. Very few are willing to do that. Thus there will always be a conflict between science and religion. In religion, we are taught to accept based on faith. In science, we are taught to accept nothing based on faith.
I TOLD you, the earth was CEREATED OLD!!

Repent Flopper repent!!!!
Being a Doubting Thomas, I'm doomed.
Are you kidding? I still say watch the "Assent of Man" with Dr. Bronowski. You can still watch it on you tube.
Dinosaurs never technically existed.
The earth was created old, but only made 6000 years ago by the Almighty.
He made the fossils

False. Satan planted the fossils to test our faith!
Yeah, and he must have invented radio active isotopes, a basis for measuring the age of the earth, radio telescopes and spectrometry that helped us determine the age of universe, DNA which helps us understand evolution. He's been a pretty busy guy.

Religious beliefs are typically based on faith. Most religious folks believe that, through revelation, God has taught them absolute truth. Any compromise with the beliefs of scientists would require them to reject their own religious beliefs. Very few are willing to do that. Thus there will always be a conflict between science and religion. In religion, we are taught to accept based on faith. In science, we are taught to accept nothing based on faith.
I TOLD you, the earth was CEREATED OLD!!

Repent Flopper repent!!!!
Being a Doubting Thomas, I'm doomed.

Acceptance is the first step flopper!!! :rofl:
Read for yourself unless u r too lazy
I Already found it, just challenging others to.

Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because it answers a lot of your questions. No the beasts in the bible were not dinosaurs. LOL. This is the problem with theists. They don't like science because science isn't perfect but what science has done is debunk every bogus religious claim. For example, NO the bibles written less than 10,000 years ago were not referring to dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.

But you can go to the Himilaya Mountains and find the Takin is the "beast" behind the Golden Fleece story. We also now know because of science that not only are we related to monkeys and fish, we are also related to the Takin and TREES. How did life get started on this planet? Science thinks a comet brought life to earth. Before that we thought something else. Whatever the truth, it isn't found in the bible. The people who wrote the bible were very ancient and primitive. A small percentage of humans invented the technology we all appreciate today and we would be 10,000 years ahead of where we are now if not for religion.
I'm actually relaying on the Hebrew Bible (OT in Hebrew supposed to be original source and later been translated to different versions) in the Hebrew Bible it states clearly 'big crocodiles' the birds and the sea creatures and later the beasts, but I'm definitely going to watch 'The Cosmos' thank you for the recommendation! By the way the Jewish world calendar state the world is 5775 years old - there are however many different theories but the plain answer is 5,775 - here is another challenge, can anyone tell me why is Adam and Eve creation came last?

Of course they saw big crocs and "beasts" back then. Google strange animals from the Himilayas and you'll see all kinds of crazy animals. Maybe they wondered on a bear or rhino for the first time or a wholly mammoth? Who knows.

The world is millions of years old. Watch the Cosmos and you will learn the history of the Cosmos. They put the whole thing in a year map. Day 1 the big bang. November life on earth formed. Man has only been around for 1 day of the entire year. Less. We are just 1 life form on one planet in the universe. We just happen to be the smartest thing on this planet. There are billions of stars in our galaxy alone. We can't even get to the nearest one. Who are we to say we are the only life in the universe? Only a primitive uneducated superstitious person who's been brainwashed with god talk thinking that we are special when we have no proof. The old testament is no different than the new, the mormon books, the Muslims, Greek Gods, Egyptian gods, king james version, whatever. It is all a lie. Most people get that. Most people don't believe organized religions but they say they believe in "something". That's pretty pathetic. But that was the original argument. Some if not most people believed in god(s) but no one knew. They invented him. And then one day Abraham's spin on religion took over the world. Today all three main religions are spawned from that guys original lie that god talked to him. Then the lie that Jesus was god himself and mary was a virgin. Fairytales made up 80 years after the supposed events. Jesus was a Jew and Jews saw him perform miracles? Then why didn't they convert? Yet you want me to believe it was real? Basically 11 guys made up a new cult. BFD.

Just because we are too small to discover life elsewhere, doesn't mean there isn't any. Watch the Cosmos and you'll probably drop the bible once you learn where (god(s)) came from.

There are billions of stars in just our galaxy. There are billions of galaxies. Can you wrap your mind around that? How can you follow a religion that squashed this knowledge for over 1100 years? Today religion "embraces" science because they can no longer deny it. Although they do. Just look at the fool who replied after you.

Life started on earth in the water and then some life evolved and crawled out of the water. All animals are related. Not only that, we are even related to the trees. All life on earth is related. We share the same dna or code. Watch the Cosmos. We branched off to be small mammals then monkeys then man eventually. Hard to grasp this but it took millions of years. We know evolution is real because we made chawawas out of wolves. We fast tracked evolution. We know polar bears evolved from brown hair bears and if the ice keeps melting they'll go brown again. Its all science.

Christians say, "you gotta read the bible" then we'll talk. I say, you have to watch the old and new Cosmos first.

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