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The damage from obama will be lasting


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
The Obama Derecho | Washington Free Beacon

Safe to say most Washingtonians had never heard of a “derecho” before June 29, when one of these speedy and destructive windstorms ploughed through the capital, leaving behind dead bodies and battered homes and more than a million households without power. Now the storm is over, and one can expect this obscure meteorological term to pass just as swiftly into everyday speech. Exotic, vaguely menacing, and evoking senseless, abrupt calamity, “derecho” is an especially apt description of America in the age of Obama.

Like the homeowners in Fairfax County, Va., picking up felled tree branches and putting in insurance claims, Americans across the country are still recovering from the Obama derecho that struck the nation from 2009 to 2010. The damage from that whirlwind has been ugly. The cost has been enormous. And another one may form at any moment.

A spectacular confluence of events swept Obama into office. Seven years of war, almost a year of recession, and seven weeks of financial crisis pulled down the incumbent president’s approval rating on Election Day 2008 to an atrocious 25 percent. Obama’s opponent was a war hero and a courageous statesman who nevertheless seemed rather anachronistic, not to mention confused at the bewildering and frightening economic situation.

Obama, on the other hand, had a smooth and graceful and likeable character that appealed to America’s best hopes and dreams of racial and partisan conciliation. His running mate was a dolt, but a familiar one. They promised a new tone in Washington, sound economic management, lower health care premiums, cutting the federal deficit in half, and an end to the war in Iraq. This was the winning ticket, 53 percent to 46 percent.


That sets the stage as we get ready to walk down memory lane....or nightmare avenue a the case may be.
Let us bow our heads and pray that the Gods give President Obama strength to guide us through the Great Bush Recession.
Let us bow our heads and pray that the Gods give President Obama strength to guide us through the Great Bush Recession.

Pray harder.....it isn't working...and neither is he.

The Great Bush Recession :lol: :lol: :lol:
From the article:

The economy worsened after Obama’s election. Unemployment spiked. The government took over the financial system, nationalized mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, consumed AIG, drew closer to buying GM and Chrysler, and drastically expanded the monetary base to prevent credit from dissolving further.

The economic and legal and political arrangements that had led to two decades of expansion were being re-written hastily and unthinkingly. A deluge of taxes and spending and regulations was let loose, with the stated aim of transforming the base of a system that had produced the most prosperous civilization in history. It turned out that when Obama spoke of putting America on “a new foundation,” he meant it.


That foundation seems to be everyone on the dole.
Promises, Promises | The Weekly Standard

Barack Obama has an accountability problem. It’s not simply that during the 2008 campaign he made extravagant promises to heal the planet, slow the rise of the oceans, end political divisions in America, and usher in an era of hope and change. It’s that as a candidate and in the early days of his presidency, Obama and his top aides made a series of very specific promises on a range of issues.

As a candidate, Obama promised to create five million new energy jobs alone, claimed that by the end of his first term his health care plan would “bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family,” and guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help “stop foreclosures.” As president-elect, Obama informed us that he had asked two of his top economic advisers, Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, to conduct a “rigorous analysis” of his economic recovery plan. The report that he released predicted unemployment would not rise above 8 percent if the stimulus plan was passed. And in the first year of his presidency, Obama pledged to “cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office,” “lift two million Americans from poverty,” and “jolt our economy back to life.”


When you start to think of all the crap he said in the election.....it really is wonder why anyone would vote for this doofus.
His inept solutions in pictures


Dear god..... no no,not you obama... sit down and be quite.... i am not speaking to you....

Dear god..... can you please turn back the clock on food and gas prices..... housing and employment levels..... to the bush recession area levels..... it is so much better then the current obama Depression....

Dear god..... no no,not you obama... sit down and be quite.... i am not speaking to you....

Dear god..... can you please turn back the clock on food and gas prices..... housing and employment levels..... to the bush recession area levels..... it is so much better then the current obama Depression....


Unemployment was at 7.8 percent when Obama became president. It would rise to 10 percent in October 2009 and would not fall below 8 percent in over 30 months. Long-term unemployment became endemic. Participation in the work force fell to lows not seen in decades. Foreclosures mounted. Mortgages sank underwater. Obama’s response was to maintain the policies of the Paulson-Geithner-Bernanke troika: bail out financials and autos while engaging in massive fiscal and monetary stimulus, and hope for the best. Publicize every “green shoot.” Say, “Welcome to the recovery.”

The change in governing style that the president had promised never seemed to materialize. Relations with the domestic opposition was an area in which the administration seemed eager to adopt a “with us or against us” mentality. The White House targeted dissenting individuals and organizations for public rebuke and media-enforced shame: Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Fox News Channel, the Chamber of Commerce, Charles and David Koch, Paul Ryan, Sheldon Adelson. The list grows with each day.

Even as Obama said he would listen to the Republicans, he let archliberals Nancy Pelosi, Henry Waxman, and David Obey write the stimulus bill, ironically called “the Recovery Act.” They larded this legislation with handouts to public sector unions, the social services lobby, and green energy companies managed by Democratic contributors. They included tax rebates that history had shown to be ineffective at stimulating demand, and emergency aid to states that would delay but not resolve the governors’ budget issues. The cost: $862 billion. Read the papers, and then try to say the stimulus “worked” while keeping a straight face.


Man o man....when you recall all that he stepped in, barfed up, and tried to sell as anything other that s**t.....you have to wonder just how far up their asses the left have their heads.
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Thanks for the depression and the paralysis since 2/2010. Great plan Pubbies! Vote Romney for more of that...I know, let's cut taxes on the rich and destroy Medicare and Health Reform. Pffft!

So " Obama promised Health Reform would lower costs by 2500 by the end of his first term", but it doesn't start till 2014...who is this moron?
Thanks for the depression and the paralysis since 2/2010. Great plan Pubbies! Vote Romney for more of that...I know, let's cut taxes on the rich and destroy Medicare and Health Reform. Pffft!

So " Obama promised Health Reform would lower costs by 2500 by the end of his first term", but it doesn't start till 2014...who is this moron?

Is 2014 the end of his first term ?

You are the moron....you answered that quite clearly.
The Obama Derecho | Washington Free Beacon

Safe to say most Washingtonians had never heard of a “derecho” before June 29, when one of these speedy and destructive windstorms ploughed through the capital, leaving behind dead bodies and battered homes and more than a million households without power. Now the storm is over, and one can expect this obscure meteorological term to pass just as swiftly into everyday speech. Exotic, vaguely menacing, and evoking senseless, abrupt calamity, “derecho” is an especially apt description of America in the age of Obama.

Like the homeowners in Fairfax County, Va., picking up felled tree branches and putting in insurance claims, Americans across the country are still recovering from the Obama derecho that struck the nation from 2009 to 2010. The damage from that whirlwind has been ugly. The cost has been enormous. And another one may form at any moment.

A spectacular confluence of events swept Obama into office. Seven years of war, almost a year of recession, and seven weeks of financial crisis pulled down the incumbent president’s approval rating on Election Day 2008 to an atrocious 25 percent. Obama’s opponent was a war hero and a courageous statesman who nevertheless seemed rather anachronistic, not to mention confused at the bewildering and frightening economic situation.

Obama, on the other hand, had a smooth and graceful and likeable character that appealed to America’s best hopes and dreams of racial and partisan conciliation. His running mate was a dolt, but a familiar one. They promised a new tone in Washington, sound economic management, lower health care premiums, cutting the federal deficit in half, and an end to the war in Iraq. This was the winning ticket, 53 percent to 46 percent.


That sets the stage as we get ready to walk down memory lane....or nightmare avenue a the case may be.

The Damage from any President is lasting, that's why it's important we pick wisely.

Unemployment was at 7.8 percent when Obama became president. It would rise to 10 percent in October 2009 and would not fall below 8 percent in over 30 months. Long-term unemployment became endemic. Participation in the work force fell to lows not seen in decades. Foreclosures mounted. Mortgages sank underwater. Obama’s response was to maintain the policies of the Paulson-Geithner-Bernanke troika: bail out financials and autos while engaging in massive fiscal and monetary stimulus, and hope for the best. Publicize every “green shoot.” Say, “Welcome to the recovery.”

The change in governing style that the president had promised never seemed to materialize. Relations with the domestic opposition was an area in which the administration seemed eager to adopt a “with us or against us” mentality. The White House targeted dissenting individuals and organizations for public rebuke and media-enforced shame: Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Fox News Channel, the Chamber of Commerce, Charles and David Koch, Paul Ryan, Sheldon Adelson. The list grows with each day.

Even as Obama said he would listen to the Republicans, he let archliberals Nancy Pelosi, Henry Waxman, and David Obey write the stimulus bill, ironically called “the Recovery Act.” They larded this legislation with handouts to public sector unions, the social services lobby, and green energy companies managed by Democratic contributors. They included tax rebates that history had shown to be ineffective at stimulating demand, and emergency aid to states that would delay but not resolve the governors’ budget issues. The cost: $862 billion. Read the papers, and then try to say the stimulus “worked” while keeping a straight face.


Man o man....when you recall all that he stepped in, barfed up, and tried to sell as anything other that s**t.....you have to wonder just how far up their asses the left have their heads.

And that's a wrap!
no, YOU are. LOL Nite!

Oh.....say it isn't so....based on your word.

You moron....he said, we'd see the saving by the end of 2012. Not 2014.

We'll add that to another one of his lies.

And you can shove your signature up your oversized welfare padded ass.

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