The deads blood hasn't even gone cold yet.... can we unite n stop the hate obama shit

I'm witnessing the unity of our country in dire times disappear.

That is very disheartening

we are in a very polarizing time in this nation

one group believes the government is the answer to all problems

the other the government is the problem

two very different ways of thinking
Boston was just a reminder that we are at war with terrorist and Iraqis and Afghans has had bombs dropped on them almost daily for the past ten years feeling what we felt today. When we don’t see the ugliness of war it don’t really affect us. We don’t even welcome those 5000 plus troops that have sacrifices their lives home. Their faces we don’t remember except their families. FOXNEWS is already trying to make this about gun violence. Remember we created these monsters and creating more.
Bin Laden's, CIA roots. How We Created Our Own Terror

Who Has Benefited From The Conflicts In The Middle East This program explore the real reasons behind the Middle East conflicts and Americas role in ensuring its influence over it's undemocratic puppet governments. Must See!

Can We Justify Killing The Children Of Iraq? If we go to war with Saddam, thousands of children will die. So why aren't we agonising over this in the way we would the possible death of a child in Britain or the U.S.?

Bin Laden's, CIA roots. How We Created Our Own Terror
Yeah, yeah, yeah, just blame, blame, blame America always right ? Sickening........
I wondered how long it would take the Obamots to try to capitalize on this tragedy.

Never would have guessed less than 12 hours though.
obama has done everything possible to make sure this kind of thing happened. It just took longer than expected. Since he took office out of all the attempted attacks we have never stopped one. Not one. The reason why the attempts did not result in tragedy was because the terrorists screwed up. For years our safety depended on their incompetence. Did anyone think that they would never get better? They got better. Now open the damn borders obama wants votes for his agenda.

I always thought you were an idiot, now I'll add piece of shit to that as well.
I wondered how long it would take the Obamots to try to capitalize on this tragedy.

Never would have guessed less than 12 hours though.

I think you are confused. It is those on the right attempting to capitalize on this tragedy on this board.
I wondered how long it would take the Obamots to try to capitalize on this tragedy.

Never would have guessed less than 12 hours though.

not too long al sharpton and one of his guests

was comparing this to the newtown shooting
People died today and our discussion is about Obama.

Then you ask what is wrong with our country.

Slap yourselves
If he has bred weakness during his time in office, and has opened the door to these situations to become once again possible here and more easier, then definitely he is to be considered in this discussion, unless you are another Obama is untouchable no matter what type of thinker, and that he doesn't ever have to give us any rational explanation about these things.
Look at the brainwashed dupes and "no compromise, un-American Tea Party Gop" (TIME) haters go....unbelievable.

Of course it's terrorism. But if Obama says it, you whackjobs will go Muslim crazy.

Way to make 100 9/11 fundamentalist criminals into a crusade on Islam, the stupidest wars ever, and god knows how many America haters....

Can we let the law do its job, and be Americans instead of hater racist moron dupes? tyvm
Don't expect this president to be honest about who did this. He will go out of his way to make sure it isn't pinned on anyone he has defended. If it was Islamists, he won't admit it. He will make the most of this politically. Whatever best serves his agenda is the story he will promote.
...And, as predicted, here we go:

Before any information was available that might indicate who is responsible for the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce cautioned readers against “jumping to conclusions” and blaming the attack on “foreign terrorism.”

However, he was compelled to remind people that Monday is the “official Patriots Day holiday” in Massachusetts, celebrating the Battles at Lexington and Concord. He also pointed out that April 19, the actual date of the battles, is connected to Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh, who apparently considered himself a “waterer of the tree of liberty and the like,” according to Pierce.

“I’ll bet good money it’s a right-wing nutjob. Today is April 15, Boston Harbor was where the original Tea Party took place and the on-going gun-safety legislation makes it the mostly likely culprit,” commenter Linda Ginsburg wrote.

Other commenters replied by calling Ginsburg an “idiot” and “disgusting.”

Additionally, CNN’s Peter Bergen said “first reports are often erroneous” but added he would be looking into what type of bomb was used to determine who might be behind the suspected attack.

“If it was hydrogen peroxide, this is sort of a signature of al-Qaeda. If it was more conventional explosives, which are much harder to get a hold of now, that might be another kind of right-wing extremism,” he said.

While Bergen does suggest that radical Islamic terrorism could be behind the attack, he singles out “right-wing extremism” as a possibility without speculating that left-wing extremist groups like Occupy Wall Street could be behind the explosions. He does not, however, explicitly blame “right-wing extremism.”

Huffington Post blogger and Al Sharpton’s radio producer Nida Khan also speculated that “all these anti-gov groups” could be behind the explosions.

“We don’t know anything yet of course, but it is tax day & my first thought was all these anti-gov groups, but who knows,” Khan tweeted.

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof used the Boston Marathon explosions to take a shot at Republican lawmakers.

“explosion is a reminder that ATF needs a director. Shame on Senate Republicans for blocking apptment,” he tweeted.

He quickly backtracked and deleted his tweet after people criticized him for the ridiculous connection. “People jumping on me for criticizing Sen Repubs for blocking ATF appointments. ok, that was low blow. i take it back,” he tweeted.

Appearing on ABC Monday, former FBI agent Brad Garrett said it wouldn’t surprise him if the suspected bombing was conducted by a domestic extremist group trying to make a statement. He said there have been a number of “domestic extremist events” carried out from the dates April 15-20, including the Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine and Virginia Tech.

He went on to say that a “neo Nazi or a patriot group” are not going to come forward immediately to claim responsibility. He also said it might be an individual not a group behind the explosions.

“There’s a lot of public source information about demonstrations on taxes, on a number of other issues that are hot button issues for extremists groups who don’t like either what the government is doing or what the government represents,” he explained.

Remember, Democrats NEVER let a crisis go to waste. I STILL say that it was that piece of human excrement Bill Ayers......
..and then, of course, Matthews got another "tingle" up his leg:

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews wasted no time in questioning whether today’s horrific bombing of the Boston Marathon was a politically-motivated attack.

On “Hardball” tonight, the host openly questioned whether at least a portion of the horror was an intentional attack against the Democratic Party. Matthews made his controversial comments when he assumed that a purported explosion at the JFK Library was associated with the bombings.

“I was just thinking, again, it’s early; it’s an early situation, but going after the Kennedy Library, not something at Bunker Hill, not something from the freedom trail or anything that kind of historic, but a modern political figure of the Democratic Party,” he said “Does that tell you anything?”

These comments were uttered during an exchange with Michael Leiter, former director of the United States National Counterterrorism Center. Matthews preceded his questioning of whether the Democrats were under siege with the following statement:

“Let me ask you about domestic terrorism as a category. Normally, domestic terrorists, people tend to be on the far right, well that’s not a good category, just extremists, let’s call them that. Do they advertise after they do something like this? Do they try to get credit as a group or do they just hate America so much or its politics or its government that they just want to do the damage, they don’t care if they get public credit, if you will?”
Tell you the truth- it's time to go back to calling them criminals, and stop glorifying them as terrorists and jihadists. No matter who did it.
Like with Bush, nothing, other than one called it Terrorism, the other a crime and ignored the root of the issue, a pathetic minority imposing their will on another with the only means they have available at their disposal, terrorism.
Surely. But why on day one hour 6 are we even discissing obama?

Actually you are the only one who is discussing it.

In THIS thread. I felt it was wrong and that's why I made this thread.

Yes, you did. Your statements have been sane and deliberate. But many here are so tied up in their hatred of the President that they will do anything to discredit him, no matter the affect on the nation.
obama has done everything possible to make sure this kind of thing happened. It just took longer than expected. Since he took office out of all the attempted attacks we have never stopped one. Not one. The reason why the attempts did not result in tragedy was because the terrorists screwed up. For years our safety depended on their incompetence. Did anyone think that they would never get better? They got better. Now open the damn borders obama wants votes for his agenda.

Now this is the kind of insanity that divides this nation. Katz is a real piece of shit to post this kind of nonsense. Nobody but a few total fruitloops want this sort of thing. The kind of fruitloops that constantly talk of shooting other Americans.
So, no one presently trying to take credit, and no warnings that could have indicated the source of the atrocity. So what we have is a bombing that could be part of the larger terrorism in the world, a whacked out fruitloop like McViegh, or just someone that likes to see people die. Until we have more information, neither we, nor the President, should be placing blame.
No, we can't. A few dead and a few wounded, no matter who did it, won't take away from the fact that obama and his left wing cronies are biggest clear and present danger to the freedoms of the American people we have ever faced. We can't let ourselves be distracted by things like this. We cannot unite with the left for any reason.

what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?
Are some of us so dense that we do NOT understand why officals (Obama included) hesitate to declare that which they DO NOT KNOW?

Such declarations come back to bite prosecutors in the ass when the perps are in court.

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