The deads blood hasn't even gone cold yet.... can we unite n stop the hate obama shit

Agreed. No one knows who is responsible at this point. Could be foreign, could be domestic. Could be Right, could be Left.

I suggest that we hold the vitriol until Bill Ayers has been apprehended.....

It looks more and more like a rightwing terrorist hate Obama attack. a few years ago DHS warned us about these groups. The rightwing whined and cried about it. It was only a matter of time when one of these teabaggers rightwing extremist crazies did something like this. It will be interesting to see the excuses the right gives when it is discovered a white rightwing christian group is responsible.:eusa_whistle:

I could hear it now. But they weren't real christians!!

Yea we heard that one before, haven't we: Eric Rudolph and Tim McVeigh

I'm sure DHS, FBI and ATF will be watching the rightwing and their supporters very closely
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Offer a link to back up your claim. I will leave for a couple days if you can.

Enjoy your vacation, dickhead. I know I will.

You searched for the last hour and that's the best you got?

I think thats pretty weak but if you can get a few to agree with you I will leave. Myself I don't see how that shows me riding a partisan high horse but I you think so get some back up and im gone.

First of all, I searched for 2 minuets. Second of all you were clearly politicizing the Mendez prostitution scandal by implying that's behavior of a typical democrat. Don't admit to it. I don't give a shit.

You searched for the last hour and that's the best you got?

I think thats pretty weak but if you can get a few to agree with you I will leave. Myself I don't see how that shows me riding a partisan high horse but I you think so get some back up and im gone.

First of all, I searched for 2 minuets. Second of all you were clearly politicizing the Mendez prostitution scandal by implying that's behavior of a typical democrat. Don't admit to it. I don't give a shit.

2 minutes my ass. You were so fucking butthurt from my lasy two threads you were DESPERATE to find something.

That may indeed be a partisan troll thread but no where in it did I presume to ride some high horse as you implied. Like MOST of us I have my partisan side BUT unlike ALOT of you I have a line that I wont cross just to tarnish another human being.

You posess no such line that ive seen.
Offer a link to back up your claim. I will leave for a couple days if you can.

Enjoy your vacation, dickhead. I know I will.

You searched for the last hour and that's the best you got?

I think thats pretty weak but if you can get a few to agree with you I will leave. Myself I don't see how that shows me riding a partisan high horse but I you think so get some back up and im gone.

I will drag you back kicking and screaming if you do. So no. You are not.

There. :tongue:
None of us know who was behind this yet, BUT one thing is certain. If there's any political capital to be gained from it, Obama will be the first ghoul to take advantage of it. "Never let a good crisis go to waste".
Boston was just a reminder that we are at war with terrorist and Iraqis and Afghans has had bombs dropped on them almost daily for the past ten years feeling what we felt today. When we don’t see the ugliness of war it don’t really affect us. We don’t even welcome those 5000 plus troops that have sacrifices their lives home. Their faces we don’t remember except their families. FOXNEWS is already trying to make this about gun violence. Remember we created these monsters and creating more.
Bin Laden's, CIA roots. How We Created Our Own Terror

Who Has Benefited From The Conflicts In The Middle East This program explore the real reasons behind the Middle East conflicts and Americas role in ensuring its influence over it's undemocratic puppet governments. Must See!

Can We Justify Killing The Children Of Iraq? If we go to war with Saddam, thousands of children will die. So why aren't we agonising over this in the way we would the possible death of a child in Britain or the U.S.?

Bin Laden's, CIA roots. How We Created Our Own Terror
Seriously people.

Lets not make a mockery of our great system. Obama hasn't even had a chance to fuck up yet.

Can we ever have a discussion about the president's leadership (or lack of it) without Obama defenders whining about it? The system is great because we still (so far) have the right to criticize the president.

Surely. But why on day one hour 6 are we even discissing obama?

Actually you are the only one who is discussing it.
None of us know who was behind this yet, BUT one thing is certain. If there's any political capital to be gained from it, Obama will be the first ghoul to take advantage of it. "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

Body parts was still in the air when FOXNEWS beat you to it.
Can we ever have a discussion about the president's leadership (or lack of it) without Obama defenders whining about it? The system is great because we still (so far) have the right to criticize the president.

Surely. But why on day one hour 6 are we even discissing obama?

Actually you are the only one who is discussing it.

In THIS thread. I felt it was wrong and that's why I made this thread.
Gramps, He didn't declare the act was terrorism, so what do you call it? Why not call it for what it is?
I'm curious. What differentiates killing people with a bomb from killing people with a gun, and what makes one automatically terrorism while the other isn't? The mode of attack doesn't determine what is or isn't terrorism; the objective does. Terrorism is non-state violence used as a means of coercion, especially for political objectives. A spree killer using a bomb instead of a gun isn't a terrorist because he's not trying to get anyone to do anything; he's just killing people. Meanwhile, a political or religious idealist shooting up a mall in an effort to intimidate people or manipulate the government into doing something he wants them/it to do is a terrorist even though he doesn't have a bomb.
obama has done everything possible to make sure this kind of thing happened. It just took longer than expected. Since he took office out of all the attempted attacks we have never stopped one. Not one. The reason why the attempts did not result in tragedy was because the terrorists screwed up. For years our safety depended on their incompetence. Did anyone think that they would never get better? They got better. Now open the damn borders obama wants votes for his agenda.
I'm just amazed Obama didn't call the Boston attacks what they were... Acts of Terrorism. But I'll let him slide because he did the same thing when Benghazi got attacked.
Isn't this the very problem that is breeding this weakness in this nation, I mean all this letting our leaders slide when they don't do right or bumble everything like they do ?
Gramps, He didn't declare the act was terrorism, so what do you call it? Why not call it for what it is?
I'm curious. What differentiates killing people with a bomb from killing people with a gun, and what makes one automatically terrorism while the other isn't? The mode of attack doesn't determine what is or isn't terrorism; the objective does. Terrorism is non-state violence used as a means of coercion, especially for political objectives. A spree killer using a bomb instead of a gun isn't a terrorist because he's not trying to get anyone to do anything; he's just killing people. Meanwhile, a political or religious idealist shooting up a mall in an effort to intimidate people or manipulate the government into doing something he wants them/it to do is a terrorist even though he doesn't have a bomb.

both could be an act of terrorism

or either might not be

depends on the goals of the act
obama has done everything possible to make sure this kind of thing happened. It just took longer than expected. Since he took office out of all the attempted attacks we have never stopped one. Not one. The reason why the attempts did not result in tragedy was because the terrorists screwed up. For years our safety depended on their incompetence. Did anyone think that they would never get better? They got better. Now open the damn borders obama wants votes for his agenda.

obama has done everything possible to make sure this kind of thing happened.
Well then, he must be feeling pretty pleased with himself right now!

Since he took office out of all the attempted attacks we have never stopped one. Not one
Are you sure about that?
Wasn't there an attempted bombing outside the Federal Reserve in New York?
Or the ink cartridge bombs in the cargo planes?
But, I suppose, there have been all those other successful attacks in the US that prove your point.

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