The Darling Of The Parasite Party


Sep 23, 2010
Media liberals call conservative Republicans like Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, et al. “The darling of the Tea Party.” The phrase is meant to disparage the individual, and the Tea Party Movement. In the interest of fairness conservatives should adopt the phrase “The Darling of the Parasite Party” whenever they write about top Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and, of course, Barack Taqiyya which brings me to this:

[ame=]Obama: If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That - YouTube[/ame]​

The fact is: Barack Taqiyya —— ever the parasite —— lifted it from Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren in one of his endless 2012 campaign speeches. After he said it the phrase went national.

Warren’s comments brought her to the attention of Massachusetts parasites. Until a better parasite spokesperson topples Cherokee Warren she deserves the title of The Darling of the Parasite Party. Here’s a great video from mattwillwork dissecting Warren’s theory:

[ame=]Elizabeth Warren - There is Nobody in This Country Who Got Rich on His Own - YouTube[/ame]​

First, I want to point out that Warren’s theory rips off St. Thomas Aquinas’ prime mover because she does not go back far enough:

The existence of a prime mover- nothing can move itself; there must be a first mover. The first mover is called God.

Warren being a Harvard liberal there is a good chance she believes that parasites are God.

Secondly, building and maintaining infrastructure is not a license to support the parasite class. The Constitution specifically enumerates the federal government's authority. If it is not there they cannot do it. Irrespective of the XVI Amendment, that means the federal government had no constitutional authority to support tens of millions of parasites with tax dollars. Yet parasites embraced Warren’s theory as though it was a universal truth.

Note that infrastructure never included free education, welfare checks, countless welfare state programs, and so on until 20th century Socialism reared its ugly head, yet Warren and Taqiyya cleverly implied that parasites built everything that was ever built throughout history. Proof: If they said it about America they must believe it is true in every country there ever was.

Naturally, parasites never mention that throughout history mankind strived to limit the size of government. America was built when the federal government was held in check. Aside from building the country, the most people get the most liberties in a limited form of government, and still the parasites insist that oppressive big government is better.

Thirdly, Barack Taqiyya picked up on Warren’s nonsense because he wanted to give parasites something to feel good about even if it was another lie.

Finally, Warren got her job at Harvard as a “minority hire.” She claimed to be 1/32nd Cherokee. That turned out to be a false claim. No matter. She fits right in with the other Democrat liars in the US Senate.

Just to set the record straight, the only claim Elizabeth Warren has to Cherokee ancestry is that she heard Charlie Barnet’s great recording when she was a kid:

[ame=]Cherokee - Charlie Barnet - YouTube[/ame]​
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Note that Cherokee Warren just got to the Senate indicating that Communists can still get there if they tell enough lies. Also note that not a one of them listed below ran as a Communist. Question: What is the reason for television talk shows giving those people face time to spew their garbage on every issue? I don’t buy the fair & balanced crap.

NEW YORK – New Zealander Trevor Loudon has just published an encyclopedic new 689-page volume, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” to accompany his 668-page 2011 book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”

In both volumes, Loudon has proved himself to be among the foremost experts in the world investigating and reporting the penetration of communists, socialists and the current group of “progressives” affiliated with Democratic Party politics who portray themselves as liberals.


The congressional profiles of current members of Congress provides extensive evidence of radical leftist ties in the backgrounds of top Democratic Party legislators, including Democratic Party Sens. Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken, Sherrod Brown, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Tammy Baldwin.

In the House of Representatives, Loudon profiles the radical left background of Democratic Party Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Louis Gutierrez, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Marcy Kaptur, Peter DeFazio, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McDermott and dozens more.

Loudon’s profiles of the radical lawmakers is extensively footnoted, complete with photos, news clips, website screen captures and quotations from published sources that leave no doubt as to the authenticity and accuracy of his allegations.

Communists in Congress? Just count 'em
Book names names, details strategies to 'transform' U.S.
Published: 9 hours ago
Jerome R. Corsi

Communists in Congress? Just count ?em
UPDATE #2 permalink

Jerome R. Corsi’s followup offers factual details for anyone interested in the topic. This one excerpt stood out in my mind:

In an essay on the DSA, Loudon emphasizes the impact on U.S. radicals of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, whose writings from prison declared that the “working class revolution” is a dead end, arguing instead that communism can best be achieved “by infiltrating civil society – political parties, churches, labor unions, universities, the media, community groups, etc., to turn them into revolutionary vehicles.”

Major paper defends 'communist' lawmakers
Senator, Congress member highlighted in new book
Published: 10 hours ago

Major paper defends ?communist? lawmakers

Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) died when Communism was the wave of the future. As reporter Lincoln Steffens famously said “I have seen the future, and it works.”

Throughout the FDR years American Communists gained influence in the federal government, and in the education system. Communist journalists were well-respected by their peers. Soviet Communists felt safe when Stalin made a deal with Hitler in 1939. Soviet Communists felt even more secure after FDR handed them half of Europe:

I don’t want to get into a debate about the Yalta Conference, but I am convinced that FDR’s Communist advisors followed Antonio Gramsci’s blueprint to a tee.

In addition to Communist advances in America and Europe, China was a mere 12 years away from going Communist when Gramsci croaked. All things considered Communism was in ascendency. There is good reason to believe it is still ascending. After one look at the Socialists/Communists who call themselves Democrats no one can argue that Communism is descending.

This is what troubles me the most about Gramsci. He died in 1937; Karl Marx died in 1883, yet the filth they dumped on the world has more influence on many Americans than does the wisdom of America’s brilliant Founding Fathers. Indeed, Socialists/Communists practically eliminated their wisdom from public discourse and in the classroom. Worse still, Socialists/Communists are replacing the Constitution the Founders gave us with Communist doctrine.

Why any free man or woman would choose Communism over the US Constitution and the original Bill of Rights is a philosophical question I could not answer if I lived another thousand years.
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Media liberals call conservative Republicans like Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, et al. “The darling of the Tea Party.” The phrase is meant to disparage the individual, and the Tea Party Movement. In the interest of fairness conservatives should adopt the phrase “The Darling of the Parasite Party” whenever they write about top Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and, of course, Barack Taqiyya which brings me to this:

The fact is: Barack Taqiyya —— ever the parasite —— lifted it from Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren in one of his endless 2012 campaign speeches. After he said it the phrase went national.

Warren’s comments brought her to the attention of Massachusetts parasites. Until a better parasite spokesperson topples Cherokee Warren she deserves the title of The Darling of the Parasite Party. Here’s a great video from mattwillwork dissecting Warren’s theory:

First, I want to point out that Warren’s theory rips off St. Thomas Aquinas’ prime mover because she does not go back far enough:

The existence of a prime mover- nothing can move itself; there must be a first mover. The first mover is called God.

Warren being a Harvard liberal there is a good chance she believes that parasites are God.

Secondly, building and maintaining infrastructure is not a license to support the parasite class. The Constitution specifically enumerates the federal government's authority. If it is not there they cannot do it. Irrespective of the XVI Amendment, that means the federal government had no constitutional authority to support tens of millions of parasites with tax dollars. Yet parasites embraced Warren’s theory as though it was a universal truth.

Note that infrastructure never included free education, welfare checks, countless welfare state programs, and so on until 20th century Socialism reared its ugly head, yet Warren and Taqiyya cleverly implied that parasites built everything that was ever built throughout history. Proof: If they said it about America they must believe it is true in every country there ever was.

Naturally, parasites never mention that throughout history mankind strived to limit the size of government. America was built when the federal government was held in check. Aside from building the country, the most people get the most liberties in a limited form of government, and still the parasites insist that oppressive big government is better.

Thirdly, Barack Taqiyya picked up on Warren’s nonsense because he wanted to give parasites something to feel good about even if it was another lie.

Finally, Warren got her job at Harvard as a “minority hire.” She claimed to be 1/32nd Cherokee. That turned out to be a false claim. No matter. She fits right in with the other Democrat liars in the US Senate.

Just to set the record straight, the only claim Elizabeth Warren has to Cherokee ancestry is that she heard Charlie Barnet’s great recording when she was a kid:

[ame=]Cherokee - Charlie Barnet - YouTube[/ame]​

There's nothing overtly disparaging in the phrase “The darling of the Tea Party.” It's only in the context of how retarded and childish the Tea Partiers behave that it takes on a disparaging quality.
And the media make damn sure they paint them in that light, when they are doing exactly what their constituency sent them to Washington to do.

But that screws things up for liberals, and the liberal media can't have that...

And the media make damn sure they paint them in that light, when they are doing exactly what their constituency sent them to Washington to do.

But that screws things up for liberals, and the liberal media can't have that...


You're saying that they're really not as retarded and childish as they would seem and it's all the media's fault for painting them in this light? With or without the media, I can see that nothing is happening in DC and it seems to have coincided with the arrival of these dumbshits. Their constituents should be ashamed.
There is only so much of hearing Obama's voice that I can take without slitting my wrists. In this case, the colossal waste of sperm is correct. He didn't get build his regime on his own. He had the help a Bernadine Dhorn and Bill Ayers to get the exchange student through school so they that they could launch their Manchurian candidates campaign in from their living room.
There is only so much of hearing Obama's voice that I can take without slitting my wrists. In this case, the colossal waste of sperm is correct. He didn't get build his regime on his own. He had the help a Bernadine Dhorn and Bill Ayers to get the exchange student through school so they that they could launch their Manchurian candidates campaign in from their living room.

To R.C. Christian: His voice does not bother me so much because I usually mute the sound when I go channel surfing. I turn the sound on when I watch something for a while; usually until the first product commercial comes on. It’s his image that makes me think of taking the gas pipe.

I’ve never seen a president who got more face time. Every one of the news channels play clips of him over and over all day long. He is worse than Big Brother in the novel 1984. If you spend any time at all analyzing the propaganda it’s impossible to get away from the sight of him. I’ve noticed that Bret Baier runs a clip of him near the beginning of the show, then runs the same clip in the panel segment.
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And the media make damn sure they paint them in that light, when they are doing exactly what their constituency sent them to Washington to do.

But that screws things up for liberals, and the liberal media can't have that...


You're saying that they're really not as retarded and childish as they would seem and it's all the media's fault for painting them in this light? With or without the media, I can see that nothing is happening in DC and it seems to have coincided with the arrival of these dumbshits. Their constituents should be ashamed.

Lol, yes. The measure of any government's value is how much stuff they do. Ever since the tea party got popular, the LPM (legislation per minute) has gone down the shitter!

I feel like I can still do all the same stuff with my money that I could during the last congress! WHAT THE FUCK!?
Funny because its actually the rw's and the red states who are being hurt the worst in this shutdown melodrama caused by the Republicans.

Y'all keep that mute button on and keep flipping those channels. That's exactly what the R wants you to do because, if you ever start thinking for yourself, you're gonna get REEEEL pissed at the corrupt GObP/Repubs.
Media liberals call conservative Republicans like Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, et al. “The darling of the Tea Party.” The phrase is meant to disparage the individual, and the Tea Party Movement. In the interest of fairness conservatives should adopt the phrase “The Darling of the Parasite Party” whenever they write about top Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and, of course, Barack Taqiyya which brings me to this:

The fact is: Barack Taqiyya —— ever the parasite —— lifted it from Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren in one of his endless 2012 campaign speeches. After he said it the phrase went national.

Warren’s comments brought her to the attention of Massachusetts parasites. Until a better parasite spokesperson topples Cherokee Warren she deserves the title of The Darling of the Parasite Party. Here’s a great video from mattwillwork dissecting Warren’s theory:

First, I want to point out that Warren’s theory rips off St. Thomas Aquinas’ prime mover because she does not go back far enough:

The existence of a prime mover- nothing can move itself; there must be a first mover. The first mover is called God.

Warren being a Harvard liberal there is a good chance she believes that parasites are God.

Secondly, building and maintaining infrastructure is not a license to support the parasite class. The Constitution specifically enumerates the federal government's authority. If it is not there they cannot do it. Irrespective of the XVI Amendment, that means the federal government had no constitutional authority to support tens of millions of parasites with tax dollars. Yet parasites embraced Warren’s theory as though it was a universal truth.

Note that infrastructure never included free education, welfare checks, countless welfare state programs, and so on until 20th century Socialism reared its ugly head, yet Warren and Taqiyya cleverly implied that parasites built everything that was ever built throughout history. Proof: If they said it about America they must believe it is true in every country there ever was.

Naturally, parasites never mention that throughout history mankind strived to limit the size of government. America was built when the federal government was held in check. Aside from building the country, the most people get the most liberties in a limited form of government, and still the parasites insist that oppressive big government is better.

Thirdly, Barack Taqiyya picked up on Warren’s nonsense because he wanted to give parasites something to feel good about even if it was another lie.

Finally, Warren got her job at Harvard as a “minority hire.” She claimed to be 1/32nd Cherokee. That turned out to be a false claim. No matter. She fits right in with the other Democrat liars in the US Senate.

Just to set the record straight, the only claim Elizabeth Warren has to Cherokee ancestry is that she heard Charlie Barnet’s great recording when she was a kid:

[ame=]Cherokee - Charlie Barnet - YouTube[/ame]​

There's nothing overtly disparaging in the phrase “The darling of the Tea Party.” It's only in the context of how retarded and childish the Tea Partiers behave that it takes on a disparaging quality.

Now, I definitely don't identify myself as a tea partier, but chilildish and retarded behavior? Please expound.
Funny because its actually the rw's and the red states who are being hurt the worst in this shutdown melodrama caused by the Republicans.

Y'all keep that mute button on and keep flipping those channels. That's exactly what the R wants you to do because, if you ever start thinking for yourself, you're gonna get REEEEL pissed at the corrupt GObP/Repubs.

Um. . . what? This is not one of the many, many, "Whose fault is the government shutdown!?" threads. Why post this nonsense here? Zero to do with the OP other than that it regards American politics.
And the media make damn sure they paint them in that light, when they are doing exactly what their constituency sent them to Washington to do.

But that screws things up for liberals, and the liberal media can't have that...


You're saying that they're really not as retarded and childish as they would seem and it's all the media's fault for painting them in this light? With or without the media, I can see that nothing is happening in DC and it seems to have coincided with the arrival of these dumbshits. Their constituents should be ashamed.

Lol, yes. The measure of any government's value is how much stuff they do. Ever since the tea party got popular, the LPM (legislation per minute) has gone down the shitter!

I feel like I can still do all the same stuff with my money that I could during the last congress! WHAT THE FUCK!?

You're making unreasonable demands.

Congress "works" only 125 days a year for only $200K. Do you really expect them to take time out from their constant vacations to actually work for Americans and America?

You also pay for all kinds of tax-paid benefits. That includes the health care insurance you pay for but that they don't want you to have. Then there's the kick backs from lobbyists ...


rw's want to believe President Obama is anti-constitution but you cannot name even one thing he has done that is unconstitutional.

OTOH, our congress is just plain, flat out, corrupt.
Media liberals call conservative Republicans like Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, et al. “The darling of the Tea Party.” The phrase is meant to disparage the individual, and the Tea Party Movement. In the interest of fairness conservatives should adopt the phrase “The Darling of the Parasite Party” whenever they write about top Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and, of course, Barack Taqiyya which brings me to this:

The fact is: Barack Taqiyya —— ever the parasite —— lifted it from Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren in one of his endless 2012 campaign speeches. After he said it the phrase went national.

Warren’s comments brought her to the attention of Massachusetts parasites. Until a better parasite spokesperson topples Cherokee Warren she deserves the title of The Darling of the Parasite Party. Here’s a great video from mattwillwork dissecting Warren’s theory:

First, I want to point out that Warren’s theory rips off St. Thomas Aquinas’ prime mover because she does not go back far enough:

The existence of a prime mover- nothing can move itself; there must be a first mover. The first mover is called God.

Warren being a Harvard liberal there is a good chance she believes that parasites are God.

Secondly, building and maintaining infrastructure is not a license to support the parasite class. The Constitution specifically enumerates the federal government's authority. If it is not there they cannot do it. Irrespective of the XVI Amendment, that means the federal government had no constitutional authority to support tens of millions of parasites with tax dollars. Yet parasites embraced Warren’s theory as though it was a universal truth.

Note that infrastructure never included free education, welfare checks, countless welfare state programs, and so on until 20th century Socialism reared its ugly head, yet Warren and Taqiyya cleverly implied that parasites built everything that was ever built throughout history. Proof: If they said it about America they must believe it is true in every country there ever was.

Naturally, parasites never mention that throughout history mankind strived to limit the size of government. America was built when the federal government was held in check. Aside from building the country, the most people get the most liberties in a limited form of government, and still the parasites insist that oppressive big government is better.

Thirdly, Barack Taqiyya picked up on Warren’s nonsense because he wanted to give parasites something to feel good about even if it was another lie.

Finally, Warren got her job at Harvard as a “minority hire.” She claimed to be 1/32nd Cherokee. That turned out to be a false claim. No matter. She fits right in with the other Democrat liars in the US Senate.

Just to set the record straight, the only claim Elizabeth Warren has to Cherokee ancestry is that she heard Charlie Barnet’s great recording when she was a kid:

[ame=]Cherokee - Charlie Barnet - YouTube[/ame]​

I gotta agree with Joe Normal on the primary point, here. Darling of the tea party isn't innately insulting. If you do find it insulting, its because of a low opinion of the tea party. When you say darling of the parasite party, it's not the same thing because you're insulting them directly. The parallel reference would simply be darling of the democrat party, which would be an insult to anybody who views the democrat party negatively.

However, while I don't view liberals and democrats with anywhere -near- the same sort of negativity as you seem to, I must admit. . . parasite party made me giggle.

With regard to that Elizabeth Warren clip, holy balls that's been one of my favorite commie babble clips since I seen it a couple years ago. Nobody built a successful business in this country without the help of the infrastructure, without the public school system providing educated workers, without the government providing roads, etc. I fully agree. Technology and society make business as we know it possible.

Still, it DOES NOT FOLLOW that the successful therefore owe anything to society for their success. Why? Because, ostensibly, they paid taxes for their access to said infrastructure.

Let's compare Warren's rationale to a pizza purchased between friends.

Joe and Bill go halves on a pizza, five bucks each. They split the 12 slices evenly between them. Joe devours his six slices. Bill eats three and sells the other three to Owen for 2 bucks a piece, cuz Owen's stoned and doesn't feel like going anywhere to get food. How much of that six dollars does Bill owe Joe?

Answer: Not one red fucking cent. Joe did put money down on the pizza, but for his money he was given the same access to the pizza that Bill had. He did not turn that access into a profit. Sucks for Joe.

We do owe society for infrastructure. That's what taxes are. Citizens paying for government services. Any businessman who has paid his taxes and has paid his employees whatever amount they agreed to work for owes exactly -dick- to society. When you pay your taxes, that portion that goes to education and that portion that goes to roads pays for your access to education and your access to roads. It doesn't buy you the right to subjugate other people who share that access.
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You're saying that they're really not as retarded and childish as they would seem and it's all the media's fault for painting them in this light? With or without the media, I can see that nothing is happening in DC and it seems to have coincided with the arrival of these dumbshits. Their constituents should be ashamed.

Lol, yes. The measure of any government's value is how much stuff they do. Ever since the tea party got popular, the LPM (legislation per minute) has gone down the shitter!

I feel like I can still do all the same stuff with my money that I could during the last congress! WHAT THE FUCK!?

You're making unreasonable demands.

Congress "works" only 125 days a year for only $200K. Do you really expect them to take time out from their constant vacations to actually work for Americans and America?

You also pay for all kinds of tax-paid benefits. That includes the health care insurance you pay for but that they don't want you to have. Then there's the kick backs from lobbyists ...


rw's want to believe President Obama is anti-constitution but you cannot name even one thing he has done that is unconstitutional.

OTOH, our congress is just plain, flat out, corrupt.

Not one thing? Where in the constitution does it allow for the President to grant legislative power to appointed positions of his own creation? Czars, anyone?

Anwar Al-Awlaki, a US citizen, deemed a terrorist with no trial, and then targeted directly by the military drone strike that killed him, on direct order from the administration? That ring a bell?

I agree, though, our congress is corrupt. So is our senate. So are the vast majority of our presidents. So is the supreme court. People in power in general tend to be corrupt. Reminds me of this saying I've heard before. . . anyway. . .

Congress's primary job is to write new laws. I'm not certain that what we need is for them to be writing more laws just for the sake of feeling like we're getting our money's worth of labor out of them.

If your view is as simple as, "more laws good, less laws bad. Congress need do more work!", then you're really not even worth debating.
Media liberals call conservative Republicans like Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, et al. “The darling of the Tea Party.” The phrase is meant to disparage the individual, and the Tea Party Movement. In the interest of fairness conservatives should adopt the phrase “The Darling of the Parasite Party” whenever they write about top Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and, of course, Barack Taqiyya which brings me to this:

The fact is: Barack Taqiyya —— ever the parasite —— lifted it from Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren in one of his endless 2012 campaign speeches. After he said it the phrase went national.

Warren’s comments brought her to the attention of Massachusetts parasites. Until a better parasite spokesperson topples Cherokee Warren she deserves the title of The Darling of the Parasite Party. Here’s a great video from mattwillwork dissecting Warren’s theory:

First, I want to point out that Warren’s theory rips off St. Thomas Aquinas’ prime mover because she does not go back far enough:

Warren being a Harvard liberal there is a good chance she believes that parasites are God.

Secondly, building and maintaining infrastructure is not a license to support the parasite class. The Constitution specifically enumerates the federal government's authority. If it is not there they cannot do it. Irrespective of the XVI Amendment, that means the federal government had no constitutional authority to support tens of millions of parasites with tax dollars. Yet parasites embraced Warren’s theory as though it was a universal truth.

Note that infrastructure never included free education, welfare checks, countless welfare state programs, and so on until 20th century Socialism reared its ugly head, yet Warren and Taqiyya cleverly implied that parasites built everything that was ever built throughout history. Proof: If they said it about America they must believe it is true in every country there ever was.

Naturally, parasites never mention that throughout history mankind strived to limit the size of government. America was built when the federal government was held in check. Aside from building the country, the most people get the most liberties in a limited form of government, and still the parasites insist that oppressive big government is better.

Thirdly, Barack Taqiyya picked up on Warren’s nonsense because he wanted to give parasites something to feel good about even if it was another lie.

Finally, Warren got her job at Harvard as a “minority hire.” She claimed to be 1/32nd Cherokee. That turned out to be a false claim. No matter. She fits right in with the other Democrat liars in the US Senate.

Just to set the record straight, the only claim Elizabeth Warren has to Cherokee ancestry is that she heard Charlie Barnet’s great recording when she was a kid:

There's nothing overtly disparaging in the phrase “The darling of the Tea Party.” It's only in the context of how retarded and childish the Tea Partiers behave that it takes on a disparaging quality.

Now, I definitely don't identify myself as a tea partier, but chilildish and retarded behavior? Please expound.

Well, take my home state favorite, Mike Lee. There's something magic in Utah about the 'R' that appears after the names of bland, milquetoast white guys running for office. That's how he got elected. There were those of us who felt like looking him in the eye was akin to looking into the eye of a chicken. There seems to be about that much going on upstairs. And when he won the nomination, we pretty much expected the disaster we got.

Then there's Michelle Bachman. Maybe even more detached from reality. And the list goes on. Eric Cantor, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul... Take stupid, crazy and douchy and pick any two. Now you have a viable Tea Party candidate. Give them political power and watch progress stop dead in its tracks.
You crazy far right nut cases will be slitting your wrists when Hillary becomes the next president.
There's nothing overtly disparaging in the phrase “The darling of the Tea Party.” It's only in the context of how retarded and childish the Tea Partiers behave that it takes on a disparaging quality.

Now, I definitely don't identify myself as a tea partier, but chilildish and retarded behavior? Please expound.

Well, take my home state favorite, Mike Lee. There's something magic in Utah about the 'R' that appears after the names of bland, milquetoast white guys running for office. That's how he got elected. There were those of us who felt like looking him in the eye was akin to looking into the eye of a chicken. There seems to be about that much going on upstairs. And when he won the nomination, we pretty much expected the disaster we got.

Then there's Michelle Bachman. Maybe even more detached from reality. And the list goes on. Eric Cantor, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul... Take stupid, crazy and douchy and pick any two. Now you have a viable Tea Party candidate. Give them political power and watch progress stop dead in its tracks.

So to you, listing politicians who you don't like and who are associated with the tea party is akin to expounding on how the tea party behavior is childish and retarded? So being associated with people JoeNormal doesn't agree with is childish behavior, and retarded to boot. Holy shit are you really -that- fuckin arrogant?

Please tell me that post was a horrible mistake.
So to you, listing politicians who you don't like and who are associated with the tea party is akin to expounding on how the tea party behavior is childish and retarded? So being associated with people JoeNormal doesn't agree with is childish behavior, and retarded to boot. Holy shit are you really -that- fuckin arrogant?

Please tell me that post was a horrible mistake.

Who the heck are you? Joe is certainly allowed his opinion, one I agree with, these people are childish ideologues and the tea party are bunch of useless whiners. When they do something positive for the nation let us all know.
Now, I definitely don't identify myself as a tea partier, but chilildish and retarded behavior? Please expound.

Well, take my home state favorite, Mike Lee. There's something magic in Utah about the 'R' that appears after the names of bland, milquetoast white guys running for office. That's how he got elected. There were those of us who felt like looking him in the eye was akin to looking into the eye of a chicken. There seems to be about that much going on upstairs. And when he won the nomination, we pretty much expected the disaster we got.

Then there's Michelle Bachman. Maybe even more detached from reality. And the list goes on. Eric Cantor, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul... Take stupid, crazy and douchy and pick any two. Now you have a viable Tea Party candidate. Give them political power and watch progress stop dead in its tracks.

So to you, listing politicians who you don't like and who are associated with the tea party is akin to expounding on how the tea party behavior is childish and retarded? So being associated with people JoeNormal doesn't agree with is childish behavior, and retarded to boot. Holy shit are you really -that- fuckin arrogant?

Please tell me that post was a horrible mistake.

I don't have time to compile a list of the things the Tea Partiers have done (seems like it should be obvious to anyone who's followed the news at all since they came on the scene) but my criticisms generally stem from their blind obediance to Grover Norquist, the way they obstruct any move by the president to improve our situation (blocking the modest tax increase for the top 2% being at the top of that list), and being anti-intellectual and anti-middle class.

Maybe you can list the specific things you like about them if you find my list too general.
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