The country is in great shape right now if we can simply maintain things.

The GOP needs to do two things ASAP:
1. Reform state voting laws similar to FL to stop the cheating
2. Organize GOP voters like Stacy Abrams did in GA, she added about 800,000 voters and made sure they voted.

We both know what Biden's plans are for the country, and the ultimate disaster it's going to create. I think what the Republicans should do is just let the Democrats carry through with their plans. They don't have to vote with them, but don't offer much resistance either. By the time of next election, our fuel prices will likely be sky high, our economy in the toilet even with covid being a thing of the past, our cost of living will be on the increase which means inflation like we haven't seen in decades.

It's kind of like what experts say about people with addiction problems. You have to hit rock bottom before you realize you have a problem and make change. Only you can make that decision.

The feds can't change voting laws unfortunately. How states vote is up to the states, and even if they are violating their own state Constitution as we've seen in this election, the courts will not get involved. What the RNC can do is threaten campaign funds to legislatures who don't make change in states we currently are in control of, but I don't know if that will be enough.
1. Joe Manchin has committed to keeping the radical democrats from doing too much damage. He will keep the 60-vote filibuster rule, which in itself should force the democrats to compromise, i.e. no DC or PR statehood, keep electoral college, keep 9 USSC justices, no new gun control, etc.
2. The democrats are not dumb, their first new laws will be very popular:
- Repeal the GOP corporate tax cuts to raise revenue
- free Community College
- Pay $10,000 or so of student loans
- Re-enter Paris Accord
- Extend Voting Rights Act
- Increase Police Reform
- Spend $400b on a "Made inn America" plan to increase US manufacturing
- Start a $2T Climate Change Plan
- Reform Affordable Care Plan by adding a Public Option (depends on outcome of pending USSC case)
- Pass the College for All Plan, free college for families making <$125,000

stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...
Nope. The stock markets are betting that the democrats will spend like crazy, $2,000 stimulus checks, $2T Infrastructure, plus who knows how much on the "Green New Deal". Spend now, Venezuela later...

2K stimulus was a trump idea...
Does the $2k stimulus idea mean its a bad idea or a good idea if its Trump's?
IMHO Trump and Nancy agreed on $2k, but Mitch balked, and the stupid coxucker lost the senate, duh.
Biden already promised to take back the tax cuts day your stimulus is worth zilch...
IMHO the personal tax cuts were a bad idea, but the corporate tax cuts were a good idea.
The stimulus is worth $2,000 not zilch. I hope its targeted to those who really need it.
I'm okay taxing the 5%ers a bit more, someone needs to pay the bills and the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:
View attachment 439234

the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:

Free ride? What do you mean?
Read the chart. which segment has gained the most over time?
The GOP needs to do two things ASAP:
1. Reform state voting laws similar to FL to stop the cheating
2. Organize GOP voters like Stacy Abrams did in GA, she added about 800,000 voters and made sure they voted.

We both know what Biden's plans are for the country, and the ultimate disaster it's going to create. I think what the Republicans should do is just let the Democrats carry through with their plans. They don't have to vote with them, but don't offer much resistance either. By the time of next election, our fuel prices will likely be sky high, our economy in the toilet even with covid being a thing of the past, our cost of living will be on the increase which means inflation like we haven't seen in decades.

It's kind of like what experts say about people with addiction problems. You have to hit rock bottom before you realize you have a problem and make change. Only you can make that decision.

The feds can't change voting laws unfortunately. How states vote is up to the states, and even if they are violating their own state Constitution as we've seen in this election, the courts will not get involved. What the RNC can do is threaten campaign funds to legislatures who don't make change in states we currently are in control of, but I don't know if that will be enough.
1. Joe Manchin has committed to keeping the radical democrats from doing too much damage. He will keep the 60-vote filibuster rule, which in itself should force the democrats to compromise, i.e. no DC or PR statehood, keep electoral college, keep 9 USSC justices, no new gun control, etc.
2. The democrats are not dumb, their first new laws will be very popular:
- Repeal the GOP corporate tax cuts to raise revenue
- free Community College
- Pay $10,000 or so of student loans
- Re-enter Paris Accord
- Extend Voting Rights Act
- Increase Police Reform
- Spend $400b on a "Made inn America" plan to increase US manufacturing
- Start a $2T Climate Change Plan
- Reform Affordable Care Plan by adding a Public Option (depends on outcome of pending USSC case)
- Pass the College for All Plan, free college for families making <$125,000

Hmmm thats not popular to me, all that free money comes from those of us who work for a living.
The GOP needs to do two things ASAP:
1. Reform state voting laws similar to FL to stop the cheating
2. Organize GOP voters like Stacy Abrams did in GA, she added about 800,000 voters and made sure they voted.

We both know what Biden's plans are for the country, and the ultimate disaster it's going to create. I think what the Republicans should do is just let the Democrats carry through with their plans. They don't have to vote with them, but don't offer much resistance either. By the time of next election, our fuel prices will likely be sky high, our economy in the toilet even with covid being a thing of the past, our cost of living will be on the increase which means inflation like we haven't seen in decades.

It's kind of like what experts say about people with addiction problems. You have to hit rock bottom before you realize you have a problem and make change. Only you can make that decision.

The feds can't change voting laws unfortunately. How states vote is up to the states, and even if they are violating their own state Constitution as we've seen in this election, the courts will not get involved. What the RNC can do is threaten campaign funds to legislatures who don't make change in states we currently are in control of, but I don't know if that will be enough.
1. Joe Manchin has committed to keeping the radical democrats from doing too much damage. He will keep the 60-vote filibuster rule, which in itself should force the democrats to compromise, i.e. no DC or PR statehood, keep electoral college, keep 9 USSC justices, no new gun control, etc.
2. The democrats are not dumb, their first new laws will be very popular:
- Repeal the GOP corporate tax cuts to raise revenue
- free Community College
- Pay $10,000 or so of student loans
- Re-enter Paris Accord
- Extend Voting Rights Act
- Increase Police Reform
- Spend $400b on a "Made inn America" plan to increase US manufacturing
- Start a $2T Climate Change Plan
- Reform Affordable Care Plan by adding a Public Option (depends on outcome of pending USSC case)
- Pass the College for All Plan, free college for families making <$125,000

their first new laws will be very popular:

- Repeal the GOP corporate tax cuts to raise revenue
- free Community College
- Pay $10,000 or so of student loans
- Re-enter Paris Accord
- Extend Voting Rights Act
- Increase Police Reform
- Spend $400b on a "Made inn America" plan to increase US manufacturing
- Start a $2T Climate Change Plan
- Reform Affordable Care Plan by adding a Public Option (depends on outcome of pending USSC case)
- Pass the College for All Plan, free college for families making <$125,000

most of these are popular only among "the people"...
but not among the "fat donors"...

it takes some brass balls to even speak of them for any career politician...
hence why you havent heard trump nor any of his republican minions mentioning any of them...
The GOP needs to do two things ASAP:
1. Reform state voting laws similar to FL to stop the cheating
2. Organize GOP voters like Stacy Abrams did in GA, she added about 800,000 voters and made sure they voted.

We both know what Biden's plans are for the country, and the ultimate disaster it's going to create. I think what the Republicans should do is just let the Democrats carry through with their plans. They don't have to vote with them, but don't offer much resistance either. By the time of next election, our fuel prices will likely be sky high, our economy in the toilet even with covid being a thing of the past, our cost of living will be on the increase which means inflation like we haven't seen in decades.

It's kind of like what experts say about people with addiction problems. You have to hit rock bottom before you realize you have a problem and make change. Only you can make that decision.

The feds can't change voting laws unfortunately. How states vote is up to the states, and even if they are violating their own state Constitution as we've seen in this election, the courts will not get involved. What the RNC can do is threaten campaign funds to legislatures who don't make change in states we currently are in control of, but I don't know if that will be enough.
1. Joe Manchin has committed to keeping the radical democrats from doing too much damage. He will keep the 60-vote filibuster rule, which in itself should force the democrats to compromise, i.e. no DC or PR statehood, keep electoral college, keep 9 USSC justices, no new gun control, etc.
2. The democrats are not dumb, their first new laws will be very popular:
- Repeal the GOP corporate tax cuts to raise revenue
- free Community College
- Pay $10,000 or so of student loans
- Re-enter Paris Accord
- Extend Voting Rights Act
- Increase Police Reform
- Spend $400b on a "Made inn America" plan to increase US manufacturing
- Start a $2T Climate Change Plan
- Reform Affordable Care Plan by adding a Public Option (depends on outcome of pending USSC case)
- Pass the College for All Plan, free college for families making <$125,000

Hmmm thats not popular to me, all that free money comes from those of us who work for a living.
Free money??? Look at what has been "borrowed"!!
The GOP needs to do two things ASAP:
1. Reform state voting laws similar to FL to stop the cheating
2. Organize GOP voters like Stacy Abrams did in GA, she added about 800,000 voters and made sure they voted.

We both know what Biden's plans are for the country, and the ultimate disaster it's going to create. I think what the Republicans should do is just let the Democrats carry through with their plans. They don't have to vote with them, but don't offer much resistance either. By the time of next election, our fuel prices will likely be sky high, our economy in the toilet even with covid being a thing of the past, our cost of living will be on the increase which means inflation like we haven't seen in decades.

It's kind of like what experts say about people with addiction problems. You have to hit rock bottom before you realize you have a problem and make change. Only you can make that decision.

The feds can't change voting laws unfortunately. How states vote is up to the states, and even if they are violating their own state Constitution as we've seen in this election, the courts will not get involved. What the RNC can do is threaten campaign funds to legislatures who don't make change in states we currently are in control of, but I don't know if that will be enough.
1. Joe Manchin has committed to keeping the radical democrats from doing too much damage. He will keep the 60-vote filibuster rule, which in itself should force the democrats to compromise, i.e. no DC or PR statehood, keep electoral college, keep 9 USSC justices, no new gun control, etc.
2. The democrats are not dumb, their first new laws will be very popular:
- Repeal the GOP corporate tax cuts to raise revenue
- free Community College
- Pay $10,000 or so of student loans
- Re-enter Paris Accord
- Extend Voting Rights Act
- Increase Police Reform
- Spend $400b on a "Made inn America" plan to increase US manufacturing
- Start a $2T Climate Change Plan
- Reform Affordable Care Plan by adding a Public Option (depends on outcome of pending USSC case)
- Pass the College for All Plan, free college for families making <$125,000

And all this will take us past 32 trillion in debt. You know Biden wants reparations for black people who were never slaves or met a slave in their lives.
The GOP needs to do two things ASAP:
1. Reform state voting laws similar to FL to stop the cheating
2. Organize GOP voters like Stacy Abrams did in GA, she added about 800,000 voters and made sure they voted.

We both know what Biden's plans are for the country, and the ultimate disaster it's going to create. I think what the Republicans should do is just let the Democrats carry through with their plans. They don't have to vote with them, but don't offer much resistance either. By the time of next election, our fuel prices will likely be sky high, our economy in the toilet even with covid being a thing of the past, our cost of living will be on the increase which means inflation like we haven't seen in decades.

It's kind of like what experts say about people with addiction problems. You have to hit rock bottom before you realize you have a problem and make change. Only you can make that decision.

The feds can't change voting laws unfortunately. How states vote is up to the states, and even if they are violating their own state Constitution as we've seen in this election, the courts will not get involved. What the RNC can do is threaten campaign funds to legislatures who don't make change in states we currently are in control of, but I don't know if that will be enough.
1. Joe Manchin has committed to keeping the radical democrats from doing too much damage. He will keep the 60-vote filibuster rule, which in itself should force the democrats to compromise, i.e. no DC or PR statehood, keep electoral college, keep 9 USSC justices, no new gun control, etc.
2. The democrats are not dumb, their first new laws will be very popular:
- Repeal the GOP corporate tax cuts to raise revenue
- free Community College
- Pay $10,000 or so of student loans
- Re-enter Paris Accord
- Extend Voting Rights Act
- Increase Police Reform
- Spend $400b on a "Made inn America" plan to increase US manufacturing
- Start a $2T Climate Change Plan
- Reform Affordable Care Plan by adding a Public Option (depends on outcome of pending USSC case)
- Pass the College for All Plan, free college for families making <$125,000

Hmmm thats not popular to me, all that free money comes from those of us who work for a living.
Free money??? Look at what has been "borrowed"!!
View attachment 439297
Well of course it takes lots and lots of money for welfare payments.
he had 1 chance in his 4 years to be a true leader to his people...
and he failed that opportunity miserably by looking straight into their eyes and lying...
at least thats what we figured from his own voice months later...

what this guy is made of was obvious to many from the beginning..
but it became apparent to many more, including many conservatives, by the end...

thats why you see lots of states voted opposite ways for senate and presidency...
and your failure to see it is your own problem...

now you can blabber "obama this, obama that" all you like...

Dodge noted.
stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...
Nope. The stock markets are betting that the democrats will spend like crazy, $2,000 stimulus checks, $2T Infrastructure, plus who knows how much on the "Green New Deal". Spend now, Venezuela later...

2K stimulus was a trump idea...
Does the $2k stimulus idea mean its a bad idea or a good idea if its Trump's?
IMHO Trump and Nancy agreed on $2k, but Mitch balked, and the stupid coxucker lost the senate, duh.
Trump came up with the $2,000 stimulus but then he backed out on it and refused to sign it if it included it and the Republicans followed suit and refused to vote on having $2,000 stimulus.

It was the Republicans not the Democrats that refused to change the amount.
stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...
Nope. The stock markets are betting that the democrats will spend like crazy, $2,000 stimulus checks, $2T Infrastructure, plus who knows how much on the "Green New Deal". Spend now, Venezuela later...

2K stimulus was a trump idea...
Does the $2k stimulus idea mean its a bad idea or a good idea if its Trump's?
IMHO Trump and Nancy agreed on $2k, but Mitch balked, and the stupid coxucker lost the senate, duh.
Trump came up with the $2,000 stimulus but then he backed out on it and refused to sign it if it included it and the Republicans followed suit and refused to vote on having $2,000 stimulus.

It was the Republicans not the Democrats that refused to change the amount.
Baloney. Dims demanded the overseas pork stay in the bill and Republicans refused to be railroaded. If Dims wanted the US folks to have the $2000 payments they would remove the billions going overseas for African hairdos or whatever.
stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...
Nope. The stock markets are betting that the democrats will spend like crazy, $2,000 stimulus checks, $2T Infrastructure, plus who knows how much on the "Green New Deal". Spend now, Venezuela later...

2K stimulus was a trump idea...
Does the $2k stimulus idea mean its a bad idea or a good idea if its Trump's?
IMHO Trump and Nancy agreed on $2k, but Mitch balked, and the stupid coxucker lost the senate, duh.
Biden already promised to take back the tax cuts day your stimulus is worth zilch...
IMHO the personal tax cuts were a bad idea, but the corporate tax cuts were a good idea.
The stimulus is worth $2,000 not zilch. I hope its targeted to those who really need it.
I'm okay taxing the 5%ers a bit more, someone needs to pay the bills and the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:
View attachment 439234

the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:

Free ride? What do you mean?
Read the chart. which segment has gained the most over time?
View attachment 439296

Read the chart. which segment has gained the most over time?

The top 1%.

Is that your proof that "the top tax rate had a free ride for decades"?
Trump came up with the $2,000 stimulus but then he backed out on it and refused to sign it if it included it and the Republicans followed suit and refused to vote on having $2,000 stimulus.

It was the Republicans not the Democrats that refused to change the amount.

Trump never refused to sign it over the 2K check. He's the one that wanted it. But Mitch and the Republicans didn't go for the 2K, in fact originally they didn't want any stimulus check at all, but they met part way with the 600 bucks.
stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...
Nope. The stock markets are betting that the democrats will spend like crazy, $2,000 stimulus checks, $2T Infrastructure, plus who knows how much on the "Green New Deal". Spend now, Venezuela later...

2K stimulus was a trump idea...
Does the $2k stimulus idea mean its a bad idea or a good idea if its Trump's?
IMHO Trump and Nancy agreed on $2k, but Mitch balked, and the stupid coxucker lost the senate, duh.
Biden already promised to take back the tax cuts day your stimulus is worth zilch...
IMHO the personal tax cuts were a bad idea, but the corporate tax cuts were a good idea.
The stimulus is worth $2,000 not zilch. I hope its targeted to those who really need it.
I'm okay taxing the 5%ers a bit more, someone needs to pay the bills and the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:
View attachment 439234

the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:

Free ride? What do you mean?
Read the chart. which segment has gained the most over time?
View attachment 439296

Read the chart. which segment has gained the most over time?

The top 1%.

Is that your proof that "the top tax rate had a free ride for decades"?
Top 1% almost all Dems.
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
We need to end lockdowns. Gov't can't keep pumping money into the economy. Either we live with COVID or we continue this fake economy.
Last edited:
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
We need to end lockdowns. Gov't can't keep money into the economy. Either we live with COVID or we continue this fake economy.

After Biden takes office and we have enough vaccines to go around, the rates of death and illness will drop. They will give Biden all the credit even though he didn't do a Fn thing. The reason the commie cities closed down was to make the economy as bad as possible for a Democrat win.
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
We need to end lockdowns. Gov't can't keep money into the economy. Either we live with COVID or we continue this fake economy.

After Biden takes office and we have enough vaccines to go around, the rates of death and illness will drop. They will give Biden all the credit even though he didn't do a Fn thing. The reason the commie cities closed down was to make the economy as bad as possible for a Democrat win.
Probably but if it gets us back to normal and I can attend a Celtics game, I'll live with it.
stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...
Nope. The stock markets are betting that the democrats will spend like crazy, $2,000 stimulus checks, $2T Infrastructure, plus who knows how much on the "Green New Deal". Spend now, Venezuela later...

2K stimulus was a trump idea...
Does the $2k stimulus idea mean its a bad idea or a good idea if its Trump's?
IMHO Trump and Nancy agreed on $2k, but Mitch balked, and the stupid coxucker lost the senate, duh.

if trump wanted to give the people 2K checks, he could have done it easy...
he is only a talker, not a walker...
you should have figured this out already...
Give the people 2k checks for what? Why? I pay taxes why is my tax money being used to buy votes?
Trump came up with the $2,000 stimulus but then he backed out on it and refused to sign it if it included it and the Republicans followed suit and refused to vote on having $2,000 stimulus.

It was the Republicans not the Democrats that refused to change the amount.

Trump never refused to sign it over the 2K check. He's the one that wanted it. But Mitch and the Republicans didn't go for the 2K, in fact originally they didn't want any stimulus check at all, but they met part way with the 600 bucks.

The funny thing is that Mitch McConnell always pushes for corporate bailouts because of coronavirus but he opposes giving money to the actual people.

last time they had stimulus he also opposed having languages to protect these small businesses from being misused which is why the banks were allowed to steal money from the government corporate clients instead of only to small businesses.

Several of the human corporations received this funding shamed into giving it back but a lot of them just kept it. If they have this type of business stimulus again they better be sure to have language that makes it a crime to misuse it like that
The funny thing is that Mitch McConnell always pushes for corporate bailouts because of coronavirus but he opposes giving money to the actual people.

last time they had stimulus he also opposed having languages to protect these small businesses from being misused which is why the banks were allowed to steal money from the government corporate clients instead of only to small businesses.

Several of the human corporations received this funding shamed into giving it back but a lot of them just kept it. If they have this type of business stimulus again they better be sure to have language that makes it a crime to misuse it like that

What they should do is not give any money to anybody and just let everybody close down.

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