The cult of language and the DNC


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This is an interesting subject worth exploring. Why do cults often create their own language? We are to the point that democrats can't even tell us what a woman is, but how did we get here? The DNC has not only created a whole dictionary of pronouns and redefined words we thought we knew, they had the power to immediately thrust it upon us in schools and corporations all around the world.

Psychologists and linguists know that people think in a language. Someone who speaks English will formulate their thoughts in English. If one speaks Russian, they will think in Russian. Linguists say that only when a person trying to learn a new language starts to think in that language have they actually mastered it. Of course, many people are multi-lingual and can think in more than one language. In any case, because of these facts people’s thoughts are conditioned by the language they know and use.

Many cults actually create their own words and languages which they use to psychologically condition their adherents in their beliefs and doctrines. Cult leaders strive to control the communication environment of their followers. They censor the literature their followers read, deliver speeches that only contain and reinforce the cultic terminology, and attempt to filter out words their followers may hear from external sources so they will become immersed in the cultic vocabulary.
Historically, we have two good examples of cults creating their own verbiage.

A good example of this type of cultic psychological conditioning is found in the Church of Scientology. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986), created his own vocabulary and glossary of terms to teach his followers. For instance, he introduced the concepts of the “Analytical Mind” and the “Reactive Mind.” The analytical mind, in Hubbard’s system, means that thought process that is reasonable and under a person’s control. The reactive mind is that part of the mind that is irrational and corrupted by bad external mental programming – which he called “Engrams.” He said such engrams need to be expunged from the mind using an eccentric system he called “Dianetics.” Dianetics involves concepts Hubbard created such as “Auditing,” “Clear,” and “Thetan.” Committed Scientologists read Hubbard’s books and listen to his recorded lectures in order to fill their minds with his strange ideas. They also use his cultic words in their daily conversation with one another. (For more on Scientology beliefs see

Another movement that has its own unique terminology is the Unification Church (UC). Founded in Korea by Rev. Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012), he created a whole set of new concepts, which his church still uses, to indoctrinate his members. He talked about the “give and take action” of creation, the “Universal Prime Energy” (his term for God), the “Four-Fold Foundation” of human history, the need to “Pay Indemnity.” He said that he and his wife were the “True Family,” and the true “Father and Mother.” He called himself the “Lord of the Second Advent,” and designated the current time as the “Completed Testament” era. Again, his followers were thoroughly immersed in these terms, which naturally conditioned them to accept Moon’s ideas. (For more information on UC history and beliefs see Note, that this article was written in 2011 before Rev. Moon’s death.)

I think changing the language helps cut off the cult members from the rest of society, something desirable if you wish complete control over your members. But with the DNC cult, they have an advantage. They can force their language to be the mainstream and disenfranchise everyone who rejects their cult. No cult has been as powerful and controlling as the DNC.
The democrats do this because they are all about remaining in power. They can demonize a common word people use and then tell the public they are here to protect people from those of us that may be using said particular word.

The control of language, to control politics.

The choice of which loaded terms to use can change the outcome of the entire debate. The left gets this. It focuses on it relentlessly, and the left—along with help from the media—owns the terms of virtually all political debates.

examples? A great example of the misuse of words, Black Lives Matter. Another good example is Renewable Energy, Sustainable, Green, all words that have nothing in common to what they are attributed to.
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The democrats do this because they are all about remaining in power. They can demonize a common word people use and then tell the public they are here to protect people from those of us that may be using said particular word.

The control of language, to control politics.
If you have the power to control the verbiage, you have control over free speech.

If you have control over free speech, you can then censor that speech for the good of society, such as censoring speech on Twitter or insisting on safe spaces at colleges across the country where any conservative views are deemed to be threatening.

Kids all across the country are being fed this stuff as they become disenfranchised from their parents, as kids are encouraged to hide their transformation into a cult, such as wanting to change genders or have an abortion. Now parents are the threat to a child's ultimate good, because the parents do not share their worldview and the vocabulary that shaped that world view.

The first job of a cult is to cut them off from their respective families. It's all about control.

This is an interesting subject worth exploring. Why do cults often create their own language? We are to the point that democrats can't even tell us what a woman is, but how did we get here? The DNC has not only created a whole dictionary of pronouns and redefined words we thought we knew, they had the power to immediately thrust it upon us in schools and corporations all around the world.

Psychologists and linguists know that people think in a language. Someone who speaks English will formulate their thoughts in English. If one speaks Russian, they will think in Russian. Linguists say that only when a person trying to learn a new language starts to think in that language have they actually mastered it. Of course, many people are multi-lingual and can think in more than one language. In any case, because of these facts people’s thoughts are conditioned by the language they know and use.

Many cults actually create their own words and languages which they use to psychologically condition their adherents in their beliefs and doctrines. Cult leaders strive to control the communication environment of their followers. They censor the literature their followers read, deliver speeches that only contain and reinforce the cultic terminology, and attempt to filter out words their followers may hear from external sources so they will become immersed in the cultic vocabulary.
So it's like Christianity?
Historically, we have two good examples of cults creating their own verbiage.

A good example of this type of cultic psychological conditioning is found in the Church of Scientology. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986), created his own vocabulary and glossary of terms to teach his followers. For instance, he introduced the concepts of the “Analytical Mind” and the “Reactive Mind.” The analytical mind, in Hubbard’s system, means that thought process that is reasonable and under a person’s control. The reactive mind is that part of the mind that is irrational and corrupted by bad external mental programming – which he called “Engrams.” He said such engrams need to be expunged from the mind using an eccentric system he called “Dianetics.” Dianetics involves concepts Hubbard created such as “Auditing,” “Clear,” and “Thetan.” Committed Scientologists read Hubbard’s books and listen to his recorded lectures in order to fill their minds with his strange ideas. They also use his cultic words in their daily conversation with one another. (For more on Scientology beliefs see

Another movement that has its own unique terminology is the Unification Church (UC). Founded in Korea by Rev. Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012), he created a whole set of new concepts, which his church still uses, to indoctrinate his members. He talked about the “give and take action” of creation, the “Universal Prime Energy” (his term for God), the “Four-Fold Foundation” of human history, the need to “Pay Indemnity.” He said that he and his wife were the “True Family,” and the true “Father and Mother.” He called himself the “Lord of the Second Advent,” and designated the current time as the “Completed Testament” era. Again, his followers were thoroughly immersed in these terms, which naturally conditioned them to accept Moon’s ideas. (For more information on UC history and beliefs see Note, that this article was written in 2011 before Rev. Moon’s death.)

I think changing the language helps cut off the cult members from the rest of society, something desirable if you wish complete control over your members. But with the DNC cult, they have an advantage. They can force their language to be the mainstream and disenfranchise everyone who rejects their cult. No cult has been as powerful and controlling as the DNC.
So it's like conservative Christians banning books?
The democrats do this because they are all about remaining in power. They can demonize a common word people use and then tell the public they are here to protect people from those of us that may be using said particular word.

The control of language, to control politics.

examples? A great example of the misuse of words, Black Lives Matter. Another good example is Renewable Energy, Sustainable, Green, all words that have nothing in common to what they are attributed to.
Like the way conservatives call gay people groomers?
So it's like conservative Christians banning books?
The only book banning I know of that has been suggested are books that promote sexual deviancy in schools.

Sexual development is the last state of development in children, or do you think it is Ok for kids to watch porn?
Psychopaths often come up with their own way of expressing themselves....Just sayin'. ;)
If you have the power to control the verbiage, you have control over free speech.

If you have control over free speech, you can then censor that speech for the good of society, such as censoring speech on Twitter or insisting on safe spaces at colleges across the country where any conservative views are deemed to be threatening.

Kids all across the country are being fed this stuff as they become disenfranchised from their parents, as kids are encouraged to hide their transformation into a cult, such as wanting to change genders or have an abortion. Now parents are the threat to a child's ultimate good, because the parents do not share their worldview and the vocabulary that shaped that world view.

The first job of a cult is to cut them off from their respective families. It's all about control.
So this is a deranged conservative fantasy created to justify their envy of the freer world their children will inherit, hide their engorged homophobia, and celebrate their severe mental illness?
Like the way conservatives call gay people groomers?
The only ones called groomers are those seeking out children to propagate their views on sex.

Again, children need time to develop in other areas, before they are ready to tackle their last stage of sexual development. Forcing this stuff on them when they are not ready does damage to them, which is why you should not have sex with a child, even if they agree to it.

I can't even believe I have to explain this

So this is a deranged conservative fantasy created to justify their envy of the freer world their children will inherit, hide their engorged homophobia, and celebrate their severe mental illness?
Where did I say any of that?

I didn't.
The only book banning I know of that has been suggested are books that promote sexual deviancy in schools.
There are no such books in schools, but y'all trying to ban Anne Frank.

Did you think decent people of faith wouldn't notice?
Sexual development is the last state of development in children, or do you think it is Ok for kids to watch porn?
Hey - y'all need to home school as you see fit, but check the laws first, and it would be best to hold off on exposing under 12s to the Bible and its glorification of child rape, torture and murder, don't you agree?

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