The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

I am not anti-vaccine. I understand the basics of how they work (No I can not create one) and I understand they do work. The issue was forcing people to take vaccines that had not been fully tested yet. And then tell them they need to take them every few months.

If this is the case, they really aren't working. But the profits did roll in.

You cannot know too much. The mRNA shots are NOT vaccines. You don't understand what you think you understand using the incorrect terminology, but in your defense you've been thoroughly brainwashed by the media during these last 3 years.

It is a corruption of the language to call the shots 'vaccines' when they are not.
I've only read cliffs notes badger, so you'll have to excuse me

but i did find that jr. wanted to serve on some sort of government vaccine validation committee , and they wouldn't let him

i find that rather telling.......

Two books to get for this (or read from the library) are:

1. The Real Anthony Fauci

2. Nidoviruses, ASM Press (2008)
(Includes text by the world's leading coronavirologist, Ralph S. Baric.)

Not surprised they would not let him join the ACIP, of which the psychopath, Offit is linked. RFK Jr. may not have realized that he was likely the first to have (published [italics]) the link between Fau Chi's and Offit's help in getting Gardasil to market, and this precise Gardasil links to the first Homo sapiens, (a Chinese communist), who sequenced SARS-CoV-2. We will be shortly posting this important RFK Jr. link on the Biological Politics thread, as well as the recent Michael J. Fox article for Parkinson's disease.
Every medical organization on the planet says RFK is nuts on the subject, and so are you and anybody else who goes on about this crap. Including the guy that started it all. A guy who is no longer a doctor...
The irony is that if you were given a pop quiz in front of USMB readers on RFK Jr.'s densely academic, The Real Anthony Fauci, you would be at a loss.
You cannot know too much. The mRNA shots are NOT vaccines. You don't understand what you think you understand using the incorrect terminology, but in your defense you've been thoroughly brainwashed by the media during these last 3 years.

Bite me. I said I understand how vaccines work but I didn't have enough tests to trust what we were being sold.

So, address what I say or screw off.

It is a corruption of the language to call the shots 'vaccines' when they are not.

Ok doctor Peter.
Bite me. I said I understand how vaccines work but I didn't have enough tests to trust what we were being sold.

So, address what I say or screw off.

Ok doctor Peter.

If you understand how vaccines work, why do you call these mRNA shots vaccines? They are experimental drugs, first time used on humans, and failed miserably. They do not act like vaccines in any way shape or form. More accurately they are bioweapons brought by DARPA and other elements of DoD
You cannot know too much. The mRNA shots are NOT vaccines. You don't understand what you think you understand using the incorrect terminology, but in your defense you've been thoroughly brainwashed by the media during these last 3 years.

It is a corruption of the language to call the shots 'vaccines' when they are not.
Yes, and Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are behind the brainwashing. More ridiculous than the Pony Express, would be the absurd possibility of no one being able to communicate with "Chuck the Little Elf" Governor of Florida about RFK Jr.'s (published) linking of Fauci, Plotkin and Offit to the very person who first sequenced SARS2, then gave the sequence to the Australian (virologist-bobsledder-roosterfish?) E.C. Holmes for serious worldwide distribution.
If you understand how vaccines work, why do you call these mRNA shots vaccines? They are experimental drugs, first time used on humans, and failed miserably. They do not act like vaccines in any way shape or form. More accurately they are bioweapons brought by DARPA and other elements of DoD
How do vaccines work for dummies?

Vaccines contain a harmless form of the bacteria or virus that causes the disease you are being immunised against. The bacteria or virus will be killed, greatly weakened, or broken down into small parts before use in the vaccine so that they can trigger an immune response without making you sick.

Twitterists who are posting such things seem more serious about investigating the "vaccine" than they are jonesing for recognition.

Twitter's sole purpose is for people to bring attention to themselves
If you understand how vaccines work, why do you call these mRNA shots vaccines? They are experimental drugs, first time used on humans, and failed miserably. They do not act like vaccines in any way shape or form. More accurately they are bioweapons brought by DARPA and other elements of DoD

Twitter's sole purpose is for people to bring attention to themselves
Very wrong. Other readers can prove that by noting the breadth of science being reported on Twitter, complete with hashtags (#) which is anything but primadonna-ism such as many lead guitar players suffer from.
Not only are you totally screwing up the pandemic response based on baloney, the GOP base idiots may be bringing back polio and smallpox and the measles because they're terminally brain fuqued.....
Just continue with your blathering lies. The only ones who agree with you are the idiots who think like you and not for themselves.
Just continue with your blathering lies. The only ones who agree with you are the idiots who think like you and not for themselves.
Sure sure, just be sure not to change the channel, you only have one TV network in the whole world and the only people who agree with you on any of your conspiracies are other people who can't change the *** **** channel from scumbags like Tucker and Sean and what's her name. Primetime is totally out of their minds. That's how all of you end up not wanting to get vaccinated believing in election steal and the global warming hoax. Absolute idiocy, ignoramus. You have to be ignorant to believe all that crap despite all evidence to the contrary. All you have is the brainwash repeated endlessly by your scumbag heroes.... Yes yes I know you're on the Internet conspiracy nut job algorithm now, even Dumber.....
Two books to get for this (or read from the library) are:

1. The Real Anthony Fauci

2. Nidoviruses, ASM Press (2008)
(Includes text by the world's leading coronavirologist, Ralph S. Baric.)

Not surprised they would not let him join the ACIP, of which the psychopath, Offit is linked. RFK Jr. may not have realized that he was likely the first to have (published [italics]) the link between Fau Chi's and Offit's help in getting Gardasil to market, and this precise Gardasil links to the first Homo sapiens, (a Chinese communist), who sequenced SARS-CoV-2. We will be shortly posting this important RFK Jr. link on the Biological Politics thread, as well as the recent Michael J. Fox article for Parkinson's disease.
Pure garbage, nobody in the Kennedy family understand what the hell he's doing
And it was also one of many things I listed.

Zantac was on the market for more than 2 decades before it was found to be bad for you.
Pemoline was on the market for 40 years before it was pulled.
Accutane was on the market for more than 20 years before it was pulled.

So, why do you trust a single thing these people give you?

Why do you trust your own doctor when you think doctors are so immoral as to lie about a cause of death for a couple extra bucks?

Was there a mandate for the taking of any of the above?

I can’t find one.
Every medical organization on the planet says RFK is nuts on the subject, and so are you and anybody else who goes on about this crap. Including the guy that started it all. A guy who is no longer a doctor...
That should tell you something but sadly, you aren’t capable.
Sure sure, just be sure not to change the channel, you only have one TV network in the whole world and the only people who agree with you on any of your conspiracies are other people who can't change the *** **** channel from scumbags like Tucker and Sean and what's her name. Primetime is totally out of their minds. That's how all of you end up not wanting to get vaccinated believing in election steal and the global warming hoax. Absolute idiocy, ignoramus. You have to be ignorant to believe all that crap despite all evidence to the contrary. All you have is the brainwash repeated endlessly by your scumbag heroes.... Yes yes I know you're on the Internet conspiracy nut job algorithm now, even Dumber.....
Once again, you claim to speak for the "whole world", a continuing lie that you refuse to give up. You continue to display a level of stupidity and brainless claims that are hard to believe. You call others names that justly appliy primarily to yourself and your cohorts in search of justification for your idiocy.

Take a reset and save yourself from further humiliation.
Once again, you claim to speak for the "whole world", a continuing lie that you refuse to give up. You continue to display a level of stupidity and brainless claims that are hard to believe. You call others names that justly appliy primarily to yourself and your cohorts in search of justification for your idiocy.

Take a reset and save yourself from further humiliation.
The GOP is the only party in the world that denies global warming, or for that matter believes in the election steal or any of these vaccine hoaxes and the amazing gigantic edifice of crap on your propaganda machine... Super dupe. Get with the program for God's sake. I speak French and Spanish and have lived in France and Spain and England and you are a clueless rube chump of the greedy idiot GOP mega rich lying class. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot change the channel please
The VaxxStreet Boys

Performing their big hit single "You are blowing up my heart":04:

The GOP is the only party in the world that denies global warming, or for that matter believes in the election steal or any of these vaccine hoaxes and the amazing gigantic edifice of crap on your propaganda machine... Super dupe. Get with the program for God's sake. I speak French and Spanish and have lived in France and Spain and England and you are a clueless rube chump of the greedy idiot GOP mega rich lying class. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot change the channel please
You just refuse to learn; you name your opinions as those of the entire world. You were wrong the first time and continue to be wrong every time you try it.

Your entire bag of claims are and continue to be wrong and very stupid with those claims. Fantasy land and the land of lies but be your home.

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