The Death of Pro-Choice Republicans

Hey look, it's a concern troll thread!!!

Everyone who is a progressive twat run on in and show how concerned you can be about Republicans!!!!
Well my issue is this. I tell people if they vote Republican then eventually abortion will become illegal. They say that isn't true. They say Republicans would never try to ban abortion.

So, does that mean Republicans are finally pro choice?

It depends on what State you are in.

NY will never see an Abortion ban. Alabama probably will.

It's best left to the States in this case.

Oh, and Jason Vorhees approves your necro-ing this thread.


Are New York Republicans pro choice?

Most are of the "I don't like it, but I know we will never ban it here so that's that" mentality.

I didn't ask if they believed abortion could ever be banned. They may rightfully understand that will never fly. But the question is, would they like to ban the practice?

And if you are correct then most of them are pro choice. Sounds pretty pro choice to me.

"I don't like it, but I know we will never ban it here so that's that"

That's another cop out answer. And what do they mean they know we will never ban it? Do they believe we should? Then they would vote to do it. Them not believing that day will ever come is not what I'm asking about. Stop side stepping the truth. Admit it!
I prefer to call the abortion business EXACTLY what it is.

A. Leftists have a major problem with personal accountability, primarily because they've been trained to reject it. You know, everyone is a victim, here's your EBT card, buy yourself some gum. At the end of the day these "fetuses" as the left prefers to call em is an exercise in rejecting personal accountability, they're killing a human which is a slap in the face of our founding document being the Declaration of Independence.

B. I also have a problem with others telling women what to do with their bodies. So there's a fine line. In the end people need to be responsible for their actions. Unfortunately the left strives to reject that so the elite has control.

I say getting an abortion is taking personal responsibility. The person doesn't want the rest of us to have to pay for that kids foodstamps, healthcare, education. The person can't afford to raise a kid that means we're going to have to all chip in. Aborting saves us all a lot of money. That person took personal responsibility rather than put it on us.
By embracing the rabid extremist rightwing the GOP is surrendering the moderate middle to the Dems.

Using abortion as a cudgel will only drive more moderates away from the GOP.

This is counter-productive in the near and long term.

But self inflicted injuries like this one take a long time to heal because the mental midgets insist upon tearing the scab off this wound over and over again.

There is no such thing as a moderate middle. That is why the GOP loses so much recently. They are trying to cater to a voting block that doesn't exist.

Apparently you didn't pay attention to 2018. The GOP lost the moderate middle and that is why they lost the suburban vote. That included red states like SC, Oklahoma and Texas. That is why states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are in play in 2020.
The Death of Pro-Choice Republicans

Indeed they failed. People don’t want candidates who praise choice for abortion. They’re off base.

But personally, I suppose that the Planned Parenthood scandal will be shut down sooner or later. And abortions will always be a part of our societal life, you must agree most abortions are being held before embryos are formed. While we have such a high crime rate and immigration / race relations problems, people would better calm down and think about real problems.

You far right wing lunatics are the ones who are failing. Women have a say in this and using big government to impose your beliefs on them is wrong. Texas Republicans planned to pass a extremist abortion bill until Democrats picked up 12 seats in the Texas House leaving them 9 seats away from a majority. Suburban women have voted heavily for Democrats since Trump took office. These extreme abortion bills are likely to turn suburban women even more against the GOP.
I prefer to call the abortion business EXACTLY what it is.

A. Leftists have a major problem with personal accountability, primarily because they've been trained to reject it. You know, everyone is a victim, here's your EBT card, buy yourself some gum. At the end of the day these "fetuses" as the left prefers to call em is an exercise in rejecting personal accountability, they're killing a human which is a slap in the face of our founding document being the Declaration of Independence.

B. I also have a problem with others telling women what to do with their bodies. So there's a fine line. In the end people need to be responsible for their actions. Unfortunately the left strives to reject that so the elite has control.

I say getting an abortion is taking personal responsibility. The person doesn't want the rest of us to have to pay for that kids foodstamps, healthcare, education. The person can't afford to raise a kid that means we're going to have to all chip in. Aborting saves us all a lot of money. That person took personal responsibility rather than put it on us.

In other terms, reject personal accountability to begin with only to make up for it later killing their own.
The Death of Pro-Choice Republicans

Indeed they failed. People don’t want candidates who praise choice for abortion. They’re off base.

But personally, I suppose that the Planned Parenthood scandal will be shut down sooner or later. And abortions will always be a part of our societal life, you must agree most abortions are being held before embryos are formed. While we have such a high crime rate and immigration / race relations problems, people would better calm down and think about real problems.

Progressives have completely made me do a 180 on abortion. ....I was always for it being legal up to 12 weeks ..didn't matter what I thought of it personally...I'm 100 % heartbeat law now

I owe it to progressive brainwashed nazi idiots and my former loser governor (full term murder )for changing my mind

Hey look, it's a concern troll thread!!!

Everyone who is a progressive twat run on in and show how concerned you can be about Republicans!!!!
Well my issue is this. I tell people if they vote Republican then eventually abortion will become illegal. They say that isn't true. They say Republicans would never try to ban abortion.

So, does that mean Republicans are finally pro choice?

It depends on what State you are in.

NY will never see an Abortion ban. Alabama probably will.

It's best left to the States in this case.

Oh, and Jason Vorhees approves your necro-ing this thread.


So Republicans will ban abortion if they had the power? That's all I want to know.

So you are saying nationally Republicans are pro choice? So if we had a Republican president, Senate, House and Supreme Court, you are saying you don't believe Republicans would ever dare try to ban abortion nationally? Then they are pro choice.

They are pro-State Choice.

Most wouldn't go for a national ban, they would be fine at the State level. Even the ones who want a national ban wouldn't have the support from the federalists in the party.

But state by state is rather pointless. If someone can simply cross state lines and get an abortion - is that really going to satisfy pro-lifers?
Hey look, it's a concern troll thread!!!

Everyone who is a progressive twat run on in and show how concerned you can be about Republicans!!!!
Well my issue is this. I tell people if they vote Republican then eventually abortion will become illegal. They say that isn't true. They say Republicans would never try to ban abortion.

So, does that mean Republicans are finally pro choice?

It depends on what State you are in.

NY will never see an Abortion ban. Alabama probably will.

It's best left to the States in this case.

Oh, and Jason Vorhees approves your necro-ing this thread.


Are New York Republicans pro choice?

Most are of the "I don't like it, but I know we will never ban it here so that's that" mentality.

I didn't ask if they believed abortion could ever be banned. They may rightfully understand that will never fly. But the question is, would they like to ban the practice?

And if you are correct then most of them are pro choice. Sounds pretty pro choice to me.

"I don't like it, but I know we will never ban it here so that's that"

That's another cop out answer. And what do they mean they know we will never ban it? Do they believe we should? Then they would vote to do it. Them not believing that day will ever come is not what I'm asking about. Stop side stepping the truth. Admit it!

It's not a cop out answer because you aren't getting an answer you like, or a clean one.

Complex issues have complex responses. Stop trying to pigeonhole everything into aristotelian yes/no solutions.

As for me, the struggle is between my beliefs in personal responsibility, vs. my libertarian leanings, vs. my strong belief in federalism.
Hey look, it's a concern troll thread!!!

Everyone who is a progressive twat run on in and show how concerned you can be about Republicans!!!!
Well my issue is this. I tell people if they vote Republican then eventually abortion will become illegal. They say that isn't true. They say Republicans would never try to ban abortion.

So, does that mean Republicans are finally pro choice?

It depends on what State you are in.

NY will never see an Abortion ban. Alabama probably will.

It's best left to the States in this case.

Oh, and Jason Vorhees approves your necro-ing this thread.


So Republicans will ban abortion if they had the power? That's all I want to know.

So you are saying nationally Republicans are pro choice? So if we had a Republican president, Senate, House and Supreme Court, you are saying you don't believe Republicans would ever dare try to ban abortion nationally? Then they are pro choice.

They are pro-State Choice.

Most wouldn't go for a national ban, they would be fine at the State level. Even the ones who want a national ban wouldn't have the support from the federalists in the party.

But state by state is rather pointless. If someone can simply cross state lines and get an abortion - is that really going to satisfy pro-lifers?

No, and the fact that some States could ban it won't satisfy pro-choicers.

One of the biggest issues we are now having in the Country politically is people expecting to get everything they want, and the other side getting nothing.
Well my issue is this. I tell people if they vote Republican then eventually abortion will become illegal. They say that isn't true. They say Republicans would never try to ban abortion.

So, does that mean Republicans are finally pro choice?

It depends on what State you are in.

NY will never see an Abortion ban. Alabama probably will.

It's best left to the States in this case.

Oh, and Jason Vorhees approves your necro-ing this thread.


So Republicans will ban abortion if they had the power? That's all I want to know.

So you are saying nationally Republicans are pro choice? So if we had a Republican president, Senate, House and Supreme Court, you are saying you don't believe Republicans would ever dare try to ban abortion nationally? Then they are pro choice.

They are pro-State Choice.

Most wouldn't go for a national ban, they would be fine at the State level. Even the ones who want a national ban wouldn't have the support from the federalists in the party.

But state by state is rather pointless. If someone can simply cross state lines and get an abortion - is that really going to satisfy pro-lifers?

No, and the fact that some States could ban it won't satisfy pro-choicers.

One of the biggest issues we are now having in the Country politically is people expecting to get everything they want, and the other side getting nothing.

Absolutely, it's the failure, of both parties, to lead by consensus that's killing us. Slamming through maximum change with a slim partisan majority, only ensures that half the electorate will be angry and ready for 'payback'. The Democrats could change that. They could put together a platform that is actually tolerable to the opposition - something that 70% of voters could back, rather than 49%. Not only would this defeat Trump, but it would line up an agenda that was actually sustainable. Something that a wide majority of society would support.

But they aren't even trying.
It depends on what State you are in.

NY will never see an Abortion ban. Alabama probably will.

It's best left to the States in this case.

Oh, and Jason Vorhees approves your necro-ing this thread.


So Republicans will ban abortion if they had the power? That's all I want to know.

So you are saying nationally Republicans are pro choice? So if we had a Republican president, Senate, House and Supreme Court, you are saying you don't believe Republicans would ever dare try to ban abortion nationally? Then they are pro choice.

They are pro-State Choice.

Most wouldn't go for a national ban, they would be fine at the State level. Even the ones who want a national ban wouldn't have the support from the federalists in the party.

But state by state is rather pointless. If someone can simply cross state lines and get an abortion - is that really going to satisfy pro-lifers?

No, and the fact that some States could ban it won't satisfy pro-choicers.

One of the biggest issues we are now having in the Country politically is people expecting to get everything they want, and the other side getting nothing.

Absolutely, it's the failure, of both parties, to lead by consensus that's killing us. Slamming through maximum change with a slim partisan majority, only ensures that half the electorate will be angry and ready for 'payback'. The Democrats could change that. They could put together a platform that is actually tolerable to the opposition - something that 70% of voters could back, rather than 49%. Not only would this defeat Trump, but it would line up an agenda that was actually sustainable. Something that a wide majority of society would support.

But they aren't even trying.

The biggest roadblock is the ignorance of the original reason for federalism, "From Many, One". Progressives require their policies to be enacted at the highest level possible, as far removed from the people they impact to make it as difficult as possible to fight them.

We see the issue at the State level as well, where laws are passed State-wide by large Urban majorities regarding rural issues that said urban majorities have no real stake in or business interfering with.

This is why they create boogeymen such as AGW, social inequality and such, because such "Big" Problems require Big solutions, and their goal is homogenization of the culture, economics and morality of the country under their standards.
Moderates and conservatives have become anathema to the GOP. Trump myrmidons and reactionaries have become the face of the party. Lincoln,TRoosevelt, and Eisenhower’s Republican Party is long gone...
It depends on what State you are in.

NY will never see an Abortion ban. Alabama probably will.

It's best left to the States in this case.

Oh, and Jason Vorhees approves your necro-ing this thread.


So Republicans will ban abortion if they had the power? That's all I want to know.

So you are saying nationally Republicans are pro choice? So if we had a Republican president, Senate, House and Supreme Court, you are saying you don't believe Republicans would ever dare try to ban abortion nationally? Then they are pro choice.

They are pro-State Choice.

Most wouldn't go for a national ban, they would be fine at the State level. Even the ones who want a national ban wouldn't have the support from the federalists in the party.

But state by state is rather pointless. If someone can simply cross state lines and get an abortion - is that really going to satisfy pro-lifers?

No, and the fact that some States could ban it won't satisfy pro-choicers.

One of the biggest issues we are now having in the Country politically is people expecting to get everything they want, and the other side getting nothing.

Absolutely, it's the failure, of both parties, to lead by consensus that's killing us. Slamming through maximum change with a slim partisan majority, only ensures that half the electorate will be angry and ready for 'payback'. The Democrats could change that. They could put together a platform that is actually tolerable to the opposition - something that 70% of voters could back, rather than 49%. Not only would this defeat Trump, but it would line up an agenda that was actually sustainable. Something that a wide majority of society would support.

But they aren't even trying.
What’s wrong is the senate. Kentucky has 4.48 million and New York has 8.6 million. Michigan has ten million.

Yet Kentucky gets two senators and Mitch McConnell holds great power in the senate?

Kentucky should have 1 senator. So should Rhode Island

Kansas has 3 million people. They should have one senator
So Republicans will ban abortion if they had the power? That's all I want to know.

So you are saying nationally Republicans are pro choice? So if we had a Republican president, Senate, House and Supreme Court, you are saying you don't believe Republicans would ever dare try to ban abortion nationally? Then they are pro choice.

They are pro-State Choice.

Most wouldn't go for a national ban, they would be fine at the State level. Even the ones who want a national ban wouldn't have the support from the federalists in the party.

But state by state is rather pointless. If someone can simply cross state lines and get an abortion - is that really going to satisfy pro-lifers?

No, and the fact that some States could ban it won't satisfy pro-choicers.

One of the biggest issues we are now having in the Country politically is people expecting to get everything they want, and the other side getting nothing.

Absolutely, it's the failure, of both parties, to lead by consensus that's killing us. Slamming through maximum change with a slim partisan majority, only ensures that half the electorate will be angry and ready for 'payback'. The Democrats could change that. They could put together a platform that is actually tolerable to the opposition - something that 70% of voters could back, rather than 49%. Not only would this defeat Trump, but it would line up an agenda that was actually sustainable. Something that a wide majority of society would support.

But they aren't even trying.
What’s wrong is the senate. Kentucky has 4.48 million and New York has 8.6 million. Michigan has ten million.

Yet Kentucky gets two senators and Mitch McConnell holds great power in the senate?

Kentucky should have 1 senator. So should Rhode Island

Kansas has 3 million people. They should have one senator

No, that's what's right. That's the Constitution protecting the rights and interests of the minority from the unfettered will of the majority. The design of the electoral college, and the distribution of power reflected in the Senate, requires leadership to take into account the interests of all the states, not just the densely populated urban centers.
They are pro-State Choice.

Most wouldn't go for a national ban, they would be fine at the State level. Even the ones who want a national ban wouldn't have the support from the federalists in the party.

But state by state is rather pointless. If someone can simply cross state lines and get an abortion - is that really going to satisfy pro-lifers?

No, and the fact that some States could ban it won't satisfy pro-choicers.

One of the biggest issues we are now having in the Country politically is people expecting to get everything they want, and the other side getting nothing.

Absolutely, it's the failure, of both parties, to lead by consensus that's killing us. Slamming through maximum change with a slim partisan majority, only ensures that half the electorate will be angry and ready for 'payback'. The Democrats could change that. They could put together a platform that is actually tolerable to the opposition - something that 70% of voters could back, rather than 49%. Not only would this defeat Trump, but it would line up an agenda that was actually sustainable. Something that a wide majority of society would support.

But they aren't even trying.
What’s wrong is the senate. Kentucky has 4.48 million and New York has 8.6 million. Michigan has ten million.

Yet Kentucky gets two senators and Mitch McConnell holds great power in the senate?

Kentucky should have 1 senator. So should Rhode Island

Kansas has 3 million people. They should have one senator

No, that's what's right. That's the Constitution protecting the rights and interests of the minority from the unfettered will of the majority. The design of the electoral college, and the distribution of power reflected in the Senate, requires leadership to take into account the interests of all the states, not just the densely populated urban centers.
Kentucky should have one senator. Ny should have 2
The Death of Pro-Choice Republicans

Indeed they failed. People don’t want candidates who praise choice for abortion. They’re off base.

But personally, I suppose that the Planned Parenthood scandal will be shut down sooner or later. And abortions will always be a part of our societal life, you must agree most abortions are being held before embryos are formed. While we have such a high crime rate and immigration / race relations problems, people would better calm down and think about real problems.
What scandal, idiota?
This is why they create boogeymen such as AGW, social inequality and such, because such "Big" Problems require Big solutions, and their goal is homogenization of the culture, economics and morality of the country under their standards.

This is interesting, because both sides seem to be buying into the assumption that "such "Big" Problems require Big solutions". And I think that's a mistake. It pushes both sides into either rejecting or accepting the existence of the problem depending on their ideology.

For example, Republicans and Democrats disagree on AGW - nominally based on whether it's a real phenomenon. But what they're really fighting over is whether we should have "Big solutions" in the form of more state power to regulate business. Because they both assume that a big solution is the only answer.

If, instead, we avoid that assumption, it allows both sides to address the problems more honestly. Democrats could drop the hysterical claims that the sky is literally falling, and Republicans can give up their ridiculous denials. Democrats can campaign for the their big government solutions and Republicans can proposed constrained alternatives.
But state by state is rather pointless. If someone can simply cross state lines and get an abortion - is that really going to satisfy pro-lifers?

No, and the fact that some States could ban it won't satisfy pro-choicers.

One of the biggest issues we are now having in the Country politically is people expecting to get everything they want, and the other side getting nothing.

Absolutely, it's the failure, of both parties, to lead by consensus that's killing us. Slamming through maximum change with a slim partisan majority, only ensures that half the electorate will be angry and ready for 'payback'. The Democrats could change that. They could put together a platform that is actually tolerable to the opposition - something that 70% of voters could back, rather than 49%. Not only would this defeat Trump, but it would line up an agenda that was actually sustainable. Something that a wide majority of society would support.

But they aren't even trying.
What’s wrong is the senate. Kentucky has 4.48 million and New York has 8.6 million. Michigan has ten million.

Yet Kentucky gets two senators and Mitch McConnell holds great power in the senate?

Kentucky should have 1 senator. So should Rhode Island

Kansas has 3 million people. They should have one senator

No, that's what's right. That's the Constitution protecting the rights and interests of the minority from the unfettered will of the majority. The design of the electoral college, and the distribution of power reflected in the Senate, requires leadership to take into account the interests of all the states, not just the densely populated urban centers.
Kentucky should have one senator. Ny should have 2

Then amend the constitution. until then, pound sand.
This is why they create boogeymen such as AGW, social inequality and such, because such "Big" Problems require Big solutions, and their goal is homogenization of the culture, economics and morality of the country under their standards.

This is interesting, because both sides seem to be buying into the assumption that "such "Big" Problems require Big solutions". And I think that's a mistake. It pushes both sides into either rejecting or accepting the existence of the problem depending on their ideology.

For example, Republicans and Democrats disagree on AGW - nominally based on whether it's a real phenomenon. But what they're really fighting over is whether we should have "Big solutions" in the form of more state power to regulate business. Because they both assume that a big solution is the only answer.

If, instead, we avoid that assumption, it allows both sides to address the problems more honestly. Democrats could drop the hysterical claims that the sky is literally falling, and Republicans can give up their ridiculous denials. Democrats can campaign for the their big government solutions and Republicans can proposed constrained alternatives.

It's not both sides buying into it, It's one side buying in, and the other knowing the other side is using it as excuse for more government control.

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