The creationists are BACK

Ok, and while we're at it, let's keep all the condoms on bananas, "My Two Moms", California was stolen from Mexico, etc. out as well, ok?

What's talking about gays have to do with government promoting religion?

I've never heard the Cal-Mex line so I dunno how to reply to that.

It's about agendas buckwheat, whether it be those of a "religious bullshit" or political nature.

Of course everyone has an agenda, just be nice if our 2 status quo parties pretended the Constitution mattered when they formed their agendas.
Speaking of "sanitizing everything they find offensive"...were you one of the ones CRYING when a mosque was proposed near Ground Zero?

Talk about relative religious sanitization! Christians are so in the minority, they have no idea when they're offending others...and just think...oh it's minor...just "live and let live" while we fuck you over.

Christians are not in the minority, they are the majority.
The majority of Americans (76%) identify themselves as Christians, mostly within Protestant and Catholic denominations, accounting for 51% and 25% of the population respectively.[4] Non-Christian religions (including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism), collectively make up about 3.9% to 5.5% of the adult population. Another 15% of the adult population identifies as having no religious belief or no religious affiliation.[4] When asked, about 5.2% said they did not know, or refused to reply. According to the American Religious Identification Survey, religious belief varies considerably across the country: 59% of Americans living in Western states (the "Unchurched Belt") report a belief in God, yet in the South (the "Bible Belt") the figure is as high as 86%.

76% Christian and 15% no religious belief
When the minority tries to rule over the majority that is a form of Tyranny.
Atheist's do not have the right to silence the majority of this nations religious beliefs.
If a person does not believe in God it does no harm whatsoever to hear prayer, a cross, a Jewish cross or Muslim form of religion.
It is the minority of Atheist's who are trying to silence the freedom of religion.Especially Christian's.
Atheist's have the right not to believe,but not the right to cleanse public worship of religion.
It is the non believers who have become intolerant.
I'm not the one who would have tried to stop George Washington from using a bible to take is oath as President. You are.

I am? I have no problem with a person swearing an oath on a religious artifact that has meaning to them, be it a bible, talmund, or koran.

Why keep referencing Washington? This practice is still in play today.

Once again, that is a person exercising their personal religious freedom. You apparently can't or refuse to see the difference. Thankfully, the courts can.

Again, how has the government deprived you of your right to worship?

Would you allow bibles in public schools?

As book to be taught about not taught from!

But then I'd like to see your answer as how the governement has deprived you of the right to worship.
I am? I have no problem with a person swearing an oath on a religious artifact that has meaning to them, be it a bible, talmund, or koran.

Why keep referencing Washington? This practice is still in play today.

Once again, that is a person exercising their personal religious freedom. You apparently can't or refuse to see the difference. Thankfully, the courts can.

Again, how has the government deprived you of your right to worship?

Would you allow bibles in public schools?

As book to be taught about not taught from!

But then I'd like to see your answer as how the governement has deprived you of the right to worship.

Your question is flawed. It's not about "worship". It's about freedom and constitutional rights.
Speaking of "sanitizing everything they find offensive"...were you one of the ones CRYING when a mosque was proposed near Ground Zero?

Talk about relative religious sanitization! Christians are so in the minority, they have no idea when they're offending others...and just think...oh it's minor...just "live and let live" while we fuck you over.

Wanting to move the Mosque to a place father away from ground zero is not sanitizing.
It was about them having some understanding about the American's who lost their lives there by some extremist Muslim beliefs.
Science proved there was no substances before there was light?
Science proved the atmosphere came before light and substances?
Science proved the earth was not seperated from the sea?
Science proved that plant life came after animal life?
Science proved the moon was here before the earth was here?
Science proved that mammals came before sea creatures and birds?
Science proved that animals have dominion over men?
Science has proved that there was never an Adam and Eve?

I don't see how any of these questions matter at all. That these are mentioned in the bible, if at all (specific passages?), isn't saying much. Of course there was darkness before light. Go into a dark room, and turn on a light. Voila! LIght and substnaves before atmosphere? What does that even mean? I don't even understand the third questions. It is common sense, even to ancestors, that built such things as the Great Pyramids, that looking at nature, it is clear that plantlife is the foundation of the entire animal kingdom. I assure you, they were attuned to this. Native Americans were very attuned to this nature. Attuned to the Earth. This is not a big deal. I don't even know where you are getting the sixth question. Obviously men have dominion over animals if we are the ones writing the books, otherwise we would be hiding in caves and wouldn't have time to write books. How does that help the case of creation? How has science proved there was an Adam and Eve. ANY links to any of these claims would be much appreciated. I'm just curious as to where you are getting your info. If you are going to say such things and be taken serious, be prepared to back it up.

there is no genetic Adam and Eve as you say either. Prove it. Provide a link.

If "science" had proved any of those, then "science" would have an original thought. Science has not proved any of those. Science has uncovered evidence that the order of creation was as it is stated in Genesis (first chapter for the Biblically illiterate). That is my point; science is saying the same thing the Bible does (right up to evolution), only it puts in more details about specific times which it has no way of proving. If "science" reaffirms what the Bible says, why not pay attention to what the Bible says? If you want to say that other religions have their own creation theories, I am okay with that, if science backs it.

Where are the 5 major extinction events mentioned in the Bible?
Not only that, but nobody said it was illegal or asked the government to intervene to prevent them from worshiping openly. There was just a general concensus that perhaps that particular site was not the best site...

They did the same thing to the old church that was wiped out on 9/11 (Greek Orthodox? I think?)...that last I heard was being prevented from being rebuilt thanks to obstacle after obstacle being put in their way. Obnoxious, sure. Violation of freedom of religion? Nope. They can practice their religion wherever they like...but they still have to be approved to build a church or mosque, and that lies in the hands of the planning commission and some select others. People don't get to just build whatever they want wherever they want, and preventing them from doing so isn't necessarily a violation of freedom of religion....
So Congress can not make a law that respects one religion over another?
Congress passed Christmas as a national Holiday in 1870 and Our President Ulysses S. Grant singed it into law.
Jesus is the reason for the Holiday.
It has always been an all inclusive holiday but the left secularists are trying to get the very name of out, by trying to rename it Happy Holidays instead of Christmas.
We have God in our pledge of allegiance, God in our coin and paper money,prayer before each session of or house, senate and supreme court.
No where in our Constitution does it say separation of church and state.

Have a little cheese with that.
Indoctrination is a loose term that implies hyperbole and I know where you are going with this.

Let's stick to religion.

I don't want public school teachers reading scripture to school children or leading prayer, and I support the law as it stands on this. Your assumption is that, if this were allowed, every teacher that engaged in this would be Christian. However, quite hypocritically, if a teacher started reading out of the Koran in front of class, you guys would have a shit fit.

Evoking religion as it relates to history? No problem. Religion is an important facet of history. I draw the line at proselytizing.

If you are convinced your children are being deprived without religion in the school, send the to parochial school. It's not against the law (quite logically) for religious schools that are privately funded to evoke religion in the class room.

It is against the law to use taxpayer dollars to support a glorified bible school.

Again, simple.

Again, how have your right's to practice your religion been hindered by the government?

The law can be changed. Leading a prayer is not "proselytizing". Why are you afraid of the little baby Jesus? He never hurt anyone.

You give away your bias by this statement..."glorified bible school". The idea of separation of church and state is to keep the government out of our lives so Americans can be free to experess their religious beliefs. There is nothing in the US Constitution about keeping any references to God out of our schools.

How come we have a chaplain in the congress who leads in prayer, but to lead in a prayer at school is against the law? Are you all afraid some little kid might find out Jesus loves him and not fall in line like everyone else?

They are afraid of the idea that people answer to a power higher than any on Earth. To them, the state is the highest power. It is a very simplistic notion actually.

True. I'm a little afraid of people who believe in some supernatural creature or another who will reward them in the afterlife for killing me(or you), an American. Now the intellectual prowess of these individual ahhhhh, not so much......
Great way to insult and derail the actual argument.

So let's take your little comments then. People should put up with religious bullshit that has nothing to do with what they believe...and just sit there and take it over and over?

If you guys had been debating with the Founding Fathers, no one would ever have moved to America!

He forgot to put the asterisk in his "live and let live" comment.

*live and let long as our gov't promotes christianity

I know, I know, it's OT but I couldn't resist.......

[ame=]YouTube - ‪JIMI HENDRIX & Timothy Leary Part 1 LIVE AND LET LIVE Full Version HQ‬‏[/ame]
Great way to insult and derail the actual argument.

So let's take your little comments then. People should put up with religious bullshit that has nothing to do with what they believe...and just sit there and take it over and over?

If you guys had been debating with the Founding Fathers, no one would ever have moved to America!

He forgot to put the asterisk in his "live and let live" comment.

*live and let long as our gov't promotes christianity

Practicing your religion according to the US Constitution is not gov't promoting Christianity.

Practicing my religion according to the US Constitution is illegal in the United States.
Would you allow bibles in public schools?

As book to be taught about not taught from!

But then I'd like to see your answer as how the governement has deprived you of the right to worship.

Your question is flawed. It's not about "worship". It's about freedom and constitutional rights.

So you'd like to see the bible as a text book then?

It was not a question. Nice dodge. Perhaps "But then I'd like to see your answer as how the governement has deprived you of the right to [Insert your approriate words describing the 1st Amendment freedom and rights]!
Speaking of "sanitizing everything they find offensive"...were you one of the ones CRYING when a mosque was proposed near Ground Zero?

Talk about relative religious sanitization! Christians are so in the minority, they have no idea when they're offending others...and just think...oh it's minor...just "live and let live" while we fuck you over.

Wanting to move the Mosque to a place father away from ground zero is not sanitizing.
It was about them having some understanding about the American's who lost their lives there by some extremist Muslim beliefs.

Were there any Muslims killed in the WTC on 9-11-01?
The law can be changed. Leading a prayer is not "proselytizing". Why are you afraid of the little baby Jesus? He never hurt anyone.

You give away your bias by this statement..."glorified bible school". The idea of separation of church and state is to keep the government out of our lives so Americans can be free to experess their religious beliefs. There is nothing in the US Constitution about keeping any references to God out of our schools.

How come we have a chaplain in the congress who leads in prayer, but to lead in a prayer at school is against the law? Are you all afraid some little kid might find out Jesus loves him and not fall in line like everyone else?

They are afraid of the idea that people answer to a power higher than any on Earth. To them, the state is the highest power. It is a very simplistic notion actually.

True. I'm a little afraid of people who believe in some supernatural creature or another who will reward them in the afterlife for killing me(or you), an American. Now the intellectual prowess of these individual ahhhhh, not so much......

So, your answer is to ridicule and basically tell us how you're that much smarter than us. Kinda says it all there Sparky. And as for this:

believe in some supernatural creature or another who will reward them in the afterlife for killing me(or you), an American

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I'm answering your question.

I think I see you thinking. Correct me if I'm wrong. You don't want the teacher indoctrinating the children. Is that correct?

Indoctrination is a loose term that implies hyperbole and I know where you are going with this.

Let's stick to religion.

I don't want public school teachers reading scripture to school children or leading prayer, and I support the law as it stands on this. Your assumption is that, if this were allowed, every teacher that engaged in this would be Christian. However, quite hypocritically, if a teacher started reading out of the Koran in front of class, you guys would have a shit fit.

Evoking religion as it relates to history? No problem. Religion is an important facet of history. I draw the line at proselytizing.

If you are convinced your children are being deprived without religion in the school, send the to parochial school. It's not against the law (quite logically) for religious schools that are privately funded to evoke religion in the class room.

It is against the law to use taxpayer dollars to support a glorified bible school.

Again, simple.

Again, how have your right's to practice your religion been hindered by the government?

The law can be changed. Leading a prayer is not "proselytizing". Why are you afraid of the little baby Jesus? He never hurt anyone.

You give away your bias by this statement..."glorified bible school". The idea of separation of church and state is to keep the government out of our lives so Americans can be free to experess their religious beliefs. There is nothing in the US Constitution about keeping any references to God out of our schools.

How come we have a chaplain in the congress who leads in prayer, but to lead in a prayer at school is against the law? Are you all afraid some little kid might find out Jesus loves him and not fall in line like everyone else?
The same thing can be said in reverse. Why must you have organized prayer in schools. What EDUCATINAL purpose does it serve? YOU belive that prayer is a good thing. Many do not. Why must our children be paraded through organized prayer to the benefit of your children?

The fact is, church does not belong in school in any form. It has no purpose there. I cannot understand this irrational NEED to take your personal belief in prayer into a public forum where there are children from all stripes. Is your time at home not enough? There is nothing to stop a student from praying. There is only laws that prevent them from being put in that situation without their consent or choice.
Indoctrination is a loose term that implies hyperbole and I know where you are going with this.

Let's stick to religion.

I don't want public school teachers reading scripture to school children or leading prayer, and I support the law as it stands on this. Your assumption is that, if this were allowed, every teacher that engaged in this would be Christian. However, quite hypocritically, if a teacher started reading out of the Koran in front of class, you guys would have a shit fit.

Evoking religion as it relates to history? No problem. Religion is an important facet of history. I draw the line at proselytizing.

If you are convinced your children are being deprived without religion in the school, send the to parochial school. It's not against the law (quite logically) for religious schools that are privately funded to evoke religion in the class room.

It is against the law to use taxpayer dollars to support a glorified bible school.

Again, simple.

Again, how have your right's to practice your religion been hindered by the government?

The law can be changed. Leading a prayer is not "proselytizing". Why are you afraid of the little baby Jesus? He never hurt anyone.

You give away your bias by this statement..."glorified bible school". The idea of separation of church and state is to keep the government out of our lives so Americans can be free to experess their religious beliefs. There is nothing in the US Constitution about keeping any references to God out of our schools.

How come we have a chaplain in the congress who leads in prayer, but to lead in a prayer at school is against the law? Are you all afraid some little kid might find out Jesus loves him and not fall in line like everyone else?
The same thing can be said in reverse. Why must you have organized prayer in schools. What EDUCATINAL purpose does it serve? YOU belive that prayer is a good thing. Many do not. Why must our children be paraded through organized prayer to the benefit of your children?

The fact is, church does not belong in school in any form. It has no purpose there. I cannot understand this irrational NEED to take your personal belief in prayer into a public forum where there are children from all stripes. Is your time at home not enough? There is nothing to stop a student from praying. There is only laws that prevent them from being put in that situation without their consent or choice.

Nor can we understand the left's irrational need to teach condoms, homosexuality and other entirely personal things to school children.
The left's religion consists of abortion, homosexuality, condoms, transgender, drugs, atheism and a bloated, all-consuming central government.
Let's not forget euthanasia and the ultimate goal of getting rid of all extra humans (extras being those who are sub standard, which includes a lot of different characteristics, including political and religious bent).
Exactly. America has always been proud of our "live and let live" attitude. The left keeps preaching "tolerance". I just wish they would live what they preach. Hypocrites.

Good idea, just stick with the senseless generalities, the last thing you want this thread to be about is real world specifics.

The left is intolerant. Is that specific enough?

I am still waiting for you to demonstrate how your religious freedoms have been violated.

How has leftist intolerance impeded on your rights?
They are afraid of the idea that people answer to a power higher than any on Earth. To them, the state is the highest power. It is a very simplistic notion actually.

True. I'm a little afraid of people who believe in some supernatural creature or another who will reward them in the afterlife for killing me(or you), an American. Now the intellectual prowess of these individual ahhhhh, not so much......

So, your answer is to ridicule and basically tell us how you're that much smarter than us. Kinda says it all there Sparky. And as for this:

believe in some supernatural creature or another who will reward them in the afterlife for killing me(or you), an American


Look at it this way. Satan is also one of the supernatural creatures.

Why do you have a problem with the term Supernatural Creaure? How is that any different that a Higher Power?

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