The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

but your employer knows if you got the covid vax, the government knows if you got it, right, medical privacy is the rule-------------------------LOL

I'm retired but my employer didn't know. You have no right to the persons medical information.
You just refuse to learn; you name your opinions as those of the entire world. You were wrong the first time and continue to be wrong every time you try it.

Your entire bag of claims are and continue to be wrong and very stupid with those claims. Fantasy land and the land of lies but be your home.
I look at all of the GOP crap, I'm not stuck on one channel or the Internet nut job algorithm.
You just refuse to learn; you name your opinions as those of the entire world. You were wrong the first time and continue to be wrong every time you try it.

Your entire bag of claims are and continue to be wrong and very stupid with those claims. Fantasy land and the land of lies but be your home.
Link to anything like reality?
I look at all of the GOP crap, I'm not stuck on one channel or the Internet nut job algorithm.
You are stuck on only the leftist channels, never pausing to consider that others might have a truth that you are not allowed to consider. Definition of stupid, but that is you.
They want to kill us all....but I for one, will NEVER have the poison jab!

Just remember that the experts with their fingers on the pulses of the average man reassured us that nobody was ever forced or coerced into taking the corporate gene therapy experiment, and they made it okay to ridicule people who suggested that happened to them. They still are trying to make it mandatory, one way or the other.
They approved the inhaler I use for my COPD. So far it has not killed me.

The approved the insulin that keeps my son alive, so far I am pretty happy about that.

Yeah, maybe the rational response--and you KNOW this, but consistently troll--is to weigh the risks and benefits of EACH DRUG you take.

But we weren't allowed to do that with the vaccines. And you know this too.

You play a weak and dishonest game here.
In 2020 a Gator Basketball player collapsed on the floor mid-game and would probably have died but for the rapid and expert care he got on the court.

Can we blame that on the vaccine?

Gigi's game here:

"People used to die of sudden cardiac arrest, so if anyone dies of sudden cardiac arrest NOW, it simply cannot be the vaccine."

Mr. Rational Gigi.

Bite me. I said I understand how vaccines work but I didn't have enough tests to trust what we were being sold.

So, address what I say or screw off.

Ok doctor Peter.

Is this an admission that the vaccines were pushed on the population with inadequate testing?
You need two things for your little conspiracy theory to work. You need lots of (1) dead bodies (2) killed by the vaccine. Of course you don't have either so you have to pretend people who die of other things are really people who died from the vaccine. Since a significant percentage of Americans have had the vaccine, many who die are vaccinated, those that die of other causes you can pretend "they" are just keeping their vaccine status secret and that is what killed them. I really just typed this for me cause it is hard to get your mind around this conspiracy theory stuff.
Gigi's game here:

"People used to die of sudden cardiac arrest, so if anyone dies of sudden cardiac arrest NOW, it simply cannot be the vaccine."

Mr. Rational Gigi.


I did not say it cannot be the vaccine, but unlike you I will not assume every death ever is due to the vaccine.

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