The Decline of Morality need to get off your fucking high horse and get back on planet earth.

Your morals are unimportant to me or anyone else.....I have ethics and I know what is right and what is wrong...other than that you can shove your morality that cares about yourself and no one else but yourself...where the sun does not shine.

My response to you is the same as it was before: Grow up, Junior. If I wanted to talk to naive little children, I'd go have a political discussion with my 13-year-old. At least he's articulate, bright, and thought-provoking.

Oh, and if my morals were really so "unimportant" to you, little one, you wouldn't be responding on a thread called "The Decline in Morality", let alone getting your little Underoos into such a wad.
Many people agree that we are in a period of moral decline. When and why do you think it started? The Enlightenment, Rationalism, Science, the Industrial Revolution, the Rise of Nationalism, the Jazz Age, the decline of the Nuclear Family, the Counterculture, the Clinton Presidency, etc. What started the undermining of religion in Western Society, or has it not started yet? Has our morality actually been ever increasing after giving women's suffrage and

I was personally taught that the decline started in the late 18th to early 19th centuries. People had started to look to science for solutions they couldn't find in the Bible, leaving the Bible to be more of a cultural identity than a guidebook anymore. Then the rise of nationalism changed the ingroup/outgroup for cultural identity to the Nation instead of Religion, and the social problems from the Industrial Revolution made many people lose faith in a loving God.

The decline happened the minute monotheism was created and the "Big 3" took over.
Look folks the basic premise of this thread is complete nonsense.

We are less moral than we were in the past?!

Don't you people know any fucking history?
My response to you is the same as it was before: Grow up, Junior. If I wanted to talk to naive little children, I'd go have a political discussion with my 13-year-old. At least he's articulate, bright, and thought-provoking.

Oh, and if my morals were really so "unimportant" to you, little one, you wouldn't be responding on a thread called "The Decline in Morality", let alone getting your little Underoos into such a wad.

Ah the first home for the small minded and petty (and usually religious high and mighty folks)....personal attacks on those who sad.

Jesus must be turning in his grave at the antics of his followers....Whats the line....Do not judge.....seems like too many of you manage to miss that section of the bible.
Look folks the basic premise of this thread is complete nonsense.

We are less moral than we were in the past?!

Don't you people know any fucking history?

Sorry, but I can't think of a time in our history where the very existence of morality was in question. People committed immoral acts, but even they admitted that they were immoral. There was no widespread movement to deny that there even IS such a thing as immorality.
When people start questioning moral decline and feeling some people are morally inferior to them is when you get such events as the Salem Witch Trials. They try to find a scapegoat and feel the need to try and control the masses.
And as for the beginning of moral decline, it started with the first humans!
Ah the first home for the small minded and petty (and usually religious high and mighty folks)....personal attacks on those who sad.

Jesus must be turning in his grave at the antics of his followers....Whats the line....Do not judge.....seems like too many of you manage to miss that section of the bible.

Blah blah blah. Same answer, boy.
When people start questioning moral decline and feeling some people are morally inferior to them is when you get such events as the Salem Witch Trials. They try to find a scapegoat and feel the need to try and control the masses.
And as for the beginning of moral decline, it started with the first humans!

Oh, yeah, the Salem Witch Trials were all about trying to scapegoat people for moral inferiority. It didn't have ANYTHING to do with the very genuine fear people had that they were being beset by evil, malevolent supernatural powers. :rolleyes:

It's always so productive to apply modern beliefs and sensibilities to the past. :cuckoo:
Interesting thing about conservatives......

I was watching a documentary called "Alpha Team" where Marines were running through Iraq, and it was showing the various things that they came across.

One of the most notable things that I'd noticed was that all the people were doing the same f-cking thing that they'd been doing since 500 AD. They were dominating their women, making sure they did all the work while they sat on their asses, they used force as a way to make their point, and were generally still back in Biblical times.

It's the liberals and the progressives that keep us from going back there. Is there really a decline in morality? No. It's just that back in the 1950's there was no Internet, there were no cell phones, and there was no forum for every crackpot and person with something to say (YouTube).

It's not so much that we've lost our morality, it's just that our previous conception of it didn't cover all the things that we've got today. Need an example? The things you knew as truth as a child are replaced by new experiences as you grow older, and so the truths you learned as a young person are still true (generally), but now, with adult experiences, those truths need to grow and expand to cover all your experiences.

It's not so much that homosexuality, infidelity, lying and all the other crap is so much more rampant, it's that there are more people out there who ALL wish to have a voice in how this world goes, and since now everyone has a forum, everyone wishes to be heard.

It's up to all of us to expand our views to encompass this.
Oh, yeah, the Salem Witch Trials were all about trying to scapegoat people for moral inferiority. It didn't have ANYTHING to do with the very genuine fear people had that they were being beset by evil, malevolent supernatural powers. :rolleyes:

It's always so productive to apply modern beliefs and sensibilities to the past. :cuckoo:
Salem was growing, with the people in the urban area not turning to the church as much as the people in rural area/outer areas of Salem. The church was trying to control the people and needed a reason to put fear in them.
There is also the theory they ergots which is from wheat and can cause such side effects similar to shrooming!
Oh, yeah, the Salem Witch Trials were all about trying to scapegoat people for moral inferiority. It didn't have ANYTHING to do with the very genuine fear people had that they were being beset by evil, malevolent supernatural powers. :rolleyes:

It's always so productive to apply modern beliefs and sensibilities to the past. :cuckoo:

Good thing Yeshua didn't show up in Salem during that time.

He would have been branded a warlock..........
The Christian people of Salem were just following what the Bible said.

Witches were to be executed.

What's wrong with that?

Really? Exactly what is the qualifications to be consider a witch Sucking Moron?

You DO realize that your profession as a "therapist" would also come under that classification also? Not only that.....but......if you showed up in Salem with the kind of views that YOU have, you'd more than likely get executed also!

BTW.........can you give me a Biblical reference defining a witch, as well as a reference stating that they were to be executed?

I bet ya can't.
Salem was growing, with the people in the urban area not turning to the church as much as the people in rural area/outer areas of Salem. The church was trying to control the people and needed a reason to put fear in them.
There is also the theory they ergots which is from wheat and can cause such side effects similar to shrooming!

Uh huh. And your proof that this was all about control and prejudice, rather than . . . oh, I don't know, a belief in evil witchcraft would be . . . ?

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