The cult like power of the Left

The above Left leaning article was written to help explain why the birth rates have plummeted all around the globe. The premise of the article is, that this is a perfectly natural outcome for obvious reasons, whether it be wanting more personal freedom or better economic security, etc.

But the truth of the matter is, there is nothing natural about this. We are biologically driven to reproduce, and we crave family. That is the history of mankind. But the Left, as always, either tries to rewrite history or virtually ignore what it finds unpleasant or distasteful.

The power of the cult of the Left is so great that it has found a myriad of ways to overcome this biological drive, through such things as birth control, abortion, gay sex, and just convincing people they, and the rest of the world, would be better off if they did not have children.

Imagine if the Left could next overcome your drive to breath.
So now you're going after birth control?
Birth rates are down world wide, and that is because of US Liberals????????????
They have to blame someone for shooting blanks and childless marriages. I had four kids myself, I could sire more since they can't.
Biden is ending the war in Afghanistan.

Trump ended zero wars.
I see, so pulling troops out of Syria was not ending a war?


Trump was the first President in a very long time not to start a war
Birth rates are down world wide, and that is because of US Liberals????????????
Leftism is the most successful religion in the world with China leading Chairman Xiden the way.

Or had you not noticed?
How many children do you have, votto?
I am not here to tell people to have children. I am not even telling people to not use birth control

What I am doing is telling people how they are being steered since birth rates have fallen substantially of late. The Left is focused on manipulating human free will, even when a strong biological drive to reproduce is present.

That is pretty impressive.

Why not pat yourself on the back.
Leftism is the most successful religion in the world with China leading Chairman Xiden the way.

Or had you not noticed?

I notice how dishonest you are.

Troops to stay put in Syria even as Biden seeks to end ...
19 hours ago · Roughly 900 U.S. troops, including a number of Green Berets, will remain in Syria to continue supporting and advising the Syrian Democratic Forces fighting the Islamic State.
It would be if he had pulled the troops out of Syria.

He didn't.


Troops to stay put in Syria even as Biden seeks to end ...
19 hours ago · Roughly 900 U.S. troops, including a number of Green Berets, will remain in Syria to continue supporting and advising the Syrian Democratic Forces fighting the Islamic State.
As I recall, he took all kinds of greif from the DNC media for taking out troops.

Now if that was a lie from the DNC dominated press, it would not surprise me a bit.
He took a lot of grief from establishment Republicans.

And that's why he reversed his decision.

US military denies American troops in Syria were attacked
Jul 05, 2021 · US military denies American troops in Syria were attacked. Read full article. July 4, 2021, 3:40 PM · 2 min read. BEIRUT (AP) — A facility housing U.S. troops in eastern Syria came under attack...

US military denies American troops in Syria were attacked
Jul 05, 2021 · US military denies American troops in Syria were attacked. Read full article. July 4, 2021, 3:40 PM · 2 min read. BEIRUT (AP) — A facility housing U.S. troops in eastern Syria came under attack...
I have no interest in rehashing all the media lies about Trump from the past.

It's like beating a dead horse really.
Speaking of Leftist cults, Jim Jones was perhaps the most famous of them all.

Once a Christian paster, he found himself being drawn in to Marxist ideology and realized the church was not woke enough.

Then he moved South of the border with his followers as he told them all to drink poison and die in mass.

Of course, the media, as usual, tried to either hide or flat out deny his Leftists leanings.

But what this is, is a sobering reminder of how Leftism infiltrates all manner of society, even the church, and just how influential it is.
Once a Christian paster, he found himself being drawn in to Marxist ideology and realized the church was not woke enough.
As're full of shit

Jones also forged alliances with key columnists and others at the San Francisco Chronicle and other press outlets,[58] although the move to San Francisco also brought increasing media scrutiny. Encountering resistance by his editors to publishing an investigative piece about the Temple, Chronicle reporter Marshall Kilduff brought his story to New West magazine.[59] In the summer of 1977, Jones and several hundred followers abruptly decided to move to the Temple's communal settlement in Guyana – officially called the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, but informally known as "Jonestown" – after they learned the contents of Kilduff's article, which included allegations by Temple defectors of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.[49][60]
Communist Red China once had a child limit in order to cotrol population levels.

What is not known, however, is that the got the idea from Western Marxists

The policy was an abject failure, and thus was overturned. After all, why force people to do something when it is far easier to manipulate them to do something?
As're full of shit

Jones also forged alliances with key columnists and others at the San Francisco Chronicle and other press outlets,[58] although the move to San Francisco also brought increasing media scrutiny. Encountering resistance by his editors to publishing an investigative piece about the Temple, Chronicle reporter Marshall Kilduff brought his story to New West magazine.[59] In the summer of 1977, Jones and several hundred followers abruptly decided to move to the Temple's communal settlement in Guyana – officially called the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, but informally known as "Jonestown" – after they learned the contents of Kilduff's article, which included allegations by Temple defectors of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.[49][60]
So you also deny his Marxist leanings?

I suppose you also deny the Marxist leanings of BLM, even though the are openly Marxist.

And here is a shocker, BLM is against the traditional family model. They would rather have teens in the Black community either having an abortion or being born in single parent homes where they will be condemned to poverty and more than likely have their kids raised in the streets without a father, leading to continued elevated crime rates within the Black community that will later be blamed on institutional racism.

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