The dangers of bone-headed beliefs

You haven't proven shit. All you have done is post quotes from whiners.

"They called me names!!!"

You haven't proven shit. All you have done is post quotes from whiners.

"They called me names!!!"

And you're the second-stupidest dumbass on the internet, right after Biff.

Yes, I've proven there are AGW cultists who want to kill skeptics. Your willful and intentional retardery changes nothing. Can you possibley understand that, you dumb fuck?

No. That's because you're too fucking stupid.
Hey, Synth: RT thinks you're a girl. :lol:
Yeah, I saw that! :lol:

But he also thinks you're a dumbass, so at least he's half right!

Coming from you, "dumbass" is a compliment.

LOLOL....coming from anyone really.....

But you know, that is quite true. Compared to you, dumb-asses look pretty smart so calling you that must seem like a step up to you, I suppose. If I was being really accurate, technically I would have to call you a mindless cretin, sorely afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect. But sometimes, when I'm feeling generous, I tone it down and just refer to you as a 'dumbass'. You can thank me later.
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No, daveboy, she's not stupid, you're just a complete flaming retard with your head jammed so far up your ass that you can tickle your tonsils when you wiggle your ears.
Oh, goody. I was wondering if I was going to get my minimum daily requirement of Vitamin Rolling Thunder Mindless Knee-Jerk Lashing Out. Thanks!
So you can dish it out but you can't take it, eh davedumb. typical of you mindless rightwingnut bullies.

So, I guess you don't want to take a crack at answering this question, huh? Nobody else does.

If the promoters of man-made climate fears truly believed the "debate is over" and the science is "settled", why is there such a strong impulse to shut down debate and threaten those who disagree?​
Easy. There is no "strong impulse to shut down debate" or "threaten those who disagree" except among you brainwashed rightwingnuts.

After Death Threats to Climate Researchers, Australian Universities Take Tough Protection Measures
The Chronicle
June 9, 2011

In Australia, the climate for climate-science researchers has deteriorated to an alarming state. At least a dozen university climate scientists have in recent months received messages threatening death or violence against themselves and, in some cases, their families. The threats—which came as Australian lawmakers prepared to debate imposing carbon taxes in an effort to discourage the emission of climate-altering greenhouse gases—appear considerably more serious than those against researchers at American universities, and Australian authorities have reacted accordingly.

A public-affairs officer at Australian National said the death threats there had occurred over the course of three years and had escalated in recent months. As a result, nine scientists were "moved to a more secure location that requires card access." The added security, the officer continued, "means students may have to plan ahead to make an appointment to see these researchers and general staff."

One of the scientists who received death threats is David J. Karoly, a professor of meteorology at the University of Melbourne and a lead author of recent assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, who has appeared regularly in the Australian media to convey the current scientific consensus on the issue. He says he started receiving "an increased number of offensive and abusive e-mails" following media appearances in connection with the release of the panel's 2007 report, escalating to a death threat "in the last 12 months." The intensity and volume of the threats appeared to him to be "closely related to scientists like myself appearing on the media."

A spokeswoman at the University of New South Wales didn't respond to questions about the threats but noted in a press release that scientists there had "reported receiving abusive e-mails and phone calls, including threats of violence, sexual assault, or attacks on family members."

Mr. Karoly said younger scientists and those at government research centers had strong disincentives to "take a high public profile on anything to do with policy" because of the damaging personal attacks that often follow. "In my own situation, the increasing volume and intensity of this discussion has the reverse effect on me, in that it indicates the issue is important," Mr. Karoly said. "Because there are a limited number of people who are both willing and able to communicate the best information on climate change, it reinforces my perception that we need to do this."

Glyn C. Davis, chair of Universities Australia and vice chancellor of the University of Melbourne, said the "systemic and sustained threats" to the scientists represented "a fundamental attack upon intellectual inquiry. Aggressive abuse and hate campaigns make no helpful contribution to a crucial policy debate. They simply seek to silence unwelcome voices," Mr. Davis said. "Fortunately, academics at Australian universities continue to refuse to be intimidated by the few who grasp neither the principles of academic freedom not the urgent imperative of independent research."

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.....................

These climate radicals dont think there are any special interests getting their pockets lined in a green economy!!! They think these alternative energy companies are in it for the environment!!!

Yeah, I saw that! :lol:

But he also thinks you're a dumbass, so at least he's half right!

Coming from you, "dumbass" is a compliment.

LOLOL....coming from anyone really.....
Actually, no, just coming from people who are even stupider than dumbasses.

Thanks for the compliment! :)
But you know, that is quite true. Compared to you, dumb-asses look pretty smart so calling you that must seem like a step up to you, I suppose. If I was being really accurate, technically I would have to call you a mindless cretin, sorely afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect. But sometimes, when I'm feeling generous, I tone it down and just refer to you as a 'dumbass'. You can thank me later.
You don't care about accuracy. You're a Warmer cultist. Accuracy is anathema to your faith.

Run along, Biff. Let me know if you need help with the big words.
Oh, goody. I was wondering if I was going to get my minimum daily requirement of Vitamin Rolling Thunder Mindless Knee-Jerk Lashing Out. Thanks!
So you can dish it out but you can't take it, eh davedumb. typical of you mindless rightwingnut bullies.
Oh, I can take it. But the level of what you dish out is painfully stupid.
No, just "painfully" accurate and destructive of your moronic denier cult myths, you hopeless retard.

So, I guess you don't want to take a crack at answering this question, huh? Nobody else does.

If the promoters of man-made climate fears truly believed the "debate is over" and the science is "settled", why is there such a strong impulse to shut down debate and threaten those who disagree?​
Easy. There is no "strong impulse to shut down debate" or "threaten those who disagree" except among you brainwashed rightwingnuts.

After Death Threats to Climate Researchers, Australian Universities Take Tough Protection Measures
Oh, you stupid piece of shit. I've proven there is at least three damn times in the last few days.
LOLOLOL.....the only thing you ever "prove" with your moronic nonsense is how very ignorant and utterly braindead you are, Dilwadman.
So you can dish it out but you can't take it, eh davedumb. typical of you mindless rightwingnut bullies.
Oh, I can take it. But the level of what you dish out is painfully stupid.
No, just "painfully" accurate and destructive of your moronic denier cult myths, you hopeless retard.

Easy. There is no "strong impulse to shut down debate" or "threaten those who disagree" except among you brainwashed rightwingnuts.

After Death Threats to Climate Researchers, Australian Universities Take Tough Protection Measures
Oh, you stupid piece of shit. I've proven there is at least three damn times in the last few days.
LOLOLOL.....the only thing you ever "prove" with your moronic nonsense is how very ignorant and utterly braindead you are, Dilwadman.

Heres to the utterly braindead s0n....................not losing.:up::fu:
Oh, I can take it. But the level of what you dish out is painfully stupid.
No, just "painfully" accurate and destructive of your moronic denier cult myths, you hopeless retard.

Oh, you stupid piece of shit. I've proven there is at least three damn times in the last few days.
LOLOLOL.....the only thing you ever "prove" with your moronic nonsense is how very ignorant and utterly braindead you are, Dilwadman.

Heres to the utterly braindead

Yes, let's lift a glass to you and Dilwadman. Congratulations to you both for sharing the prize for the 'Dumbest Dilwad of the Year' award.
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So you can dish it out but you can't take it, eh davedumb. typical of you mindless rightwingnut bullies.
Oh, I can take it. But the level of what you dish out is painfully stupid.
No, just "painfully" accurate and destructive of your moronic denier cult myths, you hopeless retard.

Easy. There is no "strong impulse to shut down debate" or "threaten those who disagree" except among you brainwashed rightwingnuts.

After Death Threats to Climate Researchers, Australian Universities Take Tough Protection Measures
Oh, you stupid piece of shit. I've proven there is at least three damn times in the last few days.
LOLOLOL.....the only thing you ever "prove" with your moronic nonsense is how very ignorant and utterly braindead you are, Dilwadman.
Go wax my truck, Biff, you lazy bastard. Two coats. I'll be watching you. :lol:
Jon Huntsman believe in the science of climate change so I guess he's out, in Wingnut World.

He has a firmer grasp on reality than you cultists:

In 2011, however, Huntsman said, "Cap-and-trade ideas aren’t working; it hasn’t worked, and our economy’s in a different place than five years ago. Much of this discussion happened before the bottom fell out of the economy, and until it comes back, this isn’t the moment."​
Oh, I can take it. But the level of what you dish out is painfully stupid.
No, just "painfully" accurate and destructive of your moronic denier cult myths, you hopeless retard.

Oh, you stupid piece of shit. I've proven there is at least three damn times in the last few days.
LOLOLOL.....the only thing you ever "prove" with your moronic nonsense is how very ignorant and utterly braindead you are, Dilwadman.
Go wax my truck, Biff, you lazy bastard. Two coats. I'll be watching you. :cuckoo:

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....don't you ever get tired of posting idiotic drivel, davedunce?
No, just "painfully" accurate and destructive of your moronic denier cult myths, you hopeless retard.

LOLOLOL.....the only thing you ever "prove" with your moronic nonsense is how very ignorant and utterly braindead you are, Dilwadman.
Go wax my truck, Biff, you lazy bastard. Two coats. I'll be watching you. :cuckoo:

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....don't you ever get tired of posting idiotic drivel, davedunce?
The only idiotic drivel I post is when I quote you or Synthia, Biff. :lol:
Go wax my truck, Biff, you lazy bastard. Two coats. I'll be watching you. :cuckoo:

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....don't you ever get tired of posting idiotic drivel, davedunce?
The only idiotic drivel I post is when I quote you or Synthia, Biff. :cuckoo:

The only idiotic drivel you post, davedumb, is everything you post. You are a complete retard blowing smoke out your ass without a clue as to what you're talking about.
Jon Huntsman believe in the science of climate change so I guess he's out, in Wingnut World.

He has a firmer grasp on reality than you cultists:
In 2011, however, Huntsman said, "Cap-and-trade ideas aren’t working; it hasn’t worked, and our economy’s in a different place than five years ago. Much of this discussion happened before the bottom fell out of the economy, and until it comes back, this isn’t the moment."​

What does this have to do with whether he believes it is naturally occurring or caused by man's activities?

I was referring to this:

Skeptics point out that not only did Huntsman go to work for a Democratic president, but he also sent warm letters to that president, calling him a “remarkable leader.” Huntsman believes in the science of climate change, and he favors civil unions for gay couples and leniency for the children of illegal immigrants. In a Pew Research Center poll released earlier this month, only 35 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters said they had heard of him — but that was the good news. Of those who said they had heard of him, 36 percent said there was no chance he’d win their vote.
No, just "painfully" accurate and destructive of your moronic denier cult myths, you hopeless retard.

LOLOLOL.....the only thing you ever "prove" with your moronic nonsense is how very ignorant and utterly braindead you are, Dilwadman.
Go wax my truck, Biff, you lazy bastard. Two coats. I'll be watching you. :cuckoo:

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....don't you ever get tired of posting idiotic drivel, davedunce?
No. He never does, remarkably.
Jon Huntsman believe in the science of climate change so I guess he's out, in Wingnut World.

He has a firmer grasp on reality than you cultists:
In 2011, however, Huntsman said, "Cap-and-trade ideas aren’t working; it hasn’t worked, and our economy’s in a different place than five years ago. Much of this discussion happened before the bottom fell out of the economy, and until it comes back, this isn’t the moment."​

What does this have to do with whether he believes it is naturally occurring or caused by man's activities?

I was referring to this:

Skeptics point out that not only did Huntsman go to work for a Democratic president, but he also sent warm letters to that president, calling him a “remarkable leader.” Huntsman believes in the science of climate change, and he favors civil unions for gay couples and leniency for the children of illegal immigrants. In a Pew Research Center poll released earlier this month, only 35 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters said they had heard of him — but that was the good news. Of those who said they had heard of him, 36 percent said there was no chance he’d win their vote.
So he's a not-very-conservative Republican.

Did you have a flailing, pathetic little point?

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