The cost of gas & message board rhetoric

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Well now, only a short time ago the anti government, anti Obama, crowd was all in a rage that Obama and his Administration intentionally raised the price of gas hurting our economy and the American family. Where are they now?

It seems the new flavor or the weak is F&F. IMO the 'conservatives' who post here daily and the GOP have no ideas other than to play the NIGYYSOAB card over and over and hope for traction. Country First, a slogan without substance much like their nominee, is all they've got (for those too young to understand I'll explain. NIGYYSOAB comes from the best seller "Games People Play" and stands for Now I Got You You Son Of A Bitch).

Why there is such visceral hate for the President of the United States is anyone's guess. I guess it's the same visceral response Jackie Robinson experienced when he broke the color line in MLB. No matter how many good things such pioneers might do, those threatened by someone different than themselves who achieve great success are treated poorly.

So those of you who constantly look for things the President does or says to criticize, your whining says more about you than about him.
The whining is getting worse everyday, it's a symptom of their bad case of PMS, Partisan Moron Syndrome, the only cure is a bitter white republican pill called Mitt.
The whining is getting worse everyday, it's a symptom of their bad case of PMS, Partisan Moron Syndrome, the only cure is a bitter white republican pill called Mitt.

Nah, some liberals still have that one. Those Bush caused Katrina days, those were some non partisan days fo sho!
Well now, only a short time ago the anti government, anti Obama, crowd was all in a rage that Obama and his Administration intentionally raised the price of gas hurting our economy and the American family. Where are they now?

It seems the new flavor or the weak is F&F. IMO the 'conservatives' who post here daily and the GOP have no ideas other than to play the NIGYYSOAB card over and over and hope for traction. Country First, a slogan without substance much like their nominee, is all they've got (for those too young to understand I'll explain. NIGYYSOAB comes from the best seller "Games People Play" and stands for Now I Got You You Son Of A Bitch).

Why there is such visceral hate for the President of the United States is anyone's guess. I guess it's the same visceral response Jackie Robinson experienced when he broke the color line in MLB. No matter how many good things such pioneers might do, those threatened by someone different than themselves who achieve great success are treated poorly.

So those of you who constantly look for things the President does or says to criticize, your whining says more about you than about him.

Wow so you're out of ideas and blaming racism? Really? Sheila Jackson Lee is that you?

He still wants prices to go up, but see he also wants to get reelected, so he's trying to straddle the line. Oh and it helps the REpublicans own the House, so they can block his crazy ass policies

He wont drill, which would bring the price down, but he also doesnt want to tax the shit out of it, unless he wins reelection, then we'll see.

But he did say he wanted higher gas prices, ostensably to force the middle class (damn those bourgeosie, the left cant get em to follow commies, started in the French Revolution) to take public transportation, which I dont want to do, you're Pro Choice, and I choose to drive my own car.
Dems are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.

[ame=]Pelosi talks about high gas prices - YouTube[/ame]
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Well now, only a short time ago the anti government, anti Obama, crowd was all in a rage that Obama and his Administration intentionally raised the price of gas hurting our economy and the American family. Where are they now?

It seems the new flavor or the weak is F&F. IMO the 'conservatives' who post here daily and the GOP have no ideas other than to play the NIGYYSOAB card over and over and hope for traction. Country First, a slogan without substance much like their nominee, is all they've got (for those too young to understand I'll explain. NIGYYSOAB comes from the best seller "Games People Play" and stands for Now I Got You You Son Of A Bitch).

Why there is such visceral hate for the President of the United States is anyone's guess. I guess it's the same visceral response Jackie Robinson experienced when he broke the color line in MLB. No matter how many good things such pioneers might do, those threatened by someone different than themselves who achieve great success are treated poorly.

So those of you who constantly look for things the President does or says to criticize, your whining says more about you than about him.

Wow so you're out of ideas and blaming racism? Really? Sheila Jackson Lee is that you?

He still wants prices to go up, but see he also wants to get reelected, so he's trying to straddle the line. Oh and it helps the REpublicans own the House, so they can block his crazy ass policies

He wont drill, which would bring the price down, but he also doesnt want to tax the shit out of it, unless he wins reelection, then we'll see.

But he did say he wanted higher gas prices, ostensably to force the middle class (damn those bourgeosie, the left cant get em to follow commies, started in the French Revolution) to take public transportation, which I dont want to do, you're Pro Choice, and I choose to drive my own car.

I suggest you check your facts. I know it won't change your opinions, but you will look less the fool.
Well now, only a short time ago the anti government, anti Obama, crowd was all in a rage that Obama and his Administration intentionally raised the price of gas hurting our economy and the American family. Where are they now?

It seems the new flavor or the weak is F&F. IMO the 'conservatives' who post here daily and the GOP have no ideas other than to play the NIGYYSOAB card over and over and hope for traction. Country First, a slogan without substance much like their nominee, is all they've got (for those too young to understand I'll explain. NIGYYSOAB comes from the best seller "Games People Play" and stands for Now I Got You You Son Of A Bitch).

Why there is such visceral hate for the President of the United States is anyone's guess. I guess it's the same visceral response Jackie Robinson experienced when he broke the color line in MLB. No matter how many good things such pioneers might do, those threatened by someone different than themselves who achieve great success are treated poorly.

So those of you who constantly look for things the President does or says to criticize, your whining says more about you than about him.

My my how quickly the left forget's their non stop bitching about how Bush/Cheney were driving up the price gas for big oil and were behind 9-11 and caused Katrina allow me to introduce you to the word hypocrite.
Dems are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.

Pelosi talks about high gas prices - YouTube

A few seconds in and she blames BUSH for the high gas prices.

Seems many democrats forget Bush being lynched, painted as Hitler, called a Nazi, a murderer, movies made about his assassination while in office, etc.

All of those things and more were just fine with the many on the left, but if any of them are repeated about Obama it suddenly becomes racist.
CaféAuLait;5508236 said:
Dems are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.

Pelosi talks about high gas prices - YouTube

A few seconds in and she blames BUSH for the high gas prices.

Seems many democrats forget Bush being lynched, painted as Hitler, called a Nazi, a murderer, movies made about his assassination while in office, etc.

All of those things and more were just fine with the many on the left, but if any of them are repeated about Obama it suddenly becomes racist.

It's different. Somehow.
Well now, only a short time ago the anti government, anti Obama, crowd was all in a rage that Obama and his Administration intentionally raised the price of gas hurting our economy and the American family. Where are they now?

It seems the new flavor or the weak is F&F. IMO the 'conservatives' who post here daily and the GOP have no ideas other than to play the NIGYYSOAB card over and over and hope for traction. Country First, a slogan without substance much like their nominee, is all they've got (for those too young to understand I'll explain. NIGYYSOAB comes from the best seller "Games People Play" and stands for Now I Got You You Son Of A Bitch).

Why there is such visceral hate for the President of the United States is anyone's guess. I guess it's the same visceral response Jackie Robinson experienced when he broke the color line in MLB. No matter how many good things such pioneers might do, those threatened by someone different than themselves who achieve great success are treated poorly.

So those of you who constantly look for things the President does or says to criticize, your whining says more about you than about him.
Tonight, the part of Chris Crocker will be played by Wry Catcher.

Well now, only a short time ago the anti government, anti Obama, crowd was all in a rage that Obama and his Administration intentionally raised the price of gas hurting our economy and the American family. Where are they now?

It seems the new flavor or the weak is F&F. IMO the 'conservatives' who post here daily and the GOP have no ideas other than to play the NIGYYSOAB card over and over and hope for traction. Country First, a slogan without substance much like their nominee, is all they've got (for those too young to understand I'll explain. NIGYYSOAB comes from the best seller "Games People Play" and stands for Now I Got You You Son Of A Bitch).

Why there is such visceral hate for the President of the United States is anyone's guess. I guess it's the same visceral response Jackie Robinson experienced when he broke the color line in MLB. No matter how many good things such pioneers might do, those threatened by someone different than themselves who achieve great success are treated poorly.

So those of you who constantly look for things the President does or says to criticize, your whining says more about you than about him.

My my how quickly the left forget's their non stop bitching about how Bush/Cheney were driving up the price gas for big oil and were behind 9-11 and caused Katrina allow me to introduce you to the word hypocrite.

You have any evidence that "the left" said any of those things you alledge? I for one know that Katrina was a weather system and neither Bush nor Cheney have the ability to create a hurricane. As for Cheney or Bush having some influence on the price of fuel, one can never know - Cheney's Energy Task Forece was secret. Nine-Eleven occured on Bush's watch, I doubt even he was so dumb as to plan that event.
The whining is getting worse everyday, it's a symptom of their bad case of PMS, Partisan Moron Syndrome, the only cure is a bitter white republican pill called Mitt.

Nah, some liberals still have that one. Those Bush caused Katrina days, those were some non partisan days fo sho!

You are not aware Bush had massive cuts to the TWENTY YEAR SELA project? Congress upped it some but the ACE was years behind on restoration. No, lil' Bush did not 'cause' Katrina, he ignored the ARMY CORPS of ENGINEERS, and allowed the project that MIGHT have saved the city go down the tubes. But, he "took out" The Man Who Threatened Poppy'. Not personally of course, the child was too delicate for actual combat, he might have run into one of those big, bad....HORSES. Lil' Bush is the only cowboy in history with a phobia of horses; work also isn't one of his favorite things.
You are not aware Bush had massive cuts to the TWENTY YEAR SELA project? Congress upped it some but the ACE was years behind on restoration. No, lil' Bush did not 'cause' Katrina, he ignored the ARMY CORPS of ENGINEERS, and allowed the project that MIGHT have saved the city go down the tubes. But, he "took out" The Man Who Threatened Poppy'. Not personally of course, the child was too delicate for actual combat, he might have run into one of those big, bad....HORSES. Lil' Bush is the only cowboy in history with a phobia of horses; work also isn't one of his favorite things.

You were to impotent to do anything about it and there is no way back time machine.
Well now, only a short time ago the anti government, anti Obama, crowd was all in a rage that Obama and his Administration intentionally raised the price of gas hurting our economy and the American family. Where are they now?

It seems the new flavor or the weak is F&F. IMO the 'conservatives' who post here daily and the GOP have no ideas other than to play the NIGYYSOAB card over and over and hope for traction. Country First, a slogan without substance much like their nominee, is all they've got (for those too young to understand I'll explain. NIGYYSOAB comes from the best seller "Games People Play" and stands for Now I Got You You Son Of A Bitch).

Why there is such visceral hate for the President of the United States is anyone's guess. I guess it's the same visceral response Jackie Robinson experienced when he broke the color line in MLB. No matter how many good things such pioneers might do, those threatened by someone different than themselves who achieve great success are treated poorly.

So those of you who constantly look for things the President does or says to criticize, your whining says more about you than about him.

Wow so you're out of ideas and blaming racism? Really? Sheila Jackson Lee is that you?

He still wants prices to go up, but see he also wants to get reelected, so he's trying to straddle the line. Oh and it helps the REpublicans own the House, so they can block his crazy ass policies

He wont drill, which would bring the price down, but he also doesnt want to tax the shit out of it, unless he wins reelection, then we'll see.

But he did say he wanted higher gas prices, ostensably to force the middle class (damn those bourgeosie, the left cant get em to follow commies, started in the French Revolution) to take public transportation, which I dont want to do, you're Pro Choice, and I choose to drive my own car.

I suggest you check your facts. I know it won't change your opinions, but you will look less the fool.

I remember the $4.00 Bush years; better, but in the end, we will need to quit going through fuel like it was Chex Mix.

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