The Cover-up Is Always Worse Than The Crime

LOL I think the OP needs to go cover up, in bed and hide until 2020. Seriously you libs and your Russian conspiracies, is that really what you are pinning your hopes on? :laugh:
If Hillary Clinton had pressured FBI director to cease investigation into her campaign there would be rioters storming White House fence.

Slick pressured Loretta Lynch, douche bag.

Its different if a Democrat does it. Bill has a secret meeting in private with the AG on a tarmac and like magic the director of the FBI not the DOJ decides no charges would be filed against his wife??? What the corrupt fuck??
If Hillary Clinton had pressured FBI director to cease investigation into her campaign there would be rioters storming White House fence.

Comey's ties with the Clintons goes way back plus he worked for HSBC bank that has been busted for laundering CIA drug money that funds their black ops like supporting terrorist groups that are used to de-stablize any country that doesn't have the means to defend themselves against it. The whole fucking system is one humongous and incestuous operation that is global in scope where they put their "wolves" in charge of minding the proverbial hen some cannot see this is a total mystery to me....but then again, I read and research too much and don't watch tells-lies-vision.
Seriously you libs and your Russian conspiracies, is that really what you are pinning your hopes on? :laugh:
Putin called it a "political schizophrenia" recently.

Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Have you noticed that Democrats are intentionally throwing our relationship with Russia under the bus for political gain? Say what you want about the GOP but they don't fuck over our own country like Dem's do.
Jake Starkey, please feel free to put all the "smiley" faces on my posts you want but when you refuse to even attempt to refute the things that I post?: It's akin to some fat, nonathletic failure heckling a batter that is in the "Big Leagues".......just sayin.

Jake Starkey, please feel free to put all the "smiley" faces on my posts you want but when you refuse to even attempt to refute the things that I post?: It's akin to some fat, nonathletic failure heckling a batter that is in the "Big Leagues".......just sayin.


When I get them which is often I smile knowing they were triggered. :badgrin:
Dale, you make no points of note. You rant and chant, declare yourself even smarter than DarkFury, talk about conspiracies: I give you the smiles you deserve.
Jake Starkey, please feel free to put all the "smiley" faces on my posts you want but when you refuse to even attempt to refute the things that I post?: It's akin to some fat, nonathletic failure heckling a batter that is in the "Big Leagues".......just sayin.
They put their "smiley" faces just because they feel helpless and don't have any good arguments. To me it's like farting in the room when you can't do anything better to express yourself.
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Seriously you libs and your Russian conspiracies, is that really what you are pinning your hopes on? :laugh:
Putin called it a "political schizophrenia" recently.

Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Have you noticed that Democrats are intentionally throwing our relationship with Russia under the bus for political gain? Say what you want about the GOP but they don't fuck over our own country like Dem's do.

They did that with 4,000 warheads aimed at your family. You guys seem to forget that Russia is our enemy.
Dale, you make no points of note. You rant and chant, declare yourself even smarter than DarkFury, talk about conspiracies: I give you the smiles you deserve.

I have made and I make plenty of points that you lack the ability to refute because it doesn't tie in with the lamestream media narrative........I have facts and data....your lame attempts at rebuttals are "But....but.....but CNN and MSNBC said so!!!! It was on TV!!!!!! It's true, I tells ya!!! It's TRUE!!!!!!!!'

Yeah, keep that shit up,'s worked so well for you and those of your ilk.

Jake Starkey, please feel free to put all the "smiley" faces on my posts you want but when you refuse to even attempt to refute the things that I post?: It's akin to some fat, nonathletic failure heckling a batter that is in the "Big Leagues".......just sayin.
They put their "smiley" faces just because they don't have any good arguments. To me it's like farting when you can't do anything better to express yourself.

You summed it up perfectly.........can't add anything to that. LOL!
Seriously you libs and your Russian conspiracies, is that really what you are pinning your hopes on? :laugh:
Putin called it a "political schizophrenia" recently.

Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Have you noticed that Democrats are intentionally throwing our relationship with Russia under the bus for political gain? Say what you want about the GOP but they don't fuck over our own country like Dem's do.

They did that with 4,000 warheads aimed at your family. You guys seem to forget that Russia is our enemy.

Poor victim of Globalists brainwashing. I bet you are still sure that "ISIS is contained" because that's what Obama told you.

BTW, Russia has done a lot less harm to USA than USA has done to Russia.
The Russian hacking investigation is continuing. In hopes of stymying that investigation, it seems as though the President first asked the FBI director to "drop it" and fired him when he did not. Thus creating the second scandal.

It seems as though they never learn; the cover-up is always worse than the crime itself. Watergate went the same way when they tried to cover up the break in. Many other scandals followed the same path.
I started a thread a couple weeks ago asking what law was broken.
I think it's over 150 posts, no answer.
Go figure.
Seriously you libs and your Russian conspiracies, is that really what you are pinning your hopes on? :laugh:
Putin called it a "political schizophrenia" recently.

Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Have you noticed that Democrats are intentionally throwing our relationship with Russia under the bus for political gain? Say what you want about the GOP but they don't fuck over our own country like Dem's do.

They did that with 4,000 warheads aimed at your family. You guys seem to forget that Russia is our enemy.

Poor victim of Globalists brainwashing. I bet you are still sure that "ISIS is contained" because that's what Obama told you.

BTW, Russia has done a lot less harm to USA than USA has done to Russia.

By the way, what is Trump doing about ISIS...he said he knew more than the Generals. He seems really distracted by all of this supposed "fake news". Probably because it isn't fake.

We've done harm to Russia? Do you need a safe space to cry in?
The Russian hacking investigation is continuing. In hopes of stymying that investigation, it seems as though the President first asked the FBI director to "drop it" and fired him when he did not. Thus creating the second scandal.

It seems as though they never learn; the cover-up is always worse than the crime itself. Watergate went the same way when they tried to cover up the break in. Many other scandals followed the same path.
I started a thread a couple weeks ago asking what law was broken.
I think it's over 150 posts, no answer.
Go figure.

That is what the investigations (multiple scandals now, multiple investigations) are going to find out. Be patient grasshopper.
Seriously you libs and your Russian conspiracies, is that really what you are pinning your hopes on? :laugh:
Putin called it a "political schizophrenia" recently.

Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Have you noticed that Democrats are intentionally throwing our relationship with Russia under the bus for political gain? Say what you want about the GOP but they don't fuck over our own country like Dem's do.

They did that with 4,000 warheads aimed at your family. You guys seem to forget that Russia is our enemy.

Poor victim of Globalists brainwashing. I bet you are still sure that "ISIS is contained" because that's what Obama told you.

BTW, Russia has done a lot less harm to USA than USA has done to Russia.

By the way, what is Trump doing about ISIS...he said he knew more than the Generals. He seems really distracted by all of this supposed "fake news". Probably because it isn't fake.

We've done harm to Russia? Do you need a safe space to cry in?
So far it's you who's crying.
To have a coverup one must first have a crime to date the only possible crime we know of was the unmasking of Michael Flynns name. To quote Charles Krauthammer we have the first recorded instance of a coverup in the absence of a crime.
Poor victim of Globalists brainwashing. I bet you are still sure that "ISIS is contained" because that's what Obama told you.

BTW, Russia has done a lot less harm to USA than USA has done to Russia.
poor Russia

Almost every American male who lived through the Cold War and is over sixty would happily turn you and your country into peasants and an agrarian state.
To have a coverup one must first have a crime to date the only possible crime we know of was the unmasking of Michael Flynns name. To quote Charles Krauthammer we have the first recorded instance of a coverup in the absence of a crime.
Patience, grasshopper. The door to the cage opens tomorrow.

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