The Death of a Presidency

Oh, no, if Clinton had Bush's economy, he'd be toast.

So what?

Hey, but Obama has Obama's economy.. LMAO


Which is a damned sight better than Bush's economy.




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Nice cherry-picking, but you have to include some of Bush's numbers in Obama's numbers to get a graph that lies the way you want.

Stop the presses... So its not OK to lie unless you lie about things Obama lies about?

Got it :confused:


No. People who are able and willing to get a job don't deserve to have things like Food Stamps and Welfare. I haven't touched them since I left my first job in 2007. Those are different things entirely. I can barely stay awake, but please don't lecture me about my ideologies. I had to go through a long process of mailing documents and exchanging information with this charity before they ever decided to consider me. In fact it's screening process is a lot stricter than what the government uses for Welfare and Food Stamps. So when I see some Tom, Dick and Harry taking advantage of things they don't need and are being incentivized by their government to be lazy, yes, I will look down on them.

Do you think me heartless? Good night.

Um, yeah, I think you are kind of heartless.

The fact you had to beg someone a little harder than a guy who just went down to the welfare office hardly makes you any more noble.

Personally,I would rather that anyone who wants to work will be found something to do, even if no one makes an obscene profit off of it.

But frankly, we had that in 1999 (you might be too young to remember) and guess what, the rich totally hated that! They had to pay teens above minimum wage to work at McDonalds.


You criticize me for not having a job, but you would rather I not 'make an obscene profit from it' if I were to have one, yet you whine about people not earning enough in the first place. Do you realize you can't have it both ways?
"reasearching history" isn't the same thing as living through it. You are mistaking "Book Smart" with "real life smart" as usual.

You are interpreting history, not experiencing it. You confuse revisionism with reality. As usual.

Well, no, guy, you have to actually wait for the effect to see what it is.

Really? No shit Sherlock.

Case in point. When Bill Clinton finally had to testify that, yes, he really did have sex with Monica, all the Wingnuts rubbed their hands in glee and expected him to resign or be impeached.

I mean, he lied. Looked at the Camera and lied to us.

But then a funny thing happened. People watched this tape of a man being asked the most personal questions about his life by an overzealous and vengeful prosecutor, and they actually felt kind of bad for him.

We aren't talking about Clinton.

Really? When did this effect happen. ONE ELEMENT has been delayed. Pre-existing conditions can't be used as an excuse, every other part is still in play. So you'd be like- WRONG.

LOL. Then he delayed the one element critical to it's design! The law needed 7 million people to sustain it. When Obama allegedly restored the 5 million who lost their insurance, he contradicted the very purpose of the individual mandate, the very essence of the law!

Millions who probably already knew their insurance was garbage to start with. 5 million people out of 300 million isn't an impressive number.

So, 5 million people had junk insurance? Do all of them? 5 million not enough for you? How vile.
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Go for it, you can foot the bill.. But the problem is, you want to speak for the rest of us.



We had something called "an Election".

Deal with it.

And afterwards we had something called "the Consequences"

Deal with it.

I'm perfectly happy with the consequences...

I'm not sure why you aren't, but i'm sure the answer will involve random uses of the words "Freedom" "the Constitution" and "Liberty".
We had something called "an Election".

Deal with it.

And afterwards we had something called "the Consequences"

Deal with it.

I'm perfectly happy with the consequences...

I'm not sure why you aren't, but i'm sure the answer will involve random uses of the words "Freedom" "the Constitution" and "Liberty".

You lie. You can't possibly enjoy having your man so purely embarrassed like he has been. You reek of denial, Joe.

We aren't talking about Clinton.

No, but the example IS instructive.

Every week, mush like you do, the Right Wing Anti-Clinton machine breathlessly announced how the latest "scandal" was going to bring the Clintons down. Whitewater, the Travel Office, Vince Foster, the FBI files, Bhuddist Monks and finally, of course, Monica.

Except it never really happened.

Or if you want a more recent example, do you guys remember when you all announced that Syria would be the end of Obama's presidency?

Really? When did this effect happen. ONE ELEMENT has been delayed. Pre-existing conditions can't be used as an excuse, every other part is still in play. So you'd be like- WRONG.

LOL. The he delayed the one element critical to it's design! The law needed 7 million people to sustain it. When Obama allegedly restored the 5 million who lost their insurance, he contradicted the very purpose of the individual mandate, the very essence of the law!

No, the critical part was getting the uninsured signed up. The underinsured getting better policies was also a key part, but clearly not the most important thing that it was supposed to address. And giving them more time while requiring the insurance companies to have full disclosure is actually a pretty good idea.

Millions who probably already knew their insurance was garbage to start with. 5 million people out of 300 million isn't an impressive number.

So, 5 million people had junk insurance? Do all of them? 5 million not enough for you? How vile.

Actually, the number is probably closer to 25 million, according to the industry's own standards. the 5 million or so are the one so awful, so dishonest the person who sold them should be in jail for larceny...

No. People who are able and willing to get a job don't deserve to have things like Food Stamps and Welfare. I haven't touched them since I left my first job in 2007. Those are different things entirely. I can barely stay awake, but please don't lecture me about my ideologies. I had to go through a long process of mailing documents and exchanging information with this charity before they ever decided to consider me. In fact it's screening process is a lot stricter than what the government uses for Welfare and Food Stamps. So when I see some Tom, Dick and Harry taking advantage of things they don't need and are being incentivized by their government to be lazy, yes, I will look down on them.

Do you think me heartless? Good night.

Um, yeah, I think you are kind of heartless.

The fact you had to beg someone a little harder than a guy who just went down to the welfare office hardly makes you any more noble.

Personally,I would rather that anyone who wants to work will be found something to do, even if no one makes an obscene profit off of it.

But frankly, we had that in 1999 (you might be too young to remember) and guess what, the rich totally hated that! They had to pay teens above minimum wage to work at McDonalds.


You criticize me for not having a job, but you would rather I not 'make an obscene profit from it' if I were to have one, yet you whine about people not earning enough in the first place. Do you realize you can't have it both ways?

Not sure where you got that out of what I wrote... but okay.
obama's presidency is over. He may occupy the office but his effectiveness is done. It was over with his swan song speech yesterday.

Democrats just haven't realized the enormity of what happened. They are in denial which is the first stage of grief.
Simple question, Joe. You claim that these things will not bring Obama down. What has he gotten done so far this year? Nothing. Those scandals hit him like a ton of bricks. The failure of Obamacare was the ten ton anvil. His presidency has been rendered ineffective by those things. He can't get anything done.

You made my point once again. How does a law like Obamacare get enrollees? By determining what is and isn't sufficient healthcare coverage. Nevermind the already uninsured, it creates more of them on the assumption that they would all flock to it out of desperation. The higher premiums stopped any of that from happening. There are no 'better' policies. Just more expensive ones.

When your signature piece of legislation fails so miserably, your presidency will fail with it. If it was true for Bush, the same rings true for Obama.
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Um, yeah, I think you are kind of heartless.

The fact you had to beg someone a little harder than a guy who just went down to the welfare office hardly makes you any more noble.

Personally,I would rather that anyone who wants to work will be found something to do, even if no one makes an obscene profit off of it.

But frankly, we had that in 1999 (you might be too young to remember) and guess what, the rich totally hated that! They had to pay teens above minimum wage to work at McDonalds.


You criticize me for not having a job, but you would rather I not 'make an obscene profit from it' if I were to have one, yet you whine about people not earning enough in the first place. Do you realize you can't have it both ways?

Not sure where you got that out of what I wrote... but okay.

Does that clear things up for you?
The critical part of obamacare was not getting the uninsured to sign up. It was getting the insured to sign up and pay higher premiums. It was getting healthy people to pay more for the benefit of sick people. The minute youg healthy people figured out how badly they were getting hosed it started to fall apart.
Simple question, Joe. You claim that these things will not bring Obama down. What has he gotten done so far this year? Nothing. Those scandals hit him like a ton of bricks. The failure of Obamacare was the ten ton anvil. You are beating around the bush.

Well, he defeated the GOP attempt to hold the economy hostage... that was pretty awesome.

Got Syria to give up her chemical weapons...

ObamaCare was launched despite more attempt to sabotage it.

You made my point once again. How does a law like Obamacare get enrollees? By determining what is and isn't sufficient healthcare coverage. Nevermind the already uninsured, it creates more of them on the assumption that they would all flock to it out of desperation. The higher premiums stopped any of that from happening. There are no 'better' policies. Just more expensive ones.

Guy, I think you are a little confused here. There isn't a program called "ObamaCare" that people can enroll in. There are simply policies offered by private insurers that now must meet minimum standards of coverage.

I'm almost afraid to ask, but do you understand how ObamaCare works. Tell you what, since I know you are going to break out in hives reading anything with the word "Obama" in it, maybe you should read up on "RomneyCare", which is essentially the same thing.

When your signature piece of legislation fails so miserably, your presidency will fail with it. If it was true for Bush, the same rings true for Obama.[/

I'm sorry, what "signature" peice of legislation did Bush have fail?

Botched wars and botched hurricane responses and recessions are why Bush is considered a failure.

The guy actually had some good legislative ideas.

You criticize me for not having a job, but you would rather I not 'make an obscene profit from it' if I were to have one, yet you whine about people not earning enough in the first place. Do you realize you can't have it both ways?

Not sure where you got that out of what I wrote... but okay.

Does that clear things up for you?

No, not really, but perhaps I didn't make myself clear.

In Republican-Land, the only people who get jobs are those who are willing to work themselves to death making some other asshole rich. Everyone else can just die, as far as the GOP is concerned. Mitt and his boys can eat their $50,000 lunches and call half the country moochers while they ride off on their dressage ponies. Ooops. One of the wage-slaves had a camera!

So how's this for a concept. Everyone who is able-bodied gets a job. Everyone with a disability who can be vocationally placed gets a job. You tax the wealthy at a healthy rate to pay for it, and there are always streets to be built and graffitti to be cleaned and parks to be tended to... but everyone works for their keep.

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