The creationists are BACK

Indoctrination is a loose term that implies hyperbole and I know where you are going with this.

Let's stick to religion.

I don't want public school teachers reading scripture to school children or leading prayer, and I support the law as it stands on this. Your assumption is that, if this were allowed, every teacher that engaged in this would be Christian. However, quite hypocritically, if a teacher started reading out of the Koran in front of class, you guys would have a shit fit.

Evoking religion as it relates to history? No problem. Religion is an important facet of history. I draw the line at proselytizing.

If you are convinced your children are being deprived without religion in the school, send the to parochial school. It's not against the law (quite logically) for religious schools that are privately funded to evoke religion in the class room.

It is against the law to use taxpayer dollars to support a glorified bible school.

Again, simple.

Again, how have your right's to practice your religion been hindered by the government?

The law can be changed. Leading a prayer is not "proselytizing". Why are you afraid of the little baby Jesus? He never hurt anyone.

You give away your bias by this statement..."glorified bible school". The idea of separation of church and state is to keep the government out of our lives so Americans can be free to experess their religious beliefs. There is nothing in the US Constitution about keeping any references to God out of our schools.

How come we have a chaplain in the congress who leads in prayer, but to lead in a prayer at school is against the law? Are you all afraid some little kid might find out Jesus loves him and not fall in line like everyone else?

First of all, Congress saying a prayer shouldn't technically be done. But because of politics it still happens. Warped reality inside the beltway means that will never change.

Second of all, the Constitution doesn't bear a "plain reading" approach. There are lots of legitimate bodies of law that have arisen from case law...and aren't "in" the Constitution.

Third, why should an atheist be forced to listen to the prayers of a group that they don't believe in? Or a Christian be forced to listen to a Muslim prayer (you bet your ass people would get pissed at that)?

I'm the son of a Methodist minister married to the daughter of a Baptist minister. So when I say that Christians operate in their own world, I know what I'm talking about. Your opinion of Christian prayer being innocuous is just plain unrealistic. Christians are such the majority that if things ever did change and you were the minority, you'd see things in a totally different light.

You're quite the angry fellow, aren't you? Pleaxse find God, it will serve you well.
It's not the topic until someone calls into question my biases. Scroll up and you'll see that happened not but 2 or 3 posts ago with some other guy. That's why it's relevant.

People should be free to practice their religion until it affects someone else. A prayer in a school classroom isn't innocuous. A Jewish child either has to sit there and take it...or go outside the room and feel ostracized/unnormal. Even a bland prayer that only says "God" - be it the Muslim god or Jewish god or what have you...still puts an atheist child in a separate box.

You do not have the right to not be offended.

You must understand these folks.. they want a world sanitized of all that they find offensive. Screw everybod basiaclly...
It's not the topic until someone calls into question my biases. Scroll up and you'll see that happened not but 2 or 3 posts ago with some other guy. That's why it's relevant.

People should be free to practice their religion until it affects someone else. A prayer in a school classroom isn't innocuous. A Jewish child either has to sit there and take it...or go outside the room and feel ostracized/unnormal. Even a bland prayer that only says "God" - be it the Muslim god or Jewish god or what have you...still puts an atheist child in a separate box.

You do not have the right to not be offended.

You must understand these folks.. they want a world sanitized of all that they find offensive. Screw everybod basiaclly...

Exactly. America has always been proud of our "live and let live" attitude. The left keeps preaching "tolerance". I just wish they would live what they preach. Hypocrites.
You do not have the right to not be offended.

You must understand these folks.. they want a world sanitized of all that they find offensive. Screw everybod basiaclly...

Exactly. America has always been proud of our "live and let live" attitude. The left keeps preaching "tolerance". I just wish they would live what they preach. Hypocrites.

Good idea, just stick with the senseless generalities, the last thing you want this thread to be about is real world specifics.
Great way to insult and derail the actual argument.

So let's take your little comments then. People should put up with religious bullshit that has nothing to do with what they believe...and just sit there and take it over and over?

If you guys had been debating with the Founding Fathers, no one would ever have moved to America!
Speaking of "sanitizing everything they find offensive"...were you one of the ones CRYING when a mosque was proposed near Ground Zero?

Talk about relative religious sanitization! Christians are so in the minority, they have no idea when they're offending others...and just think...oh it's minor...just "live and let live" while we fuck you over.
Great way to insult and derail the actual argument.

So let's take your little comments then. People should put up with religious bullshit that has nothing to do with what they believe...and just sit there and take it over and over?

If you guys had been debating with the Founding Fathers, no one would ever have moved to America!

He forgot to put the asterisk in his "live and let live" comment.

*live and let long as our gov't promotes christianity
You must understand these folks.. they want a world sanitized of all that they find offensive. Screw everybod basiaclly...

Exactly. America has always been proud of our "live and let live" attitude. The left keeps preaching "tolerance". I just wish they would live what they preach. Hypocrites.

Good idea, just stick with the senseless generalities, the last thing you want this thread to be about is real world specifics.

The left is intolerant. Is that specific enough?
Great way to insult and derail the actual argument.

So let's take your little comments then. People should put up with religious bullshit that has nothing to do with what they believe...and just sit there and take it over and over?

If you guys had been debating with the Founding Fathers, no one would ever have moved to America!

He forgot to put the asterisk in his "live and let live" comment.

*live and let long as our gov't promotes christianity

Practicing your religion according to the US Constitution is not gov't promoting Christianity.
Great way to insult and derail the actual argument.

So let's take your little comments then. People should put up with religious bullshit that has nothing to do with what they believe...and just sit there and take it over and over?

If you guys had been debating with the Founding Fathers, no one would ever have moved to America!

The fact that you refer to our beliefs as "religious bullshit" speaks volumes as to where you are actually coming from. You see, I have no hostility toward your absence of faith.
Last edited:'s as if I predicted that someone would assault my personal beliefs.

Wait...I did! Back when I explained my religious pedigree.

And what a victim card you play "The fact that you refer to our beliefs as "religious bullshit" speaks volumes" it doesn't. Not unless, like a dumbass, you ASSUME that the type of stuff you do is bullshit.

I wasn't talking about you in particular. I was talking about a specific hypothetical that had nothing to do with you.

Great way to assume you know ANYTHING about me. Which, just fyi, you don't.

I think there's a seat on the waaaaaaaambulance for you if you hurry!
Great way to insult and derail the actual argument.

So let's take your little comments then. People should put up with religious bullshit that has nothing to do with what they believe...and just sit there and take it over and over?

If you guys had been debating with the Founding Fathers, no one would ever have moved to America!

He forgot to put the asterisk in his "live and let live" comment.

*live and let long as our gov't promotes christianity

Practicing your religion according to the US Constitution is not gov't promoting Christianity.

That's exactly what I'm advocating, let's keep religion practicing out of textbooks and out of government and keep it in the private sect (aka churches, private school, businesses, private individuals, etc).'s as if I predicted that someone would assault my personal beliefs.

Wait...I did! Back when I explained my religious pedigree.

And what a victim card you play "The fact that you refer to our beliefs as "religious bullshit" speaks volumes" it doesn't. Not unless, like a dumbass, you ASSUME that the type of stuff you do is bullshit.

I wasn't talking about you in particular. I was talking about a specific hypothetical that had nothing to do with you.

Great way to assume you know ANYTHING about me. Which, just fyi, you don't.

I think there's a seat on the waaaaaaaambulance for you if you hurry!

Well, maybe you should stop injecting all your "atheist bullshit" into the discussion. Fair enough?

Who said I was an atheist? See, there you go making shit up when you don't know anything.

Second of all, I never used the word "YOUR" in my comment above. I didn't say "your religious bullshit" - I spoke of a hypothetical where someone, sitting in a classroom, shouldnt have to put up with bullshit of a religious nature.

Surely you're smart enough to parse that out...right?
He forgot to put the asterisk in his "live and let live" comment.

*live and let long as our gov't promotes christianity

Practicing your religion according to the US Constitution is not gov't promoting Christianity.

That's exactly what I'm advocating, let's keep religion practicing out of textbooks and out of government and keep it in the private sect (aka churches, private school, businesses, private individuals, etc).

Ok, and while we're at it, let's keep all the condoms on bananas, "My Two Moms", California was stolen from Mexico, etc. out as well, ok?
Who said I was an atheist? See, there you go making shit up when you don't know anything.

Second of all, I never used the word "YOUR" in my comment above. I didn't say "your religious bullshit" - I spoke of a hypothetical where someone, sitting in a classroom, shouldnt have to put up with bullshit of a religious nature.

Surely you're smart enough to parse that out...right?

Oh, so now it's "bullshit of a religious nature"? Funny, you can't seem to get away with using the terms religion and bullshit together. Like I said, it speaks volumes.

Practicing your religion according to the US Constitution is not gov't promoting Christianity.

That's exactly what I'm advocating, let's keep religion practicing out of textbooks and out of government and keep it in the private sect (aka churches, private school, businesses, private individuals, etc).

Ok, and while we're at it, let's keep all the condoms on bananas, "My Two Moms", California was stolen from Mexico, etc. out as well, ok?

What's talking about gays have to do with government promoting religion?

I've never heard the Cal-Mex line so I dunno how to reply to that.
He forgot to put the asterisk in his "live and let live" comment.

*live and let long as our gov't promotes christianity

Practicing your religion according to the US Constitution is not gov't promoting Christianity.

That's exactly what I'm advocating, let's keep religion practicing out of textbooks and out of government and keep it in the private sect (aka churches, private school, businesses, private individuals, etc).

You've got it backwards. The idea in the US Constitution is to keep government out of our lives, not keep our lives out of government. "Congress shall make no law". That means government cannot makes laws that restrict our ability to freely express our religious beliefs. That is why the left uses the courts. Finding leftist judges to thwart the will of the people is much easier.
That's exactly what I'm advocating, let's keep religion practicing out of textbooks and out of government and keep it in the private sect (aka churches, private school, businesses, private individuals, etc).

Ok, and while we're at it, let's keep all the condoms on bananas, "My Two Moms", California was stolen from Mexico, etc. out as well, ok?

What's talking about gays have to do with government promoting religion?

I've never heard the Cal-Mex line so I dunno how to reply to that.

It's about agendas buckwheat, whether it be those of a "religious bullshit" or political nature.
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The left has no problem using the public forum via schools, etc. to promote agendas they believe in that affect social morays etc., But God forbid the mention of "God". Then, all hell breaks out.

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