The Definitive Critical Race Theory Thread

Adding to the facts concerning CRT’s attempts, then, is what went over Roff’s head: Obama is 87.5% Arab, the first Arab POTUS, not black African POTUS. (Ruth Matar, Women in Green, Jerusalem)

Yet you just have to watch to make your pathetic self in your own mind feel superior.

When you define the rules in your argument you allow for no dissent. And you will brook no argument that runs counter to your own dictatorial terms.

Really weak and without merit, as usual.

Time to grow up.

Yet you just have to watch to make your pathetic self in your own mind feel superior.

When you define the rules in your argument you allow for no dissent. And you will brook no argument that runs counter to your own dictatorial terms.

Really weak and without merit, as usual.

Time to grow up.
1. No son, I read what others write and see how others respond...even when I've made the fool out of some right wing troll and IA'ed them. Sometimes the responses come before the IA. No one said life was fair.

2. Fascinating how your convoluted "analysis" doesn't require any real references to the chronology of the posts contents. You're all opinion with no fact, as if the reader just takes your word for it. Is the sky blue in your world?

3. You don't have to tell me....your post here is a joke pretending to be profound.

4. Don't let me keep you, you go right ahead.

Yet you just have to watch to make your pathetic self in your own mind feel superior.

When you define the rules in your argument you allow for no dissent. And you will brook no argument that runs counter to your own dictatorial terms.

Really weak and without merit, as usual.

Time to grow up.
1. No son, I read what others write and see how others respond...even when I've made the fool out of some right wing troll and IA'ed them. Sometimes the responses come before the IA. No one said life was fair.

2. Fascinating how your convoluted "analysis" doesn't require any real references to the chronology of the posts contents. You're all opinion with no fact, as if the reader just takes your word for it. Is the sky blue in your world?

3. You don't have to tell me....your post here is a joke pretending to be profound.

4. Don't let me keep you, you go right ahead.
First, don't call me "son". I am not your son and would probably commit patricide if I were.

Second, all you offer is cherry picked assertions that you like to try, and fail, in an effort to seem intelligent, which you are not. You proclaim yourself to be wise and full of insight. What you are full of is not wisdom but something else entirely.

You claim your doubtful victories by stating items that are provided to you like a good little liberal sheep.

In fact, you border more on the pathetic than a dispeller of any truth. Your posts confirm this in a way that I am sure you cannot understand. They, and you, are a waste of bandwidth.

But don't let me keep you, continue on with your self indulgent fantasies, as that is all you have.

Yet you just have to watch to make your pathetic self in your own mind feel superior.

When you define the rules in your argument you allow for no dissent. And you will brook no argument that runs counter to your own dictatorial terms.

Really weak and without merit, as usual.

Time to grow up.
1. No son, I read what others write and see how others respond...even when I've made the fool out of some right wing troll and IA'ed them. Sometimes the responses come before the IA. No one said life was fair.

2. Fascinating how your convoluted "analysis" doesn't require any real references to the chronology of the posts contents. You're all opinion with no fact, as if the reader just takes your word for it. Is the sky blue in your world?

3. You don't have to tell me....your post here is a joke pretending to be profound.

4. Don't let me keep you, you go right ahead.
First, don't call me "son". I am not your son and would probably commit patricide if I were.

Second, all you offer is cherry picked assertions that you like to try, and fail, in an effort to seem intelligent, which you are not. You proclaim yourself to be wise and full of insight. What you are full of is not wisdom but something else entirely.

You claim your doubtful victories by stating items that are provided to you like a good little liberal sheep.

In fact, you border more on the pathetic than a dispeller of any truth. Your posts confirm this in a way that I am sure you cannot understand. They, and you, are a waste of bandwidth.

But don't let me keep you, continue on with your self indulgent fantasies, as that is all you have.
:th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn: Oh, I'm sorry....I dozed off because I've read versions of this right wing smoke screen over the years ..... SOS.

Only a complete fool would try to generally dismiss a link that has documented facts as "cherry picked" (mentioning no information there within) when they are quite specific in relation to the topic discussed....and then attempt to sound intelligent about it. You're a prime example of willful ignorance.

Your heroine got her ass handed to her using simple, verifiable facts and logic. You don't like it...yet you don't have the intellectual capacity to adequately pick up the gauntlet.

The objective, rational reader can follow the chronology of the posts and see your folly. The only person you impress is the one you see in the mirror. Carry on, sonny boy.
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You ever hear of projection?

It is all that you have and you throw a hissy fit when called on it.

You claim that your statements are facts, yet there are others who say that their claims are facts with just as much justification as you. Hence the statement that you cherry pick what fits into your desired narrative.

As for trying to sound intelligent, you try and fail at all turns.

Your nonsense has been called out as only being your opinion, which appears to be valued by none but you.

If you ever should reach maturity you would realize this. As is, your childish actions say all that needs to be said about you: Immaturity and ego on full display with no justification what so ever.
…or, explaining what a mistake it is to support Democrat policies.

1. Critical Race Theory, in the definition proposed in the 1993 book Words That Wound, co-authored by Mari Matsuda, Charles Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and Kimberlè Crenshaw:
"Critical race theory recognizes that racism is endemic to American life. Rather than seeing racism as aberrational, CRT scholars see it as the norm.
Critical race theory expresses skepticism toward dominant legal claims of neutrality, objectivity, color blindness, and meritocracy.

More important, as critical race theorists we adopt a stance that presumes that racism has contributed to all contemporary manifestations of group advantage and disadvantage along racial lines, including differences in income, imprisonment, health, housing, education, political representation, and military service. Our history calls for this presumption….whites must simply defer to the voices of their non-white peers."

2. The simplest rebuttal is this statement of America’s Creed, which is the opposite of CRT.

…the creed embodies “the political principles of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, human rights, the rule of law, and private property.” Samuel P. Huntington’s Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity, p.46

3. A detailed and step-wise dismembering of the aberrant anti-humanity Critical Race Theory, by James A. Lindsay, begins here:

“ Critical Race Theory believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction.
…the usual way society does business, the common, everyday experience of most people of color in this country,”

… what they mean by “racism” isn’t even what most people think racism means. It is not prejudice based upon race or believing some races to be superior or inferior to others that they mean by “racism.” It is, instead, the “system” of everything that happens in the social world and beyond that results in any disparity that works in the favor of “racially privileged” groups (on average) or any “racially oppressed” person claiming they experience racial oppression.

… people who take up Critical Race Theory to look for racism in everything until they find it.

In the workplace that adopts Critical Race Theory, this means that it’s only a matter of time until someone with that worldview finds out how your entire company and its culture is “racist.” At that point, they will cause a meltdown that forces everyone to take sides and demand a reorganization of the entire (now divided) office culture and management.

In schools, it will mean teaching our children to think this way and always be looking for racism in every situation and interaction. In our personal relationships, it means that friends and even family members—especially our kids who have already been educated with Critical Race Theory ideas that have been incorporated in our schools—will eventually call each other out and reject one another, because tolerating racism is also considered a form of racism t
hat would have to be discovered and stopped.”
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

This is the binary system into which the Left has plunged America: to vote Democrat is to endorse Critical Race Theory....,

.....and vice versa.
Racism IS endemic to US life. Blacks hate Whites and Asians, as just one example. But CRT suggests that all races should be equal, which they clearly aren't. Just look at Africa, Asia, and North America. We're tops.


“Let them die!” – Despicable Fairfax County NAACP/PTA official wishes death on people opposing CRT

It’s bad enough that Democrats want to defund police and leave the safety of Americans around the country in the hands of counselors and psychiatrists armed with nothing but tasers.

Now at least one Democrat official in Fairfax County, Virginia is wishing death on people who oppose the teaching of Critical Race Theory.

ironic that she would say this at a rally supporting CRT, which teaches that white people are guilty of systemic racism because they are white and that they must do something to remedy their racism. And what happens when they can’t ‘remedy’ this? I’ve said the end result of this not going to be good, and here she is actively wishing death on people just because they disagree with her, which is just as bad if not worse than racism.

She’s really making the case for the people wanting to stop CRT."


“Let them die!” – Despicable Fairfax County NAACP/PTA official wishes death on people opposing CRT

It’s bad enough that Democrats want to defund police and leave the safety of Americans around the country in the hands of counselors and psychiatrists armed with nothing but tasers.

Now at least one Democrat official in Fairfax County, Virginia is wishing death on people who oppose the teaching of Critical Race Theory.

ironic that she would say this at a rally supporting CRT, which teaches that white people are guilty of systemic racism because they are white and that they must do something to remedy their racism. And what happens when they can’t ‘remedy’ this? I’ve said the end result of this not going to be good, and here she is actively wishing death on people just because they disagree with her, which is just as bad if not worse than racism.

She’s really making the case for the people wanting to stop CRT."

Of course those that do not really want equity or actual end to racism will try to spin this to fit their narrative.

It is to be expected from the actual racists.
…or, explaining what a mistake it is to support Democrat policies.

1. Critical Race Theory, in the definition proposed in the 1993 book Words That Wound, co-authored by Mari Matsuda, Charles Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and Kimberlè Crenshaw:
"Critical race theory recognizes that racism is endemic to American life. Rather than seeing racism as aberrational, CRT scholars see it as the norm.
Critical race theory expresses skepticism toward dominant legal claims of neutrality, objectivity, color blindness, and meritocracy.

More important, as critical race theorists we adopt a stance that presumes that racism has contributed to all contemporary manifestations of group advantage and disadvantage along racial lines, including differences in income, imprisonment, health, housing, education, political representation, and military service. Our history calls for this presumption….whites must simply defer to the voices of their non-white peers."

2. The simplest rebuttal is this statement of America’s Creed, which is the opposite of CRT.

…the creed embodies “the political principles of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, human rights, the rule of law, and private property.” Samuel P. Huntington’s Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity, p.46

3. A detailed and step-wise dismembering of the aberrant anti-humanity Critical Race Theory, by James A. Lindsay, begins here:

“ Critical Race Theory believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction.
…the usual way society does business, the common, everyday experience of most people of color in this country,”

… what they mean by “racism” isn’t even what most people think racism means. It is not prejudice based upon race or believing some races to be superior or inferior to others that they mean by “racism.” It is, instead, the “system” of everything that happens in the social world and beyond that results in any disparity that works in the favor of “racially privileged” groups (on average) or any “racially oppressed” person claiming they experience racial oppression.

… people who take up Critical Race Theory to look for racism in everything until they find it.

In the workplace that adopts Critical Race Theory, this means that it’s only a matter of time until someone with that worldview finds out how your entire company and its culture is “racist.” At that point, they will cause a meltdown that forces everyone to take sides and demand a reorganization of the entire (now divided) office culture and management.

In schools, it will mean teaching our children to think this way and always be looking for racism in every situation and interaction. In our personal relationships, it means that friends and even family members—especially our kids who have already been educated with Critical Race Theory ideas that have been incorporated in our schools—will eventually call each other out and reject one another, because tolerating racism is also considered a form of racism t
hat would have to be discovered and stopped.”
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

This is the binary system into which the Left has plunged America: to vote Democrat is to endorse Critical Race Theory....,

.....and vice versa.
Racism IS endemic to US life. Blacks hate Whites and Asians, as just one example. But CRT suggests that all races should be equal, which they clearly aren't. Just look at Africa, Asia, and North America. We're tops.
CRT, or as it actually is continual racist threats, is not interested in anything that can unite the races, on divide them further.


“Let them die!” – Despicable Fairfax County NAACP/PTA official wishes death on people opposing CRT

It’s bad enough that Democrats want to defund police and leave the safety of Americans around the country in the hands of counselors and psychiatrists armed with nothing but tasers.

Now at least one Democrat official in Fairfax County, Virginia is wishing death on people who oppose the teaching of Critical Race Theory.

ironic that she would say this at a rally supporting CRT, which teaches that white people are guilty of systemic racism because they are white and that they must do something to remedy their racism. And what happens when they can’t ‘remedy’ this? I’ve said the end result of this not going to be good, and here she is actively wishing death on people just because they disagree with her, which is just as bad if not worse than racism.

She’s really making the case for the people wanting to stop CRT."

Of course those that do not really want equity or actual end to racism will try to spin this to fit their narrative.

It is to be expected from the actual racists.

It’s like staying seated during the black national anthem, and then showing who to boycott for reifying themselves, by standing and singing along when the ‘All Lives Matter’ National Anthem begins. For every CRT gesture or utterance, an opposing gesture, utterance, or boycott. Unless your kids are captive audience for the CRT theologian while in class at school.

You ever hear of projection?

It is all that you have and you throw a hissy fit when called on it.

You claim that your statements are facts, yet there are others who say that their claims are facts with just as much justification as you. Hence the statement that you cherry pick what fits into your desired narrative.

As for trying to sound intelligent, you try and fail at all turns.

Your nonsense has been called out as only being your opinion, which appears to be valued by none but you.

If you ever should reach maturity you would realize this. As is, your childish actions say all that needs to be said about you: Immaturity and ego on full display with no justification what so ever.
In answer to your first question, yes .... and your screed here is a prime example. A pathetic regurgitation of your previous post, which the chronology of the post clearly exposes as a lie on your part (your opinion while refusing to discuss content of offered verification is tantamount to a lie).
Right wing wonks always go after character via personal attacks and insults when they have no logical or factual retort. Seems you're keeping the tradition. Now run-a-long and receive kudos from your like minded brethren as you double down on your blather. I'm done wasting time and space on you.
TheDefiantOne Speak of person attacks, that is all you have.

The rest of what you say id provided by your keepers and you have no idea of what it means. Just look at any of your comments which you think are original. Not an original thought or message in your rants, just repeat what your liberal masters tell you to say, even when all know it is a lie.

I almost feel sorry for you Deviant one

"EXPOSED: Leaked Hasbro video, docs show they EXPLICITLY PLOT to BRAINWASH kids with CRT – Project Veritas​

:laughing0301: My goodness, you alt right/right wing jokers are really desperate. Since when does a contracted "packaging engineer" become Columbo? What does a packaging engineer do?

Bottom line: this little clown concedes the point of Conscious Kids referring to products that don't reflect the diversity of America in a positive fashion, and how that can have detrimental effects on a subconscious level. Then he goes off the rails with his "opinion" that this will force segregation of kids playing with toys a "regression" of the civil rights era. Evidently junior is clueless as to the history of his people on this subject.

Recognizing congenital racism is NOT forcing people to be racist. David Duke has been trying to pass similar idiocy off as "logic" for decades. No rational, sane and logical person with a GED and life experience buys it. Painting the author black doesn't make it magically true.

Now we can dissect various statements by the Conscious Kids folks and I won't agree on everything they say, but Mr. Johnson here is just another token useful idiot for the likes of you and your ilk. Carry on.
:laughing0301: My goodness, you alt right/right wing jokers are really desperate. Since when does a contracted "packaging engineer" become Columbo? What does a packaging engineer do?

Bottom line: this little clown concedes the point of Conscious Kids referring to products that don't reflect the diversity of America in a positive fashion, and how that can have detrimental effects on a subconscious level. Then he goes off the rails with his "opinion" that this will force segregation of kids playing with toys a "regression" of the civil rights era. Evidently junior is clueless as to the history of his people on this subject.

Recognizing congenital racism is NOT forcing people to be racist. David Duke has been trying to pass similar idiocy off as "logic" for decades. No rational, sane and logical person with a GED and life experience buys it. Painting the author black doesn't make it magically true.

Now we can dissect various statements by the Conscious Kids folks and I won't agree on everything they say, but Mr. Johnson here is just another token useful idiot for the likes of you and your ilk. Carry on.

Pay attention:

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

Continue to learn from my posts.
Pay attention:

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

Continue to learn from my posts.
He will learn from nothing as he thinks that he knows it all, because his masters told him so.

He is a racist, bigot and unable to consider any thought other than those provided to him by his keepers.

He continues to try to bully his way through any conversation without realizing that he just further exposes the fact that he has no critical thinking available to him.

In other words, deviant thought.
:laughing0301: My goodness, you alt right/right wing jokers are really desperate. Since when does a contracted "packaging engineer" become Columbo? What does a packaging engineer do?

Bottom line: this little clown concedes the point of Conscious Kids referring to products that don't reflect the diversity of America in a positive fashion, and how that can have detrimental effects on a subconscious level. Then he goes off the rails with his "opinion" that this will force segregation of kids playing with toys a "regression" of the civil rights era. Evidently junior is clueless as to the history of his people on this subject.

Recognizing congenital racism is NOT forcing people to be racist. David Duke has been trying to pass similar idiocy off as "logic" for decades. No rational, sane and logical person with a GED and life experience buys it. Painting the author black doesn't make it magically true.

Now we can dissect various statements by the Conscious Kids folks and I won't agree on everything they say, but Mr. Johnson here is just another token useful idiot for the likes of you and your ilk. Carry on.
Dipshit, your argument that includes congenital racism is precisely the question CRT cannot answer: “By what criteria were slave-trade indivviduals chosen for export? Before they got to America, they could have been a condensed population of congenital racists. CRT is too stupid to take seriously.

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