The Crazy Ted Cruz-Jesse Helms Connection

OMG, Ted Cruz praises Jesse Helms. <my comment

The Crazy Ted Cruz-Jesse Helms Connection - The Daily Beast

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz wishes there were ‘100 more’ people like the late Helms in today’s Senate. Is he kidding?! Jamelle Bouie on why that would mean the destruction of the Republican Party.

First, the details. Yesterday, Cruz delivered a foreign policy address at the conservative Heritage Foundation for the Jesse Helms Lecture Series.
(That this even exists is fitting for an organization that—until this year—employed a scientific racist to write a report on why Congress should reject comprehensive immigration reform, and in particular, an easier to path to residency and citizenship for low-income Latino workers.)

Cruz's speech began with a little trivia about his political history: His first campaign donation—at ten years old—was to Helms. He continued with a declaration: "We need 100 more Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate."

For the ostensibly freedom-loving Cruz, it's an incredible statement. After all, this is the Jesse Helms who entered public life as a journalist defending Southern apartheid in the 1960s, and who won election to the Senate in 1972 as an opponent of integration, interracial marriage and civil rights laws. In 1980, the year a young Cruz made his donation, Helms pushed an appropriations bill—co-sponsored by Strom Thurmond—that would have stripped the Justice Department of its ability to enforce busing. Helms won his 1990 reelection campaign with one of the most racist political ads in recent memory—accusing his African American challenger, then-Charlotte mayor Harvey Gantt, of taking jobs from whites to give to blacks—and devoted his time to institutionalizing homophobia, with attacks on gays and assaults on AIDS funding. To Helms, LGBT Americans were "weak, morally sick wretches," and AIDS education was "obscene" and "revolting."

Not that this bigotry was an obstacle to his ascendance in the Republican Party.

Politics like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
omg, the left is getting out an OUT DESPERATE

Who haven't they compared any Republican too...

the screeching from them is getting FEVER PITCH and I doubt anyone cares....Obama and his comrades in ARMS and his rabid cult base...DOWN IN THE 30'S APPROVAL

lets all screech that loud and clear
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omg, the left is getting out an OUT DESPERATE

Who haven't they compared any Republican too...

the screeching from them is getting FEVER PITCH and I doubt anyone cares....Obama and his comrades in ARMS and his rabid cult base...DOWN IN THE 30'S APPROVAL

lets all screech that loud and clear

Put the meth pipe down, Lindsay.
the dailyBEAST

don't they employ that brainiac Meggie McCain...

all the left wing sites have left is to put out HATE AND stupid hit pieces like this one

poor poor dears, my heart is bleeding purple Kool-Aid for them...the people finally WOKE UP to their ugliness....yeah for us and our country...

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