The Cowardly Liberals on USMB

I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.
I have no idea how Hillary will pay for her policies but I know Bernie Sanders has a tax plan for all of his ideas.

Right. He's going to raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for $18 Trillion dollars in new spending. LOL!! Bernie is not even serious about being President. Bernie is just enjoying spending all that money and blowing off. People didn't even know he was alive until now.
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.
I have no idea how Hillary will pay for her policies but I know Bernie Sanders has a tax plan for all of his ideas.

Right. He's going to raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for $18 Trillion dollars in new spending. LOL!! Bernie is not even serious about being President. Bernie is just enjoying spending all that money and blowing off. People didn't even know he was alive until now.
That figure came from ONE source and then a bunch of rightwing bullshit sources quoted that one source. It doesn't, at all, take into account his tax plan. And while his single payer system will be expensive to implement, it would save 5 trillion versus our current healthcare system.
What you said:

  • Raise capital gains tax to 25%
  • Raise tax on dividends to 25%
  • Submit a bill to Congress for a Financial Transactions Tax for every share traded on Wall Street
  • Cut the defense budget in half
  • Close all the over 800 bases around the world
  • End the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and all the countries in Africa
  • End the drone program
  • End all welfare payments to Israel
In one major way, this seems very GOP. Take a good look. What's missing?
Give up?
If you notice from posts by right wingers on the economy or bringing down the deficit, there is one thing missing again and again.
Building stuff.
Making stuff.
Creating stuff.
Again and again, right wingers try to "lure" business. But they rarely talk about starting a business.
For instance, Republicans love to say business is fleeing California and moving to states like Texas. The TRUTH is, companies with minimum wage jobs move to Texas. Because there are so many uneducated Texas who will work for piss wages.

Companies that rely on innovation, research and development, move to states like California and some Eastern states because they need to be near research and development facilities. I've posted facts on this many, many times. But anti education Republicans don't want to hear it.
What that has to do with what I said, I don't see the connection.

Now I'm not saying don't raise taxes. They have to be targeted. Raising taxes willy nilly can do more harm than good.
I didn't say raising taxes "willy nilly", I was very specific in the taxes I would raise.

And if you just pull all American bases everywhere and cut funding everywhere all at once, you just invite chaos.
I didn't say closing them "all at once". Of coarse there would be a phased reduction. And country's that still wanted our base there, we'd keep it there, as long as that country paid for all the operating costs.

As far as the defense budget, when you count all the defense related industries, the amount we pay is over $1 trillion a year. Yeah, I would cut that in half.

It has to be both targeted and phased and well planned out from the beginning. There has to be goals and it needs to be well managed.
Where do you get off saying my goals would not be "targeted, phased and well managed"?

Facts and data need to be constantly collected and analyzed. And that's another reason GOP economic policies always fail. They don't believe in study, research, education or making corrections.
Again, that has nothing to do with what I said.

So your plans come across as talking points and not serious policy, which would happen with more detail. Really well thought out plans with lost of detail based on study, research, data and analysis always have the greatest chance of success. And that's the "liberal" way.
Whatever you perceive to be (what I listed), is fine with me.
Where do you get off saying my goals would not be "targeted, phased and well managed"?

If don't say it or infer it, then who would know that's an assumption? You have to be more specific. You can't leave things out and just assume people will somehow know.
Hmm, yea, let's think about that.

More likely to think alike or bring diversity?

A party that's 90% white and nearly all Christian without a single liberal.


A coalition party made up of blacks, browns, whites and everyone else. A party of all religions or none. A party from scientists to general labor. A party of both conservatives and liberals.

A tard would say, clearly, the party that's 90% white. Because they are not able to think for themselves with even the most common of sense.

Bam! Bitch slap so hard my hand will hurt for a week.

That's too bad, because then you could start hitting yourself with it.

Our presidential candidates were much more diverse than yours. We had (have) an Indian, a woman, a black guy, a few Hispanics, we are representing everybody. Who is the Democrat contenders representing? Old white people?

To the chagrin of what your liberal leaders have told you, our party is welcome to anybody that wants to join. There are no age restrictions, race restrictions, sexual preference restrictions, no restrictions at all. I bet you didn't know that, did you?
Come on, you don't really believe anyone but a white guy would win the GOP nomination do you?
And besides, don't all believe the world is only thousands of years old? Aren't they all Christian, like 90% of the party. Sorry sweetheart, them's facts.

Yes, I do believe somebody other than a white guy could win the nomination, and it wouldn't be solely because of his or her race like with you guys.

And where is this evidence that the GOP voters are 90% Christian anyway?
Wait a second. You think Republicans aren't 90% white and mostly Christian? Forget that the facts have been linked to dozens of times here on this site.

Give us what you imagine the numbers to be. :popcorn:

Give us your estimate of how many Republicans are something other than white. :popcorn:

And, if you don't mind, tell us what religions Republicans represent other than Christianity. :popcorn:

And I notice you didn't insist there are liberals in the GOP. At least you have the brains to already know that.

You stated 90% Christian and I asked you to provide a source which you can't. So you just made the numbers up in your head.
No I didn't. I've posted sources many times. If these ignorant right wingers are too lazy to fucking read, it's their problem.
But to me, what's hilarious is that you can't come up with a single link showing the GOP is less than 90% white. Who else do you think they represent? Give me something so you can laugh at it. Even you know the GOP is 90% white. Why do you think they talk about expanding their base. What the fuck do you think they are talking about?
$2 trillion over ten years is $200 billion extra each year. All we have to do is raise taxes on the rich to pay for it

Everyone knows that tax increases on the rich always pay for themselves
you should actually do homework. you can't reach that figure taking every penny they own. Funny how the libturds have trained you all.

They own $80 trillion
Amazing how you all tell the same lies

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

APR 3, 2012
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
This is the same kind of ignorant shit we get again and again.

The Bush tax cuts left trillion in debt and didn't create jobs. It was a big fucking failure and still, Ignorant right wingers promote a policy that failed. And because they are the most stupid of fucks, they constantly misrepresent Democratic policies. What else do they have.

Republicans think you create jobs by cutting taxes.

Democrats know you create jobs by selling shit. Duh. And to make the shit to sell, you need educated people. You need investment. You need research. You need infrastructure. You need market research. You need a skilled work force. You need a manufacturing base that includes identified raw materials and ways to get them. Republicans don't talk about that stuff. Especially education. Republicans know that when people get an education, they tend to vote Democrat. And that's why they discourage education. It's so plain, anyone with an open mind can see it.

Look at that white old audience. That's your kind.
That's too bad, because then you could start hitting yourself with it.

Our presidential candidates were much more diverse than yours. We had (have) an Indian, a woman, a black guy, a few Hispanics, we are representing everybody. Who is the Democrat contenders representing? Old white people?

To the chagrin of what your liberal leaders have told you, our party is welcome to anybody that wants to join. There are no age restrictions, race restrictions, sexual preference restrictions, no restrictions at all. I bet you didn't know that, did you?
Come on, you don't really believe anyone but a white guy would win the GOP nomination do you?
And besides, don't all believe the world is only thousands of years old? Aren't they all Christian, like 90% of the party. Sorry sweetheart, them's facts.

Yes, I do believe somebody other than a white guy could win the nomination, and it wouldn't be solely because of his or her race like with you guys.

And where is this evidence that the GOP voters are 90% Christian anyway?
Wait a second. You think Republicans aren't 90% white and mostly Christian? Forget that the facts have been linked to dozens of times here on this site.

Give us what you imagine the numbers to be. :popcorn:

Give us your estimate of how many Republicans are something other than white. :popcorn:

And, if you don't mind, tell us what religions Republicans represent other than Christianity. :popcorn:

And I notice you didn't insist there are liberals in the GOP. At least you have the brains to already know that.

You stated 90% Christian and I asked you to provide a source which you can't. So you just made the numbers up in your head.
No I didn't. I've posted sources many times. If these ignorant right wingers are too lazy to fucking read, it's their problem.
But to me, what's hilarious is that you can't come up with a single link showing the GOP is less than 90% white. Who else do you think they represent? Give me something so you can laugh at it. Even you know the GOP is 90% white. Why do you think they talk about expanding their base. What the fuck do you think they are talking about?

I never disagreed that Republican voters are mostly white, but it's not the GOP's fault. What was the last "white" initiative that the GOP put forward?

I don't know what your insinuation here is. Maybe that the GOP are racists?

My bet is the dried up old hag will raise taxes, tax investment purchases and sales, tax business, then by executive order declare a carbon tax. Regardless she is unwilling to admit it but tax, tax, tax, and spend.
$2 trillion over ten years is $200 billion extra each year. All we have to do is raise taxes on the rich to pay for it

Everyone knows that tax increases on the rich always pay for themselves
you should actually do homework. you can't reach that figure taking every penny they own. Funny how the libturds have trained you all.

They own $80 trillion
Amazing how you all tell the same lies

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

APR 3, 2012
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
This is the same kind of ignorant shit we get again and again.

The Bush tax cuts left trillion in debt and didn't create jobs. It was a big fucking failure and still, Ignorant right wingers promote a policy that failed. And because they are the most stupid of fucks, they constantly misrepresent Democratic policies. What else do they have.

Republicans think you create jobs by cutting taxes.

Democrats know you create jobs by selling shit. Duh. And to make the shit to sell, you need educated people. You need investment. You need research. You need infrastructure. You need market research. You need a skilled work force. You need a manufacturing base that includes identified raw materials and ways to get them. Republicans don't talk about that stuff. Especially education. Republicans know that when people get an education, they tend to vote Democrat. And that's why they discourage education. It's so plain, anyone with an open mind can see it.

Look at that white old audience. That's your kind.

So on top of all your lies, one stuck out the most: when have the Republicans been against education? It was the GOP that pushed for School Vouchers that the filthy Democrats tried to stop and even took to court to protect their gangster union thugs. It was Bush that spent a bunch of money on No Child Left Behind.

Democrats know you create jobs by selling SHIT? Well then you couldn't have picked a better President.

Do tell: how do you get a skilled workforce feeding people SNAP's cards and giving them Obama phones?

Let me tell you what America really needs: to quit spending unnecessary money. That's what we need.

Do you liberals know what the word "broke' means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Liberals always seem to vote for failure.
$2 trillion over ten years is $200 billion extra each year. All we have to do is raise taxes on the rich to pay for it

Everyone knows that tax increases on the rich always pay for themselves
you should actually do homework. you can't reach that figure taking every penny they own. Funny how the libturds have trained you all.

They own $80 trillion
Amazing how you all tell the same lies

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

APR 3, 2012
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Who cares what John Stossel says..

There is $83 trillion in private hands of which $80 trillion is held by our wealthy. Are you and Stossel claiming the rich don't have $200 billion?

Maybe you should care what Stossel says because it's the absolute truth.

Anytime you libs want to spend money--tax the rich. So easy. So simple.

So where do you get this 80 trillion dollar figure from?

America’s Ridiculously Rich: the 2014 Edition
October 10, 2014
by Sam Pizzigati

Even better, now you get your name printed in the annual Forbes magazine list of America’s 400 richest. At $5.2 billion, your fortune would nearly rate as an average Forbes 400 stash. America’s top 400, Forbes revealed last month, now hold a combined net worth of $2.29 trillion. That places the average Forbes 400 fortune at $5.7 billion, an all-time record high.

America’s Ridiculously Rich: the 2014 Edition |

So the top 400 richest people in America only have a little over 2 trillion dollars in combined wealth. Now we need to find that other 78 trillion you were talking about.
$2 trillion over ten years is $200 billion extra each year. All we have to do is raise taxes on the rich to pay for it

Everyone knows that tax increases on the rich always pay for themselves
you should actually do homework. you can't reach that figure taking every penny they own. Funny how the libturds have trained you all.

They own $80 trillion
Amazing how you all tell the same lies

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

APR 3, 2012
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Who cares what John Stossel says..

There is $83 trillion in private hands of which $80 trillion is held by our wealthy. Are you and Stossel claiming the rich don't have $200 billion?

Maybe you should care what Stossel says because it's the absolute truth.

Anytime you libs want to spend money--tax the rich. So easy. So simple.

So where do you get this 80 trillion dollar figure from?

America’s Ridiculously Rich: the 2014 Edition
October 10, 2014
by Sam Pizzigati

Even better, now you get your name printed in the annual Forbes magazine list of America’s 400 richest. At $5.2 billion, your fortune would nearly rate as an average Forbes 400 stash. America’s top 400, Forbes revealed last month, now hold a combined net worth of $2.29 trillion. That places the average Forbes 400 fortune at $5.7 billion, an all-time record high.

America’s Ridiculously Rich: the 2014 Edition |

So the top 400 richest people in America only have a little over 2 trillion dollars in combined wealth. Now we need to find that other 78 trillion you were talking about.
For the third time look at Household Assets at the bottom
$83 Trillion
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
you should actually do homework. you can't reach that figure taking every penny they own. Funny how the libturds have trained you all.

They own $80 trillion
Amazing how you all tell the same lies

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

APR 3, 2012
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Who cares what John Stossel says..

There is $83 trillion in private hands of which $80 trillion is held by our wealthy. Are you and Stossel claiming the rich don't have $200 billion?

Maybe you should care what Stossel says because it's the absolute truth.

Anytime you libs want to spend money--tax the rich. So easy. So simple.

So where do you get this 80 trillion dollar figure from?

America’s Ridiculously Rich: the 2014 Edition
October 10, 2014
by Sam Pizzigati

Even better, now you get your name printed in the annual Forbes magazine list of America’s 400 richest. At $5.2 billion, your fortune would nearly rate as an average Forbes 400 stash. America’s top 400, Forbes revealed last month, now hold a combined net worth of $2.29 trillion. That places the average Forbes 400 fortune at $5.7 billion, an all-time record high.

America’s Ridiculously Rich: the 2014 Edition |

So the top 400 richest people in America only have a little over 2 trillion dollars in combined wealth. Now we need to find that other 78 trillion you were talking about.
For the third time look at Household Assets at the bottom
$83 Trillion
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

That's Household Assets and WTF does that have to do with taxing the wealthy anyway?
They own $80 trillion
Amazing how you all tell the same lies

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

APR 3, 2012
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Who cares what John Stossel says..

There is $83 trillion in private hands of which $80 trillion is held by our wealthy. Are you and Stossel claiming the rich don't have $200 billion?

Maybe you should care what Stossel says because it's the absolute truth.

Anytime you libs want to spend money--tax the rich. So easy. So simple.

So where do you get this 80 trillion dollar figure from?

America’s Ridiculously Rich: the 2014 Edition
October 10, 2014
by Sam Pizzigati

Even better, now you get your name printed in the annual Forbes magazine list of America’s 400 richest. At $5.2 billion, your fortune would nearly rate as an average Forbes 400 stash. America’s top 400, Forbes revealed last month, now hold a combined net worth of $2.29 trillion. That places the average Forbes 400 fortune at $5.7 billion, an all-time record high.

America’s Ridiculously Rich: the 2014 Edition |

So the top 400 richest people in America only have a little over 2 trillion dollars in combined wealth. Now we need to find that other 78 trillion you were talking about.
For the third time look at Household Assets at the bottom
$83 Trillion
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

That's Household Assets and WTF does that have to do with taxing the wealthy anyway?
Wish you guys could keep your story straight
I make a statement that we could get $200 billion a year from the wealthiest Americans and you howl that they do not have that much money ( Even Stossel says they do ). I show they have around $80 trillion in assets and you whine about taxing wealth
Our wealthy have the assets to pay our debt four times over. Our wealthy have seen their household assets increase over $30 trillion since Obama became President and you still whine they do not have the money
I say cut taxes, cut spending, and shun any business that offers any jobs under $10 per hour. Shut em down the filthy rotten jerks. If they pay no taxes then stick it to em with wages. If you don't want to pay then do not offer the job.
Come on, you don't really believe anyone but a white guy would win the GOP nomination do you?
And besides, don't all believe the world is only thousands of years old? Aren't they all Christian, like 90% of the party. Sorry sweetheart, them's facts.

Yes, I do believe somebody other than a white guy could win the nomination, and it wouldn't be solely because of his or her race like with you guys.

And where is this evidence that the GOP voters are 90% Christian anyway?
Wait a second. You think Republicans aren't 90% white and mostly Christian? Forget that the facts have been linked to dozens of times here on this site.

Give us what you imagine the numbers to be. :popcorn:

Give us your estimate of how many Republicans are something other than white. :popcorn:

And, if you don't mind, tell us what religions Republicans represent other than Christianity. :popcorn:

And I notice you didn't insist there are liberals in the GOP. At least you have the brains to already know that.

You stated 90% Christian and I asked you to provide a source which you can't. So you just made the numbers up in your head.
No I didn't. I've posted sources many times. If these ignorant right wingers are too lazy to fucking read, it's their problem.
But to me, what's hilarious is that you can't come up with a single link showing the GOP is less than 90% white. Who else do you think they represent? Give me something so you can laugh at it. Even you know the GOP is 90% white. Why do you think they talk about expanding their base. What the fuck do you think they are talking about?

I never disagreed that Republican voters are mostly white, but it's not the GOP's fault. What was the last "white" initiative that the GOP put forward?

I don't know what your insinuation here is. Maybe that the GOP are racists?

View attachment 56891
Hmmm, yea, let's see:

Mormon (90% white)
old white

I knew you could do it.
I say cut taxes, cut spending, and shun any business that offers any jobs under $10 per hour. Shut em down the filthy rotten jerks. If they pay no taxes then stick it to em with wages. If you don't want to pay then do not offer the job.
Yea, cut taxes, cut spending, shun business and that's the way to pay down the debt.

Or not.
$2 trillion over ten years is $200 billion extra each year. All we have to do is raise taxes on the rich to pay for it

Everyone knows that tax increases on the rich always pay for themselves
you should actually do homework. you can't reach that figure taking every penny they own. Funny how the libturds have trained you all.

They own $80 trillion
Amazing how you all tell the same lies

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

APR 3, 2012
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
This is the same kind of ignorant shit we get again and again.

The Bush tax cuts left trillion in debt and didn't create jobs. It was a big fucking failure and still, Ignorant right wingers promote a policy that failed. And because they are the most stupid of fucks, they constantly misrepresent Democratic policies. What else do they have.

Republicans think you create jobs by cutting taxes.

Democrats know you create jobs by selling shit. Duh. And to make the shit to sell, you need educated people. You need investment. You need research. You need infrastructure. You need market research. You need a skilled work force. You need a manufacturing base that includes identified raw materials and ways to get them. Republicans don't talk about that stuff. Especially education. Republicans know that when people get an education, they tend to vote Democrat. And that's why they discourage education. It's so plain, anyone with an open mind can see it.

Look at that white old audience. That's your kind.

So on top of all your lies, one stuck out the most: when have the Republicans been against education? It was the GOP that pushed for School Vouchers that the filthy Democrats tried to stop and even took to court to protect their gangster union thugs. It was Bush that spent a bunch of money on No Child Left Behind.

Democrats know you create jobs by selling SHIT? Well then you couldn't have picked a better President.

Do tell: how do you get a skilled workforce feeding people SNAP's cards and giving them Obama phones?

Let me tell you what America really needs: to quit spending unnecessary money. That's what we need.

Do you liberals know what the word "broke' means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Liberals always seem to vote for failure.

This country isn't broke. If you can pay for war, you can pay to rebuild this country. Why Republicans want to spend trillions on Iraq and nothing on this country I'll never know.
Speaking of education. Get a load of Texas:

Texas GOP cuts 5 billion from education - Google Search

Remember when Scott Walker made all those promises about 250 thousand jobs coming to his state? Then he cut hundreds of millions in education so he could give tax cuts to the wealthy.

Scott Walker cuts 300 million from education - Google Search

And in the midwest, his state is dead last in job creation. Seems you need an educated work force. That's why business wants immigrants. There are 5.8 million jobs available. But people don't have the skills for those jobs.

5.8 million jobs available - Google Search

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Immigrants however, are not anti education, like Republicans are. Which is why GOP CEO's want immigrants but not ignorant right wingers. Can you blame them?

Republicans want to cut education everywhere. How can you not know that?

Arne Duncan: GOP's proposed education cuts 'makes no sense'

And the best you can do is "vouchers"???? Really???? Send a few kids to a better school and that will make things right? That's fucking stupid.

Bush didn't spend a bunch of money on No Child Left Behind. That's why it failed.

How do you get a skilled workforce feeding people???? Uh, because hungry people work better? Hungry children learn better? Right wingers are idiot morons? Well, I got 1 out of three.

Funny how right wingers insist I tell lies but can't explain the lie. At least they are consistent.

Yea, teachers are gansta thugs. Dangerous gansta thugs. You're right. So don't go to school and don't send your kids to school. It would only drag down the averages. Better they stay ignorant.
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.
Just like trump is she's gonna get the Mexicans and Chinese to pay for it.

The Chinese owe the Clinton's a lot remember?
$2 trillion over ten years is $200 billion extra each year. All we have to do is raise taxes on the rich to pay for it

Everyone knows that tax increases on the rich always pay for themselves
you should actually do homework. you can't reach that figure taking every penny they own. Funny how the libturds have trained you all.

They own $80 trillion
Amazing how you all tell the same lies

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
I stand by statement, prove me wrong, let's see your 80 trillion.

Look at household wealth at the bottom
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Your turn to prove the wealthy don't have $200 billion
<Bill Gates alone has $80 billion>
There are only 1% million aires right? There are only 300 million in the country, right? 1% of 300 million is, 3,000k multiply your 80 billion. What is your answer?

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