The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

This Line-1 trajectory will eventually link to genes for male spermatogenesis, supporting suspicions about Wuhan Institute of Virology, EcoHealth Alliance, et al, sampling bats according to seasonal reproductive fluctuations.

They were examining Line-1 (first mentioned by Jikkyleaks in post #1,259) in bats, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, a European bat:
Simply saying something is true, especially by you, does not make it so. That is called BS which you practice on this subject all of the time at all costs.

The more you repeat your BS, the more no one believes you. You know this but are to stupid to attempt to rectify it or admit that there is the slightest possibility that you are wrong, which you are but your echo chamber will not allow you to actually think. You display no evidence of actual thought, just repeating what you are told to repeat.

You have admitted that you are not a doctor and have no lab doing research for you, so don't claim that science is on your side. You have no idea what the actual science is, especially truthful science. You remain as you have always been, a liar who is proud of his lies.

No wonder there appear to be none who support your rants. There are none, at least who are honest.

You remain a moron to the last.

And..... here comes the usual projection again where you simply copy and paste what I say to you, but you just direct it back towards me because you have nothing really to say, You just add in a couple of repetitive claims of lying and you're good for yet another post. If only you actually had thoughts of your own that weren't given to you by some right wing conspiracy script writer.

When there is zero evidence to counter conventional wisdom there is no purpose to going along with the other people's fantasies. The difference between me and you is, you hear something that fits into your political and ideological narrative and you automatically believe it. Screw science, evidence, facts, etc. when you have right wing antivax dogma, right? I look at multiple accredited science websites, medical journals, the cdc and other medical agencies here and abroad to get my information, and theyve all confirmed the same things from the very beginning, the vaccine is safe. Science is on my side. Over 5.5 billion ppl have gotten fully vaccinated. Why would I take the word of a rando on twitter or a message board who refuses to provide proof to back up their wacky statements that don't in any way represent any reality, and are just pulled out of thin air? That refusal is I why no one should believe a single your cult has to say. People with real facts and evidence don't need to hide it.

Newsflash, the whole world supports the fact that the vaccines are safe. It's only antivaxxers who don't. Who do you think represents the majority, and who is the extreme minority here? hmmm.
And..... here comes the usual projection again where you simply copy and paste what I say to you, but you just direct it back towards me because you have nothing really to say, You just add in a couple of repetitive claims of lying and you're good for yet another post. If only you actually had thoughts of your own that weren't given to you by some right wing conspiracy script writer.

When there is zero evidence to counter conventional wisdom there is no purpose to going along with the other people's fantasies. The difference between me and you is, you hear something that fits into your political and ideological narrative and you automatically believe it. Screw science, evidence, facts, etc. when you have right wing antivax dogma, right? I look at multiple accredited science websites, medical journals, the cdc and other medical agencies here and abroad to get my information, and theyve all confirmed the same things from the very beginning, the vaccine is safe. Science is on my side. Over 5.5 billion ppl have gotten fully vaccinated. Why would I take the word of a rando on twitter or a message board who refuses to provide proof to back up their wacky statements that don't in any way represent any reality, and are just pulled out of thin air? That refusal is I why no one should believe a single your cult has to say. People with real facts and evidence don't need to hide it.

Newsflash, the whole world supports the fact that the vaccines are safe. It's only antivaxxers who don't. Who do you think represents the majority, and who is the extreme minority here? hmmm.
First, I doubt, in fact know, that you have not contacted "the whole world" to support your lies. Open your eyes and see that even the MSM is reporting on the massive resistance to your claim. Even a brain dead liar such as yourself can see that if you just open your eyes and see the truth, but you won't since it would force you to admit that you are wrong and you just can't admit the truth of that. BTW, you support that fact that you are lying by claiming the whole world believes something than admitting that there are those who do not believe it. You really are a stupid sack of garbage and you provide the truth of that statement.

Second, once again you accuse others of doing exactly what you do and apparently do not even see it. Then deny any evidence to the contrary to your lies. You are getting yourself
in too deep while trying to sound intelligent, and failing, in that endeavor.

More and more doctors are admitting that this shot is not safe, something I know from personal and vivid experience. Even your supposed precious agencies have changed their minds on the subject more time thatn can be counted. Only morons such as yourse3lf still blindly believe any of their claims.

If you were not such an incredible example of stupidity I would almost feel sorry for you. But with your every lying post you make that ever less likely, to impossible.
And..... here comes the usual projection again where you simply copy and paste what I say to you, but you just direct it back towards me because you have nothing really to say, You just add in a couple of repetitive claims of lying and you're good for yet another post. If only you actually had thoughts of your own that weren't given to you by some right wing conspiracy script writer.

When there is zero evidence to counter conventional wisdom there is no purpose to going along with the other people's fantasies. The difference between me and you is, you hear something that fits into your political and ideological narrative and you automatically believe it. Screw science, evidence, facts, etc. when you have right wing antivax dogma, right? I look at multiple accredited science websites, medical journals, the cdc and other medical agencies here and abroad to get my information, and theyve all confirmed the same things from the very beginning, the vaccine is safe. Science is on my side. Over 5.5 billion ppl have gotten fully vaccinated. Why would I take the word of a rando on twitter or a message board who refuses to provide proof to back up their wacky statements that don't in any way represent any reality, and are just pulled out of thin air? That refusal is I why no one should believe a single your cult has to say. People with real facts and evidence don't need to hide it.

Newsflash, the whole world supports the fact that the vaccines are safe. It's only antivaxxers who don't. Who do you think represents the majority, and who is the extreme minority here? hmmm.
Differences in the more and the less are a false problem in this case because you have been pre-castrated from the facts that Pharma is hiding. The minority has the right to express itself. The unsuccessful minority trumps the successful majority precisely because of Big Pharma's impunity to liability and arrogant anal retentive esoterica.

Not debating the science being posted comes with a price: a head-long fling into numerous little ego deaths.

You have serious amnesia about previous swine flu vaccines being halted in America.
Dam is cracking.

Montana was where the action was. Deer mice link to Lyme disease ticks on Long Island harboring SARS2 virus parts. Lyme disease cycle in nature is deer mouse-tick-deer.

'@ ~7h: used deer mice for his self-spreading vaccine model (aka SARS2).'
Long scroll to Montana map:
'....American deer mice....'

And 2008 is the year they (apparently) first discovered SARS2 virus parts on Long Island, New York.
' A recent study (1/30/2008) in British Columbia of 218 deer mice showed 30% (66) were seropositive for Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease.'
Dam is cracking.

Montana was where the action was. Deer mice link to Lyme disease ticks on Long Island harboring SARS2 virus parts. Lyme disease cycle in nature is deer mouse-tick-deer.

'@ ~7h: used deer mice for his self-spreading vaccine model (aka SARS2).'
Long scroll to Montana map:
'....American deer mice....'

And 2008 is the year they (apparently) first discovered SARS2 virus parts on Long Island, New York.
' A recent study (1/30/2008) in British Columbia of 218 deer mice showed 30% (66) were seropositive for Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease.'
And yet we the people were not informed, as usual. Just wit to be demanded to co-operate with whatever the government decides will increase their power.
And yet we the people were not informed, as usual. Just wit to be demanded to co-operate with whatever the government decides will increase their power.
Chan and Ridley ("Viral") wrote an entire chapter on furin, and never mentioned Lyme disease ticks, though they mentioned Nunberg inserting furin into SARS1 in Montana in 2006.

This was the year that badger2 went out there and spoke with Burgdorfer, discoverer of the Lyme disease agent.

For sure Burgdorfer suffered from diabetes, because he went to use his insulin during the visit.
The vaccine they were working on in Montana was for bats in Africa.
There are two target ticks for having SARS2 virus parts on Long Island: Ixodes scapularis (Lyme vector) and Dermacentor (American dog tick).
As we've stated elsewhere, Ralph Baric's UNC bat lab has kept important information about American coronaviruses from its citizens. These viruses are related to Brazilian bat viruses so beware of shenanigans on the North-South axis, the capitalist axis:
Brazil Law to Imprison Anti-Vaxx
Below, Mazet links to UC Davis, US Davis links to Anne Rimoin, Rimoin to Metabiota. Karesh is the tick-phlebovirus link to Daszak, and note the proximity of Daszak to Suffolk County, Long Island, New York:

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