The Definition of Insanity: President Obama's 'Jobs Plan'

This President is very torn & confused. His Wingnut followers for the most part,hate those "Evil Businesses." They believe they should be punished for being successful.

I have never seen any plan by any Democrat that proposes to "punish" successful businesses. That's a ridiculous claim.

Anytime the Left proposes a tax increase on the filthy despicable rich which is every day they are including those earning over $250,000.00 in that mix.You don't think that's punishing small business.Any increase on any business now is a punishment on those that are trying to make it during this terrible Obama economy.
I agree with you Obama is very tiring. He doesn't know how to fix something he has never done, never studied and would recognize if it was attached to his back side.. This is the man that right after entering office said" I don't have all the facts but the police were wrong.

Really brilliant.

Nice try. I didn't say that Obama is tiring. But it's good to see you totally avoid the points I made. Let's try this again. Obama's jobs plan includes infrastructure spending and tax cuts for businesses and employees. Since the right is opposed to his plan, it begs the question: Since when are Reps against infrastructure and tax cuts (both of which Reps typically support)? Do you think you can answer the question instead of deflecting with criticisms of Obama's judgement on something completely unrelated to the topic at hand? Thanks.

How is this round of "infrastructure" spending going to be any different than the last? Or have you forgotten those repairs to bridges, hospitals and schools that never happened? Those were the "shovel ready" jobs that were SO not shovel ready. They were the jobs that got abandoned when they took too long to implement. Instead we did tons of road resurfacing because that was quick and the Obama Administration was getting beat up over nothing happening.

Never happened? That summer I saw plenty of road and bridge work going on. All of it with signs on the job site that stated the project was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. And about 2/3 (I believe) of the ARRA was tax cuts, which means that 1/3 was infrastructure and other spending. So what you're saying is that all of those tax cuts didn't create any jobs.
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This President is very torn & confused. His Wingnut followers for the most part,hate those "Evil Businesses." They believe they should be punished for being successful.

I have never seen any plan by any Democrat that proposes to "punish" successful businesses. That's a ridiculous claim.

Anytime the Left proposes a tax increase on the filthy despicable rich which is every day they are including those earning over $250,000.00 in that mix.You don't think that's punishing small business.Any increase on any business now is a punishment on those that are trying to make it during this terrible Obama economy.
And what is it with that figure of 250K? Is this the new definiton of 'millionaires' by the Political elitists on both sides or are they addressing the (so-called) Middle class and small business that do most hiring?

(Be it known that I am not attacking you directly...heck? I think you're one of the premiere posters on here but rather it is just a question of seemingly arbitrary figures bantered about)...:eusa_shhh:
Nice try. I didn't say that Obama is tiring. But it's good to see you totally avoid the points I made. Let's try this again. Obama's jobs plan includes infrastructure spending and tax cuts for businesses and employees. Since the right is opposed to his plan, it begs the question: Since when are Reps against infrastructure and tax cuts (both of which Reps typically support)? Do you think you can answer the question instead of deflecting with criticisms of Obama's judgement on something completely unrelated to the topic at hand? Thanks.

How is this round of "infrastructure" spending going to be any different than the last? Or have you forgotten those repairs to bridges, hospitals and schools that never happened? Those were the "shovel ready" jobs that were SO not shovel ready. They were the jobs that got abandoned when they took too long to implement. Instead we did tons of road resurfacing because that was quick and the Obama Administration was getting beat up over nothing happening.

Never happened? That summer I saw plenty of road and bridge work going on. All of it with signs on the job site that stated the project was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. And about 2/3 (I believe) of the ARRA was tax cuts, which means that 1/3 was infrastructure and other spending. So what you're saying is that all of those tax cuts didn't create any jobs.

What tax cuts? Who got to take them?
The very idea that government can create a job without tremendous cost over runs is a joke. How much did the "created"/"saved" jobs cost us? $60-75,000 for $18,000 jobs?
The very idea that government can create a job without tremendous cost over runs is a joke. How much did the "created"/"saved" jobs cost us? $60-75,000 for $18,000 jobs?
Here is one for you:

How about those stimulus jobs that averaged $278,000 per job at taxpayer expense? Where are they?
How is this round of "infrastructure" spending going to be any different than the last? Or have you forgotten those repairs to bridges, hospitals and schools that never happened? Those were the "shovel ready" jobs that were SO not shovel ready. They were the jobs that got abandoned when they took too long to implement. Instead we did tons of road resurfacing because that was quick and the Obama Administration was getting beat up over nothing happening.

Never happened? That summer I saw plenty of road and bridge work going on. All of it with signs on the job site that stated the project was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. And about 2/3 (I believe) of the ARRA was tax cuts, which means that 1/3 was infrastructure and other spending. So what you're saying is that all of those tax cuts didn't create any jobs.

What tax cuts? Who got to take them?

You did, like the $1,000 payroll tax cut, etc. Look it up FCS- try being an informed citizen fcs, instead of a Pub dupe....
Infrastructure investment (something Reps usually support) and targeted tax breaks for small businesses (what the right call the 'job creators') and employees is the definition of insanity? So now Republicans don't like tax cuts? I'm guessing if Obama came out and said he wanted to lower the corporate tax rate to zero, Reps would complain. There is no pleasing you people. I don't understand why Obama keeps trying.

"Targeted tax cuts" are what liberals refer to as "loopholes" when they are waging class warfare against the rich. "Infrastructure investment" is just a euphemism for boondoggle spending that primarily benefit unions.
Never happened? That summer I saw plenty of road and bridge work going on. All of it with signs on the job site that stated the project was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. And about 2/3 (I believe) of the ARRA was tax cuts, which means that 1/3 was infrastructure and other spending. So what you're saying is that all of those tax cuts didn't create any jobs.

What tax cuts? Who got to take them?

You did, like the $1,000 payroll tax cut, etc. Look it up FCS- try being an informed citizen fcs, instead of a Pub dupe....

I did, that's why I asked. You said 2/3rds of the ARRA was tax cuts. The Making Work Pay tax credit only added up to (at most) $49 Billion because it was not available to upper income earners and AMT wiped it out. That means anyone with an AGI of over $100K didn't qualify.

There were 123 million tax returns with AGI under $100K in 2009. Also, it was $400 not $1000.

You are misinformed.
Meet the new 'Plan',same as the old 'Plan.' The Socialists/Progressives don't have the answers. The people who created this awful mess are not capable of cleaning it up. That's just reality. Time to look to 2012 for change.
Seriously,what the Hell was he thinking?...

The president also tried to encourage job creation by insulting and demonizing job creators — not once, not twice, but six times in one speech alone — as greedy fat-cats who fly in hateful corporate jets.
Nice try. I didn't say that Obama is tiring. But it's good to see you totally avoid the points I made. Let's try this again. Obama's jobs plan includes infrastructure spending and tax cuts for businesses and employees. Since the right is opposed to his plan, it begs the question: Since when are Reps against infrastructure and tax cuts (both of which Reps typically support)? Do you think you can answer the question instead of deflecting with criticisms of Obama's judgement on something completely unrelated to the topic at hand? Thanks.

How is this round of "infrastructure" spending going to be any different than the last? Or have you forgotten those repairs to bridges, hospitals and schools that never happened? Those were the "shovel ready" jobs that were SO not shovel ready. They were the jobs that got abandoned when they took too long to implement. Instead we did tons of road resurfacing because that was quick and the Obama Administration was getting beat up over nothing happening.

Never happened? That summer I saw plenty of road and bridge work going on. All of it with signs on the job site that stated the project was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. And about 2/3 (I believe) of the ARRA was tax cuts, which means that 1/3 was infrastructure and other spending. So what you're saying is that all of those tax cuts didn't create any jobs.

I want you to try something. Google stimulus road resurfacing and see how much pops up. The truth is, the OTHER shovel ready jobs, were far from shovel ready. Months had gone by with very little of the stimulus money being spent and very few jobs created and the Obama Administration was taking so much heat over it that they panicked and sent out word to spend that money on whatever could happen right away. The thing that could happen the quickest was road resurfacing. So that was what we spent most of the infrastructure money on. LOTS of road resurfacing.

And if you think 2/3's of the stimulus was spent on tax cuts then you're delusional. I wish they HAD done that because tax cuts would have actually stimulated the economy.

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