The Death of a Presidency

God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

You've really missed the point of several sections of the Gospel. God loves a cheerful giver because that means the person's focus is not on the accumulation of personal earthly wealth, but on the things above. That absolutely DOES NOT MEAN you aren't obliged to give if you do not want to. We are still judged by the Law, and that means we are still supposed to give away everything to help others in the service of God.

Being cheerful isn't meant to be a guide as to how much you give, as we are expected to give God our all. It's a reminder about where our focus should be. Interpreting that as some sort of excuse NOT to give is to sin and try to find our own justification for that sin.

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. -- Matthew 19:23-24, Mark 10:23-25

Jesus didn't expect his followers to just give when they were cheerful, he expected them to give everything away.

As Einstein once put it: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." Frankly you're an Atheist trying to beat Christians over the head with a Bible and a God you claim not to believe in. What's your deal Joe? Getting into heaven isn't contingent on being rich or poor. You reveal your lack of knowledge routinely. If a rich man gives or a poor man gives, they are equal in the sight of God. Get that through your thick head, Joe.

I thought I explained it very simply.

The wealthy have very cleverly manipulated the religious stupids into dismantling the middle class and accepting a kind of plutocracy that would have made medieval kings envious.

The ironic part being although Jesus himself never said jack diddly about abortion or gays, he was VERY explicit in saying that greed and the accumulation of wealth were deal killers in getting into this new eternal theme park he and Dad were building.

That must mean the percentage of poor people has increased dramatically since trickle down started, right? Why don't you pull up the states and show us all how stupid we are? Or would that require you admitting there is no evidence to support your position?

I don't claim to be an expert on the Bible -- or anything close -- but this conversation begs a question. First of all, I have no idea whether the Bible is some kind of truth or simple mythology, but since both ends of the spectrum use it as a political tool it doesn't really matter. So:

It looks to me like Jesus made it clear that we should help each other, and that riches are not necessarily a good thing. Can we stipulate to that?

Here's the question, a serious one: When I see these quotes, it seems clear that Jesus is telling us to help each other. Fine. Obviously. But liberals use these examples to justify wealth distribution imposed and implemented by government. Are there examples of Jesus supporting such a practice? Did he say that the government should take from one to give to the other?

Again, serious question.


I would argue that Jesus saying "Render unto Ceasar what is Caesar's" when the pharisees were whinging about paying the Temple Tax would be that.

[ame=""]What have the Romans ever done for us - YouTube[/ame]

You would agree that something that never happened proves you right?

The Pharisees were actually trying to get Jesus to openly commit treason by saying that giving tribute to Caesar was wrong. When the Pharisees demanded the Temple Tax from Jesus he used it as an opportunity to teach his disciples a lesson, and told Peter to go fishing and get the tax from the mouth of the first fish he caught.

What does the fact that it never happened prove? Remember when I told you you weren't smart enough to use the Bible to defend your position? You really should have listened.
I would argue that Jesus saying "Render unto Ceasar what is Caesar's" when the pharisees were whinging about paying the Temple Tax would be that.

Not to mention Paul's admonishment to respect and adhere to the dictates of worldly government as long as it does not directly contradict God's law. But as for that quote, yes, Jesus is telling folks you are to pay your taxes. Not a lot of debate on that point.

As for the OP: Every President has second term woes. Most Presidential policies are designed to not really bear fruit for at least a few years so as not to ruin the re-election campaign. Because of that, the second term is always the worse part of the legacy of a President. As bad as Obama's woes have been (and they have been fairly epic), he's still not up to Clinton or Bush's level of cluster buggery yet. Even Reagan had his share of second term disasters and nobody can even tough Nixon and his second term woes.

Obama isn't every president, he is the Messiah.
God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

You've really missed the point of several sections of the Gospel. God loves a cheerful giver because that means the person's focus is not on the accumulation of personal earthly wealth, but on the things above. That absolutely DOES NOT MEAN you aren't obliged to give if you do not want to. We are still judged by the Law, and that means we are still supposed to give away everything to help others in the service of God.

Being cheerful isn't meant to be a guide as to how much you give, as we are expected to give God our all. It's a reminder about where our focus should be. Interpreting that as some sort of excuse NOT to give is to sin and try to find our own justification for that sin.

Another non expert in the Bible wants to prove how stupid he is.
I would argue that Jesus saying "Render unto Ceasar what is Caesar's" when the pharisees were whinging about paying the Temple Tax would be that.

Not to mention Paul's admonishment to respect and adhere to the dictates of worldly government as long as it does not directly contradict God's law. But as for that quote, yes, Jesus is telling folks you are to pay your taxes. Not a lot of debate on that point.

As for the OP: Every President has second term woes. Most Presidential policies are designed to not really bear fruit for at least a few years so as not to ruin the re-election campaign. Because of that, the second term is always the worse part of the legacy of a President. As bad as Obama's woes have been (and they have been fairly epic), he's still not up to Clinton or Bush's level of cluster buggery yet. Even Reagan had his share of second term disasters and nobody can even tough Nixon and his second term woes.

Obama isn't every president, he is the Messiah.
No...he is the POTUS that blames his predecessors for his gross incompetence...and that is unprecedented.
God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

You've really missed the point of several sections of the Gospel. God loves a cheerful giver because that means the person's focus is not on the accumulation of personal earthly wealth, but on the things above. That absolutely DOES NOT MEAN you aren't obliged to give if you do not want to. We are still judged by the Law, and that means we are still supposed to give away everything to help others in the service of God.

Being cheerful isn't meant to be a guide as to how much you give, as we are expected to give God our all. It's a reminder about where our focus should be. Interpreting that as some sort of excuse NOT to give is to sin and try to find our own justification for that sin.
Does GOD command Governments to steal from one to give to another that refuse to work and improve their own circumstance?

ARE you an expert on GOD?

Then YOU have a leg up on the rest of the humans on the planet.
God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

How do you propose to have a nation if you can't force anyone to do anything?
The health care problem could be fixed if we got serious tort reform. Provided insurance that did not cover routine health care. Allow insurance to be sold across state lines. Costs would drop significantly. Then we wouldn't need obamacare.

Why we even have insurance that covers routine doctor visits is ridiculous anyway. Your auto insurance doesn't cover wiper blades or oil changes.

Frankly, we should also stop mandating that EVERY insurance policy has to cover EVERY damned thing under the sun. Let insurance companies have more room to innovate and tailor policies to what the consumers actually WANT to have. If a healthy 24-year-old wants to get just catastrophic coverage, fine. Make that available. We live in a nation of 300 million people, and I will never for the life of me understand why leftists think they were all stamped out by cookie cutters in a factory somewhere, and therefore all want, need, and like the same things.

Insurance companies are in the business of giving you the least amount of coverage for the most amount of premium they can wring out of you. They need to be regulated with an iron fist.

In fact, there is really no need for a for profit health insurance industry. All health insurance, whether private or public, should be run on a mandate to break even, and nothing more.

Much in the way credit unions or electric cooperatives run.

How insanely ignorant.... insurance is a product like any else. They are in the business of offering competitive products at competitive rates. Yes, they have constraints and as such so limit coverages. However, when the state gets involved and starts mandating that they cover everything from pre-existing conditions to condoms, the price will rise.. dramatically.

How much would your car insurance cost you if you could buy a broken down jalopy, then purchase insurance that covers pre-existing damages all the way from body work to engine overhaul?
God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

How do you propose to have a nation if you can't force anyone to do anything?
So you admit it after all this time Carbonated? WHY must government force Liberty at the expense of them taking it away?

What you just admitted to is CONTROL, and precisely what YOU advocate.
God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

How do you propose to have a nation if you can't force anyone to do anything?

How do you propose to have a nation if you can force anyone to do anything?

You amaze me sometimes with the shit that comes out of you...
Frankly, we should also stop mandating that EVERY insurance policy has to cover EVERY damned thing under the sun. Let insurance companies have more room to innovate and tailor policies to what the consumers actually WANT to have. If a healthy 24-year-old wants to get just catastrophic coverage, fine. Make that available. We live in a nation of 300 million people, and I will never for the life of me understand why leftists think they were all stamped out by cookie cutters in a factory somewhere, and therefore all want, need, and like the same things.

Insurance companies are in the business of giving you the least amount of coverage for the most amount of premium they can wring out of you. They need to be regulated with an iron fist.

In fact, there is really no need for a for profit health insurance industry. All health insurance, whether private or public, should be run on a mandate to break even, and nothing more.

Much in the way credit unions or electric cooperatives run.

How insanely ignorant.... insurance is a product like any else. They are in the business of offering competitive products at competitive rates. Yes, they have constraints and as such so limit coverages. However, when the state gets involved and starts mandating that they cover everything from pre-existing conditions to condoms, the price will rise.. dramatically.

How much would your car insurance cost you if you could buy a broken down jalopy, then purchase insurance that covers pre-existing damages all the way from body work to engine overhaul?
But then it is in the interest of government to advocate auto insurance since government has the responsibility to post roads per Article 1, Section 8...

Nowhere do I see anything in the Constitution to Health I am sure the Founders thought us all to be responsible adults and would take care of such matters on our own...and freely.

These people have no clue to personal responsibility.
Obabble said he 'was not informed directly" that the website was in trouble before the I guess he was informed indirectly?? How does that work when youre the CINC???

I think the players involved thought the impact of canceled policies was going to be too small to matter, or else they were fearful of the blowback.....Or, the insurance companies themselves lied to Obama about the cancellations.

Hmmmmm...A insurance company lying about it's policies....what a concept......

But I seriously doubt a guy who has been on the defense for 5 years would set himself up like this.

Blind as a bat, wow do you do back flips too? the website is broken to keep the hoards of people from discovering their new healthcare costs. Costs that are for many double what they pay now. The Obama folks admitted to turning off the browse feature of the website the week before the roll out. WhY? to hide the new costs and co-pays. You can't cover people for almost nothing without taking something from someone else. They hoped that they (with the help of a state run media) could stretch this out until the elections had passed. :lol: wishful thinking for Obama and his regime.
Obabble said he 'was not informed directly" that the website was in trouble before the I guess he was informed indirectly?? How does that work when youre the CINC???

I think the players involved thought the impact of canceled policies was going to be too small to matter, or else they were fearful of the blowback.....Or, the insurance companies themselves lied to Obama about the cancellations.

Hmmmmm...A insurance company lying about it's policies....what a concept......

But I seriously doubt a guy who has been on the defense for 5 years would set himself up like this.

Blind as a bat, wow do you do back flips too? the website is broken to keep the hoards of people from discovering their new healthcare costs. Costs that are for many double what they pay now. The Obama folks admitted to turning off the browse feature of the website the week before the roll out. WhY? to hide the new costs and co-pays. You can't cover people for almost nothing without taking something from someone else. They hoped that they (with the help of a state run media) could stretch this out until the elections had passed. :lol: wishful thinking for Obama and his regime.

And why must people give their PRIVATE info to an UNSECURED website where any hacker parasite can glean everything about you...and use it? ID Theft will run rampant...and that's before they even tell you what rates you have to pay?

THEY GOT IT BACKWARDS and typical of Government.
God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

How do you propose to have a nation if you can't force anyone to do anything?

How do you propose to have a nation when you force anyone to do anything?

Think about it.

I would argue that Jesus saying "Render unto Ceasar what is Caesar's" when the pharisees were whinging about paying the Temple Tax would be that.

You would agree that something that never happened proves you right?

The Pharisees were actually trying to get Jesus to openly commit treason by saying that giving tribute to Caesar was wrong. When the Pharisees demanded the Temple Tax from Jesus he used it as an opportunity to teach his disciples a lesson, and told Peter to go fishing and get the tax from the mouth of the first fish he caught.

What does the fact that it never happened prove? Remember when I told you you weren't smart enough to use the Bible to defend your position? You really should have listened.

Okay, here are the bible verses about that incident.

Matthew Chapter 22

Nothing about Magic Fish with Coins.

SAB, Mark 12

Sorry, still no magic fishies...

SAB, Luke 20

Nope, no magic fishies there, either.

And the story isn't even mentioned in John. So there you go.

In fact, all three accounts (which are really just Matt and Luke plagarizing from poor Mark) have Jesus getting into a discussion with the Sadduces about whether there is an afterlife and who gets a woman who was widowed multiple times.
God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

How do you propose to have a nation if you can't force anyone to do anything?

Are you finally admitting government is about tyranny?
God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

How do you propose to have a nation if you can't force anyone to do anything?

Are you finally admitting government is about tyranny?
And my point as well. He admits to control as goal.
I would argue that Jesus saying "Render unto Ceasar what is Caesar's" when the pharisees were whinging about paying the Temple Tax would be that.

You would agree that something that never happened proves you right?

The Pharisees were actually trying to get Jesus to openly commit treason by saying that giving tribute to Caesar was wrong. When the Pharisees demanded the Temple Tax from Jesus he used it as an opportunity to teach his disciples a lesson, and told Peter to go fishing and get the tax from the mouth of the first fish he caught.

What does the fact that it never happened prove? Remember when I told you you weren't smart enough to use the Bible to defend your position? You really should have listened.

Okay, here are the bible verses about that incident.

Matthew Chapter 22

Nothing about Magic Fish with Coins.

SAB, Mark 12

Sorry, still no magic fishies...

SAB, Luke 20

Nope, no magic fishies there, either.

And the story isn't even mentioned in John. So there you go.

In fact, all three accounts (which are really just Matt and Luke plagarizing from poor Mark) have Jesus getting into a discussion with the Sadduces about whether there is an afterlife and who gets a woman who was widowed multiple times.

Still stupid I see.

The funniest part is none of those are about the temple tax, which makes you look even dumber than I thought you were.
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God loves a cheerful giver. Emphasis on 'cheerful.' Someone who is being forced to give at the point of a gun is not cheerful and is therefore not giving God any of the glory. Giving isn't mandatory. You shouldn't force generosity out of people.

How do you propose to have a nation if you can't force anyone to do anything?

How do you propose to have a nation when you force anyone to do anything?

Think about it.
He has ZERO concept of Liberty, Freedom.

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