The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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Nobody forces them to work. See, that's the thing.

yes they do force them to work. I f a retailer is open on a holiday - then the people who work in the store are forced to work that day
retail is not even close to the emergency needs.

No, they aren't forced in the USA. They CHOOSE to accept a job and either negotiate the terms of what they will agree to do for the employer or they CHOOSE to accept the terms the employer offers them. And if it is a retail operation, they almost almost know that the schedule will include some weekends, holidays, evenings, or whatever.

In the case of at least the local Wal-marts, they ask for volunteers for workers on big holidays like Thanksgiving and offer double pay for those who sign up for the shifts. They almost always get plenty of volunteers. The employees who work Thanksgiving at our local grocery store also get double pay for working those shifts. I don't know how other retailers manage it. At a refinery where our son is a supervisory engineer, the workers who have to be there on Thanskgiving, Christmas etc. take turns on a rotating basis. He isn't required to work any shifts but sometimes takes one just because he is available and somebody needs to be off.

Folks usually work things out. I doubt very many are feeling mistreated because their employer opens on Thanksgiving for awhile.

well, the Thanksgiving being a workday for retailers started about 3-4 years ago - so anybody accepting the position BEFORE had the contractual agreement that had Thanksgiving as a Holiday.
So if that is changed now - it is being forced on those who had been working more than the period when novelty started

I just think it is wrong.

It is perfectly legal, I agree, but it is wrong from the ethical standpoint.
I didn't say his opinion wasn't valid. I said it was wrong. And yes, an opinion can, in fact, be WRONG.

It is NOT unethical to keep your business open on a holiday. There's absolutely nothing unethical about it, as long as you pay wages for the hours worked.

What is unethical is any requirement that businesses close for state holidays...which is of course the next step, once one determines it's *unethical* to stay open on state holidays.

Actually, unethical would be forcing someone to work on holiday, unless you pay a much higher wage and without force.

Selling goods is not an emergency necessity, and while I was obviously jesting in my previous post, I do see the difference between a hospital and a department store.

And this is relatively new trend - and I do not consider it to be too good of a trend.
Remember the 3d Commandment?

People should have some holidays when they are not forced to work if their job is not in the 24/7 services.
Retail is NOT.

Why are we required to remember the "3d" Commandment?

So are you proposing a 7-day work week?
Your bosses from big businesses will be proud :lol:

not everything connected to religion has religious implications - this one is actually protecting the laborer.
you, as a worshiper of the left, should have known that.
But it takes a rightie to remind a supposed protector of the worker's right that there is time to work and time to rest. :lol:
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yes they do force them to work. I f a retailer is open on a holiday - then the people who work in the store are forced to work that day
retail is not even close to the emergency needs.

No, they aren't forced in the USA. They CHOOSE to accept a job and either negotiate the terms of what they will agree to do for the employer or they CHOOSE to accept the terms the employer offers them. And if it is a retail operation, they almost almost know that the schedule will include some weekends, holidays, evenings, or whatever.

In the case of at least the local Wal-marts, they ask for volunteers for workers on big holidays like Thanksgiving and offer double pay for those who sign up for the shifts. They almost always get plenty of volunteers. The employees who work Thanksgiving at our local grocery store also get double pay for working those shifts. I don't know how other retailers manage it. At a refinery where our son is a supervisory engineer, the workers who have to be there on Thanskgiving, Christmas etc. take turns on a rotating basis. He isn't required to work any shifts but sometimes takes one just because he is available and somebody needs to be off.

Folks usually work things out. I doubt very many are feeling mistreated because their employer opens on Thanksgiving for awhile.

well, the Thanksgiving being a workday for retailers started about 3-4 years ago - so anybody accepting the position BEFORE had the contractual agreement that had Thanksgiving as a Holiday.
So if that is changed now - it is being forced on those who had been working more than the period when novelty started

I just think it is wrong.

It is perfectly legal, I agree, but it is wrong from the ethical standpoint.

So, uh, you pretty much preach at people all the time and in every thread.
Well, Christmas is a pagan winter festival co-opted by the early Christian movement…

So if you think today's celebrations of Christmas aren't market-driven… I got a bridge in Florida I want sell you.
Well, Christmas is a pagan winter festival co-opted by the early Christian movement…

So if you think today's celebrations of Christmas aren't market-driven… I got a bridge in Florida I want sell you.

Even ole dtizy $arah said she 'likes the commercialization of xmas'.
Its funny to me that the same people who crow about private businesses having the right to fire gays, not allow unions, or to be able to choose whether or not they provide healthcare options that go against the business owner's religious beliefs, are often the same people who want to make it illegal to open on Thanksgiving.
I don't recall anyone asking it to be illegal for stores to open on Thanksgiving. I posed the question on an ethical basis. And for the record, I don't believe anyone should be fired for being Gay.

Ethical basis depends on whose Ethics. I used to go to a Chinese Art School, imagine my surprise when I arrived one day for class and they were closed for Chinese New Year. They are open for classes on Thanksgiving. Was it unethical for me to expect the class to be open? Is it unethical for them to be open on Thanksgiving? It was pretty shocking when stores started being open on Sunday.

Being open on Thanksgiving isn't a matter of ethics. Has nothing to do with ethics. It is a matter of personal taste.

Some people put waaaayyyyyy to much importance on family gatherings. It might be important for YOU but in the great scheme of things, family get togethers just aren't that important. One less day to fight.
We're all usually far too drunk to drive anywhere shopping thru most of Thanksgiving Day.
Good point. I guess that's one of the reasons I stay home on Turkey Day. With all the beer that many of us consume while watching football, we'd be nailed for DUI if we were to drive and came across a police checkpoint.
Its funny to me that the same people who crow about private businesses having the right to fire gays, not allow unions, or to be able to choose whether or not they provide healthcare options that go against the business owner's religious beliefs, are often the same people who want to make it illegal to open on Thanksgiving.
I don't recall anyone asking it to be illegal for stores to open on Thanksgiving. I posed the question on an ethical basis. And for the record, I don't believe anyone should be fired for being Gay.

Ethical basis depends on whose Ethics. I used to go to a Chinese Art School, imagine my surprise when I arrived one day for class and they were closed for Chinese New Year. They are open for classes on Thanksgiving. Was it unethical for me to expect the class to be open? Is it unethical for them to be open on Thanksgiving? It was pretty shocking when stores started being open on Sunday.

Being open on Thanksgiving isn't a matter of ethics. Has nothing to do with ethics. It is a matter of personal taste.

Some people put waaaayyyyyy to much importance on family gatherings. It might be important for YOU but in the great scheme of things, family get togethers just aren't that important. One less day to fight.

If the idea is to give thanks.. why do we need to have one day for that?

most of my family are all in service industry jobs..... and being off on the "holiday" has never worked out. We do our get together on a different weekend.

Welcome to the real world....sales people will live.
yes they do force them to work. I f a retailer is open on a holiday - then the people who work in the store are forced to work that day
retail is not even close to the emergency needs.

No, they aren't forced in the USA. They CHOOSE to accept a job and either negotiate the terms of what they will agree to do for the employer or they CHOOSE to accept the terms the employer offers them. And if it is a retail operation, they almost almost know that the schedule will include some weekends, holidays, evenings, or whatever.

In the case of at least the local Wal-marts, they ask for volunteers for workers on big holidays like Thanksgiving and offer double pay for those who sign up for the shifts. They almost always get plenty of volunteers. The employees who work Thanksgiving at our local grocery store also get double pay for working those shifts. I don't know how other retailers manage it. At a refinery where our son is a supervisory engineer, the workers who have to be there on Thanskgiving, Christmas etc. take turns on a rotating basis. He isn't required to work any shifts but sometimes takes one just because he is available and somebody needs to be off.

Folks usually work things out. I doubt very many are feeling mistreated because their employer opens on Thanksgiving for awhile.

well, the Thanksgiving being a workday for retailers started about 3-4 years ago - so anybody accepting the position BEFORE had the contractual agreement that had Thanksgiving as a Holiday.
So if that is changed now - it is being forced on those who had been working more than the period when novelty started

I just think it is wrong.

It is perfectly legal, I agree, but it is wrong from the ethical standpoint.

So once a personnel policy is set it can never be changed? I wish I had known that about 50 years ago when I first started working. I don't think I ever worked for anybody in all those years that didn't change the rules or system or schedule or something at some point during my employment. When I ran my own business, we had to adjust employee schedules and assigned routes quite often. And here I never knew that was unethical. My bad.
Nobody forces them to work. See, that's the thing.
I know. And you see the employee's options are: report for work or lose your job. I believe that melting down Thanskgiving and using the juices to baste Christmas is something our culture should avoid.

This is a holiday that takes place around the dinner table with your family. This holiday is a federal holiday that encourages Americans to give thanks to God for your good fortune. And both Conservatives and Liberals love it! Why would you encourage the commercializing of a holiday that is celebrated by commerce ans individuals.

Macy's holds a parade. They hire and recruit from in house people to plan, secure televise and march in it. Macy's pays them fairly. Those in house Macy's employees participate voluntarily. Maybe they celebrate Thanksgiving by being a part of the show.

But there's a world of difference between celebrating Thanksgiving by way of the Macy's brand and doing so voluntarily or coercively.

There might be something the American people, children of immigrants, can get from Thanksgiving through family, God and country that just shouldn't be part of a mattress blow out sale or a door buster special. Christmas is still four weeks away. What a better time of year to take a knee and thank your God.
When I had my shops (2 of them), I was open. I was there working by myself. My helpers were home with their families. If I don't give a shit about Turkey Day and people over I only see rarely but all get together thinking it's "family" day (all I have is my sister and the inlaws), we do it the day before or the day my shops were closed. No biggie. But some folks WANT to work on holidays. They, like me, don't want to be there with everyone and would prefer a fatter check. If the employees don't mind, then what is the big deal?

MY gripe is xmas. All the merchandizing starts WAYYYY before december even arrives. It turns me off and by the time xmas does arrive, I am too burned out on it to enjoy it any more.
No, they aren't forced in the USA. They CHOOSE to accept a job and either negotiate the terms of what they will agree to do for the employer or they CHOOSE to accept the terms the employer offers them. And if it is a retail operation, they almost almost know that the schedule will include some weekends, holidays, evenings, or whatever.

In the case of at least the local Wal-marts, they ask for volunteers for workers on big holidays like Thanksgiving and offer double pay for those who sign up for the shifts. They almost always get plenty of volunteers. The employees who work Thanksgiving at our local grocery store also get double pay for working those shifts. I don't know how other retailers manage it. At a refinery where our son is a supervisory engineer, the workers who have to be there on Thanskgiving, Christmas etc. take turns on a rotating basis. He isn't required to work any shifts but sometimes takes one just because he is available and somebody needs to be off.

Folks usually work things out. I doubt very many are feeling mistreated because their employer opens on Thanksgiving for awhile.

well, the Thanksgiving being a workday for retailers started about 3-4 years ago - so anybody accepting the position BEFORE had the contractual agreement that had Thanksgiving as a Holiday.
So if that is changed now - it is being forced on those who had been working more than the period when novelty started

I just think it is wrong.

It is perfectly legal, I agree, but it is wrong from the ethical standpoint.

So once a personnel policy is set it can never be changed? I wish I had known that about 50 years ago when I first started working. I don't think I ever worked for anybody in all those years that didn't change the rules or system or schedule or something at some point during my employment. When I ran my own business, we had to adjust employee schedules and assigned routes quite often. And here I never knew that was unethical. My bad.

You do not have to be so defensive. I work on holidays because of my profession, so, logically, I should be happy they also have to work ;)
But I think it is wrong to force people to work in retail which is very very very far from any necessity service. And they were working the 3 consecutive days after that anyway.

If it is done on a voluntary basis - by all means, why not.
But you know how it goes with voluntary shifts.
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Nobody forces them to work. See, that's the thing.
I know. And you see the employee's options are: report for work or lose your job. I believe that melting down Thanskgiving and using the juices to baste Christmas is something our culture should avoid.

This is a holiday that takes place around the dinner table with your family. This holiday is a federal holiday that encourages Americans to give thanks to God for your good fortune. And both Conservatives and Liberals love it! Why would you encourage the commercializing of a holiday that is celebrated by commerce ans individuals.

Macy's holds a parade. They hire and recruit from in house people to plan, secure televise and march in it. Macy's pays them fairly. Those in house Macy's employees participate voluntarily. Maybe they celebrate Thanksgiving by being a part of the show.

But there's a world of difference between celebrating Thanksgiving by way of the Macy's brand and doing so voluntarily or coercively.

There might be something the American people, children of immigrants, can get from Thanksgiving through family, God and country that just shouldn't be part of a mattress blow out sale or a door buster special. Christmas is still four weeks away. What a better time of year to take a knee and thank your God.


screw the god angle.....its about being thankful for the things you have.....
Thanksgiving for me has always been a family day. IMHO it should remain a family day and stores should be closed so employee's can be with their families to give thanks and be thankful. I won't even consider going shopping on Thanksgiving and never will. I hope people boycott and send a message to the greedy coporations that there is more to the holidays than sales and their bottom line.
started being open on Sunday.

Being open on Thanksgiving isn't a matter of ethics. Has nothing to do with ethics. It is a matter of personal taste.

Some people put waaaayyyyyy to much importance on family gatherings. It might be important for YOU but in the great scheme of things, family get togethers just aren't that important. One less day to fight.

You're one miserable old woman Katz....believe it or not, NORMAL people have and enjoy their families whenever they can....Thanksgiving is such a time. You should try something different this year....have dinner with somebody if they will have might find it's fun not to eat alone.

screw the god angle.....its about being thankful for the things you have.....

It's fitting a guy posing as a pair of tits, who despises working class folks, should also be an atheist who purposefully refuses to capitalize "God". You and Katz should hook up for a turkey dinner to compare notes on the rest of the things you hate. :eusa_whistle:

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