The Death of Politics: How to Heal Our Frayed Republic After Trump & Make USMB Rise From The Dead


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
It’s just messed up now It’s not even a political system. It’s a reality show. American democracy has become a rock-throwing contest. I will lay out in this thread the vision of where we go from here and how we move beyond the Trump era to a better politics
The problem is our electoral/political "system". It incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants.

Change the incentives, improve the outcomes. Ignore it, and it just gets worse and more destructive.
Much of the blame for our ugly and unfortunate state of affairs can be laid at the feet of politicians and the political class. Not everyone is culpable, of course, but as a general matter our elites have been detached from the problems and creeping hopelessness that have overwhelmed many Americans, especially those without college degrees and those who are living in rural areas
Much of the blame for our ugly and unfortunate state of affairs can be laid at the feet of politicians and the political class. Not everyone is culpable, of course, but as a general matter our elites have been detached from the problems and creeping hopelessness that have overwhelmed many Americans, especially those without college degrees and those who are living in rural areas

Good grief.

Evidently you're not even an American. STFU
Good grief.

Evidently you're not even an American. STFU
typical Trump-supporting racist

i have American uncles and cousins. what happens in America affects them, so i care about America. my dad went on a scholarship to America

give it a rest, xenophobe fascist
Rather than shaping events, Republican and Democratic lawmakers have often seemed at the mercy of them. The last several years have been characterized by unusual pessimism, a deep sense of unease and apprehension. We’ve witnessed a collapse of trust in government, particularly the federal government; and that loss of trust is in important ways justified...
typical Trump-supporting racist

i have American uncles and cousins. what happens in America affects them, so i care about America. my dad went on a scholarship to America

give it a rest, xenophobe fascist

I'm no Trump fan and you're not an American.

Your reaction to politicians as a class may be “To hell with them”—but “To hell with them” really means “To hell with us.” It’s just too easy for all of us—myself included—to point the finger at others and never at ourselves, to assume that the troubles plaguing American politics have everything to do with other people and nothing to do with me. We quickly and mercilessly condemn what we consider to be a very unattractive garden (politics) without giving a moment’s thought to the role of those tasked with planting the garden’s flowers (voters).
The rancor and division in our politics reflect the rancor and division in our nation. It’s too facile to say we have a healthy country but a broken political system; in fact, our broken political system reflects the brokenness of our country.

But here is the most important point you should take away from all my rants: what’s broken can be mended. We are not in the grip of forces we can’t control. We can reverse what has gone wrong; we can build on what has gone right
It's fun mocking your dumbass.

One day you're right , the next left, the next some ill disguised moderate

Just stop, everyone knows, attention hound
Jack Teixeira is an attention hound, he threw away his life to showoff in front of friends. i would never do that. i play by the rules, but sometimes i set my own rules
It's much easier to destroy than to build.
The wrong way to think about politics today is as if we’re collectively afflicted by a terminal disease, an illness with no cure. The better way to think about politics is that we’re out of shape, the result of doing a lot of things wrong over the years. Shedding pounds and rebuilding muscle is difficult, but it can be done and we know how to do it. It’s a matter of summoning the requisite will, energy, and commitment.
Much of the blame for our ugly and unfortunate state of affairs can be laid at the feet of politicians and the political class.
They are just middle managers and often only lower management .

It is Deep State whom you need to name , track and eradicate .
It all evolved naturally to begin with ( strongest , fittest , most brutal etc) but it was the Khazarians who probably first organised power into a sophisticated weapon where they strategcally set out to achieve global domination at the expense of everybody save the original blood lines and their families .

Only once you see the bigger picture do you realise the huge size of the problem and it is not put right and solved through an election because, like wars, Deep State owns both sides .
The Trumps of this world are just factions within the machine -- controlled opposition if you will .

I have no idea why I waste time trying to show Sheeple how to avoid misery and suicide .
When Americans think about politics today, their first thought is that it is inherently dirty and undignified; that most politicians are corrupt and unprincipled, either knaves or fools; that those involved in politics only care about their self-interest and not at all about the interest of the country; that it takes no special skills to be a politician—in fact the less experience, the better; that the problems we face as a nation are simple, the solutions obvious, so either stupidity or malice must explain why the solutions haven’t been implemented yet.

Many people today have given up on politics, believing it to be irredeemable, and their frustrations are justified.

That is the problem.

There is ALWAYS a boogyman. Always a reason you have to focus on getting one team elected and the much needed fix will come later, after this boogyman is gone.

As long as people think that tweet is true, there will never be a fix.
The conventional analysis in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s improbable victory in 2016 is that it was primarily the result of economic anxieties among blue-collar, working-class whites. But recent studies indicate that something else, something more visceral, was also going on.

Many Trump voters—mostly male, white, and Christian—were driven by cultural anxiety, a fear of losing their status in society, and a longing to regain a sense of social dominance.

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