the court of public opinion, casey anthony


Mar 7, 2013
The narrative of the casey Anthony trial in Orlando, Fl in 2011 was one-sided. I am a research journalist who has discovered new evidence that confirms the jury's verdict of not guilty.

Read p25 in Empirical Magazine on website
That site has closed.
The narrative of the casey Anthony trial in Orlando, Fl in 2011 was one-sided. I am a research journalist who has discovered new evidence that confirms the jury's verdict of not guilty.

Read p25 in Empirical Magazine on website

I knew she was innocent from the beginning. The public became engrossed with her guilt because she lied about many things, but that's not her fault that people are hung-up about ambivalent lies.
the prosecution never proved where she died, how she died or who killed her. an innocent verdict was the only possible verdict.
There was no evidence she killed Caylee, which is why she was set free.
The standard of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt," is much higher than is necessary to convince the average human of the truth of some proposition.

Thus, when confronted with, for example, the OJSimpson case or the Casey Anthony case, most people quickly conclude that the accused has in fact done exactly what they were accused of doing. And they are probably right. But proof beyond a reasonable doubt? Maybe not.

Which creates the disturbing possibility of the so-called, "perfect crime." If you kill someone, but are intelligent and knowledgeable enough to leave no witnesses or forensic evidence - Think "Dexter Morgan" - you very well might get away with murder.

I personally find this quite comforting.

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