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The damage that Atheism has caused

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Gold Member
Jan 3, 2013
1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths and destruction than Judaism or Christianity
Fascism and communism were atheist ideologies that murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add millions of rapes, tortures and enslavement by these same godless regimes
The atheistā€™s favorite ā€˜go toā€™ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church pedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (though it didn't), the numbers dwarf in comparison to that of atheism.
The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
There are other so-called ā€˜killingsā€™ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, one would not reach 10% of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have inflicted.
To say that ā€œreligion has caused more death than anything elseā€ has no basis in fact.
2. Hitler was not a Christian
Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself privately despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as ā€œmeekā€ and ā€œflabbyā€ and sought to destroy it ā€œroot and branchā€. He bemoaned that Germany was ā€œstuckā€ with ā€œfeeble mindedā€ Christianity and he preferred other ā€œstrong-armā€ systems.
Hitlerā€™s writings and speeches are full of passages contemptuous for Christianity.
3. Atheism is an ideology
The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just donā€™t believe in God. However, it turns out they donā€™t want to leave you alone ----- not even on this website. On social media most atheists are relentlessly vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions disrupt advancement. They argue with great passion that weā€™d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
Such thinking is an ideology. Such ā€œnon-beliefā€ has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: itā€™s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You donā€™t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
Atheists donā€™t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilization: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilization of those the state deemed inferior), and Chinaā€™s horrific ā€œone childā€ policy? The Christians and Jews.
5. Judaism and Christianity created civilization
A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without Godā€™s presence.
Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are sponging off of what others have built. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, whatā€™s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
This is contrary to the notion of ā€œcivilizationā€. By definition, civilization contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from history to that end. Civilization does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilization means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.
What most people don't realize is that atheism is a FAITH, just like religion, except that this faith comes from within oneself rather than an external organized locus. However, it is no more valid or provable than "God" if as much, and has done infinitely more damage because while "God" has been an excuse to fight wars for centuries, the belief that nothing matters, that all is relative and that man makes and sets his own rules has been the excuse countless tyrants and dictators have used for millennia to enslaves and slaughter billions.
1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths and destruction than Judaism or Christianity
Fascism and communism were atheist ideologies that murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add millions of rapes, tortures and enslavement by these same godless regimes
The atheistā€™s favorite ā€˜go toā€™ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church pedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (though it didn't), the numbers dwarf in comparison to that of atheism.
The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
There are other so-called ā€˜killingsā€™ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, one would not reach 10% of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have inflicted.
To say that ā€œreligion has caused more death than anything elseā€ has no basis in fact.
2. Hitler was not a Christian
Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself privately despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as ā€œmeekā€ and ā€œflabbyā€ and sought to destroy it ā€œroot and branchā€. He bemoaned that Germany was ā€œstuckā€ with ā€œfeeble mindedā€ Christianity and he preferred other ā€œstrong-armā€ systems.
Hitlerā€™s writings and speeches are full of passages contemptuous for Christianity.
3. Atheism is an ideology
The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just donā€™t believe in God. However, it turns out they donā€™t want to leave you alone ----- not even on this website. On social media most atheists are relentlessly vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions disrupt advancement. They argue with great passion that weā€™d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
Such thinking is an ideology. Such ā€œnon-beliefā€ has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: itā€™s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You donā€™t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
Atheists donā€™t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilization: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilization of those the state deemed inferior), and Chinaā€™s horrific ā€œone childā€ policy? The Christians and Jews.
5. Judaism and Christianity created civilization
A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without Godā€™s presence.
Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are sponging off of what others have built. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, whatā€™s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
This is contrary to the notion of ā€œcivilizationā€. By definition, civilization contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from history to that end. Civilization does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilization means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.
1. The early Christians raised anti-semitism to new heights and that tradition directly resulted in the Nazi Holocaust.
2. It was the pagan Greeks and Romans that created Western civilization.
3. Atheism is not a religion or an ideology. It appears that you are the one attacking, not defending.
4. Like every other human organization there are both good and bad folk in religions. I'd be the first to admit that religious people I've met who really live what they believe are some of the best.
What most people don't realize is that atheism is a FAITH, just like religion, except that this faith comes from within oneself rather than an external organized locus. However, it is no more valid or provable than "God" if as much, and has done infinitely more damage because while "God" has been an excuse to fight wars for centuries, the belief that nothing matters, that all is relative and that man makes and sets his own rules has been the excuse countless tyrants and dictators have used for millennia to enslaves and slaughter billions.
It is not that nothing matters, it is that power matters and that is what people crave. And that includes plenty of 'religious' people. Stalin was not interested in spreading atheism, he was interested in gaining and holding power. If terror helped him do that, so be it. If the Church was an independant power, it had to be tamed.
1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths and destruction than Judaism or Christianity
Fascism and communism were atheist ideologies that murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add millions of rapes, tortures and enslavement by these same godless regimes
The atheistā€™s favorite ā€˜go toā€™ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church pedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (though it didn't), the numbers dwarf in comparison to that of atheism.
The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
There are other so-called ā€˜killingsā€™ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, one would not reach 10% of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have inflicted.
To say that ā€œreligion has caused more death than anything elseā€ has no basis in fact.
2. Hitler was not a Christian
Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself privately despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as ā€œmeekā€ and ā€œflabbyā€ and sought to destroy it ā€œroot and branchā€. He bemoaned that Germany was ā€œstuckā€ with ā€œfeeble mindedā€ Christianity and he preferred other ā€œstrong-armā€ systems.
Hitlerā€™s writings and speeches are full of passages contemptuous for Christianity.
3. Atheism is an ideology
The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just donā€™t believe in God. However, it turns out they donā€™t want to leave you alone ----- not even on this website. On social media most atheists are relentlessly vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions disrupt advancement. They argue with great passion that weā€™d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
Such thinking is an ideology. Such ā€œnon-beliefā€ has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: itā€™s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You donā€™t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
Atheists donā€™t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilization: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilization of those the state deemed inferior), and Chinaā€™s horrific ā€œone childā€ policy? The Christians and Jews.
5. Judaism and Christianity created civilization
A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without Godā€™s presence.
Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are sponging off of what others have built. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, whatā€™s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
This is contrary to the notion of ā€œcivilizationā€. By definition, civilization contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from history to that end. Civilization does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilization means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.
1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths and destruction than Judaism or Christianity
What most people don't realize is that atheism is a FAITH, just like religion, except that this faith comes from within oneself rather than an external organized locus.
nipper deludes himself, the desert religions when not killing were responsible for repression and terror for those choosing not to follow their particular religion uninterrupted throughout the centuries. body counts were never the priority. persecution and victimization of the innocent in particular for the history of 4th century christianity.

if atheism is a faith / religion what is the purpose of the thread when they are all guilty of the same crimes ... and conflating religion and economics is just disingenuous.
1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths and destruction than Judaism or Christianity
Fascism and communism were atheist ideologies that murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add millions of rapes, tortures and enslavement by these same godless regimes
The atheistā€™s favorite ā€˜go toā€™ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church pedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (though it didn't), the numbers dwarf in comparison to that of atheism.
The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
There are other so-called ā€˜killingsā€™ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, one would not reach 10% of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have inflicted.
To say that ā€œreligion has caused more death than anything elseā€ has no basis in fact.
2. Hitler was not a Christian
Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself privately despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as ā€œmeekā€ and ā€œflabbyā€ and sought to destroy it ā€œroot and branchā€. He bemoaned that Germany was ā€œstuckā€ with ā€œfeeble mindedā€ Christianity and he preferred other ā€œstrong-armā€ systems.
Hitlerā€™s writings and speeches are full of passages contemptuous for Christianity.
3. Atheism is an ideology
The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just donā€™t believe in God. However, it turns out they donā€™t want to leave you alone ----- not even on this website. On social media most atheists are relentlessly vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions disrupt advancement. They argue with great passion that weā€™d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
Such thinking is an ideology. Such ā€œnon-beliefā€ has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: itā€™s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You donā€™t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
Atheists donā€™t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilization: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilization of those the state deemed inferior), and Chinaā€™s horrific ā€œone childā€ policy? The Christians and Jews.
5. Judaism and Christianity created civilization
A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without Godā€™s presence.
Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are sponging off of what others have built. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, whatā€™s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
This is contrary to the notion of ā€œcivilizationā€. By definition, civilization contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from history to that end. Civilization does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilization means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.
OMG just STOP with the nonsense. Fascism was actually an ITALIAN catholic thing----communism is actually a jewish thing if you bother to research the original communists in Russia and the real difference between between Russian communism and German nazi socialism back then was the jewish leadership verses the christian primarily catholic/luthern socialist nazis.

Hitler was most certainly a fricking catholic----------he even said at one point that he was always and would always remain a catholic. The Swasika btw was a symbol on Hitler's old favorite boyhood catholic church where he was an alter boy. His beloved mother was hyper catholic. Hello.........

the nazis could not have risen to power without the support of the catholic church and its corrupt pos pope. The nazis helped Hitler get in and stay in and all for a CHURCH TAX that the nazi government collected for the Catholic church and access to little kids in school. The nazis btw were only able to escape the allies in the end because the catholic church helped them and arranged for them to get out of the country hence why so many of them found in catholic south america.
1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths and destruction than Judaism or Christianity
Fascism and communism were atheist ideologies that murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add millions of rapes, tortures and enslavement by these same godless regimes
The atheistā€™s favorite ā€˜go toā€™ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church pedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (though it didn't), the numbers dwarf in comparison to that of atheism.
The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
There are other so-called ā€˜killingsā€™ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, one would not reach 10% of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have inflicted.
To say that ā€œreligion has caused more death than anything elseā€ has no basis in fact.
2. Hitler was not a Christian
Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself privately despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as ā€œmeekā€ and ā€œflabbyā€ and sought to destroy it ā€œroot and branchā€. He bemoaned that Germany was ā€œstuckā€ with ā€œfeeble mindedā€ Christianity and he preferred other ā€œstrong-armā€ systems.
Hitlerā€™s writings and speeches are full of passages contemptuous for Christianity.
3. Atheism is an ideology
The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just donā€™t believe in God. However, it turns out they donā€™t want to leave you alone ----- not even on this website. On social media most atheists are relentlessly vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions disrupt advancement. They argue with great passion that weā€™d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
Such thinking is an ideology. Such ā€œnon-beliefā€ has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: itā€™s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You donā€™t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
Atheists donā€™t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilization: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilization of those the state deemed inferior), and Chinaā€™s horrific ā€œone childā€ policy? The Christians and Jews.
5. Judaism and Christianity created civilization
A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without Godā€™s presence.
Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are sponging off of what others have built. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, whatā€™s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
This is contrary to the notion of ā€œcivilizationā€. By definition, civilization contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from history to that end. Civilization does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilization means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.

as an atheist (merely because I do NOT believe in god) I must say; go fuk yourself you fascist piece of shit.
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