The Death of a Presidency

You do realize that, if it actually works that way, you were lying about preexisting conditions, getting dropped from insurance polices, the inherent discrimination of making people who are sick pay more, and every other fucking lie you used to defend Obamacare since it came out?

That leads me to ask you, were you lying then, are you lying now, or is it both?

Not a lie at all, because the rules that cover employers who provide health insurance are completely different from the rules for the individual market. When HIPAA laws were passed, they stopped insurers from rejecting people for health insurance if they got their insurance through their employer. In some cases, those with pre-existing conditions could be excluded from coverage for their particular condition only, for one year. They would still be covered for anything else.

The problem was that HIPAA laws never addressed the individual market. This is why most healthy people could actually find a cheaper plan on the individual market, but if you got sick, they would do what they could to get rid of you. Now, they didn't just dump all sick people, but there were numerous instances of companies trying to purge their rolls of "sick people". In my personal case, I lost my insurance when I moved even though Anthem assured me I would be able to purchase a plan as close to the one I had for a comparable rate. My mistake was not getting it in writing. Once I applied, I was immediately denied.

As for the rest, anyone and everyone with a pre-existing condition could not purchase insurance on the individual market. If you had a pre-existing condition, then you would have to find a job that offered insurance.

Luckily, I was able to get insurance through the high risk pool once the ACA was enacted. The ironic thing is that the rates for the high risk pool are cheaper than most decent plans offered on the open market as of this past year. The even more ironic thing is that the new plan I will be purchasing is even cheaper but only by a couple of bucks, and that is with no subsidy.

Bottom line is there were no lies at all. Those in the individual market got a great deal if they were healthy, but get sick with anything, and you were not wanted.

Excuse me? Do you always make shit up when you get caught saying stupid shit?

All HIPPA does is set standards for privacy on medical records and allow people to keep their insurance even if they lost their jobs, as long as they paid for it. It doesn't do a fucking thing that even approaches preventing insurers from charging based on a person's health. If it did, you wouldn't have needed to shove Obamacare down everyone's throats.

Did you mention high risk pools? Funny that, it turns out that Obamacare is screwing people in those over just as much as it is everyone else.

[ame=]FNC: People With Pre Existing Conditions Having Plans Canceled - YouTube[/ame]

Want to tell me again how you aren't lying? Right after you just lied about HIPPA? That should go over well.

Of course the high risk pools are being cancelled. Everyone in the high risk pool knew this from the get go. The high risk pool was set up as a bridge until the ACA fully went into effect. Why would there be a high risk pool if everyone in that pool can now buy health insurance and not be denied or charged ten times as much as anyone else? Man, you are starting to lose it here.
I know exactly what the plans look like on the exchange. Unlike you, I actually spent time on them, and can tell you exactly how screwed up they are, even in California, which is, allegedly, an example of an exchange done right.

I know that, whatever plan I get, it won't be any good outside this county, much less this state. Please, argue with me about how great the options are, I enjoy dealing with liars that haven't done half of what they claimed.

You are correct that most plans do not offer coverage out of your home state, and I think that is a problem. They all cover emergency treatment, but there is a real question as to what that entails. If you suffer a heart attack and need immediate open heart surgery, will that be covered? I'm not certain. The plan I chose to purchase actually does have coverage out of state, but it comes with a $10,000 deductible. That to me is still a big plus because at my age, I'm now more concerned with the really big potential bills. As for plans being good outside of the country, I don't know how many actually were in the past.

See, I could actually discuss shit with you if you weren't such a jerk all the time. Of course you know that I am a liar, because nothing I say could possibly be true. :cuckoo:

I've had to deal with insurance companies for years between my late wife's battle with cancer, having two sons born premature with one of them being in NICU for almost two months, and then my own health issues.

You can't read, can you?

The plans available in California don't even cover you if you travel inside the state, never mind out of it.

Was a bit difficult to find, but Blue Shield of California does offer coverage out of network. As with any plan, the deductibles are higher than in network. What this tells me is that you have been talking crap. You said none of the companies offer out of network, which would cover anything out of state, coverage. You lied.
Would you rather me be sued for the money? Because if I didn't pay or attempt to rectify the situation with the debt collectors, they would take me to court to get the money. I know I have $11,000 lying around here somewhere.

Perhaps if you were put in my shoes having to be desperate enough to ask for help in the first place, you would understand. My actions aren't dictated solely based on my political ideologies. I'll hear no more of it.

I think you missed my point. I wasn't getting down on you for seeking assistance. I just questioned how you get down on so many others who seek similar assistance. You seem to believe that government assistance is just a handout but accepting charity is somehow different.

No. People who are able and willing to get a job don't deserve to have things like Food Stamps and Welfare. I haven't touched them since I left my first job in 2007. Those are different things entirely. I can barely stay awake, but please don't lecture me about my ideologies. I had to go through a long process of mailing documents and exchanging information with this charity before they ever decided to consider me. In fact it's screening process is a lot stricter than what the government uses for Welfare and Food Stamps. So when I see some Tom, Dick and Harry taking advantage of things they don't need and are being incentivized by their government to be lazy, yes, I will look down on them.

Do you think me heartless? Good night.

There are a lot of people out there who are married with a couple of kids trying to make it on $30,000 per year or less. For them, it's not pretty. I have no problem with them getting some help from the government, even if you and I have to help foot the bill.
Obabble said he 'was not informed directly" that the website was in trouble before the I guess he was informed indirectly?? How does that work when youre the CINC???

He was informed by the media. That's what he says at least.


You think I wouldn't know how to research all of the American presidents in history? How they were elected, how they ran their presidencies? How odd, you haven't argued much at all. Just that 'the ACA isn't going away' and that 'it was the right thing to do.'

"reasearching history" isn't the same thing as living through it. You are mistaking "Book Smart" with "real life smart" as usual.

How bemusing. I understand completely how inept you are. You cannot for the life of you provide facts to back up your statements. You throw one big number after another out, make one unsubstantiated claim after the next. I know well how politics work. I also adhere to a simple principle of cause and effect.

Well, no, guy, you have to actually wait for the effect to see what it is.

Case in point. When Bill Clinton finally had to testify that, yes, he really did have sex with Monica, all the Wingnuts rubbed their hands in glee and expected him to resign or be impeached.

I mean, he lied. Looked at the Camera and lied to us.

But then a funny thing happened. People watched this tape of a man being asked the most personal questions about his life by an overzealous and vengeful prosecutor, and they actually felt kind of bad for him.

Cause: Obama fucked up his own law.

Effect: His law is now dead. And he will be on the hook for it for the rest of his term.

Really? When did this effect happen. ONE ELEMENT has been delayed. Pre-existing conditions can't be used as an excuse, every other part is still in play. So you'd be like- WRONG.

Cause: Obama lied about people keeping their insurance and their doctors, and said people would pay less for their insurance

Effect: Millions of people lost their insurance and found themselves staring more expensive healthcare options in the face.

Millions who probably already knew their insurance was garbage to start with. 5 million people out of 300 million isn't an impressive number.

Cause: Joe gives no reasoning behind his arguments on Obamacare's alleged successes.

Effect: TemplarKormac sweeps them aside with ease.

Philosophical my ass.

Cause- Tampon looks silly making blanket statements.

Effect- Joe mocks him easily on his youthful foolishness....

Youth is wasted on the Young.
I think you missed my point. I wasn't getting down on you for seeking assistance. I just questioned how you get down on so many others who seek similar assistance. You seem to believe that government assistance is just a handout but accepting charity is somehow different.

No. People who are able and willing to get a job don't deserve to have things like Food Stamps and Welfare. I haven't touched them since I left my first job in 2007. Those are different things entirely. I can barely stay awake, but please don't lecture me about my ideologies. I had to go through a long process of mailing documents and exchanging information with this charity before they ever decided to consider me. In fact it's screening process is a lot stricter than what the government uses for Welfare and Food Stamps. So when I see some Tom, Dick and Harry taking advantage of things they don't need and are being incentivized by their government to be lazy, yes, I will look down on them.

Do you think me heartless? Good night.

There are a lot of people out there who are married with a couple of kids trying to make it on $30,000 per year or less. For them, it's not pretty. I have no problem with them getting some help from the government, even if you and I have to help foot the bill.

Go for it, you can foot the bill.. But the problem is, you want to speak for the rest of us.



No. People who are able and willing to get a job don't deserve to have things like Food Stamps and Welfare. I haven't touched them since I left my first job in 2007. Those are different things entirely. I can barely stay awake, but please don't lecture me about my ideologies. I had to go through a long process of mailing documents and exchanging information with this charity before they ever decided to consider me. In fact it's screening process is a lot stricter than what the government uses for Welfare and Food Stamps. So when I see some Tom, Dick and Harry taking advantage of things they don't need and are being incentivized by their government to be lazy, yes, I will look down on them.

Do you think me heartless? Good night.

Um, yeah, I think you are kind of heartless.

The fact you had to beg someone a little harder than a guy who just went down to the welfare office hardly makes you any more noble.

Personally,I would rather that anyone who wants to work will be found something to do, even if no one makes an obscene profit off of it.

But frankly, we had that in 1999 (you might be too young to remember) and guess what, the rich totally hated that! They had to pay teens above minimum wage to work at McDonalds.

Go for it, you can foot the bill.. But the problem is, you want to speak for the rest of us.



We had something called "an Election".

Deal with it.

Oh, I'm down with that.... But the ones having the hard time 'dealing with it' are you losers who were duped by the messiah and voted for this 3-ring circus

Feels worse than sleeping on the wet spot huh?

Impeachments fix that. Holder is only the beginning :lol:


yeah, that worked out so well for you the last time you tried it.

Clinton was impeached-- What's your point?


Clinton was acquitted, the GOP had egg all over its face, lost control of the Senate and also l ost the next presidential election until they stole it.

You guys keep getting shoved further to the fringe and don't realize why.

Go for it, you can foot the bill.. But the problem is, you want to speak for the rest of us.



We had something called "an Election".

Deal with it.

Oh, I'm down with that.... But the ones having the hard time 'dealing with it' are you losers who were duped by the messiah and voted for this 3-ring circus

Feels worse than sleeping on the wet spot huh?


Actually, I have the same insurance I had before ObamaCare.

So, no, not really.

Now, I know you miss your high deductable, no real coverage CleetusCare policy the slick guy from the insurance company sold you, but, hey, you get to keep it for another year.
yeah, that worked out so well for you the last time you tried it.

Clinton was impeached-- What's your point?


Clinton was acquitted, the GOP had egg all over its face, lost control of the Senate and also l ost the next presidential election until they stole it.

You guys keep getting shoved further to the fringe and don't realize why.

Sounds familiar



''The President of the United States has committed a serious transgression,'' said Representative Dick Armey of Texas, the House majority leader. ''Among other things, he took an oath to God to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and then he failed to do so, not once, but several times.'' To ignore this, he said, is to ''undermine the rule of law.'' [Excerpts from the debate, pages 35-36.]
So where is Dick Armey today?

And it continues

-Geaux Special Report: Clinton Accused

Finally, I want to address a question that my good friend, Senator Byrd, raised over the weekend in a television show. After declaring that the President had lied and obstructed justice, and after concluding these acts were impeachable offenses, Senator Byrd, for whom I have great respect, noted that it was very hard, in his judgment, to impeach a president who enjoyed the public popularity that this President enjoys.

Let me respond to that. Popularity is not a defense in an impeachment trial. Indeed, one of our Founding Fathers addressed this issue of popularity directly in the oft-quoted Federalist Papers: `It takes more than talents of low intrigue and the little arts of popularity' to be President. And, popularity isn't a pillar of Character Counts.

What if a President committed the same acts as those alleged in this trial but he was presiding over a weak economy, a stock market at a three-year low, 12 percent unemployment, 16 percent inflation and a nation worried about their job security and families? I wonder if this would be a straight party line vote. I just wonder.
Oh, no, if Clinton had Bush's economy, he'd be toast.

So what?

End of the day, most Americans didn't want to impeach a man over a private matter, but the GOP was (and still is) so in thrall of the crazies they couldn't avoid running off the cliff.

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