The Crybully Credo


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Kiddies are so gullible and naïve today thanks to there leftist so called educators...
The Crybully Credo: “It’s Literally Your Jobs to Take Care of Us When We Don’t Feel Safe"
Yes, costume guilt by association is now a thing.
November 13, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


America has Crybully fever. Crymobs are gathering on campuses across the country and shrieking that they don't feel safe while intimidating anyone in their way.

Claremont McKenna had another stupid grievance whipped up by Crybullies who specialize in taking things out of context and then throwing hysterical "We don't feel safe" tantrums. Here's the Crybully credo.

Spellman began to speak about proposed changes, such as special mentors for students of color and first generation college students, before she was interrupted by cries from the crowd. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Spellman said.

A black male student emerged from the crowd and went to the center, saying, “It’s literally your jobs to take care of us when we don’t feel safe on this campus.”

Sadly no.


Yes, costume guilt by association is now a thing. Isn't social justice so progressive?

But here's what happened to an Asian student at a forum when she began talking about how people of all races can be racist. Including black people.


While the crowd focused their anger on Spellman, few in the crowd or the Claremont McKenna administration dwelled on an Asian female student who was attacked during the protest for talking about a racist incident in which a black person shouted “go back to your home.”

The Asian student said, “We should not distinguish people on their race. Black people can be racist.” An audible sense of horror overcame the crowd with murmurs of “Oh no” heard in the background.

A young black woman is seen approaching her, gesturing for the Asian student to leave and rolls her eyes on the sides. “How is this relevant to the college failing to provide a space for people of color?” a person is heard shouting.

Claremont McKenna College President Hiram E. Chodosh was ambivalent about this exchange and did not denounce the students who sought to quiet their peer.

“On the one hand, I feel very uncomfortable when anyone in the community is precluded from saying what they want. On the other hand, I would be equally uncomfortable when a group of students organized a particular message and counter messaging, from their view, disrupted their ability to provide that message,” Chodosh told The Daily Beast.

“I think there was an ambiguity in the nature of the forum that took place. I think that if the forum were clearly an expression of protest by students who wanted to voice their pain and their self-empowerment through a certain point of view than obviously voices that are dissident to those are disruptive.

“If the purpose was an open forum where anyone was able to speak, the dissuasion or the elimination of any particular voice would have been inappropriate,” Chodosh explained.

Chodosh’s comments suggest that despite the protest’s image as an open forum for students, it wasn’t actually so open.

“I think the forum itself carried that ambiguity and that was the root of discomfort of what occurred in that instance,” he said.

No safe space for her.


Safe spaces for hatemobs only. Here's the first comment on the article

I agree
NOVEMBER 13, 2015 AT 1:02 AM

I really really want to share this article. Just afraid my classmates will burn me alive.

And the last one

NOVEMBER 13, 2015 AT 10:19 AM

That “thrill of having an impact” is a euphemism for will to power. I’ve read about fascist movements, but now I’m seeing one up close. They’re drunk on their own power. They wouldn’t dare act like this if they were genuinely afraid or marginalized.

Their beliefs let them rationalize all this as serving some higher good. But it’s really just an excuse to be a bully.

If you’ve ever wondered how otherwise intelligent people can get swept up into a genocidal mass movement, you’ve got a ring side seat to how it happens. And happily, other than a few minor assaults, so far still nonviolent.

The Crybully Credo: “It’s Literally Your Jobs to Take Care of Us When We Don’t Feel Safe"
Amherst Crybullies Demand Punishment for Student Who Put Up Free Speech Poster
That'll show those dirty free speechers.
November 13, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


The national Crybully movement has reached Amherst and its members have a long list of demands for President Biddy Martin. Topping the list is no more free speech and ruthless punishments for anyone who even mentions free speech.

Some student put up a message titled "Free Speech 1776-2015"

"In Memoriam of the True Victim of the Missouri Protests"

"Who is constrained by the invisible barriers of our generation's safe spaces. Censored for the open forum of non-conflicting opinions. Trod upon to build a community of comfort. And violently persecuted for a safer, less vitriolic world. Let us honor the life of the first amendment and the heroes that it protected; Journalists, Educators, Philosophers and Free Thinkers everywhere."

Then it points to the Melissa Click video as an example.

So Amherst Uprising decided to prove the point of the anonymous message by demanding that its perpetrator be sanctioned and reeducated.

President Martin must issue a statement to the Amherst College community at large that states we do not tolerate the actions of student(s) who posted the “All Lives Matter” posters, and the “Free Speech” posters that stated that “in memoriam of the true victim of the Missouri Protests: Free Speech.” Also let the student body know that it was racially insensitive to the students of color on our college campus ... alert them that Student Affairs may require them to go through the Disciplinary Process if a formal complaint is filed, and that they will be required to attend extensive training for racial and cultural competency.

Quick! Censor this person who accuses me of violating free speech.

If anyone puts up anything about free speech, they need to be immediately put through a racial competency training program and disciplined. And make sure they know it, so they never mention free speech again.

That'll show those dirty free speechers.


When terror groups have a 24 hour headline, they usually have more to back it up. But being Crybullies, the Amnest Crybully Uprising will just cry about safe spaces some more, berate administrators, scream how unsafe they feel and demand more things.

Like the end of free speech.

Amherst Crybullies Demand Punishment for Student Who Put Up Free Speech Poster
"We're Not Crybullies," Says Yale Crybully
Safe spaces and respect become euphemisms for campus censorship.
November 13, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Crybully is the perfect term to describe the activist who bullies others while claiming to be the victim. Since its introduction by Julie Burchill in the UK, it's been picked up by Front Page Magazine, National Review, Breitbart, PJ Media and many others. Everyone from Christina Sommers to Walter Hudson to Gavin McInnes is using the term. And the Crybullies don't like it.

Zareena Grewal, a Muslim Associate Professor of American Studies at Yale and BDS supporter, whines in the Washington Post that her student activists aren't "crybullies".

They’re so fragile, over-sensitive and entitled that they can’t handle an intense exchange of ideas or an off-hand personal slight. They’ve been cast as politically correct,coddled millennials — “crybullies” who just need to grow up.

Yes, these students — my students — are making demands. But not because they’re pampered or looking for shelter from opposing points of view. It’s because the Yale they’ve found isn’t the Yale they were looking for.

The Yale they're looking for... is a wonderful place where no one is around with different points of view or Halloween costumes they don't like. And if they don't get what they want, then dance party!

over 1,000 students and faculty from all campus communities came together in a “march of resilience” to hear upbeat speeches and musical performances that eventually segued into an impromptu dance party.

This upbeat "march of resilience" to make everyone feel better, complete with upbeat dance party, is no way coddling the special feelings of the ridiculously immature who are incapable of dealing with things they don't like in any way except a tantrum followed by pony rides.

"Our students’ aim isn’t to suppress the free expression of their classmates, but to press the university that recruited them, and that they chose, to provide an academic environment where they’re afforded respect."

Except the point of the protest was to 1. Suppress the free expression of their classmates and 2. Punish faculty who didn't immediately agree with that political agenda while 3. Claiming that the lack of immediate faculty endorsement made them feel unsafe

No Crybullying to see here. Just a demand for a "safe space" and "respect" through censorship and repression. Safe spaces and respect become euphemisms for campus censorship.

Anyway, as a Muslim crybully Zareena feels offended by an invite to a Mohammed cartoonist.

I was disappointed when a colleague chose to honor the cartoonist, who had depicted the prophet as a terrorist, with a special invitation to our campus, casting aside regard for how such an invitation might marginalize Muslim students who felt deeply betrayed.

Because freedom of speech is supposed to have a special double standard for privilege crybullies in which they can offend others all day long, but you can't offend them.

Then, just as now, the right-to-offend crowd showed that it can be tone-deaf when it comes to understanding the point that the unquestioned freedom to mock the powerful is qualitatively different than the freedom to, effectively, bully the most vulnerable members of our community.

How vulnerable is anyone at Yale? Aren't the people they're trying to censor by definition more vulnerable than they are?


Yet Grewal believes that Yale is an intolerant unsafe place, but Zaytuna College and its hateful bigots, one of whom was the former Muslim chaplain at Yale, are great. Halloween costumes at Yale are a hate crime, but calling for the murder of Jews and Americans is tolerant and inclusive stuff.

This is typical crybullying.

The bullies are the victims. They need safe spaces created for their bullying.

The most common attribute of the crybully is a refusal to accept a genuinely tolerant environment in which everyone lives and lets live. Instead they claim that this environment somehow hurts them even as they pursue goals that would repress, marginalize, silence and purge people who disagree with them.

"We're Not Crybullies," Says Yale Crybully

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